Class Blog for Year 6


Welcome to Year Six

Welcome to the Year Six page where you will find out about the great things taking place in our classes.

Home Learning
Maths Fluency: Learning times tables is really important. After all, they’re the building blocks of maths, and with their multiplications mastered, they can do anything! Therefore, each child from Year 2 – Year 6 has a log in for ‘Times Tables Rock Stars’ (TTRS). This is a carefully sequenced programme of daily times tables practise online which helps your child learn their tables in a fun and engaging way. Please encourage your child to log on to TTRS as often as possible. Children’s use of these apps are monitored closely by teachers. Each week, one child per class is awarded the TTRS Champion.

English or Maths Task: Children will be set a task (which should take no longer than 30mins) each week alternating between English and Maths. This will be sent home on a Friday and will need to be returned to your child's class teacher by the following Friday or earlier. If your child has any questions about their home learning, please encourage them to come and see their teacher who will be happy to help.

Wider Curriculum: Each half-term your child will receive an optional Home Learning Grid linking to our Wider Curriculum Topics. Children can choose from this grid as and when they wish. This work may be recorded in a variety of ways, including photos or films that can be emailed to the class teacher. Wider Curriculum homework will be shared and celebrated in class.

Throughout the school, we emphasise developing a love of reading and books. From Reception to Year 6, reading should take place daily. We are happy for children to read their allocated reading book, their school library book or any other reading material. We ask that adults at home note what they have read in their own reading record.

In Year 6, the children are encouraged to take greater responsibility for their own reading. Due to the varying length of books, the children will be responsible for changing their own books weekly. They will be able to change their books during morning work, guided reading sessions and at free reading times. Class teachers keep a record of book changes to support the children and give reminders if needed. 

Our PE lesson with Pro20 is on a Monday. Please ensure that your child wears their PE kit to school every Monday.

This web page will be updated throughout the year with our fortnightly weekly news, termly curriculum maps and other useful information, so please do watch this space!

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Best wishes,

The Year Six Team

 Image Gallery




Autumn Term 1 - Weeks 4 & 5 - Gettin' busy with it!  

We had a busy but an amazing start to Week 4!

On Monday 23rd September, the boys went to the Royal Cornwall Show Ground for ‘Boys Active’ and on Tuesday 24th September the girls went there for ‘Our girls can’. They all had a wonderful time engaging in a range of activities lead by sports leaders from the secondary school. From archery to tag rugby, to mountain biking, it is safe to say the day were packed with fun and laughter.

On Friday 27th September, the children participated in the Macmillan coffee morning, raising money for the charity. The children decorated the hall, brought cakes, make bookmarks and had the chance to beat their parents at games. It was a lovely morning shared by all! Below is a comment from Lexie in 6B:

Today we ran the Macmillan coffee morning, we made money for the charity by selling bookmarks and coasters our class had made. Some people even volunteered and made extra things like scrunchies, pins, and pumpkin teddies. All these contributions were topped off with lots of homemade cakes and sweet treats, as well as coffees and teas specially made by our classes. We thoroughly enjoyed this event from the board games to the quizzes to the talking and hanging out with our parents. This is definitely an excellent event that we would love to be involved in again. We know how much our community appreciate our hard work and efforts!

That evening the fun continued with our Year 6 camp out. All the children came back to school dressed in their PJ’s. We played games, had fish and chips, watched a movie with sweeties and FINALLY went to sleep. It was such an amazing evening and will certainly by a memory that we will cherish forever.


Over the past two weeks, we have started our new learning journey of Poetry. In this journey, the children will explore a range of grammatical skills and knowledge to create their own poems that enhance imagery. The journey is based on the text Rose Blanche by Ian McEwan. So far, in the journey, the children have used their VIPERS skills to explore the text, studied the key features and created their own word banks using figurative language.


In Maths, we have begun our addition, subtraction, multiplication and division learning journey. The children have looked at common factors, common multiples, rules of divisibility and primes to 100. During the lessons, the foundational skills needed have been times tables and the importance of having fluency in them has been highlighted.

Please continue to encourage your children to access TTRS at home. The magic number for TTRS according to them is 21... 21+ minutes of TTRS a week to really promote recall of tables (just over 4 minutes per school day!)

Wider Curriculum

In Wider Curriculum, the children have continued their history journey. Most recently, the children looked at end of the war. They researched into the lead up to D-Day and how VE day came around. As a result, the children created their own newspaper reports where they showed off what they had learnt.

The excitement around this topic has been amazing, we have had so many children share some wonderful facts and learning from home!

Next up is Art, we are looking forward to creating some perspective drawing pieces for our displays. WATCH THIS SPACE.


Another brilliant few weeks in Year Six,

Best Wishes,

The Year Six Team



Autumn Term 1 - Weeks 1, 2, & 3 - Sensational Start to Six! 


In English over the past couple of weeks we have been looking at extending narratives using the text ‘The Lion and The Unicorn’ by Shelley Hughes as a stimulus.

Across the journey, the children have unpicked the text using their VIPERS skills, reminded themselves on the skill of using relative clauses, wrote setting descriptions and diary entries. All of the knowledge explored across this journey resulted in the children extending the narrative by writing an alternative ending.

The children have loved looking at this text as it links nicely to our first wider curriculum theme of WW2. The children have been able to use their topographical knowledge to inform their creative pieces used a wide range of tier one, two and three vocabularies.

We are incredibly proud of their first extended piece of writing and look forward to seeing what they produce in our next learning journey of Poetry – The Power of Imagery!


In Year Six we continue to follow the White Rose Small Steps beginning with our first journey of ‘Place Value’. To begin this learning journey the children, harnessed their prior knowledge to identify, read and write numbers to 1,000,000 and 10,000,000.

The children then looked closely at the powers of 10, this required the children to multiply and divided by 10s, 100s & 1000s. With the Year 5/6 curriculum so closely knitted, the children are very much familiar with the strategies and methods presented and are therefore able to approach more complex reasoning questions.

In this journey, we have also explored rounding any integer, negative numbers and using number lines to 10,000,000. We then ended the journey as we always do with an end of unit assessment. This allows us and the children to see not only their progress in place value but their next steps. From here, the children set themselves new targets for the term.

Wider Curriculum

We have hit the ground running with wider curriculum and the children are certainly on board. As mentioned above, our current theme we are exploring is WW2. Throughout this journey, the children will explore a range of subjects, concepts and knowledge across all areas of the curriculum with links to the overarching theme.

Within each area of the curriculum the children will have enquiry questions that they’ll find the answers too. To begin our journey, we have started with History and our enquiry question is ‘What was the impact if WW2 on the people of Britain?’  

So far, the children have used their chronology skills to sequence key events that took place during WW2.They have investigated what life would have been like during the blitz and the emotions felt by the civilians. They have unpicked the story of Dunkirk, delving into the ‘Dunkirk’ spirit, as well as looking into the roles of women during WW2. They made comparisons between WW2 and today’s roles for women and what impact the war would have had!

It has been wonderful to see the children’s enthusiasm towards our new curriculum theme. WATCH THIS SPACE for our incoming artwork…

Important Reminders:

·        Monday 23rd September – Boys active

·        Tuesday 24th September – Our Girls Can

·        Tuesday 24th September – Boys Swimming

·        Wednesday 25th September – Individual Photos

·        Friday 27th September – Macmillan Coffee Morning

·        Friday 27th September – School Sleepover

Have a wonderful weekend.


Best Wishes,

The Year Six Team


Our Values...



We are bold and innovative in our approach to find new solutions to the challenges we face.



We are inspired by the awe and wonder of the world.



We take responsibility for our actions in an environment of mutual respect.



We are passionate about learning.



We are the best we can be.



We overcome all barriers to reach our potential, developing a capacity to improve further.

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