Pupil Voice

Why do we believe pupil voice is so important?

At Wadebridge Primary Academy, the pupils in our school are the most important people! Therefore, in order for all pupils to 'Learn, Thrive and Excel', we highly value the importance of pupil voice. Pupils have many opportunities to share their thoughts on school issues, their opinions and their feelings. All staff are aware of the importance of listening to our pupils, in order to meet the needs of all learners. The feedback we receive from pupils helps us to shape our wonderful school.

Pupil voice is gathered through the following methods.... 

-School Council 
-School questionnaires
-Learning Ambassadors 
-Pupil conferencing 
-Daily feedback within lessons 
-Informal conversations between all members of the school community. 

What do pupils say about our school?

What makes our school a special place to be? 
“I feel safe.”
“We do lots of learning.”
“We only have 3 rules. It’s easier to remember.”
“Teachers are there to support you. They’ll help you make great progress.”
“It’s one of a kind. Our teachers push us with our learning.”
“They (teachers) encourage us to try different things and have lots of opportunities.”
“I like that all my learning is based on our topic. The topics are really good.”
“We have nice teachers. We have a nice head teacher too. We have assemblies together.”

What is your favourite subject?
“Maths - I love the challenges.”
“Art - I enjoy drawing and colouring.”
“Science - I like experiments.”
“English - I like writing stories all of the time.”

What do you do if you feel 'stuck' with your learning?
“Ask a teacher. They are really helpful.”
“The teachers explain things.”
“The make really good PowerPoints and they tell us what we need to know and learn.”
“Ask the people around me.”
“The teachers are brilliant.”
“I put my hand up or I ask a learning buddy.”
“I look at the learning wall- it has fronted adverbials on it that can be helpful.”
“In Maths we get the tens and ones out to help us and do the challenges.”

Who helps you with your learning? How?
“Our teacher- she uses the Maths tools to help us.”
“The teachers show us the learning journeys. Everyday we move along the journey.”
“My learning buddy can help me. We always talk to each other about things we don’t know the answer to.”
“The teachers can be really helpful. They explain things really well.”
“Our teachers put next steps in our books in blue. They help us to improve.”

What makes school enjoyable?
“Playing with my friends.”
“It’s just great. It’s so great.”
“My teacher makes learning fun. The presentations they make are so good.”

What is your favourite memory of school? 
“I liked Year One. I loved Paddington.”
“Getting better and better at Maths. I’m really proud of that.”
“In my first day I was lonely and someone came to be my friend. I’m still best friends with them now.”
“My first day of school. We made a conga around the playground!”

At playtime I enjoy...
“Playing together.”
“Playing tag. We all play it together.”
“Playing with the play equipment.”
“Practising my basketball and football skills.”
“Just being in the fresh air is good. Just chilling with your friends.”

What would you do if you had a problem at playtime? 
“When I feel sad, I go and find a friend.”
“I try and talk it out first. Then I go to my class TA to help me.”
“I’ll tell the teacher. They always listen.”

What do pupils say about their learning this term?  

What do Year One pupils say about their learning?

“10 out of 10. I loved it all!” “I learnt about the big great fire of London. It was in 1666 and started in a bakery.”

“It went across London really quickly. All the houses got burnt.”

“It was so quick as the houses are close together and made of wood and it was dry”

“Yeah, our houses are made differently now.”

“I like Science. We found out about different animals. Bears are omnivores. I know they eat meat and berries.”

“Bears actually sleep for a few months. They hibernate in caves. We made bear caves and put the things they need to hibernate in there.”

What do Year Two pupils say about their learning?

“I love Maths. Its tricky sometimes but I love it.”

“I’m really good at handwriting. I’ve been working hard to get better.”

“I need to put more adjectives in my book. They are describing words.”

“I like my topic. I liked learning about Florence Nightingale. She was a nurse and helped make our hospitals better now.”

“We did a science experiment with our hands and glitter. It showed us how germs spread.”

“I look at the walls in the classroom to help me. I use the maths one lots and these capital letters.”

What do Year Three pupils say about their learning?

“It’s (the topic) all about natural disasters. I’ve loved. So many interesting facts!”

“In science we learnt about rocks. We learnt about this new word like ‘permeable’. I hadn’t heard of this word before.”

“I find French tricky- there are lots of new words!”

“We make notes in our book to help us remember things. We can look back at them when we forget.”

“Each day we learn new vocabulary and we talk about what the words mean so we understand them”

“I’m proud of my writing. Look at it! Its much neater than it used to be!”

“I go to the book corner if I need help. There are cards and sound mats to help us”

What do Year Four pupils say about their learning?

“My topic is about Vikings. It’s so fun. I like learning about Gods and Goddesses. It’s really interesting.”

“English is my favourite. I like writing stories.”

“Guided reading is good. We are reading Oliver Twist. I like moving around the carousel. It’s different every day and I like that.”

“Before each lesson starts, we do a quiz to check what we know and remember. We do it again and again and again until it’s stuck in our heads.”

“I’m a good Team Work Turtle. I like helping my friends.”

“We use these spelling mats to help us when we are stuck.”

What do Year Five pupils say about their learning?

“I’ve liked learning about things in the past. I’d give my topic 10/10.”

“I love doing Maths. I love doing the ‘Reach for the Sky’ questions. They are hard and I love it.”

“We went to a virtual museum on the computer. It was really cool and we could see old artefacts.”

“We’ve been comparing UK to Egypt. They are different because…”

“We have to remember things before we can move on. We do a quiz to help us remember.”

“You have to try hard to be a good learner. Mr Smith says it doesn’t matter if you get it wrong. It just matters if you try.”

What do Year Six pupils say about their learning?

“I like History. We’ve been learning about World War Two.”

“We’ve been making a timeline of what happened. We had to put the key events in order.”

“Did you know that women could do less before the war? After the war they could do lots more.”

“We do a quiz each lesson to check that we haven’t forgotten things.”

“We look at our learning journey in our book and tick off when we have learnt new things.”

“The learning pit helps us to think about what we can do when we are stuck. I speak to my friends and they help me out.”



Our Values...



We are bold and innovative in our approach to find new solutions to the challenges we face.



We are inspired by the awe and wonder of the world.



We take responsibility for our actions in an environment of mutual respect.



We are passionate about learning.



We are the best we can be.



We overcome all barriers to reach our potential, developing a capacity to improve further.

© 2025 Bridge Schools trust is a company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales. Registration number 7736425. It is an exempt charity.