Class Blog for Year 2

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Welcome to Year Two!

Welcome to the Year Two Page where you will find out about the great things taking place in our classes. We will update this page on a regular basis with information about our learning.

If you would like to contact us, please email and your email will be forwarded to us.

Please scroll down this page to access our Year 2 blog and see all the wonderful learning we have been doing! Below is some year group information.

Home Learning: please read your school reading book at home at least 3 times a week. Spellings will be sent home on a Monday to practice ready for a test on a Friday. There is an optional home learning grid (attached below), these are activities based on our wider curriculum learning. Throughout the year maths and SPaG (spelling, punctuation and grammar) homework could also be sent home. This will be set on a Monday and to be given in on the Friday of that week.

Changing Reading Books: We will change reading books on a Monday.

PE Days: Monday (extended lesson) - please ensure children wear the collect PE kit and have plenty of water. Thank you!

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Year 2 have been busy in their computing lessons his week. They have explored the app Scratch Jr where they have been using code to create algorithms. Once they worked out what the different colour coding blocks did they were able to create a code to make a fly move realistically across the screen. Once they were happy with the movement they added a loop button which meant the code would repeat over and over. Towards the end of the week the children became more confident with the coding blocks. They used the audio button to record and create jokes to play to their friends.


Landscape layers  

The children have been creating layered landscapes in a series of art lessons. They have been focusing on the art discipline of textiles. First they created a background ensuring the sky and ground weren't just strips at the top and bottom. Then with much concentration and determination, using a needle and thread to create the next layer. This was through creating stitches (regular or irregular) to add detail. For example blue stiched to create waves in the sea. The final layer was adding fabric or embellishments for extra details. The children were very proud of their finished pieces. 


Week 1 Summer 2! 

As we move into the final half term of Year 2, the children are exploring Position and Direction in Maths. We have looked at left, right, up, down, forward, backwards, quarter turn, half turn, three-quarter turn and full turn! Phew. It's been great seeing the children practically explore and articulate where objects are and how they have moved. (See picture: can you look at this question with your child? Can they explain their answer using good mathematical vocabulary?!)

In English we have been looking at books by the same author. We chose to look at Julia Donaldson and have compared two of her books - What the Ladybird Heard on Holiday, and The Snail and the Whale. The children explored similarities and differences between the stories using a Venn diagram. 

We have also been busy in the afternoons with art. We are creating a piece of 'Layered art' by using different materials like paint, pen, fabric and stitching. Results to follow!

Please keep up reading and home, as well as Times Table Rockstars. We will see you all next week.

The Year 2 Team. 


Jam first! 

We just wanted to say how proud we are of Year 2. Over the past few weeks we have been doing our KS1 SATS papers. The children have taken these on with such resilience and confidence. They have been amazing!

So to celebrate this and to celebrate (a week earlier than normal) we ended Summer 1 with a scone picnic outside to celebrate National Scone Day! This was a great link to our Wider Curriculum question 'Did the Cornish do a proper job?'. Safe to safe to say there were sticky fingers all round. See you after the half term holiday.
Many thanks,
Year 2. 



Mines and Mosques!

What a busy week in Year Two! 

In English we have started our Poetry unit. The children explored different types of poetry and had a go at performing some with a focus on expression and actions. They will be writing Tanka poems soon… watch this space.

Continuing with our Topic, ‘Did the Cornish Do a Proper Job?’ we moved on to art and used charcoal and pastels to create texture. We explored textures first by using crayon rubbings, then had a go at using charcoal to recreate the textures we found. The children used marks such as cross hatch, scribbles, dashes, dots and more. The final product was a Cornish Tin Min drawn in charcoal, and the children were very happy with their efforts!

In RE we have been learning about sacred places. First lesson we talked about our special place(s). Homes, beaches, parks were just a few of the special places mentioned. Then we learnt about sacred places in Christianity (churches), Judaism (synagogues) and this week, Mosques (Islam). Today we treated our classroom like a mosque, and removed our shoes and washed our hands as we entered. We then worked out which way was East, as this is the way Muslims pray as it faces Mecca in Saudi Arabia, the sacred place of Islam. A very interactive lesson enjoyed by all! Watch out for their information leaflets about Mosques that will be completed next week. 

Please note, PE is on Monday next week due to the Disco on Wednesday, which children should come to school in party clothes for.

Have a lovely weekend,
The Year 2 team.


Everyday materials  

Year 2 have been scientists this week investigating everyday materials. They started off finding and naming materials in the classroom (glass, plastic, wood, water, metal, rock, brick, paper, fabric). Then they thought about other objects that are also made from the same material. From here they were able to talk about if certain materials are suitable or not suitable for particular items. For example is glass suitable for a hammer? Why is wood suitable for a table? Why is cardboard not suitable for a water bottle? Then they used scientific descriptions to write why these materials or suitable or not suitable (waterproof, stiff, hard, smooth, absorbent, stretchy etc). Towards the end of the week they conducted an experiment to see how different materials can be bent, squashed, twisted and stretched. This helped them to deepen their understanding about the suitability of materials for everyday items and why it is important for some items to have its shape changed. For example, playdough needs to be squashable and elastic in clothing needs to be stretched.

Here is a link to continue the learning at home Everyday materials - KS1 Science - BBC Bitesize

Enjoy the sunny weather!


First few weeks of Summer 1 

A busy couple of weeks!

It’s all go with our new topic, ‘Did the Cornish do a Proper Job?’ The children have completed Geography lessons where they located Wadebridge on a map and explored its locality within Cornwall. They then looked at map symbols and used this knowledge to make their own maps of Wadebridge!

This week we have been Historians and explored the history of the railway in our local area. The children learned that Bodmin and Wenford Railway had a branch line that went through Wadebridge and into Padstow. They were shocked to learn that the Camel trail was once a railway, and is now used by over 500,000 cyclists per year! We then learnt all about Tin Mines and the Tin Miners - the children had to find posters dotted around the classroom to add facts to their Tin Min Fact File. 

In PE we have been fortunate enough to have DT Coaching leading our lessons. They have been working on the pupils Striking and Fielding skills. They will spend a few weeks working on catching and throwing skills before being introduced to modified Cricket and Rounders games.

We are nearing the end of our English unit about the story, ‘The Mousehole Cat’. The children have been busy writing their own versions of the story, and adapting characters and settings. They have been using the 'Boxing up' technique for writing and planning each paragraph before writing it. We are so impressed with their use of vocabulary, adjectives, adverbs and sentence structures!

In maths we are learning about time – a tricky concept at this age, but Year 2 are taking on the challenge! It has been wonderful to hear the children tell each other what time it is throughout the school day!

Please keep up with the reading and times table rockstars at home, it really does make a difference.

Thank you,

The Year 2 Team


Welcome Miss Tiplady! 


My name is Miss Tiplady, I am 22, and I am currently undergoing training with the University of Exeter on a PGCE program to become a teacher. My educational journey began at Wadebridge Primary and later Wadebridge Secondary School, followed by Callywith College in Bodmin. I graduated last summer with a degree in BSc Psychology with Sports Science at Exeter and represented the university in netball and horse riding which are my two main hobbies. Teaching has always been my passion since a young age, and I find immense joy in witnessing the progress students make through my lessons. Building connections with each student and supporting them to reach their full potential brings me great fulfillment!

I look forward to the rest of my time here at Wadebridge Primary Academy until the end of June!

Happy Easter to all of you!

The Year 2 Team 


Rainforest Cafe 

Thank you to all the parents and family members who joined us for our Rainforest café this week. It was wonderful to see the children excited to show you their learning that they have done over this term. There were lots of proud faces from the grown ups too! Thank you for all your kind donations we have raised over £100 that we will be use to hopefully adopt a rainforest animal. The children have been deciding which animal that will be. Not only this, the children did an amazing job in their class assembly to showcase all of their learning which included a powerful song ‘Anthem of the rainforest’.

Don’t forget we have an early finish next week (Thursday) before we break up for the Easter holiday.

Many thanks Year 2


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