Welcome to the Year Three page where you will find out about the great things taking place in our classes.
Home Learning
Maths Fluency: Learning times tables is really important. After all, they’re the building blocks of maths, and with their multiplications mastered, they can do anything! Therefore, each child from Year 2 – Year 6 has a log in for ‘Times Tables Rock Stars’ (TTRS). This is a carefully sequenced programme of daily times tables practise online which helps your child learn their tables in a fun and engaging way. Please encourage your child to log on to TTRS as often as possible. Children’s use of these apps are monitored closely by teachers. Each week, one child per class is awarded the TTRS Champion.
Wider Curriculum: Each half-term your child will receive an optional Home Learning Grid linking to our Wider Curriculum Topics. Children can choose from this grid as and when they wish. This work may be recorded in a variety of ways, including photos or films that can be emailed to the class teacher. Wider Curriculum homework will be shared and celebrated in class.
Throughout the school, we emphasise developing a love of reading and books. From Reception to Year 6, reading should take place daily.
In Year 3, reading books will be changed every Thursday. Regular daily reading at home is so very important to help your child in becoming a fluent reader. We encourage parents to read and discuss literature with their children and believe that reading should be a shared experience where possible. We are happy for children to read their allocated reading book, their school library book or any other reading material. We ask that adults at home note what they have read in their own reading record. Please read the information in your child's reading record about how you can support them best when reading at home.
Our PE lesson is on a Tuesday. Please ensure that your child wears their PE kit to school every Tuesday.
This web page will be updated throughout the year with our fortnightly weekly news, termly curriculum maps and other useful information, so please do watch this space!
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Best wishes,
The Year Three Team
Image Gallery
English this week, the children finished writing up their information booklets
all about natural disasters. Exploring
the features of this genre first and planning their booklets have enabled the
children to make their own ones interesting for the reader. They are looking
fantastic, and we cannot wait to share them with you in our PTCs.
Our maths learning journey has been based
around addition and subtraction. The
children have explored adding and subtracting 1s, 10s and 100s in different
ways, using number lines, partitioning and the column method.
To finish our learning journey based around
rocks and natural disasters, the children have explored art based around
waves. First, the children discovered
two artists Maggi Hambling and Katsushika Hokusai. As a class, we discussed
describing their work, how the art made them feel, what was similar and
different about their work, what they noticed about the brush strokes,
textures, colours, feelings and atmosphere, and finally what they think each
artist thought about the sea.
Over the two weeks, the children experimented
with different materials and mediums with creating their own waves. Using a colour wheel, the children trialled
colour combinations to produce a range of tones. Our final challenge was to apply our learned
artist skills to create wave art, using brusho for the background. As true artists, we showcased our art in a
class gallery.
What a fantastic week of learning Year 3 have had!
During our Geography lessons, we have been looking at earthquakes and how we can build earthquake safe buildings. We investigated the rock types around our school grounds. We used magnifying glasses and a rock identification sheet to explore the different rocks that we found.
Year 3 were also excited to receive their adopted Jaguar pets which they worked on in Year 2. Each toy jaguar will be living in one of the Year 3 classroom and we will be naming them next week.
Please don’t forget swimming continues on a Wednesday afternoon until half term and outdoor PE on a Monday up until half term.
Many thanks,
The Year 3 Team
WOW! We had our first swimming lesson last week and children amazed us with their positive attitudes and exemplary behaviour. They represented the school incredibly and we cannot wait for our next sessions.
What a fabulous week of story writing! The children have digested all of their learned knowledge and skills so far in Year 3, to produce their first piece of narrative writing. Using their story plans, maps and through imitating The Beasties, the children have created their own version of the story. We’ve had mythical creatures, rewarding dragons and monstrous sheep to name a few! Their challenge was to use suffixes, speech marks and fronted adverbials. Well done, Year 3, for your wonderful efforts!
We have finished our place value unit by comparing numbers to 1000 and estimating numbers on a number line to 1000. Tricky learning encompassing different counting patterns of 10s, 100s, 5s, 50s and even 40s!
Wider Curriculum
Our learning journey has progressed from Science into Geography. The children have discovered the four layers of the Earth; we learned some incredible facts about each layer too! The children have explored how and where volcanoes are formed, as well as the positive and negative effects of living near a volcano. Did you know that the soil near volcanoes is extremely fertile and the mud can provide benefits to your skin? We continue our learning journey by investigating the causes and impacts of earthquakes.
What a
wonderful start to Year 3! The children
have settled into KS2 life superbly and we are proud of their positive
attitudes towards the challenge.
We have begun our English learning journey with the fiction text ‘The Beasties’.
The children have been learning about lots of Year 3 skills for
writing as well as consolidating lots which were learnt in Key Stage 1.
They are getting ready for their first Key Stage 2 big writes next week and we
can't wait to read their versions of The Beasties!
In Maths, the children are
coming to an end of the Place Value unit and have enjoyed working with concrete
Base 10 equipment as well as Place Value Counters when exploring numbers to
Best wishes,
The Year Three Team
In our Wider Curriculum this half term, our enquiry question is 'What role do rocks play in our everyday lives?'. We have kicked started our learning by diving into Science! We have been learning about the three different types of rocks – igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic. Using our investigation skills, we conducted a rock experiment! Our mission assignment was to explore the formation and properties of sedimentary and metamorphic rocks. During our investigation, we explored the durability, density and permeability of different rock types and used our recording skills to observe and measure our findings. Can you ask your child which rock they found to be the most durable? This experiment led us on to question the suitability of each rock type.
We are bold and innovative in our approach to find new solutions to the challenges we face.
We are inspired by the awe and wonder of the world.
We take responsibility for our actions in an environment of mutual respect.
We are passionate about learning.
We are the best we can be.
We overcome all barriers to reach our potential, developing a capacity to improve further.
© 2025 Bridge Schools trust is a company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales. Registration number 7736425. It is an exempt charity.