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Head's Blog   Art at WPA

Posted 11/03/2024
by Katie Elkins

Wadebridge gets creative. It's all about the journey!  

Last week, Mrs Keat, who is our Art Subject Lead, spent some time around the school looking at the children’s sketchbooks. She has been very impressed with how the books are developing across the school and how children are using their books to inform their creative journeys.

Drawing and mark making are key skills in Art and the children enjoy investigating how to make marks using different media such as charcoal, chalk, pencil and ink.

They look closely at how other, known artists use line to create their works of art. Take a look at the children’s artistic journey within their sketchbooks…


Year 2  

Posted 08/03/2024
by Luke O Dwyer


Year 2 girls were incredibly lucky to take part in the Football Associations 'Let Girls Play' campaign today. The FA's 'Let Girls Play' campaign for 2024 has estimated that 465,000 girls from 5000 schools in England have taken part in their 'Biggest Ever Football Session' on Friday 8th March. This has coincided with International Women's Day! 
What made Year 2's session even more special was that it was delivered by four of our very own Year 6 girls who play for Wadebridge Football Club. The girls planned their session, each taking a small group to work on skills, then ended the session with a mini tournament! The teachers were in awe of their professionalism and the Year 2 girls had a brilliant time!

Polite reminder, EDEN TRIP next Wednesday 13th March. Please ensure your child has a bottle of water and a packed lunch (unless you have requested a school packed lunch). Thank you!

The Year 2 Team


Little Nursery  

Posted 08/03/2024
by Helen Divall

This week, we celebrated St Pirans Day. The children listened to sea shanties sang by the fisherman in their boats out at sea.

They made their own Cornish flag, looking carefully at the pattern and colours on it.

The children also made their own pasties, they chose their filling and Miss Brown showed them how to crimp the pastry to keep it sealed. Gool Peran Lowen


Big Nursery  

Posted 08/03/2024
by Helen Divall

This week, we celebrated St Pirans Day. The children listened to sea shanties sang by the fisherman in their boats out at sea. They made their own Cornish flag, looking carefully at the pattern and colours on it.

The children also made their own pasties, they chose their filling and Miss Brown showed them how to crimp the pastry to keep it sealed.

Gool Peran Lowen


Year 5  

Posted 08/03/2024
by Sorrel Beckett

Spring 2 - Week 3 - Reading is a passport to countless adventures... 


To begin the week, the children continued writing their discussion texts. They continued to develop their unbiased arguments, using research on the positive and negative points to help them. The children at the end of the lesson shared their arguments and ‘magpied’ ideas when returning to edit and improve. In the following lessons, the children were presented with a SPaG focus of commas, colons and semi-colons. They explored what they were, where they would be used and how to use them effectively. In their books, the children then outlined the definition before using the punctuation accurately in sentences that contained themes from the text. For the rest of the week, the children had wonderful activities to complete with links to World Book Day – We look forward to continuing our English learning journey next week, where we will be exploring oral discussions for arguments and persuasive writing! WATCH THIS SPACE…


In Maths this week, the children begun their new learning journey of perimeter beginning with looking at the perimeter of a rectangle. The children attacked this with confidence and were able to access the problem-solving and reasoning questions quickly. We also completed another arithmetic paper; we went through it as a class notifying any misconceptions and making notes on how to approach the question next time. We recorded the scores in our whole class tracker, the children can then see their progress and record it in their books. The children then set themselves targets based on the test they completed.

Wider Curriculum

In Wider Curriculum we continued with our Art learning journey. This week it was all about our backgrounds. The children had four activities they completed as part of a carousel. They were given 4 small pieces of paper to create 4 different backgrounds using a mixture of media in the form of printing. We had brusho, water colours, foil and felt tips etc. The children then popped their testers into their sketch books where they made annotations, discussing their process, what they like, what worked well and what didn’t. From here, they selected their favourite background to recreate on a larger scale. Once their background was created, the children then began to select their favourite patterns from their journey so far to overlay. Again, this was using mixed media. They had to think carefully about the patterns, colours, media they selected and continue to refer to Kandinsky’s work for inspiration.

World Book Day

What a wonderful day we had for world book day, it was so lovely to see the mixture of costumes and pj’s. In the morning, the children took part in the nationwide quiz from the national literacy trust. The children answered a variety of questions and were introduced to the author and teacher Kit Brown who promoted his brand-new book! We were great quizzers, scoring 20/20!! In the afternoon, the children then went down to EYFS where they shared books with each other, drank hot chocolate and had a biscuit. The children had a wonderful time and were so lovely with the little ones.


Important Dates:

·         Parent’s evening – Tuesday 26th March / Wednesday 27th March 2024, please book your appointment on arbor.

·         Wednesday 20th March 2024 – Year 5 children will be performing their music piece to parents lead by our music man Tony at 2:40pm

·        WPA Bake off – Monday 11th March 2024 – Cakes to be sold all week

·         Comic relief – Friday 15th March 2024 – Own clothes or something ‘Funny’  


Have a wonderful weekend,

Best Wishes,

The Year 5 Team


Year 3   World Book Day

Posted 07/03/2024
by Lindsey Smerdon

Year 3 World Book Day

We have had a fantastic World Book Day in Year 3 today! We based our activities around Roald Dahl's Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. We read some of the book, designed our own Willy Wonka style sweets and created our own chocolaty biscuit treats :)
In the afternoon we shared some of our favorite stories with Year 6 with hot chocolate. 

Upcoming Dates 
Wednesday 20th March- Year 3 'Wow Day' optional dress up as either a Celt or Roman 

Wednesday 27th March- Year 3 class assembly 



Year 3   Wow Day

Posted 06/03/2024
by Jonathan Langton

Historical Wow Day

On Wednesday 20th March Year 3 will be having our historical wow day. On the day the children will undertake a range of activities from the Roman period including: cooking, art and problem solving.

If the children would like to dress up on this day they are very welcome to. If they are dressing up they can choose to dress as a Roman or a Celt, if not dressing up the children should wear their school uniform. For costume ideas please see the photos.

The following week we will be sharing our learning at a Year 3 assembly. It will be 9:00am on Wednesday 27th March. Parents are welcome to come and join us for the assembly if they would like to.

For further information please see the note sent home last week or speak to the teachers.


Head's Blog   World Book Day 2024

Posted 06/03/2024
by John Wareham

We've had the best day celebrating the magic of books and reading! 
Today the children came to school dressed in their pyjamas following the bedtime stories theme or dressed as their favourite book character. 
They had a chance to complete a range of World Book day activities, including a live event through The National Literacy Trust called 'The Great Big Footy and Booky Quiz'. 
Each class then buddied up with another class in the school to share their favourite stories.
We ended the day with a special assembly where children had to guess the teacher's favourite books. Watch below or pop over to our Facebook page to see the video. 
Happy World Book Day! 


Year 2   A visit from Rev. Steven Payne

Posted 05/03/2024
by Ellie Lake

Year 2 had a visit from Rev. Steven Payne from Egloshayle Church to talk about why Easter is important to Christians. The children were already familiar with the Easter story as they had been learning about in their RE lessons. He spoke to them about what Christians might do during Holy week to celebrate. Each child was given a cross made from a palm leaf which he explained helps Christians remember when Jesus rode a donkey into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday. They also saw the silver cup and wafer biscuits that is used during an Easter Sunday service. The Rev. was pleasantly surprised that the children knew this symbolised Jesus’ body and blood. The children were also shown a clever of folding a piece of A4 paper that could be made into a cross. He said this can help Christians remember the day Jesus died. The children finished the visit by decorating their crosses with pictures that help them to remember the Easter story. We were very proud of how respectful the children were during the lesson.


Head's Blog   St Piran's Day 2024

Posted 05/03/2024
by Katie Elkins

Gool Peran Lowen!

Wishing One and All a very happy St Piran's Day from everyone at Wadebridge Primary Academy.

Pasties are cooking for lunch and the sun is shining- what a day!

Mrs Hill led a fantastic assembly yesterday where she told us all about the colours of Cornish Tartan and their meaning.

Did you know that yellow represents the gold of the Cornish Kings, blue represents the sea, red represents the beak of the Cornish Chough and the black and white reminds us of St Piran? 


Year 1   Spring 2 - Weeks 1 and 2

Posted 01/03/2024
by Kate Clarke

Weeks 1 and 2 - It's "bean" a magical time! 

We've had a great start back to the term and can't believe we're at the end of week 2 already! 


We've been using Jack and the Beanstalk as our text and have been exploring suffixes "ed" and "ing" and how they change the meaning of our words. We looked at exclamation marks and how to use them to improve our writing. We have also used adjectives to make our writing more interesting, for example "a shiny, golden harp" or a "humungous, swaying beanstalk". Next week we will make story maps and use our acting skills to role play the story - we can't wait! 


We finished our learning on addition and subtraction to 20, having used number lines to subtract and add numbers within 20. We learnt how to find a missing number, find the difference between two numbers and now to use the number line to work these out. 

We have now moved on to place value to 50 and we had a great lesson yesterday using tens frame and dienes and rods to represent various numbers up to 50 and then carrying on a sequence by making the following number. We'll build on this next week. 


We continued our learning about "What is a Muslim and how do they live" by learning about the 5 pillars of Islam and what they mean. The children enjoyed learning the new names and we compared how there are some similarities to Christianity and some differences. 

Wider Curriculum

We are answering the question "What's at the bottom of the garden?" this half term and here's what we've done so far: 


We started off by experimenting in our sketchbooks with different types of sketching pencils, making different lines and marks and using our fingers to blend and create different effects. We then tried doing the same with coloured pastels and oil pastels. We then chose just 2 colours that complimented each other and drew flowers using the skills we had just practiced and blending the lines to create some beautiful spring artwork for our walls. 

This week, we did some printing using fruits and vegetables. Children experimented in their sketchbooks with different shapes of fruit and vegetables, trying to use the matching colour and carefully printing them onto the paper. We also encouraged the children to have a go at sketching some of the fruits and vegetables and were really impressed with their efforts and these are also displayed in the classroom! 


We learnt about the different parts of a plant, examining a real plant to identify the different parts before drawing these into our science books, adding labels. We learnt some names of different plants and found out where they grow - all over, including by the side of roads! Children then sorted some plants into garden or wild plants. We also explored the differences between seeds and bulbs and how these grow. We're really enjoying these lessons and the children love to learn the new vocabulary! 


We have been discussing internet safety and how to use our devices safely. We talked about what to do if something pops up when we are using a device and read a book called "The Pop Up Gremlins" and they know to "Stop. Close. Tell." We then read a story about "Smartie the Penguin" who has trouble when playing an online game with people being unkind and sending nasty messages. The children talked about it with their partners and decided they would tell an adult. We talked about who those adults could be both at home and in school. We talked about the importance of using devices and that, as we live in a digital world, we are surrounded by computers, we just need to know how to use them safely. 


We are learning how to play handball in PE lessons with DT Coaching and the children have really got involved! We are working on our throwing and catching skills and then using these in game play to play short games of handball where, once they have the ball, children are only allowed 3 steps before throwing it onto another child. PE days continue to be on a Wednesday so your child should come into school in their full PE kit please. 


We sent out an email earlier this week with a list of upcoming events for the next 2 weeks - there is a lot on! 

Tuesday 5th March - St Piran's Day - children to wear black, white and/ or gold. 

Thursday 7th March - World Book Day - children to wear PJs to school, bring a teddy and their favourite book (named please!) 

Library day is Thursday - please send your child in with their library books to change them. 

We listen to children read during the week so please send them in with their book bag and reading packet EVERY DAY so they are able to read with an adult in school. 

Have a great weekend and we'll see you on Monday morning! 
The Year 1 Team


Year 5  

Posted 01/03/2024
by Sorrel Beckett

Spring 2 - Week 2 - They've really put their 'Arts' into it... 


In English this week, we continued with our learning journey of recounts, based on the text ‘Shark Caller’ by Zellah Bethell. To begin the week, the children had to examine, justify and provide evidence for a character. They looked at the character ‘Blue Wing’ and focused on her characteristics. They then demonstrated their understanding of her by creating a Top Trumps card. Next, the children took their learning deeper by writing a character description. In the description, the children were looking particularly at the way Blue Wing tackles a challenge. Not only did they have to think about her personality but also her thoughts, opinions, actions and appearance. To end the week, the children then looked at discussion texts… They were presented with the statement: ‘Islands should be encouraged to keep their traditions and should not be changed by visitors or newcomers’ They had to then consider the positives and negatives of visitors coming to the island and write an unbiased discussion. The children were encouraged to use formal language and were provided with sentence stems to support.


In Maths, the children were coming to the end of their Fractions, Percentages and Decimals learning journey. With the children covering a range of new knowledge and skills in their Morning Work of converting fractions, percentages and decimals in such depth, Mrs. Callister combined some of our small steps in White Rose together. This meant the children were able to confidently demonstrate their knowledge and have more time to grapple with problem solving and reasoning questions. The children were then able to demonstrate their knowledge of key instant recall facts for this topic within their end of unit assessments. Our next learning journey we will be exploring perimeter and area!

We would also like to say a huge well done to those children that are accessing TTRS at home. It is incredibly important to maintain fluency in times tables and it’s wonderful to see that the children are still challenging themselves, both at home and in school.

Wider Curriculum

In wider curriculum, we have continued our Art learning journey. This week, the children focused more on the artist Kandinsky and his style of art. The children worked with paint to create geometric and circular patterns. Next, they explored with layer/combing this medium with different materials to create texture within their sketch books. On Friday, they then revisited, working back into their work, making conscious choices and annotating. The development of their sketch books is coming along, and we are beginning to see more sophisticated annotations and feedback given to peers.

Boys Active!

Well, what a wonderful Wednesday!

The boys had the opportunity to head up to the Royal Cornwall Show Ground. Here, they participated in a range of military based activities lead by the coaches at DT sport as well as sports leaders/captains from Wadebridge Secondary School. The children had the opportunity to use their team building skills, unravelling themselves from a human chain and getting themselves in height order or order of their shoe size. They had the chance to play laser tag, using their strategy skills to defend themselves within the course and plan their defensive approach to protect their base. They even had the chance to build fire and make hot chocolate! To end the day, the children then all took part in a military obstacle course, where they had to hop, dodge, sprint and weave between obstacles, before diving under a net and army crawling through the mud. The race was on for this, competing against other schools, teams, adults and even some teachers! We are incredibly proud of our boys and felt they represented WPA well, we all had such a lovely day – Bring on next year when our five’s will be sixes and shall be invited back!

Girls day...

By the sounds of it, the girls also had a lovely day here back at school. In the morning, they buddied up with the year sixes to participate in an egg drop challenge. Mrs. Berridge was amazed that hardly any of the eggs broke, go girls! Next, they used their analytical skills, to measure the ‘ruler drop’ – This is where the children dropped a ruler from a height and had to catch it with one hand. Each time, the girls had to decide what height, speed, etc. and record it. I think it’s safe to say that some of the girls would’ve made Mr. Miyagi proud! The girls then had a wonderful afternoon completing some artwork/sketching in their books based on Year 6’s theme of evolution.

Important Dates:

·         St Piran’s day – Tuesday 5th March 2024 – Children to wear Non-uniform black, white, gold

·         World Book Day – Thursday 7th March 2024 - ‘Bedtime Stories’ theme. Children to wear Pjs and bring a teddy and their favourite book.

·        Parent’s evening – Tuesday 26th March / Wednesday 27th March 2024, please book your appointment on arbor.

·        Wednesday 20th March 2024 – Year 5 children will be performing their music piece to parents lead by our music man Tony at 2:40pm. *Letter coming soon*

We hope you have a great weekend,

Best Wishes,

The Year Five Team


Big Nursery  

Posted 01/03/2024
by Helen Divall

Big Nursery have been learning about The Chinese New Year. At circle time Mrs Divall introduced the topic of the Chinese New Year and we talked about who had eaten Chinese food before either at a restaurant or from a takeaway.

The class also tried different Chinese food including noodles, egg fried rice, sweet and sour sauce and prawn crackers. The children tried really hard to use chopsticks although they found them very tricky. The food smelled amazing!! Afterwards we talked about the foods they enjoyed eating. 

The children have played in The Chinese Restaurant in our role play area and carefully looked at the menu and some children took their orders. They have used real chopsticks to help pick up their pretend noodles. The children have also decorated a 2024, Year of the dragon picture, they have also cut and decorated their own Chinese lantern and dragon. We finished off our celebrations dancing with our dragons and lanterns.


Head's Blog   Spring 2, Week 3.

Posted 29/02/2024
by Katie Elkins

This week, I have had the pleasure of accompanying children to the 'Wadebridge Festival of Music and Speech'.

Children across the school have been working hard to learn a poem (some of them being over 3 pages!) and perform it to an audience in the Town Hall. The children have impressed me with their ability to perform with clarity and confidence. It takes a huge amount of determination to stand in front of a room full of strangers! The children received fantastic feedback from the judge, such as "You really started to 'lift' the words from the poem". 

Well done to all of the children who took part in the poetry performance and musical performances too. 

On Wednesday, the Year 5 and 6 boys were out of school so the girls from both year groups spent the day together completing a number of activities.

They carried out the ruler reaction activity to test their reaction times. Then, they learned how to carry out data handling using the results that they had collected. They also completed the egg drop challenge! In small groups, they designed and engineered a 'carrier' for their egg. This carrier had to prevent their egg from breaking when dropped from a height. Most of the groups were successful and managed to keep their egg intact! In the afternoon, they sketched and painted dragons.

Everyone enjoyed the day and it was wonderful to see the Year 5 and 6 girls working so well together!

Meanwhile, the boys had the opportunity to head up to the Royal Cornwall Show Ground. Here, they participated in a range of military based activities led by the coaches at DT sport as well as sports leaders/captains from Wadebridge Secondary School.

The children had the opportunity to use their team building skills, unravelling themselves from a human chain and getting themselves in height order or order of their shoe size. They had the chance to play laser tag, using their strategy skills to defend themselves within the course and plan their defensive approach to protect their base. They even had the chance to build fire and make hot chocolate!

To end the day, the children then all took part in a military obstacle course, where they had to hop, dodge, sprint and weave between obstacles, before diving under a net and army crawling through the mud. The race was on for this, competing against other schools, teams, adults and even some teachers! We are incredibly proud of our boys and felt they represented WPA well.

Here is a reminder about the two important events taking place next week...

St Piran’s Day- Tuesday 5th March
To mark the occasion of St Piran’s Day on Tuesday 5th March we will be celebrating all things Cornish and invite the children to come to school dressed in the Cornish colours black, white and gold. Gool Peran Lowen! Please note that there is also a special menu for this day. You can make your booking via ParentPay.

World Book Day- 7th March

World Book Day is taking place at our school on Thursday 7th March and we would like to celebrate this day with all things book related! Our theme this year is ‘Bedtime Stories’ and we invite your child to come to school wearing pyjamas or onesies and bring along their favourite cuddly toy and their favourite book (please name them!). We know that some children enjoy dressing as a book character on this day, so of course if your child would rather do that, then go ahead! However, we do not expect parents to go to the expense of buying new costumes.

Children will take part in reading themed activities throughout the day within their class and will be buddying up with children from other classes in the afternoon for some paired reading over some hot chocolate and biscuits.

World Book Day celebrates the joy and value of books and reading. To help get them started on their reading journey, every child receives a £1 World Book Day Book Token that can either be exchanged for one of special £1 World Book Day books or used to get £1 off any book costing £2.99 or more. You can find out more about the books at 

See you next week! 

Mrs Lee-Elkins 



Posted 29/02/2024
by Donna Clayson

Spring 2 - Week 2 - Run, run as fast as you can!

Well a week of fun has been had in the Reception classrooms this week. Not only was the Gingerbread Man spotted on camera going through our classes, our attempts to capture him at the end of the week resulted in our classrooms being messed up. But luckily for us, the Gingerbread Man left us a little treat to congratulate us on our attempts to trap him. 

The conversations and ideas about how we could trap him really excited the children. Throughout the week, the children have been making traps, posters and even bridges to help him escape the fox. As you can imagine, the conversations and ideas that the story has sparked have been amazing. Every child has been totally immersed and a great deal of wonderful work has been completed by the children. They have been able to critically think, analyse and confidently share their ideas with each other throughout the week. We are sure the conversations will continue at home well into the weekend!

Reminders -  We change reading books on Mondays and Thursdays. Please ensure your child brings in their book bag each day as we read with the children throughout the week too. Please also ensure they bring their library books in on a Thursday. 

Tuesday 5th March - St Piran's Day - Children are encouraged to wear black, white and gold on this day.
Thursday 7th March - World Book Day - Children can come in in their pyjamas or onesies. They can come in as a favourite book character if they would like to, but do not feel you need to spend any money on outfits. Mrs Clayson will be donning her favourite onesie for the day! 

Have a wonderful weekend.

Best wishes, 
The Reception Team 


Reception   Back With a Bang!

Posted 25/02/2024
by Abigail Miskowicz

This week our topic has been Chinese New Year and we discovered about different customs and traditions. We started our week by learning the story of how the tradition began and about the twelve animals which represent the years. We watched a short film where we learned about how people decorate their houses, wear new clothes and give red envelopes with money in for good luck.  We were intrigued to see how the whole family (including the children!) worked really hard to give the whole house a spring clean before they decorated it.


The children enjoyed learning about the delicious foods and the fabulous dancing dragons.

Demonstrating great recall, the children were able to explain the facts about the celebration.


In our guided writing, we looked at Chinese dragons and wrote words, captions and sentences to describe how the dragons looked. 


In our COOL time, we enjoyed playing in our pop-up Chinese restaurant (with real chopsticks and food!), making dragon puppets, creating lanterns, exploring Chinese music, painting Chinese symbols and much more!


Our super week was encapsulated by putting all of our creations together and performing a dragon parade around the whole school, weaving in and out of classrooms as we went!  We were delighted with the children’s enthusiasm and pride whilst exhibiting their artist flare!


Year 3   Spring Term 2 Art

Posted 23/02/2024
by Lindsey Smerdon

Year 3 Cave Art 

Year 3 have had a busy start to Spring Term 2 - but what fun we have had!
3W welcomed Mrs Stephenson and Mrs Smerdon. Mrs Stephenson will be working on a Mon and Tuesday and Mrs Smerdon will be in class on a Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. 
They are looking forward to getting to know the children and meeting parents later in the term. 

We have had an Art focus this week in our Wider Curriculum lessons around the topic of the Stone Age. The children spent time studying some Cave Art images before having a go and recreating them in sketch books focusing on colour, tone and use of space. We then tea stained pieces of Art paper before adding our Cave Art designs to them. I am sure you will agree that they look fantastic!
Next week we will have a History focus  based around the Romans. 

Upcoming Dates 

St Piran’s day - Tuesday 5th March Non-uniform black, white, gold. 

World Book Day – Thursday 7th March ‘Bedtime Stories’ theme. Pjs , teddy and favourite book. 

Comic Relief – WB 11th March

Bake off! Kids to bring in bake off entries on Monday (with list of ingredients) Bake sale 


Year 6  

Posted 23/02/2024
by Paula Reeve

Spring 2 - Week 1 - Back with a bang! 

On Wednesday, the girls were out of school taking part in ‘Our Girls Can’. They had a full day of sports, including archery, dance and laser tag. The boys stayed in school and completed a number of STEM challenges. They carried out a test of reactions and recoded the data. They were then challenged to complete the ‘egg drop’ where they engineered a carrier that would protect an egg when dropped from a height.

We’ve started a new unit of learning in English focusing on the book ‘Darwin’s Dragons’. This book links to our wider curriculum learning: evolution and inheritance. So far, we’ve made predictions and inferences and written a setting description of the Galápagos Islands.

This week, we’ve been learning how to convert between fractions, decimals and percentages. It’d great to bring all their knowledge together and we’re super impressed with their work ethic.

We’ve continued with our Lino prints – the children have finished carving their designs and have begun to experiment with printing. Tt’s been great to see the children challenging themselves to complete two colour prints.

Our PE day is now Thursday so please ensure children come to school in their PE kit on that day. This half term, the children will be doing Fitness with Mrs Reeve and Hockey with Miss Johnston.

For homework this week, children need to complete: Homophone (pages 96 & 97 in their SPaG books and Equivalent Fractions and Decimals and Fractions, Decimals and Percentages (pages 37, 38 & 39) in their maths books. Please encourage your children to bring their completed homework books back into school as every Friday we talk through the correct answers and give out the next week's sections to be completed. 

Next Wednesday is the Boys Active day!

Enjoy you weekend!
Best wishes,
The Year 6 Team


Year 2   Flanges, Map Symbols and Experiments!

Posted 23/02/2024
by Luke O Dwyer

Busy Bees!

This week Year 2 starting practising different techniques of folding and joining materials. They were introduced to the ‘Flange’ – A flange is a part or edge that sticks out from an object in order to keep the object in position, strengthen it, or attach it to another object. First, we explored making prisms, cuboids and cylinders out of paper. We then had a go at making a flange and attaching it to other bits of paper to make it sturdy. The children are now ready to start their Dioramas next week – if you have yet to drop in a show box, please do so on Monday.

As well as all the DT fun, we set up a science experiment! We have planted seeds but each pot has different conditions. 1 – has water, soil, light and the right temperature, 2 – has no soil, 3 – has no water, 3 – has no light and 4 – is in the fridge! We are going to keep a weekly diary on any growing progress! 

In PE we started our new units – Dance and OAA (Outdoor Adventurous Activities). In dance the children took on the role of cats, and explored different movements and levels. In OAA they were introduced to Orienteering and went on a map symbols hunt around the playground. Safe to say, a lot of fun was had!

Please note, our Eden trip is fast approaching. If you haven’t returned your slip, please do so next week. Payment via ParentPay should be on your child’s account.

You should have also received an email regarding a Rainforst Café – Wednesday 20th March, 2pm. There will be an assembly then the children will invite you into their classroom and show you their work from this term. Their will be refreshments to purchase and all money raised will go towards Rainforest animal conservation projects.

Keep up with the reading and spelling practise, and we will see you next week!

The Year 2 Team.


Year 5  

Posted 23/02/2024
by Sorrel Beckett

Spring 2 - Week 1 - Giving you a piece of their 'ART'... 


In English this week, we have begun our new learning journey using the text ‘The Shark Caller’ by Zellah Bethell. Throughout the learning journey, the children will cover a range of skills and knowledge in order to write a recount. The children will have the opportunity to explore a range of grammatical aspects as well as writing in a range of genres. To begin the journey, we used our VIPERS skills to unpick and understand the text. The children listened carefully to the prologue and from this answered a variety of VIPERS questions, using evidence from the text to support their answers. In the second lesson, the children were predictors. The used the books front cover, blurb, glossary and map to make predictions about the novel’s 3 different parts. Again, the children used evidence to support their answers. Next, the children had a SPAG focus, for this lesson their explored word families focusing on prefixes and suffixes using words from the text to create sentences. Next week, the children will explore the character and write character descriptions.


This week, we continued with our decimals learning journey. The children explored thousandths into decimals, thousandths on a place value chart and rounding to the nearest whole. The children have used manipulatives to support their learning and some children have been going out with Mrs Berridge and it’s lovely to see the excitement when they address a misconception. Mrs Callister has also been preparing us for fractions and percentages by putting it in our morning work! On Friday, the children were given an arithmetic paper and a reasoning paper. With their teacher, they worked their way through the booklets, making notes, asking questions, selecting best methods etc. From this, they then set themselves a target!

Wider Curriculum

In Wider Curriculum, we have begun our Art learning journey, looking at the artist Kandinsky. Throughout the learning journey the children will explore a range of media in order to create a final piece. To begin the journey, the children looked at mark making. They were given a range of objects from pine cones, to polystyrene, to buttons and more. With this object the children experimented making marks on the page. They used paint and pens to do this. Next, they selected 4 of their favourite marks and 3 they didn’t like as much and placed them in their sketch books. They thought consciously about the placement and layout before annotating with steps, thoughts and feelings.

Important dates:

·      Book fair – WB: 26th February 2024 (All week)

·      St Piran’s day – Tuesday 5th March 2024 – Children to wear Non-uniform black, white, gold

·      World Book Day – Thursday 7th March 2024 - ‘Bedtime Stories’ theme. Children to wear Pjs and bring a teddy and their favourite book


A great start to a new term!

Have a lovely weekend,

Best Wishes,

The Year 5 Team 


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We are bold and innovative in our approach to find new solutions to the challenges we face.



We are inspired by the awe and wonder of the world.



We take responsibility for our actions in an environment of mutual respect.



We are passionate about learning.



We are the best we can be.



We overcome all barriers to reach our potential, developing a capacity to improve further.

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