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Year 6  

Posted 26/04/2024
by Paula Reeve

Summer 1 - Week 2 - Algebra, check!

Congratulations to Finlay for coming 1st place in Fowey Festival's KS2 Poetry writing competition! Another well done to the Year 6 boys that represented Wadebridge Primary this week in a football tournament; taking home the 2nd place medal. We were visited by the RNLI on Wednesday. They reminded us of the importance of staying safe at the beach and what to do if we got into trouble in the water. 

Over the past couple of weeks, the children have been learning how to incorporate a variety of writing skills into their writing. Some of these skills include descriptive writing, imagery, figurative language, building tension, creating atmosphere and micro-expressions. We have been using the animated video Alma as a stimulus for writing and the children have seemed to really enjoy the genre of this story. We have been very impressed with their writing so far. Next week, they’re putting all the skills together to independently write a narrative.

We’ve been tackling algebra this week and, although many of us felt unsure at the start of the week, the children have grown in confidence. They have demonstrated that they can form algebraic expressions and equations and have solved both 1 and 2-step equations!

We have continued with our Greek Gods and Goddesses collages and the children are producing some colourful, creative pieces of work.

We have started cutting and constructing the frames for our automata toys. The children have also worked in pairs to come up with a design.

Please keep encouraging your children to work through the CGP books which were sent home before Easter. If you haven’t already, please ensure your children’s form for the residential trip is handed back into school next week.

Enjoy you weekend.

Best wishes,
The Year 6 Team


Year 5  

Posted 26/04/2024
by Sorrel Beckett

Summer Term 1 - Week 2 - Life is a cycle of ends and starts!


At the start of the week, the children learnt about ‘Triggers’ for flash backs. Using the video as a stimulus, they created a transition that would lead them into a flash back about the old man’s time at war. Within the trigger, the children were encouraged to use a range of descriptive language devices in order to expand their sentences. Emphasis was placed on their final sentence which would set them up for writing their flash back on Tuesday.

Next, the children wrote a detailed flash back, recalling the time where the man had lost his friend in battle. We focused on emotive writing, detailing how the old man would have felt and what he would’ve been thinking at the time.

On Wednesday, the children then looked at a different part of the video; honing in on his wife. They used similes and metaphors to describe her…

“His wife was the two pillars that held him up in his time of need” – Seb

Finally, on Thursday, the children then wrote a recount of the day the old man met his wife. The romance that poured out in their writing made us well up, they were truly beautiful across the whole cohort. The level of sophistication in their vocabulary choices were outstanding!


On Monday, we looked at a Year 6 arithmetic paper – The children had the opportunity to have a go at the different questions that could arise and made links to our pre-teaches in morning work. We marked them as a whole class and discussed misconceptions or specific questions they found tricky.

For the rest of the week, we continued our angles and shape learning journey. The children looked at classifying angles, measuring angles, angles around a point and angles on a straight line. The children will then have the opportunity on Monday to draw angles, where we will tape the tables and the children can really immerse themselves in the process.

In morning work, we have continued to go over our level 1, 2 & 3 fractions. Please do ask your children about these and continue to develop skills and knowledge at home!

Wider Curriculum

In Wider Curriculum, it was all about Science!

On Monday, the children investigated different species and their life cycles. The children were broken down into four different groups: Amphibians, Reptiles, Insects, Birds. Each group then created an information leaflet about their species. They worked together to collate facts, diagrams, stages of life cycle, titles etc. Once their booklet was complete, we shared information and findings. From here, the children then wrote about the similarities and differences between the different life cycles.  

On Wednesday, the children explored the work of well-known naturalists and animal behaviourists; David Attenborough and Jane Goodall. They completed a double page spread, researching about their work, it’s impact, why it was so important and found about their main achievements.

Finally, on Thursday, the children looked at the stages from Adult to Old age. The children completed a spider diagram about the key changes and wrote some ‘Top Tips’ from staying healthy as you grow older.  

Important Information:

·      On Friday 3rd May 2024 – The children have an Arena Health and Well-being Day where they will be completing a variety of activities such as; Healthy eating orienteering, ultimate frisbee, dodgeball, capture the flag and Zumba! *Children to come into school in PE kits as usual*

Have a wonderful weekend,

Best Wishes,

The Year 5 Team


Year 1   Summer 1 - Weeks 1 and 2

Posted 24/04/2024
by Kate Clarke

Summer 1, Weeks 1 and 2 - Busy Beebots!

What a start to the summer we've had - and with the weather we've had this week, it's actually feeling like summer term! 

We've had a really busy start to the term and here are some of the highlights:


Our class book is The Singing Mermaid by Julia Donaldson and the children are loving it just as much as we are! We have used the book to explore using question marks by thinking of questions to ask the Singing Mermaid and to explore exclamation marks in our writing by exclaiming over how mean Sam Sly was! We discussed emotions by focusing on how the Singing Mermaid felt when she was trapped in the fish tank and used these adjectives and ideas when writing a letter as the Singing Mermaid to our friends at Silver Sands letting them know what had happened and how we felt about it. The children have really embraced the story and we are seeing some great ideas and vocabulary in their writing. 


We have had a really busy 2 weeks in Maths - starting with counting in 2s, then in 10s and then in 5s. We then moved onto recognising equal groups, which included problem solving when the groups were not equal. We moved onto adding equal groups, using our skills of counting in 2s, 10s and 5s and the children are becoming more fluent in these. Why not play some games to use these skills as you're out and about over the weekend? Try counting pairs of socks or grouping their toys and seeing if they can show off their counting skills! 


Last week, we used the primary colours to explore making secondary colours and used our sketchbooks to make a note of our work. We then made a printing stamp using different shapes of thin polystyrene, which we glued onto cardboard. The following day, we used our stamps with printing inks and rollers and made pictures in the style of Andy Warhol. We really enjoyed our arty week! 


This week, we returned to our learning of human and physical geographical features and looked at these in relation to the beach and seaside, identifying different features we can see on the coast. The children were very enthusiastic about these and shared their ideas as a class. We identified features such as, cliffs, hills, harbour, pier, lighthouse, ocean, beach, rocks, beach huts, shops and boats. We then used a picture of a local beach to describe what we could see, for example, there is a lighthouse on the pier or I can see cliffs above the ocean. Wow! Some great learning!


We had great fun in our computing sessions when learning about algorithms as we were able to get the Beebots out! We started by "programming" our Teachers to move around the classroom and then programming our friend to do the same. Then we learnt how to operate the Beebot (making sure we clear the instructions every time became very important!) and we programmed the Beebots to move to different places. We set a finish point for them and tried to instruct them to land on a spot. It was a good lesson in giving very clear instructions! The children soon learned what to do and have been able to write a short series of instructions for the Beebots this week. Amazing! 


We are very lucky this term to have Pro20 delivering PE sessions and we have had 2 weeks of football - there are some awesome skills on show! We have played different games involving finding space and evading other children, which we have then put to good use when playing with a ball and children are now learning to evade other people whilst dribbling with the ball. We have had some mini games of football at the end of sessions, which have been great to see the children putting their new found skills into action - and some great sportsmanship on display too! 


We have sent letters out re out trip to the Aquarium - thank you to those who have sent them back in. Please continue to send them in next week with your child.

Mondays are PE days so full PE kit please. 

Thursdays are library days so please send your child in with their library book ready to change. 

Have a lovely weekend and we look forward to seeing you again on Monday! 

The Year One Team


Year 5  

Posted 22/04/2024
by Sorrel Beckett

Summer Term 1 - Week 1 - Signs of Summer! 


In English this week we began a new learning journey on emotive writing. The children are exploring the video from literacy shed ‘The Piano’. Throughout the learning journey, the children will have the opportunity to write in different genres as well as investigating and using a variety of grammatical skills.

To begin the week, the children used their VIPERS skills to explore video and look at symbolism. They were presented with a range of ideas and discussed what this could symbolise and how it enhances the image in our heads. Next, the children learnt how to extend sentences using relative clauses, adjectival phrases etc. and wrote character descriptions for the old man in the clip.

Towards the end of the week, the children learnt about amplifications and how to use a range of literary devices to create them. So far, we have seen some lovely, descriptive language. We will continue to develop our writing over the next few weeks where we will end the journey by writing a recount in the form of a letter.


Maths varied this week, we had to complete our statistics learning journey before we moved onto angles. On the Monday and Tuesday, the children looked at two-way tables and reading time tables. They then finalised the journey by completing their end of unit assessments.

Mid-week, the children then began their angles and shapes learning journey. To begin their explored degrees, lots of this learning was recalling prior knowledge from Year 4. The children were confident in their recall and made notes of the declarative knowledge for the journey in their books.

To end the week, the children were involved in their weekly carousel, for these activities the children have the opportunity to look back at their arithmetic and reasoning papers and work on areas they find tricky. Teachers and TA’s are on hand to support, show methods etc.

Well done to those children who are continuing to access TTRS at home, keep up the fab work!

Wider Curriculum

We were scientists this week…

On Monday, the children learnt all about life cycles of humans. They learnt about the different stages and recorded key facts and information. During the lesson, the children were also introduced to different animals and their cycles, where we then made comparisons, noting the similarities and differences.

On Thursday, we then moved on to ‘Living things and their habitats’, where we explored the life cycles of common plants. Here the children looked at parts of a plant, how seeds disperse, what asexual reproduction in plants is, before embarking on an experiment. For the experiment, the children would be taking cuttings of a plant and replanting them to see if their grow. In their books they made predictions on what would happen to the plant based on the knowledge they had learnt from the lesson.

Please see this week’s home learning for further information!!


What a great start to a new term,

Have a wonderful weekend as always,

Best Wishes,

The Year Five Team



Posted 19/04/2024
by Donna Clayson

Summer 1 - Week 1 - A Warm Welcome Back 

Welcome back to you all. It has been so wonderful to have our fabulous Reception children back at school this week, just as some glorious, warm sunshine arrived for us too!

This week in our maths learning, we have been exploring numbers from 10-20. We have learnt their names and have dug deep to explore the tens and ones in each number. This helps the children to embed that two-digit numbers are made up of tens and ones. We experimented with this in many ways. We started by using numicon pieces to make a number from 10-20. The children had to use the 10 piece numicon and then find the ones numicon piece to build the shown number.

We then moved on to making numbers 10-20 with two tens frames and counters. Again, we broke down how many tens it had and then how many ones the number had. The children worked in teams to make the given number on their tens frame. They first made the whole ten and then how many ones the number had. They had to count their counters altogether to double check it had made the correct number.

We finished our week by learning how to build number 10-20 using cubes.

In other news, we were more than just a ‘tad’ excited about the new members of Reception! On Thursday, we met our class tadpoles. The children are very eager to learn all about them and to watch them grow and develop. There has already been much hype about when they’ll start to develop legs and change over time. Today we have spoken about frogs being amphibians and how they change during their lifecycle. We are sure that you’ll hear much more about them over the next few weeks.

This week we have started to attend whole class assemblies on a Friday afternoon. The children were praised for how beautifully they came into assembly and sat and listened. We even got to leave assembly first as we had sat so well. Well done Reception!

Next week, we will start learning all about Africa through our class text - Handa's Suprise.

Reminders - P.E is going to move to a Thursday morning. We obviously have the children’s P.E kits in each day anyway for extra sessions we add in. Our weekly library session will now move to a Monday. We kindly ask for you to ensure your child’s library book is brought in, in their book bag, on a Monday.

We hope you have a fantastic weekend.

Best wishes,

The Reception Team


Head's Blog   Welcome back!

Posted 19/04/2024
by Chris Wathern

It has been a joy to welcome your children back to school this week. I’ve been so pleased to see their enthusiasm as soon as they get into school completing their early morning maths. Making every moment of school life count is vitally important, and so it’s pleasing to see this week’s attendance at 96%. Our overall attendance target for the year is 97%, so we aren’t far off. Thank you for your continued support.

Thank you to everyone for making me feel so welcome. I’m looking forward to continuing to get to know the school better, and build those all-important relationships with children, staff, parents and the wider community.

I’ve spent a lot of this week starting to get to know the children and staff. Going around the classes, it has been wonderful to see the wide range of learning taking place, such as the children in Big Nursery waiting patiently for butterflies to emerge from their chrysalises. It was impressive to hear them explain the lifecycle of a butterfly using all the rich scientific language.

This week’s Shining Stars theme was ‘Being Respectful’ – one of our golden rules. It was a pleasure seeing children receiving their certificates in assembly today and all the different ways they have demonstrated respect. I know the staff had a difficult time choosing who to give them to, especially in Year 6 (pictured). A special mention to our Shining Stars from Reception, who came into their first proper whole school assembly for the first time. Both classes were role models to all children – well done!

Next week, we will be sharing some of the confirmed dates for various events this term. This will also include some informal opportunities to meet with me, for instance at a coffee morning/afternoon. I’m really keen to hear from parents as to what you value about this wonderful school as well as your thoughts on what we can do to make it even better.

Wishing you all a restful (and hopefully sunny) weekend.

Mr Chris Wathern



Posted 18/04/2024
by Helen Divall

The children had lots of fun on the bikes this week. They are confidently riding the bikes around the bike track, knowing how to move around other children into a space and stopping using their feet. 



Posted 18/04/2024
by Helen Divall

At last, the sun has appeared! The children went out for their outdoor learning and used the Trim Trail. The children are growing in confidence and are independently using the equipment.



Posted 28/03/2024
by Donna Clayson

Spring 2- Week 6 - Happy Easter! 

We come to the end of Spring 2 and are so pleased with all the wonderful work that the Reception children have done this term. They have absolutely loved learning traditional tales and inventing their own, acting in the role play area (we spotted a quite ferocious daddy bear checking his porridge yesterday) and the joy and vocabulary that they have developed through their story telling has been magical. This week our learning challenge was to explore the different characters and describe what they were like in the story of Goldilocks and the three bears. We were amazed by the children's vocabulary when describing the characters; they used words which we have previously explored in learning time. The children also impressed us with their use of extended sentences with using 'because' to share their reasoning in their character descriptions.

In maths, we have been continuing to practise finding one more and one less for numbers up to 10, subitising numbers to 6 and getting to know the names and some of the properties of some 3D shapes. The children were so pleased when they spotted cones and spheres in our playground. 

After Easter,  we will move on to our new overarching topic of 'What is the world like outside our window?'. The children will be discovering other ways of life from around the world, we will be celebrating our town, county and country and we will be exploring the world through land and sea!

We hope you have a well deserved rest of the holidays and we shall see you all back on Monday 15th April.

Best wishes,

The Reception Team 


Head's Blog   Happy Easter!

Posted 28/03/2024
by Katie Elkins

Despite the very dark and gloomy weather outside today, our school was filled with bright colours and Easter fun. 

The children had a great time at the Easter Obstacle Eggstravaganza. They all hopped into activities such as egg rolling, bunny hopping, egg throwing and of course the classic egg and spoon!

Thank you to everyone that donated towards Mrs Bryant's Sky Dive challenge. We raised a fantastic amount of money for Childrens Hospice South West which is a charity very close to our hearts. 

Thank you also to our Year 6 Sports Leaders and Leadership Team, they were fabulous!

Have a great Easter. We look forward to seeing you all on Monday 15th April.

Best wishes, 

Mrs Lee- Elkins 


Year 5  

Posted 28/03/2024
by Sorrel Beckett

Spring 2 - Week 6 - Have a crackin' break! 


It was all about poetry, this week in English. The children looked into themes of prejudice, culture and traditions and wrote a retaliation poem in response to the poem ‘The Jelabi Tree’. We were incredibly proud of the confidence they had to tackle such mature themes and they were very excited to read aloud the poems that they had produced.

Next term, we will be exploring ‘The Piano’ as a video inspiration for emotive writing.


In Maths, this week, we began our learning journey of statistics. The children have explored line graphs, drawn line graphs, interpreted data and looked at tables. The children have enjoyed finding and recording data in different ways.

We have continued to revisit and retrieve key knowledge in our morning work. After Easter we will continue to complete regular arithmetic papers and begin to introduce new concepts ready for Year 6! EEEK.

Please over the Easter holidays continue to encourage your children in accessing TTRS.

Wider Curriculum

In Wider Curriculum we came to the end of our SPACE learning journey. The children did their final loop in forces looking at friction, identifying how much friction is caused when two objects move against each other. The children used a range of surfaces testing a shoes movement; using a newton meter to measure the force.  The children then recorded their findings in a bar chart, they then wrote conclusions using the key vocabulary from the lesson.

We have thoroughly enjoyed learning all about SPACE and look forward to our new learning journey of ‘Changes’ after Easter. WATCH THIS SPACE…

Easter Extravaganza

On Thursday the children were involved in an Easter fundraising event for Little Harbours children’s hospice. They had a go at a range of different activities in an obstacle course. The children donated, came in own clothes and had so much fun, all for a wonderful cause.

PE for next term has changed to a Friday and we will be looking at Athletics - Track and Field events. 

Have an EGGcellent Easter,

Best wishes,

The Year 5 team  


Year 5  

Posted 28/03/2024
by Sorrel Beckett

Spring 2 - Week 5- Recounts, Resistance and Rhythms!


This week in English, we are coming to the end of our learning journey. At the start of the week, the children began to plan their recounts. The recounts were written from Xok the shark’s perspective. In the recount, they had to capture what it would have been like for him captivity and give a detailed recall of the key events. In the plan, the children noted phrases and vocabulary that they could later use in their writing. The children got out thesauruses to upskill their phrases and enhance the emotions they had selected.

For the rest of the week, the children wrote their recounts. They used all of their skills and knowledge from across the journey to write their final piece. The children were able to write descriptively and used stylistic devices to enhance their descriptions. Towards the end of the week, the children then had the opportunity to edit, redraft and improve their work. They then filled out their toolkits, assessing themselves against their success criteria.


In Maths, we also came to the end of our area and perimeter learning journey. The children showed off their learning in their end of unit assessments. However, some of the children found these quite tricky and this is where Mrs Callister and I decided we would need some consolidation.

With Mrs C and her fantastic art skills, a double page spread of area and perimeter questions was created. The children at their own pace worked through the questions. Here they were able to ask of support in addressing misconceptions. We will also continue to embed this content in their morning work.

At the end of the week, the children then completed their PUMA maths assessment. This is an opportunity for the children to demonstrate what they have learnt across the term. The children enjoy looking at their progress from autumn term and from this information set themselves targets.

Wider Curriculum

In Wider Curriculum we got wet and wild investigating water resistance. In the lesson, the children carried out an experiment, exploring how different shapes/surface areas can have didn’t levels of water resistance. The children were given balls of clay, where they formed a variety of shapes. They then checked their controlled variables before dropping the clay into water. With an iPad they timed which shape sank to the bottom the quickest, therefore having the least amount of water resistance. The children wrote out their methods, made predictions, recorded their results and wrote conclusions on their findings.

Music Performance

On Wednesday 20th March 2024, the children performed their Brass Performance to all of the parents. We were so proud of our children, who got up there and until the lessons, had never played a brass instrument before. We would also like to say a huge thank you to Tony, our music teacher, who guided the children through their lessons and their wonderful performance!

Important Dates:

·      Parents evening - Tuesday 26th/Wednesday 27th March 2024

·      Easter Extravaganza – Own clothes! - Thursday 28th March 2024 

Have a wonderful weekend, 
Best Wishes, 
The Year Five Team 


Year 1   Week 6 - What an egg-cellent week!

Posted 28/03/2024
by Kate Clarke

Week 6 - What an Egg-cellent week! 

We've had a really busy week to end our busy term with! 


We finally finished our bean diaries this week - unfortunately because of the lack of sunshine, not all our beans had germinated but we have sent them home with the children so we're hoping if they keep them in the window, maybe they will by the end of the holidays! Some beans had germinated and others had grown roots, a stem and even some leaves. The children really enjoyed looking at the different stages. 


We used our knowledge we have learnt about maps to good use on Monday by drawing our own maps of the KS1 playground. Children drew them from a birds-eye view, making a key to go with it so others could read their maps. We used vocabulary, such as near, next to, left, right, behind. 


The children had fun writing their own poems about What's at the bottom of the garden using alliteration and we had some fantastic efforts. They really impressed us with their use of vocabulary and we had some great descriptions - wiggly worms, buzzy bees, slobbery slugs, to name a few! 


We finished our ball skills unit with DT Coaching with some fun games this week and managed to carry on despite the heavy downpours by moving to the hall for an epic game of Duck, Duck, Goose, which the children all loved! They have been learning to catch and to throw using 3 different types of pass - a chest pass, a shoulder pass and a bounce pass. They have been able to put these skills to use in small games of handball, following the rules of 3 steps once they are holding the ball and only holding the ball for 3 seconds.

Next half-term, we will have Pro 20 coaching on a Monday so please send your child into school in their PE kit on Mondays. 

We hope you all have a fabulous Easter break and fingers crossed we get some much needed sunshine! 

We look forward to seeing you back on Monday 15th April (in PE kits!). 

The Year One Team


Year 2   Welcome Miss Tiplady!

Posted 28/03/2024
by Luke O Dwyer


My name is Miss Tiplady, I am 22, and I am currently undergoing training with the University of Exeter on a PGCE program to become a teacher. My educational journey began at Wadebridge Primary and later Wadebridge Secondary School, followed by Callywith College in Bodmin. I graduated last summer with a degree in BSc Psychology with Sports Science at Exeter and represented the university in netball and horse riding which are my two main hobbies. Teaching has always been my passion since a young age, and I find immense joy in witnessing the progress students make through my lessons. Building connections with each student and supporting them to reach their full potential brings me great fulfillment!

I look forward to the rest of my time here at Wadebridge Primary Academy until the end of June!

Happy Easter to all of you!

The Year 2 Team 


Head's Blog   Mr Wathern

Posted 26/03/2024
by Katie Elkins

I am very much looking forward to starting as Headteacher at Wadebridge Primary Academy after Easter. I have thoroughly enjoyed my recent visits as part of the transition process. I’ve really noticed the warmth and positive relationships between staff and children, as well as the quality of education shining through. I would like to say a particular thank you to the leadership team and all the staff and children, as well as the wider Trust for their support.

I am passionate about creating an inclusive and supportive learning environment where children and staff can thrive and make a positive difference. I share the school’s commitment in meeting the unique needs of all children and ensuring they have a sense of belonging and wellbeing.

My family and I recently returned to Cornwall after 6 years abroad, where I was a Headteacher of British international schools in The Netherlands and Asia. Prior to this, I was Headteacher at Fowey Primary for 8 years.

In my free time, I enjoy playing the piano, singing, cooking and enjoying the great outdoors. I’m already looking forward to the weekly singing assemblies!

After Easter, I’ll be in touch again about some informal opportunities to come in and meet with me. I will be interested in getting feedback from parents about what we do well and what we could possibly develop. On a day-to-day basis, I hope to see many of you at drop off and collection as well as various events next term.

I look forward to continuing the school’s journey, building on the many successes, and helping to shape its future. I’m committed to working with the whole school community to meet our aspiration that children will learn, thrive and excel.

Best wishes,

Chris Wathern


Year 3   Year 3 WOW Day!

Posted 23/03/2024
by Lindsey Smerdon

On Wednesday 20th March Year 3 had their Roman and Celt WOW day! This day celebrated all things Celt and Roman with activities throughout the day including baking Rock buns, creating Mosaic tiles, a Roman Numeral challenge and designing our own Roman or Celt outfit. The day finished with an epic battle between the Celts and the Romans! Everyone fought bravely and safely but we all died in the end! The battle highlights can been seen at our upcoming class assembly- a must watch!

Also this week we visited the Church to talk to Reverend Steve about how Christians celebrate Holy Week and Easter. Year 3 asked some really good questions and enjoyed looking around the Church. 

We look forward to starting our new topic- How does the World Survive and Thrive next term. 

The Year 3 Team 


Head's Blog   Rainforest Explorers, Romans, Celts... what a week!

Posted 22/03/2024
by Katie Elkins

Year Two Rainforest Café

Thank you to everyone  who joined us for our Rainforest café this week. It was wonderful to see the children excited to show you their learning that they have done over this term. There were lots of proud faces from the grown ups too! Thank you for all your kind donations we have raised over £100 that we will be use to hopefully adopt a rainforest animal. The children have been deciding which animal that will be. Not only this, the children did an amazing job in their class assembly to showcase all of their learning which included a powerful song ‘Anthem of the rainforest’. 

Year Three WOW Day

On Wednesday Year 3 had their Roman and Celt dress up WOW day. The children's costumes looked incredible, and the day was full of fun activities including baking Roman Rock buns, creating our own Mosaic masterpieces, and designing a Roman outfit. The day finished with an epic battle between the Romans and the Celts- the highlights of which will be shown at the upcoming Year 3 class assembly.

Bridge Schools Alternative Sports Day

On Thursday, six pupils from Year 5 and 6 went to Looe Primary School to join other schools from our Trust in an 'Alternative Sports' day. The children got to experience Ultimate Frisbee, Fencing, Street Surfing and mini Segways! Safe to say they really enjoyed themselves! The aim of the day was to promote teamwork and active participation, which our pupils certainly did! They were a credit to WPA.


Year 1   Week 5 - Marvellous Maps!

Posted 22/03/2024
by Kate Clarke

Week 5 - Marvellous Maps!


This week, the children have shown off their skills in their reading assessments and we were really proud of how well they listened to instructions and for their brilliant reading and comprehension. We then started our poetry unit and learnt about alliteration where words with the same sound are used for impact in writing. We had fun trying to learn some tongue twisters, like "Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers"! 
The children came up with their own alliterative words, such as "dancing dog" and "Freddie fox". Children then took a poem about creatures under the sea and changed the adjective to one of their own. We had some great examples, including "squirty squids", "crusty crabs" and "shiny starfish". Next week, we will be writing our own poems about what is at the bottom of the garden. 


Children have continued learning about place value to 50 and have been looking at one more and one less than a given number to 50. For this, they have been learning to use number squares to 50 and have been able to find a number and work out one more and one less. We have been really impressed with their knowledge and how hard they have worked. 


We have been learning about maps this week and talked about where we find them - paper maps, on grown up's phones, in the car, in towns and cities, on the camel trail - they had some great ideas about where they were. We used Digimaps to find Cornwall and zoomed in to find Wadebridge and our school. We looked at the difference between a satellite image and a map and learnt what a key is. We then used our knowledge to go into the playground to look what features there are and to plot them onto a map. Next week, we will use this information to make a map of the playground. Children had to find different features and draw them in the correct place on their map, for example, the shed had to be to the left of the Year 2 classrooms and the climbing frame was next to a picnic bench. Children found it difficult at first not to draw the object from their viewpoint but to think of it as a "birds eye view". We studied some more maps in the classroom and talked about the difference. We are looking forward to drawing our maps next week. 


We have a shorter week next week with it being Easter and break up on Thursday at 1pm. 

We will still have PE on Wednesday so please send your child into school in their PE kit. 

Library day is Thursday - please do bring your books back in to change for the holidays. 

Please make sure your child has their book bag every day so they are able to read with adults in school, thank you.

Have a lovely weekend!

The Year 1 Team


Year 2   Rainforest Cafe

Posted 21/03/2024
by Ellie Lake

Thank you to all the parents and family members who joined us for our Rainforest café this week. It was wonderful to see the children excited to show you their learning that they have done over this term. There were lots of proud faces from the grown ups too! Thank you for all your kind donations we have raised over £100 that we will be use to hopefully adopt a rainforest animal. The children have been deciding which animal that will be. Not only this, the children did an amazing job in their class assembly to showcase all of their learning which included a powerful song ‘Anthem of the rainforest’.

Don’t forget we have an early finish next week (Thursday) before we break up for the Easter holiday.

Many thanks Year 2


Little Nursery  

Posted 20/03/2024
by Toni Walby

Heli 2 Sponsored walk

Wow, what a wonderful morning. The children were super excited to do their sponsored walk and made the nursery team proud. Morwenna and Andy the Air Ambulance mascot came to cheer us on our way. Thank you for all of your support.


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Our Values...



We are bold and innovative in our approach to find new solutions to the challenges we face.



We are inspired by the awe and wonder of the world.



We take responsibility for our actions in an environment of mutual respect.



We are passionate about learning.



We are the best we can be.



We overcome all barriers to reach our potential, developing a capacity to improve further.

© 2025 Bridge Schools trust is a company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales. Registration number 7736425. It is an exempt charity.