Posted 05/03/2025
by Cathrine Pittas
Lots to celebrate.
This week, we have learned about the origins of Shrove Tuesday and Ash Wednesday in addition to learning about and celebrating our patron saint St Piran on St Piran's Day.
It was lovely to welcome our parents and friends into our class. Together, we joined in with a range of activities linked to St Piran.
With World Book Day coming around once more, don't forget to spend your vouchers. Worth the usual £1 or a special addition WBD book!
Don't forget to also visit the Book Fair in the library before and after school. Plenty of goodies to be had by all.
Posted 05/03/2025
by Samantha Davies
Thank you to all those parents who were able to join us this afternoon and to the Cornish Patsy Loveeers for winning our Cornish quiz with a fantastic 28/34!! The children had a wonderful day singing as a school, creating our own Cornish flags with drawings that represent Cornwall for us, learning about who St Piran was and why we celebrate it as well as creating cards for our grown ups. I hope you've all been enjoying the Cornish sunshine and a reminder that tomorrow is World Book Day - don't forget our book fair which raises funds for the children!
Posted 05/03/2025
by Michele Spencer
Depending on what you read - some accounts of St Piran speak of a man who enjoyed being at the centre of the community. He was born in Ireland but was banished by the King of Munster across the Celtic Sea. He amazingly managed to survive and landed on the beautiful North Cornwall coast and made Cornwall his home. As we joined together as a community we celebrated that we have each made Cornwall our home - some of us born here, some of born elsewhere in England and some of us born elsewhere in the world. We are all welcome and have been lucky to make Cornwall our home and St Cleer our community. Thank you celebrating with us and Gool Peran Lowen to all!
Posted 04/03/2025
by Thomas Hazlewood
SPRING 2 in Year 5/6H
It has been so lovely to have some sunshine to start this half term. The children have settled back in brilliantly after half-term and we are enthusiastic to get stuck into our learning.
Our topics for this half term can be found in the overview that I have attached below. In addition to this you will find this half term’s Key Instant Recall Facts (KIRFs) to practice with your child. I have also included the Year 5 and Year 6 recommended reads and statutory spelling lists.
Our PE day has had to change to a THURSDAY – please remember that children should come into school in full PE kit.
We will endeavour to regularly update this blog to give you a flavour of what we have covered in class, and also pass on any important information. To help us with this, please make sure that all permissions are up to date on Arbor so that we can share images as soon as possible.
In preparation for the SATs in May – we have given Year 6 children access to ‘’ which has a range of videos, practice tasks and assessments for each area of the Maths and Grammar curriculum. If you have lost your child’s login then please do get in touch and we can send it to you.
In Upper Key Stage 2, it is important to support the children’s learning at home as much as possible. A reminder that our home learning expectations are:
Daily Reading (15 minutes) – recorded reading record to contribute to a Reading Karate reward
Times-tables and KIRF practice (20 minutes weekly) using TTRS and the KIRF sheets below
Spellings (20 minutes weekly)
Online learning – set on Atom Prime (logins will be stuck into children’s reading record)
As always, if you have any questions or concerns please do get in touch.
All the very best, Mr H and the Year 5/6 team
Posted 04/03/2025
by Andrew Smith
Exciting Learning in Our Class This Term!
This term has been packed with exciting learning opportunities across English, Geography, and PE. From exploring gripping stories to investigating the importance of our oceans and developing new sporting skills, pupils have been engaged, curious, and eager to learn.
English – The Mousehole Cat and The Great Storm
In English, we have been delving into the beautifully written and illustrated book The Mousehole Cat by Antonia Barber. This heartwarming tale, set in the Cornish fishing village of Mousehole, has provided us with a fantastic opportunity to develop our descriptive writing skills.
One of our main focuses has been using fronted adverbials to add variety and depth to our sentences. Pupils have practised structuring their writing with phrases such as With a deafening roar, the waves crashed against the harbour wall and Under the darkened sky, the wind howled through the village streets.
We have also explored figurative language, using similes, metaphors, and personification to describe the terrifying Great Storm that threatens Mousehole. Pupils have crafted vivid descriptions, bringing the storm to life with phrases like: The sea was an angry monster, thrashing and roaring in fury and Lightning split the sky like a jagged scar. We can’t wait to bring all these skills together in our final pieces of descriptive writing!
Geography – Why Oceans Matter
Our Geography unit this term is all about Why Oceans Matter. Pupils will explore:
The importance of oceans for climate, wildlife, and human life.
The role of coral reefs, learning how they provide habitats for marine life and protect coastlines.
The challenges of sea pollution, discussing plastic waste, oil spills, and the impact of human activity on marine ecosystems.
To bring our learning to life, we will end the unit with a field trip to Polzeath Beach, where pupils will carry out a beach debris survey. This hands-on experience will help us understand the effects of pollution and consider ways we can protect our oceans.
PE – Tennis
In PE, we have been developing our tennis skills with the help of Pro 20 coaches. Pupils have been learning essential techniques, including:
Correct grip and stance
Forehand and backhand shots
Controlled rallies and movement around the court
The sessions have been a fantastic way to build coordination, agility, and teamwork. Pupils are making great progress, and we are excited to see their skills improve throughout the term!
It’s been a fantastic start to the term, and we look forward to sharing more of our learning soon!
Posted 04/03/2025
by Andrew Smith
This week, 18 excited pupils from Blisland Primary School kicked off their first session at our brand-new after-school Skateboarding Club, held at TR7 Skatepark. With a rotation of 12 pupils attending each week over six weeks, this club promises to be an exciting opportunity for our young skaters to develop their skills and confidence on the board.
Under the expert guidance of our coach, Chaz, pupils began their skateboarding journey by learning the basics of foot positioning, ensuring they had a solid stance for balance and control. They then practised jumping onto the board with confidence before moving on to pushing and gliding smoothly across the skatepark. It was incredible to see how quickly they picked up these essential skills!
As the session progressed, some pupils even had the chance to take on the ramps, testing their bravery and coordination. Chaz was incredibly patient and inspiring, offering encouragement and support to help everyone feel comfortable and motivated. Whether complete beginners or those with some experience, every pupil made fantastic progress during their first lesson.
A huge thank you to the parents who helped with transport—your support makes opportunities like this possible! Keep an eye out for more updates as our young skaters continue their journey at TR7.
Posted 03/03/2025
by Laura Cole
On Thursday 6th
March, to coincide with World Book Day, Preschool will be launching our new
book sharing scheme.
Families are invited to borrow
from a range of quality books that will be situated in our ‘loan box’ as you
enter Preschool.
We believe that reading sits at
the heart of our school curriculum, and we want to foster a life-long culture
of reading for pleasure.
On the day, each Preschool child will be given a Duloe Academy book bag along with a reading diary. These reading diaries can be used to record the children’s reading (please see attached ‘Reading Karate’ letter).
We would like to invite any
parents/carers who are available to come along to our playgroup session between
9am and 11am next Thursday (dressing up optional!), so we can share the
work we have been doing regarding reading and how you can support your child at
Posted 02/03/2025
by Helen Fitzsimmons
Hello Everyone!
We have really enjoyed our first week of our enquiry question; 'Can I travel by dinosaur?'
In English we have learnt the story 'Gigantosaurus' by Jonny Duddle. We have been using adjectives to describe dinosaurs, using different verbs to explain how dinosaurs move, and using actions to retell the story as a group.
During our maths lessons, Reception have been learning about capacity, while Year 1 have been finding out more about place value. We have been using tens frames, bead strings and tens and ones to represent different 2 digit numbers.
Year 1 have been finding out about the countries and Capital cities in the UK, during their Geography lessons. This week, we focussed on London. Some children were keen to tell us all about trips to London that they have been on. We found out about some famous London landmarks and then located them on a map.
Reception have created a wonderful land for dinosaurs to explore, and they were inspired to add more details and to act out stories in this land, after reading 'Tom and the Dinosaurs' during our daily story time at the end of every day.
I look forward to seeing you next week at our Parent/Teacher meetings.
Have a lovely weekend!
From the Penhallow Team
Posted 02/03/2025
by Jacob Lewis
Posted 02/03/2025
by Anthea Hillman
Posted 28/02/2025
by Alice Wilkie
Welcome back Landaviddy class! We have had a great start to the second half of the Spring Term!
We have been concluding our previous enquiry 'What is Light?' by conducting a bee hunt in the school garden, as part of our Geography fieldwork. During PSHE this week, Year 2 collaborated to design and create their 'dream bird' and Year 3 worked together to design a garden for someone who faced a challenge. The results were fantastic, and of course very colourful!
In PE, we have started Striking and Fielding and Gymnastics which has already proven to be lots of fun! Today in Gymnastics, we explored a range of different shapes using our body. We concluded our enquiry question by completing a Kahoot quiz, which is always popular and recording down everything we have learnt last half term. Well done everyone! Next week, we will be launching our new enquiry 'Can you always see things grow!'.
In Maths, Year 2 have worked hard completing multiplication sentences and making arrays. I was impressed with the confidence shown by everyone! Year 3 have been learning about all this measurement - comparing lengths in metres (m), centimetres (cm) and millimetres (mm).
In English, we have been learning the story of Jack and the Beanstalk, with the intention of eventually writing our own imaginary world narratives. So far, we have been using actions to support our recall of the story and participated in a hot seating task, where we asked and answered questions as if we were the Giant or Jack from the story. We have created story mountains to record the key events of the story and learnt how to punctuate contractions.
Congratulations to Amelia for being chosen as Landaviddy's Person of the Week! And a big well done to Finn for achieving this 44 club badge!
We hope you have a superb weekend and look forward to seeing you on Monday!
Mrs Wilkie, Mrs Phillips, Miss Bowden and Miss Colton
Posted 28/02/2025
by Joanna Rickard
We have had a lovely first week back in pre-school for the beginning of Spring Term 2.
The start of our fairy tale topic has been met with lots of enthusiasm from the children and has inspired lots of magical and mythical play.
Our focus story this week has been ‘Jack and the Beanstalk’, the children have enjoyed the story and used the character puppets during their own play to re tell the story. We have also created our own beanstalk and castle artwork.
We have practised our counting and number recognition with magic beans and used playdoh to make golden eggs and golden coins.
Inside our role play castle, the children have enjoyed sharing lots of different fairy tale books and talking about some of the traditional tales that they know.
This week has seen some early sunny spring weather, which has enabled lots of learning and play outside. We even worked on our gross motor skills by taking a visit to the school tyre park. The children all enjoyed practicing their balancing and climbing in a different area and we will be sure to visit regularly.
Next week sees us enjoy some important dates for our diary -
Tuesday 4th March – Shrove Tuesday. We will enjoy tasting some pancakes during our snack time and talk about why we have pancake day.
Wednesday 5th March – St Piran’s Day. Optional to dress in black and white clothes. We will attend St Piran’s Day Service at the church at 2.30pm.
Thursday 6th March – World Book Day. Optional to dress as a favourite character or in pyjamas. Please be mindful that your child will still be playing and enjoying normal pre-school activities in these costumes, so nothing too precious please! Children can also bring in a favourite book if they wish –please add their name to it. We will try and share as many as possible during the day.
Next week looks to be busy but lots of fun, we hope everyone enjoys the weekend.
The Pre-School Team.
Posted 28/02/2025
by Ben Heasman-Langley
Happy Spring 2 everyone! We hope you had a fabulous break and are feeling fresh for the new term!
It has been a great start back and it has been lovely seeing everybody! Talland are full of energy and have already had an action packed week!
Year 5 have been looking at multiplying fractions by a whole number and calculating the fraction of a quantity. Why not try them out on this brain teaser... What is 1/4 of 20? If they know the answer to that, ask them what 3/4 of 20 is...
Year 4 have just began their fraction unit and have been recognising what a whole is when looking at a fraction.
Everyone has now completed a fantastic top copy of the life cycle of a turtle. They will be very excited to show them off to you next week, I'm sure! We were also extremely fortunate to have a poem specialist and author come in where the children were highly creative and even got to eat their own poems...YUM!
The children completed the screen print art this week. They have turned out brilliantly! Lots of mess equals lots of fun (apparently)!
This term Talland will be working on rounders and gymnastics. They've shown off their roly-poly's and some children made excellent coaches!
That's all from us this week. We hope you have a fantastic weekend and can't wait to see you on Monday!
Signing off from Mr. Langley, Mr. Bishop and Miss. Colton.
Posted 28/02/2025
by Ruth Smith
For our Nursery visit to St Anne's this week we took our new story to share with them.
Our story is 'Brown bear, brown bear, what do you see?' - the children enjoyed sharing it with the Grannies and the Grannies were happy to help with our activity of colouring some pictures of the characters from the story.
We even found a song version on Youtube which we sang along to.
The children always enjoy their special treat of a biscuit and drink at St Anne's and love going to visit them.
As we delve into our new story we shall be looking at the different animals, the colour of their fur, feathers or skin; the habitats that the animals live in and where we would see these animals ourselves.
We will also be learning about our senses and exploring how we use them.
Posted 28/02/2025
by Rebecca Whitty
We have been very busy in our first week back to Pre school!
We welcomed Mrs Evans to Pre school on a Monday and Tuesday morning.
Our topic this half term is 'People who help us' and this week we have been learning all about fire fighters, and how they help us. We created beautiful fire pictures using tin foil to create flames. Next week we are going to learn about dentists and oral health. We are hoping to have a visit from a dental nurse.
This week we have also started to learn our sounds! We follow the RWI nursery program. We follow the same phonics scheme as the school ready for September. This week we looked at 'm' Maisie mountain mountain. Everyone loved this. We also thought of a few words that begin with the sound 'm' - mummy, moon, mouse, monster, mermaid, milk. How clever are they?!
Speaking, of very clever children. This week the very clever super star children have started to learn to write their names. We looked at how we hold our pens and where we start to form each sound. Well done everyone. In a few weeks time I will be sending out a copy for you to have at home.
We have also been loving the beautiful sunshine and been outside in our outside area. If anyone has any plants we could plant we would be very grateful.
Come back next week to see what exciting things we get up to. World book day, St Piranis day and lots lots more!
Miss Whitty, Miss Ronald and Mrs Evans.
Posted 28/02/2025
by Emily Randle
It has been a very busy week in Chaipel, this week.
We had poet and childrens book author Sally Crabtree in to teach us how to compose and write cinquains (a five-line stanza) along the theme of nature. We began by selecting words to create a short piece of poetry, popped them onto a biscuit and then literally ATE OUR WORDS! We had a lovely afternoon and Sally was great.
We have been learning about the demise of Anne Boleyn in English, taking notes about her life and learning some typical Tudor phrases. We will then use these to write a series of diary entries - through the eyes of the then Queen Anne - leading up to her execution on May 19th 1536.
In Maths, Y6s have been learning all they need to know about working with decimals whilst the Y5s have been finding a fraction of an amount and multiplying and dividing fractions with integers.
We have launched our exciting enquiry into Tudor England, where we will be comparing the lives of the poor and rich as well as their places in society. We will be learning a range of sewing techniques in DT, building up to creating a Tudor coin purse as well as researching the history of computers in Computing, finishing by creating an audio advert for a computer of the future!
Congratulations to Dominic and to Freddie and Ava for gaining their BRONZE in 99 Club as well as Isaac and Elsie for being our People of the Week, demonstrating our school values and being excellent role models.
I sent a letter home to ask if the children could bring in an item of clothing from home - on Monday, please - so that we can investigate the material, stitching and how various parts are sewn together.
Have a lovely weekend and see you all on Monday!
Miss Randle, Mrs Clary, Mrs Hodge and Miss Colton.
Posted 28/02/2025
by Helen King
Welcome back to the Spring 2 Term. See attached the knowledge webs for Year 1 and 2 - you can look over what we will be learning this term. Our 'Big Question' in Geography this term is 'What is the weather like in the UK?'
This week we have started learning how to write weather forecasts in our English lessons. Math's, the Year 2's have started to learn about multiplication (we've already been learning our 2 times tables).
For our geography knowledge harvest, we came up with questions we want to answer about the weather.
Art on Friday we investigated making secondary colours out of primary colours - we had great fun!
Posted 28/02/2025
by Katie Grinsted
What a wonderful start to the second half of the spring term. We have all absolutely loved the sunshine towards the end of the week! Our EYFS children have really made the most of the spring like weather and have been enjoying lots of time outside. We have been tidying up our garden after a very wet spell and getting stuck in to some large construction play. There have been some incredible designs from police stations to a fully functioning plumbing system! As usual we have made plenty of time for stories and we have all loved getting absorbed in our new 'Oi Frog' series. The rhyming stories have had us laughing together as well as helping us to learn lots of new vocabulary. Every single Tregantle child was a writer this week when they used their knowledge of the 'Oi Frog' stories to label different animals and objects from the story.
Our Amazing Year 1 children have been learning all about primary and secondary colours in their art lesson this week. They used primary coloured play dough to mix and create new shades and colours. We have seen some amazing weather reports from our year 1 writers as they embarked on their new topic 'What is the Weather like in the UK.' It's been a really good week to explore lots of different types of weather! We are really looking forward to recording our weather reports next week!
Posted 28/02/2025
by Sarah Evans
February was a short month with half term but we still managed to have fun learning new things.
After half term we introduced our new question - 'Where Do We Live?'. We wrote some questions about what we would like to find out including 'Where does the Tamar river start and finish?'.
Then we learnt about the difference between physical and human features to help us when exploring our local area.
In DT we completed our aeroplanes, have a look at the photos, they are fabulous!
In music we are learning to play the glockenspiel. We have learnt how to play B and A and we are hoping to be able to play 'Hot Cross Buns' in time for Easter!
In art we have started a new unit on drawing and sketchbooks. This week we practised drawing different types of lines and patterns.
In literacy we have been writing poems based on the book 'I Love Bugs' by Emma Dodd. We wrote some amazing poems of our own called 'I Love Pets.'
Posted 28/02/2025
by Rebecca Hughes
The first week back to school is over already! What a quick
The children have amazed us at how well they come back to
school enthused and ready to learn!
Our big question this half term is: Who Made These
This week we have been exploring the life of Amelia Earhart.
The children explored how she brought her own plane at the age of 22 and called
it the Canary- it was yellow! The children loved learning that Amelia was the
first lady to fly solo across the Atlantic Ocean.
The children have been creating planes from pasta, colouring
in the canary plane, learning how to make paper airplanes and flying them
outside, learning how to draw a plane step by step and so much more.
In English this week we started to read the story of Jack
and the Beanstalk; we all loved this story! We read a few different versions
and even watched a musical version too! The children learnt the story through
role play and a story map and then used their own story maps to sequence and
retell the story using amazing oracy skills!
In maths this week we have been combining two groups. The
children have worked so hard and progressed so well with their early addition
stories. We also continue to sing our 2-, 5- and 10-times table songs daily.
The children’s reading has been fantastic this week in
phonics. We have been learning digraphs /or/ and /ur/.
In outdoor learning this week we had outlines of footprints and we collected daisy's, grass and leaves to fill the footprints in, we then went on a footprint hunt around the edge of the school field!
Next week we look forward to pancake day, St Piran’s Crafternoon
with the parents and World Book Day!
Have a wonderful weekend
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