Class Blog for Year 6

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Welcome to Year Six!

Welcome to the Year Six Page where you will find out about the great things taking place in our classes.

We will update this page on a regular basis with information about our learning.

If you would like to contact us, please email and your email will be forwarded to us.

Home Learning: Weekly homework will be sent home with children every Friday. It will alternate between SPaG and arithmetic tasks. Answers to these questions will be posted weekly on this blog page. 

Optional home learning grids will also be provided every term. These activities will relate to their wider curriculum learning. Any work completed will be shown and celebrated in class. 

Reading Records: Reading records will be checked every Thursday. Children that are reading regularly at home will receive golden tickets. They are expected to read at least 3 times a week at home. These 'reads' need to confirmed by parent/carer signatures. 

PE Days: Thursday

Miss Johnston
6B Class Teacher

Mrs Harris
6B Class TA

Mrs Reeve
6W Class Teacher

Mrs Young 
6W Class TA



Summer 2 - Week 1 - Just Dance!

On Thursday, we took part in a sponsored Dance-a-thon. The children were dancing from 9am to 3pm; that’s 6 hours of non-stop dancing! Each child had plenty of opportunities for breaks and re-fuelling but there was a minimum of 10 Year 6 children dancing at all times. It was an exhausting but incredible day. Some children showed outstanding endurance; they only stopped dancing when it was absolutely essential. Highlights included singing (and dancing) to: Livin’ On A Prayer, exactly half way through, and The Final Countdown for the last 5 minutes.

So far, we have raised a whopping £956 to go towards covering the cost of entertainment, food and decorations at our Year 6 prom. We wanted to make sure this inclusive event was a memorable, well-deserved celebration and the funds raised will help us to achieve this. A huge thank you to everyone that has sponsored already. If you would like to donate our page is still open:

This week, we compared the different time periods of Ancient Greece and discussed which time period we would have liked to live during and why. We then compared two societies within Ancient Greece: the Spartans and the Athenians. 6W took on the role of Spartans and 6B became Athenians. The children were given time to research their given societies. We then paired one Spartan with an Athenian and they interviewed each other. It was brilliant to watch some children fully embody their roles. We saw serious, proud Spartans and chatty, confident Athenians exchange all sort of information about their cultures and way of life.

Your child should have brought home a form to fill in for the transition week beginning Monday 1st July. Please could you fill these in and return them back into school by Wednesday 12th June.

We hope you all have a great weekend – perhaps we’ll see you at the Royal Cornwall Show!
Best wishes,
The Year 6 Team



Summer 1 - Week 5 - We did it!

A huge congratulations to the children for completing SATs week! The children displayed enthusiasm, resilience and determination. We’re so proud of how hard they have worked leading up to and during this week. We celebrated on Friday with a game day. We played an all-time favourite – The Pirate Game – in the morning and in the afternoon, we took part in water-based games. Finally, we celebrated the end of this week with a year group water fight on the field.

In the afternoons, we’ve been artists! We started by looking at mythical creatures taken from Greek Mythology. We also looked at the illustrations of Tony Meeuwissen in Remarkable Animals. In this book, he amalgamates different animals to create new creatures. We then sketched designs where we combined different parts of different animals to create a new creature. We have started to sculpt these creatures using paper mache.

Next week, Year 6 will have PE on Wednesday so please send your child into school wearing their PE kit on Wednesday next week instead of Thursday. This is the day of the school disco. If your child is attending the disco, please send them into school wearing their PE kit and pack their clothes for the disco in a bag to change into.

We hope you all have a wonderful, relaxing weekend!

Best wishes,
The Year 6 Team



Summer 1 - Week 4 - We couldn't be prouder! 

Dear Year 6s,
Before what next week brings,
We need you to remember
These important things.

SATs don't measure sports
SATs don't measure art,
SATs don't measure music,
Or the kindness in your heart.

SATs don't see your beauty,
SATs don't know your worth,
SATs don't see the reasons,
You were put upon this earth.

SATs don't see your magic,
How you make others smile,
SATs don't time how quickly,
You can run a mile.

SATs don't hear your laughter,
Or see you've come this far,
SATs are just a tiny glimpse,
Of who you really are.

This weekend when you’re at home,
Or tucked up in your bed.
Have a good laugh, read a good book,
Do not let a worry enter your head.

Remember to have a good breakfast
And a good night's sleep.
Get outside for a walk,
Make memories you can keep.

Then next week whilst sat at your desk,
With your pencil, ruler and your test,
Remember SATs aren't who you are,
That’s because you are the best!

Enjoy the sunny weekend!
Best wishes,
The Year 6 Team



Summer 1 - Week 3 - Designing and constructing!

This week, the children have been completed their extended writing piece for the animated story: Alma. We’ve thoroughly enjoyed reading the children’s recounts of this rather creepy story. Many of the children have managed to include figurative language, imagery, short, snappy sentences to build tension, descriptions of micro-expressions and ambitious vocabulary. Some children have written a dual narrative; most of their writing has been in 3rd person but a couple of paragraphs have been in 1st person (written from the perspective of the Alma Doll). It’s great to see the children experimenting with the motivations of this character - many children have opted for the doll to be sinister which makes for great reading!

We started this week by revising arithmetic style questions. The children were responsible for identifying areas they felt less confident in and working through targeted questions. It was fantastic to see so many children finding their weaknesses and turning them into strengths. Towards the end of the week, we worked on reasoning and problem-solving questions. These questions sparked some great discussions and it was interesting to see just how many different methods the children used to tackle the questions.

In our wider curriculum learning, we have continued with our automata toys projects. The children have used hot-glue guns to construct a frame and have experimented with using different cams for the moving component of the toy. The cams didn’t always work straight away and it was wonderful to see children coming up with solutions to the problems they encountered. Finishing touches will be applied to the toys at the beginning of next week.

Please keep encouraging your children to work through the CGP books which were sent home before Easter. Children who are not going on the residential should have received a letter informing you of the activities that they will be taking part in from Monday 17th – Wednesday 19th June. Please return the permission slips for the beach trip if you haven’t already. We’re also waiting on a few more permission slips for the school disco on 22nd May.

Enjoy you bank holiday weekend!
Best wishes,
The Year 6 Team



Summer 1 - Week 2 - Algebra, check!

Congratulations to Finlay for coming 1st place in Fowey Festival's KS2 Poetry writing competition! Another well done to the Year 6 boys that represented Wadebridge Primary this week in a football tournament; taking home the 2nd place medal. We were visited by the RNLI on Wednesday. They reminded us of the importance of staying safe at the beach and what to do if we got into trouble in the water. 

Over the past couple of weeks, the children have been learning how to incorporate a variety of writing skills into their writing. Some of these skills include descriptive writing, imagery, figurative language, building tension, creating atmosphere and micro-expressions. We have been using the animated video Alma as a stimulus for writing and the children have seemed to really enjoy the genre of this story. We have been very impressed with their writing so far. Next week, they’re putting all the skills together to independently write a narrative.

We’ve been tackling algebra this week and, although many of us felt unsure at the start of the week, the children have grown in confidence. They have demonstrated that they can form algebraic expressions and equations and have solved both 1 and 2-step equations!

We have continued with our Greek Gods and Goddesses collages and the children are producing some colourful, creative pieces of work.

We have started cutting and constructing the frames for our automata toys. The children have also worked in pairs to come up with a design.

Please keep encouraging your children to work through the CGP books which were sent home before Easter. If you haven’t already, please ensure your children’s form for the residential trip is handed back into school next week.

Enjoy you weekend.

Best wishes,
The Year 6 Team



Spring 2 - Week 4 - In the Navy!

On Wednesday, Year 6 were visited by two members of the Royal Navy. We learned about the purpose of the Navy which includes protecting our waters and shipping lanes around the world. They also provide aid and assistance to people who have experienced natural disasters. We completed two activities with them. The first, challenged the children to make a flare and the second to make a tower that had to be: taller that 6 foot, free standing and able to bear the weight of a ‘satellite’. The children demonstrated great team-work, resilience and perseverance when completing these challenges.

This week, the children have been applying the skills they have learned over the past unit of writing to write an ending to our class story ‘Darwin’s Dragons’. This includes using a variety of sentence types to keep their writing interesting and using parenthesis to add extra detail. Next week, they will be drawing upon the book to write their own fantasy fiction stories.

We have spent the past couple of weeks learning about statistics. The children have learned to interpret and draw: line graphs, dual bar charts and pie charts. We finished the unit by learning how to find the mean and how to find the total when given the mean. We’re now moving onto our next unit of learning which is Shape.

In our wider curriculum learning, we have been Geographers! We have compared and contrasted the physical features of Great Britain and the Galapagos Islands. We have also considered the impact that human activity is having on physical geography. We looked at the impact globally and then more specifically on the Galapagos Islands. We carried out an experiment with ice cubes that demonstrated that ice melting will cause sea temperatures to rise. We have also considered our carbon footprint and what we can do to reduce greenhouse emissions.

For homework this week, children need to complete: Punctuating Speech (pages 56 & 57) in their SPaG books and Statistics (pages 82-87 ) in their maths books.

Best wishes,
The Year 6 Team



Spring 2 - Week 1 - Back with a bang! 

On Wednesday, the girls were out of school taking part in ‘Our Girls Can’. They had a full day of sports, including archery, dance and laser tag. The boys stayed in school and completed a number of STEM challenges. They carried out a test of reactions and recoded the data. They were then challenged to complete the ‘egg drop’ where they engineered a carrier that would protect an egg when dropped from a height.

We’ve started a new unit of learning in English focusing on the book ‘Darwin’s Dragons’. This book links to our wider curriculum learning: evolution and inheritance. So far, we’ve made predictions and inferences and written a setting description of the Galápagos Islands.

This week, we’ve been learning how to convert between fractions, decimals and percentages. It’d great to bring all their knowledge together and we’re super impressed with their work ethic.

We’ve continued with our Lino prints – the children have finished carving their designs and have begun to experiment with printing. Tt’s been great to see the children challenging themselves to complete two colour prints.

Our PE day is now Thursday so please ensure children come to school in their PE kit on that day. This half term, the children will be doing Fitness with Mrs Reeve and Hockey with Miss Johnston.

For homework this week, children need to complete: Homophone (pages 96 & 97 in their SPaG books and Equivalent Fractions and Decimals and Fractions, Decimals and Percentages (pages 37, 38 & 39) in their maths books. Please encourage your children to bring their completed homework books back into school as every Friday we talk through the correct answers and give out the next week's sections to be completed. 

Next Wednesday is the Boys Active day!

Enjoy you weekend!
Best wishes,
The Year 6 Team



Spring 1 - Week 6 - feeling artistic! 

Over the past week, we have completed a small unit of learning focused on performance poetry. We watched a selection of brilliant performance poets and developed our own success criteria to answer the question ‘What makes good performance poetry?’. We got into small groups and rehearsed a poem, considering our success criteria. We then performed our poems to our friends down in Year 2 – a big thank you to them for being such a great audience.

We flew through the decimal unit and we’re now linking our learning about fractions and decimals. Soon, we will learn to understand and work out percentages. 

We looked at the work of Mark Hearld and Angela Harding. These two artists create beautiful prints that are inspired by nature. Taking inspiration from their work, the children sketched out their own designs. These designs had to include animals or plants or both! The children then picked their favourite design and traced this onto a linoleum block. They then began to, carefully, carve out their designs. After half term, we will use these blocks to create prints.

We had our final session with Mrs Ball up at Wadebridge School’s sports hall which involved the children taking part in two circuits: a skills circuit and a fitness circuit. The children showed great enthusiasm and determination and they finished their lesson with a huge game of dodgeball which was great fun!

For homework this week, children need to complete: Nouns, Adjectives, Verbs and Adverbs (pages 4, 5, 6 & 7) in their SPaG books and Written Adding and Subtracting (pages 10, 11 & 12) in their maths books. If you haven’t already – please return the permission slip for the ‘our girls can’ day on the first Monday back after half term.

Have a fantastic half term.
Best wishes,
The Year 6 Team



Spring 1 - Week 3 - Snow much fun!

The children were absolutely delighted to see snow falling in school on Thursday morning. Seeing as we very rarely get to see snow, it was only appropriate that they all got an early playtime!



We’ve written our non-chronological reports on the yellow-spotted lizard. The children have done a great job. They’ve managed to write using a formal tone and have included plenty of tier 3 vocabulary. We can’t wait to get these copied up.



We’re still working through our unit of work on ratio. They children are confident in the use of the ratio symbol and have applied their understanding to some very tricky problem solving questions.



We’ve continued to learn about evolution by looking at inherited traits and fossils. We ended the week by reviewing how to classify different animals.



We’ve been given the opportunity to walk up to Wadebridge School for a number of PE lessons. The children thoroughly enjoyed their bench ball lesson with Mrs Ball this week. She commented on how kind the children were to each other which was lovely to hear.


For homework this week, children need to complete: Its and It’s (page 54) in their SPaG books and Ratio, proportion and unequal sharing (pages 42 and 43) in their maths books.


Enjoy the weekend!

Best wishes,

The Year 6 Team


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Our Values...



We are bold and innovative in our approach to find new solutions to the challenges we face.



We are inspired by the awe and wonder of the world.



We take responsibility for our actions in an environment of mutual respect.



We are passionate about learning.



We are the best we can be.



We overcome all barriers to reach our potential, developing a capacity to improve further.

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