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Head's Blog   Friday 13 September 2024

Posted 13/09/2024
by Chris Wathern

The beginning of the year is always busy getting back into the swing of things and mapping out all our learning and opportunities. It is also the time we elect or select our student leadership. This week, Mrs Orme met with our newly elected School Council. Our Year 6 children heard about the new responsibilities our House Captains will undertake this year. Mrs Orme and I look forward to their ‘interviews’ next week.

Alongside these roles, we also have other opportunities for student leadership, such as: Eco Council, Reading Ambassadors and Year 5/6 Play Leaders. In the next couple of weeks, we will also be pairing up all our Year 5 and Big Nursery children, and our Year 6 and Reception children as ‘Buddies’. We look forward to supporting our youngest and eldest children develop confidence and empathy throughout the year together.

I was also pleased to meet the new Headteacher of Wadebridge School, Mr Mat Winzor. We toured our school and had a positive meeting about working together. Both schools are really invested in serving our community – exciting times ahead! Mrs Orme and I look forward to visiting Wadebridge School in October to take part in a Learning Walk and meet some of our former Year 6 students now in Year 7.

Coffee Morning – The Year Ahead

It was fantastic seeing so many parents this morning and being able to share our school development priorities and get feedback. If you couldn’t make it, the presentation slides have been emailed to you. We will be holding Coffee Mornings roughly every fortnight throughout the year - check out the dates emailed out today and on the Events section of our website. Some are just a social occasion and some have an additional workshop attached. We hope to see you there. 

Meet the Teacher Presentations
Thank you for attending our recent Meet the Teacher presentations. If you couldn’t make it, we have uploaded all the slides to your child’s Class Page on our website. Thank you for the positive feedback as well as suggestions about timings/supervision for your children during this event. This is certainly something we will look at next year.

Asda App
If you have the Asda rewards app, your shopping will convert into money for our school. 

The Great Wadebridge Primary Academy Quiz, Friday 18th October 7pm, Town Hall
Why not get a team together, get those thinking caps on and join us for a fun evening of quizzing at The Great Wadebridge Primary Academy Quiz being held at Wadebridge Town Hall. This quiz is being organised by FOWPA and will be run by everyone’s favourite quiz master, Robin Moorcroft. There will be a bar on the night, prizes for the winning teams and a raffle where you can win some beautiful hampers, filled with lots of goodies. Our last quiz sold out in days and there are limited numbers so get your table booked early to avoid disappointment! £20 per table, max of six people.
All proceeds go to Wadebridge Primary Academy.
Thank you!
The FOWPA team

Please complete the necessary orange medical form from the office and ensure any medication is handed in to the office or your child’s teacher.

Bridge Kids and Nursery Vacancies

We are currently recruiting for Bridge Kids After School Club Assistants and Nursery Teaching Assistants. Please see the Vacancies page on our website for more information.

Extra-Curricular Activities (ECAs)
Don’t forget to sign up for ECAs by Sunday. This week, you will have also received information about DT Sports. DT Sports are one of our external providers also used to support the teaching of PE and sport. Their after school ECAs start next week and it isn’t too late to sign up!

Wishing you a fantastic (and warm) weekend. 


Year 4   Welcome to our first week back!

Posted 10/09/2024
by Janet Keat

Welcome to Year 4!

It has been lovely to see everyone back at school this week and everyone in Year 4 has been raring to get going with their new learning.

Traveling back in time! 

This term, our History topic is all about the Victorians and how they lived, travelled and invented. We kicked our learning off by examining some interesting Victorian documents and we discovered quite a lot about Queen Victoria’s life. Take a look at the 1881 census – we discovered that although Victoria was the Queen of England, her husband, Prince Albert, was still the ‘Head of the household’!  We wondered how Queen Victoria would have felt about that!

We will continue to become great historians as we discover what it was like to be poor in Victorian times especially if you ended up in the workhouse.


We were all very keen to share the activities that we’d been up to in the holiday and so we thought that it would be great to write a poem however, we decided to put a clever twist to our ideas.  Instead of writing a poem about what we did do in the holiday, we let our imaginations run wild and wrote about what we didn’t do!

You can read some of the ideas here.


We always start a new year off by revisiting ‘Place Value’. We worked with numbers up to 10,000 and got to grips with what happens when a number is partitioned and what happens to each digit when it’s multiplied and divided by 10, 100 and 1000.


As you can tell, even though it was a short week, we packed a lot of great learning into our first days back!  We have a lot of interesting and exciting things planned for our forthcoming year and we are looking forward to seeing the children develop.

Best wishes for the Year 4 Team





Head's Blog   Welcome back everyone!

Posted 06/09/2024
by Chris Wathern

The children have only been in for three days but have settled brilliantly. Our theme this week was ‘Super Start’ – and what a fantastic start it has been. We also heard in the summer break that we achieved EcoSchools Green Flag status and ‘Gold’ for our School Games Mark application. Congratulations to Mrs Harrison and our Eco Council, and Mr O’Dwyer and our Sports Leaders for all their hard work.

Coffee Morning – Next Friday 13th September 08:45 (Hall)
I’m looking forward to our first coffee morning of the year – everyone is welcome. I’ll be sharing some of our plans for the year. One change already introduced is the new play and lunchtime arrangements. Despite the difficulties with the canteen oven (a big thank you to the team for managing this setback) having all children eating and socialising in the Hall has been wonderful. If you can’t make the coffee morning, I’ll be sharing the slides via email/website. We will be holding coffee mornings approximately every fortnight throughout the year as well as many new opportunities for parents to get involved. More on this next Friday. 

Back to school and need some bigger or spare uniform bits? FOWPA is having a second hand uniform sale outside on Thursday 12th September after school and Friday 13th September in the Hall at the Coffee Morning. Items are £1 each with all proceeds helping FOWPA support our school. We welcome any clean, good condition uniform that you would like to donate. Please drop them into the box in the main entrance.

Thank you for your support!
From the FOWPA Team

Music Lessons

Music lessons with our external teachers begin next week. Don’t forget your instruments!

School Crossing Patrol
We’ve been informed by Cormac that from today there will be no patroller on Gonvena Hill, until further notice. If you know of anyone who may be interested in this important role, please contact the School Crossing Patrol Coordinator:

Meet the Teacher
An opportunity to meet your child’s class teacher, talk to other parents in the class and learn more about the year ahead.

Tuesday 10th September – Class 3W only

Wednesday 11th September – All other Classes (not Class 3W)
15:10 – 15:30 Reception, Year 1 and Year 2
15:30 – 15:50 Year 3-6
15:50 – 16:10 Year 3-6 (repeated session)

Bridge Kids and Nursery Vacancies
We are currently recruiting for Bridge Kids After School Club Assistants. Please see the Vacancies page on our website for more information.
Additionally, we have two vacancies to join our existing Nursery team. These positions will be advertised on Monday on our Vacancies page.

Extra-Curricular Activities (ECAs)
Next week we will be sharing details on how to sign up for our teacher-led Term 1 ECAs for Y1-6 (running from Monday 23rd September-Friday 6th December). We also have a number of external providers offering paid ECAs (Pro20, DT Sports and Dance) who organise these separately directly with parents. As soon as we have information from them, we will pass on. You should have received an email about Pro20, which starts on Monday.

Coming up next week:

Monday 9th September
09:30 & 10:30 Nursery Stay and Play

Tuesday 10th September
Nursery begins
15:20 – 15:40 Meet the Teacher (Class 3W only)

Wednesday 11th September

Meet the Teacher (All other classes - not Class 3W):
15:10 – 15:30 Reception, Year 1 and Year 2
15:30 – 15:50 Year 3-6
15:50 – 16:10 Year 3-6 (repeated session)

Thursday 12th September
15:00 FOWPA Uniform Sale (Outside)

Friday 13th September
08:45-09:15 Coffee Morning and FOWPA Uniform Sale (Hall)

Wishing you a fantastic weekend.



Posted 01/09/2024
by Chris Wathern

Welcome to Little Bridges Nursery

We are delighted that you are interested in our Nursery for children aged 2 to 4 years. Please do have a look through the blog to find out about the exciting learning taking place in Big and Little Nursery.

We have two rooms in our Nursery provision here at Wadebridge Primary Academy.

Our ‘Little Nursery’ provides a specialist learning environment for our 2-3 year olds and is run by our expert practitioners: Miss Walby (Room Leader), Mrs Lang and Mrs Woodman.

Our 3-4 year olds learn and explore in our ‘Big Nursery’ environment and is run by our expert practitioners: Mrs Divall (Nursery Manager), Mrs O'Dwyer, Mrs Smith and Miss Thomas.

Our Opening Hours
We are open term time between 8:30-14:45/15:00. We offer 15 hour funded spaces for all children who are 3 and 4 years old. We can also offer 30 hour funded spaces for families who are eligible. For some families with 2 year olds we can also offer 15 hours free funding. The 15 hours of funding is flexible and can be used from 08:30-14:45/15:00 throughout the week.
There is an additional charge should you require Nursery beyond taking your eligible funded hours.

Little Nursery (per hour) £5.90

Big Nursery (per hour) £5.40

The following link explains how you can apply for help with your childcare costs:



Posted 01/09/2024
by Chris Wathern

Welcome to Reception

Welcome to the Reception page where you will find out about the great things taking place in our classes.

This web page will be updated throughout the year with our fortnightly weekly news, termly curriculum maps and other useful information, so please do watch this space! Please also regularly check SeeSaw to see the exciting learning we have been doing in school.

Learning in Reception
As you know, children in Reception are on the Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum (EYFS). This curriculum is predominantly play-based and celebrates the whole child’s learning and development in a holistic approach. Our planning comes from the children - through careful observations and assessments of their play, noting the gaps in their knowledge and primarily from their interests in an overarching ‘topic’.

In school, we typically have a daily 30-minute phonics lesson, a 30-minute maths lesson and a short topic taught session. In addition to this, we have 10 minutes reading a day. We support the children’s writing development with weekly small group guided writing sessions. This is where the children can apply their skills and knowledge of letters and sounds from their daily phonics lessons. The rest of the day is child-initiated play in the learning environments inside and outside. We call this COOL time (Choosing Our Own Learning)! This allows children the time for totally uninterrupted play; they can apply their learning from the taught sessions in a range of different activities and contexts. This ensures the learning is meaningful to them and that it becomes embedded. We try to ensure that the children have a minimum of 1.5 hours in the morning and the same again in the afternoon.

In line with our school values, we promote the Characteristics of Effective Learning through our learning characters; use of the following learning skills; Ideas Iguana (Creativity), Have a Go Hippo (Enthusiasm) and Keep Going Koala (Determination).

Morning routines
Each morning, we ask that the children are dropped off at the green gate into the Reception area between 08:30 and 08:45. The children will then independently enter their classroom to organise their belongings and get ready for an exciting day of learning. This time of day is a busy time for teachers so we ask that any messages are passed on via the teacher on duty who will then pass the information on to the class teacher. If you have any further concerns or questions then an appointment can be made via the office.

End of day routines
At the end of the day, please come to the same green gate at 15:10, so that we can dismiss your child to you and pass over any messages about the day. If you are ever unable to collect your child, please either phone the office or pass it on to the teacher on the gate in the morning. We will not send any child home with anyone different unless we have had a message to do so and the adult has your collection password.

Things to bring to school
Full school uniform, a waterproof coat, pair of wellington boots, book bag with reading record and book, and a water bottle. In the summer months, please bring a hat and sun-cream. We also kindly ask you to leave a spare pair of clothes on their pegs just in case they are need to change or have an accident. Please ensure that every item is clearly named – including water bottles and packed lunch boxes.

Reading books - changed on a Monday and Thursday / library books on a Monday

Throughout the school, we emphasise developing a love of reading and books. From Reception to Year 6, reading should take place daily. Your child will soon receive a reading packet and a reading record. It is really important that these are brought into school every day in their book bags. We will change your child’s reading book every Monday and Thursday. By practising re-reading the same book over a few days, it will help your child to become more confident with the text and fluent. The children will visit our wonderful school library on a Monday morning, where they will get to choose their very own book to take home! They will need to return their library back to school every Monday morning, in order to change it for a new one. We kindly ask you support your child with taking good care of our reading and library books at home, so that we can keep them in a nice condition for everyone to enjoy.

PE - Every Monday and Wednesday
As independent changing for PE is part of the of the Early Years curriculum, we will be supporting and encouraging children to get changed for PE at school. Please leave your child’s P.E kit on their peg. We will send home the kits for regular washing.

Free fruit will be provided for all of the children in Reception. However, if your child would like to bring their own fruit then they are more than welcome to. We kindly ask you to bring in a snack for the afternoons. In order to promote healthy eating, we do ask that children only bring fruit to school.

The children are entitled to receive a free school lunch each day. Please ensure you order your child’s lunch via ParentPay. Alternatively, your child is welcome to bring their own packed lunch.

We know that the children often get up to some amazing things out of school too. If you have visited somewhere interesting or achieved an award (swimming, karate etc.) then please let us know and upload onto SeeSaw. We love to celebrate all types of learning and achievements. We share WOW moments and whole class special events, as well as key milestones of learning and development on the individual child on SeeSaw. We look forward to letting you know more about Reception soon and sharing pictures and learning with you.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Best wishes,

The Reception Team


Year 6  

Posted 01/09/2024
by Chris Wathern

Welcome to Year Six

Welcome to the Year Six page where you will find out about the great things taking place in our classes.

Home Learning
Maths Fluency: Learning times tables is really important. After all, they’re the building blocks of maths, and with their multiplications mastered, they can do anything! Therefore, each child from Year 2 – Year 6 has a log in for ‘Times Tables Rock Stars’ (TTRS). This is a carefully sequenced programme of daily times tables practise online which helps your child learn their tables in a fun and engaging way. Please encourage your child to log on to TTRS as often as possible. Children’s use of these apps are monitored closely by teachers. Each week, one child per class is awarded the TTRS Champion.

English or Maths Task: Children will be set a task (which should take no longer than 30mins) each week alternating between English and Maths. This will be sent home on a Friday and will need to be returned to your child's class teacher by the following Friday or earlier. If your child has any questions about their home learning, please encourage them to come and see their teacher who will be happy to help.

Wider Curriculum: Each half-term your child will receive an optional Home Learning Grid linking to our Wider Curriculum Topics. Children can choose from this grid as and when they wish. This work may be recorded in a variety of ways, including photos or films that can be emailed to the class teacher. Wider Curriculum homework will be shared and celebrated in class.

Throughout the school, we emphasise developing a love of reading and books. From Reception to Year 6, reading should take place daily. We are happy for children to read their allocated reading book, their school library book or any other reading material. We ask that adults at home note what they have read in their own reading record.

In Year 6, the children are encouraged to take greater responsibility for their own reading. Due to the varying length of books, the children will be responsible for changing their own books weekly. They will be able to change their books during morning work, guided reading sessions and at free reading times. Class teachers keep a record of book changes to support the children and give reminders if needed. 

Our PE lesson with DT Coaching is on a Tuesday. Please ensure that your child wears their PE kit to school every Tuesday.

This web page will be updated throughout the year with our fortnightly weekly news, termly curriculum maps and other useful information, so please do watch this space!

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Best wishes,

The Year Six Team


Year 5  

Posted 01/09/2024
by Chris Wathern

Welcome to Year Five

Welcome to the Year Five page where you will find out about the great things taking place in our classes.

Home Learning
Maths Fluency: Learning times tables is really important. After all, they’re the building blocks of maths, and with their multiplications mastered, they can do anything! Therefore, each child from Year 2 – Year 6 has a log in for ‘Times Tables Rock Stars’ (TTRS). This is a carefully sequenced programme of daily times tables practise online which helps your child learn their tables in a fun and engaging way. Please encourage your child to log on to TTRS as often as possible. Children’s use of these apps are monitored closely by teachers. Each week, one child per class is awarded the TTRS Champion.

English or Maths Task:
Children will be set a task (which should take no longer than 30mins) each week alternating between English and Maths. This will be sent home on a Friday and will need to be returned to your child's class teacher by the following Friday or earlier. If your child has any questions about their home learning, please encourage them to come and see their teacher who will be happy to help.

Wider Curriculum:
Each half-term your child will receive an optional Home Learning Grid linking to our Wider Curriculum Topics. Children can choose from this grid as and when they wish. This work may be recorded in a variety of ways, including photos or films that can be emailed to the class teacher. Wider Curriculum homework will be shared and celebrated in class.

Throughout the school, we emphasise developing a love of reading and books. From Reception to Year 6, reading should take place daily. We are happy for children to read their allocated reading book, their school library book or any other reading material. We ask that adults at home note what they have read in their own reading record.

In Year 5, the children are encouraged to take greater responsibility for their own reading. Due to the varying length of books, the children will be responsible for changing their own books weekly. They will be able to change their books during morning work, guided reading sessions and at free reading times. Class teachers keep a record of book changes to support the children and give reminders if needed.

Our PE lesson with Pro20 is on a Monday. Please ensure that your child wears their PE kit to school every Monday. 

This web page will be updated throughout the year with our fortnightly weekly news, termly curriculum maps and other useful information, so please do watch this space!

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Best wishes,

The Year Five Team


Year 4  

Posted 01/09/2024
by Chris Wathern

Welcome to Year Four

Welcome to the Year Four page where you will find out about the great things taking place in our classes.

Home Learning
Maths Fluency: Learning times tables is really important. After all, they’re the building blocks of maths, and with their multiplications mastered, they can do anything! Therefore, each child from Year 2 – Year 6 has a log in for ‘Times Tables Rock Stars’ (TTRS). This is a carefully sequenced programme of daily times tables practise online which helps your child learn their tables in a fun and engaging way. Please encourage your child to log on to TTRS as often as possible. Children’s use of these apps are monitored closely by teachers. Each week, one child per class is awarded the TTRS Champion.

Wider Curriculum: Each half-term your child will receive an optional Home Learning Grid linking to our Wider Curriculum Topics. Children can choose from this grid as and when they wish. This work may be recorded in a variety of ways, including photos or films that can be emailed to the class teacher. Wider Curriculum homework will be shared and celebrated in class.

Throughout the school, we emphasise developing a love of reading and books. From Reception to Year 6, reading should take place daily. We are happy for children to read their allocated reading book, their school library book or any other reading material. We ask that adults at home note what they have read in their own reading record.

In Year 4, the children are encouraged to take greater responsibility for their own reading. Due to the varying length of books, the children will be responsible for changing their own books weekly. They will be able to change their books during morning work, guided reading sessions and at free reading times. Class teachers keep a record of book changes to support the children and give reminders if needed.

Our PE lesson is on a Monday. Please ensure that your child wears their PE kit to school every Monday.

This web page will be updated throughout the year with our fortnightly weekly news, termly curriculum maps and other useful information, so please do watch this space!

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Best wishes,

The Year Four Team


Year 3  

Posted 01/09/2024
by Chris Wathern

Welcome to Year 3

Welcome to the Year Three page where you will find out about the great things taking place in our classes.

Home Learning
Maths Fluency: Learning times tables is really important. After all, they’re the building blocks of maths, and with their multiplications mastered, they can do anything! Therefore, each child from Year 2 – Year 6 has a log in for ‘Times Tables Rock Stars’ (TTRS). This is a carefully sequenced programme of daily times tables practise online which helps your child learn their tables in a fun and engaging way. Please encourage your child to log on to TTRS as often as possible. Children’s use of these apps are monitored closely by teachers. Each week, one child per class is awarded the TTRS Champion.

Wider Curriculum: Each half-term your child will receive an optional Home Learning Grid linking to our Wider Curriculum Topics. Children can choose from this grid as and when they wish. This work may be recorded in a variety of ways, including photos or films that can be emailed to the class teacher. Wider Curriculum homework will be shared and celebrated in class.

Throughout the school, we emphasise developing a love of reading and books. From Reception to Year 6, reading should take place daily. 

In Year 3, reading books will be changed every Thursday. Regular daily reading at home is so very important to help your child in becoming a fluent reader. We encourage parents to read and discuss literature with their children and believe that reading should be a shared experience where possible. We are happy for children to read their allocated reading book, their school library book or any other reading material. We ask that adults at home note what they have read in their own reading record. Please read the information in your child's reading record about how you can support them best when reading at home. 

Our PE lesson is on a Friday. Please ensure that your child wears their PE kit to school every Friday. 

This web page will be updated throughout the year with our fortnightly weekly news, termly curriculum maps and other useful information, so please do watch this space!

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Best wishes,

The Year Three Team


Year 2  

Posted 01/09/2024
by Chris Wathern

Welcome to Year Two

Welcome to the Year Two page where you will find out about the great things taking place in our classes.

Home Learning
Maths Fluency: Learning times tables is really important. After all, they’re the building blocks of maths, and with their multiplications mastered, they can do anything! Therefore, each child from Year 2 – Year 6 has a log in for ‘Times Tables Rock Stars’ (TTRS). This is a carefully sequenced programme of daily times tables practise online which helps your child learn their tables in a fun and engaging way. Please encourage your child to log on to TTRS as often as possible. Children’s use of these apps are monitored closely by teachers. Each week, one child per class is awarded the TTRS Champion.

Wider Curriculum: Each half-term your child will receive an optional Home Learning Grid linking to our Wider Curriculum Topics. Children can choose from this grid as and when they wish. This work may be recorded in a variety of ways, including photos or films that can be emailed to the class teacher. Wider Curriculum homework will be shared and celebrated in class.

Throughout the school, we emphasise developing a love of reading and books. From Reception to Year 6, reading should take place daily. Regular daily reading at home is so very important to help your child in becoming a fluent reader. We encourage parents to read and discuss literature with their children and believe that reading should be a shared experience where possible. We are happy for children to read their allocated reading book, their school library book or any other reading material.

In Year 2, reading books will be changed every Monday. We ask that adults at home note what they have read in their own reading record. Please read the information in your child's reading record about how you can support them best when reading at home.

Our extended PE lesson is on a Wednesday (including a session with DT Sports). Please ensure that your child wears their PE kit to school every Wednesday.

This web page will be updated throughout the year with our fortnightly weekly news, termly curriculum maps and other useful information, so please do watch this space!

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Best wishes,

The Year Two Team


Year 1  

Posted 01/09/2024
by Chris Wathern

Welcome to Year One

Welcome to the Year One page where you will find out about the great things taking place in our classes.

Home Learning
Each child has a Phonics folder that is included within their reading packet. This folder has key information about Phonics along with grapheme charts and tricky words. Each week, the children will be sent home with Phonics learning, in addition to regular reading.

Each half-term your child will receive an optional Home Learning Grid linking to our Wider Curriculum Topics. Children can choose from this grid as and when they wish. This work may be recorded in a variety of ways, including photos or films that can be emailed to the class teacher. Wider Curriculum homework will be shared and celebrated in class.


Throughout the school, we emphasise developing a love of reading and books. From Reception to Year 6, reading should take place daily. Regular daily reading at home is so very important to help your child in becoming a fluent reader. We encourage parents to read and discuss literature with their children and believe that reading should be a shared experience where possible. We are happy for children to read their allocated reading book, their school library book or any other reading material.

In Year 1, reading books will be changed every Monday. We ask that adults at home note what they have read in their own reading record. Please read the information in your child's reading record about how you can support them best when reading at home. Please ensure that reading packets are kept in your child's book bag throughout the week.

Our extended PE lesson is on a Thursday (including a session with DT Sports). Please ensure that your child wears their PE kit to school every Thursday.

This web page will be updated throughout the year with our fortnightly weekly news, termly curriculum maps and other useful information, so please do watch this space!

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Best wishes, 

The Year One Team


Head's Blog   End of term

Posted 23/07/2024
by Chris Wathern

Farewell to Staff
During our assembly this morning, we said farewell to Mrs Lee Elkins, Mrs Jeffry, Miss Warren and Ms May.

As mentioned a few weeks ago, they have collectively given so many years to our school.

We had poems, cards, presents and films to say a huge thank you to such a talented and dedicated group of staff. We will miss them very much.

Year 6 Leavers
Last night Year 6 had their Leavers’ Prom – what an amazing evening despite the Cornish mizzle! It was lovely seeing them celebrate their final year of primary school having fun at the outdoor disco; in the face paint booth; tackling the inflatable assault course and tasting all the wonderful doughnuts provided by Barnecutts (after their fish and chips supper). A special thank you to the Year 6 team for organising such a special evening. Alongside their assembly this morning, they did themselves very proud at their recent performance as well as letting their hair down on the Slip ‘n’ Slide trip. We wish them all the very best as they transition to secondary school.

Year 2 Cornish WOW Day

To celebrate the end of their Cornwall topic, 'Did the Cornish do a Proper Job?' Year 2 had a day full of Cornish activities! They sang a special WPA version of 'Cornwall My Home' to start the day, then designed Cornish tea towels and played Cornish games that consisted of Welly Wanging and Tug of War. The Maids and the 'Ansomes had a brilliant day topped off with Cornish pasties in the afternoon. This term the children have learnt the Helston Flora dance and the history of the railway in and around Wadebridge. They also learnt how children worked in the tin mines and that conditions were very dangerous. The children did not fancy doing that job! We feel that Year 2 now have a better understanding of the county they live in, and are proud of the culture that is around them.

Gwres da Year 2! (Well done, Year 2)

September Opening Times

From September, the gates in the morning will be open at the following times for children to come into school:

08:25 Nursery gate opens
08:30-08:45 Reception to Year 6 gate opens

Please note that children arriving before these times won’t be supervised; thank you for your co-operation.

Thank you!
A special thank you to our children. You have achieved great things and shown so much perseverance this year. You can do anything you put your mind to and we all look forward to being part of your ongoing learning journey.

None of this would be possible without the support and dedication of a fantastic team of staff. Thank you to the team! I wish them a well-deserved summer break.

A final thanks to you, our parents; your incredible support is so valued.

On behalf of everyone at WPA, I hope you have a truly restful summer break. For those who are moving on, we wish you the very best and hope WPA has provided many fulfilling memories. For all those families returning, we look forward to seeing you back at school on Wednesday 4th September (Nursery opens on Tuesday 10th September).

With very best wishes,
Chris Wathern


Year 3   Fun Friday!

Posted 21/07/2024
by Chris Wathern

Both Year 3 classes experienced some outdoor education this week and learnt how to make their own fires. 

All groups were successful in lighting their own fires with the flint before roasting our tasty marshmallows over the campfire. 

Thank you for being such an amazing cohort and enjoy Year 4!

From the Year 3 Team 


Year 2  

Posted 19/07/2024
by Luke O Dwyer

Cornish WOW Day

To celebrate the end of their Cornwall topic, 'Did the Cornish do a Proper Job?' Year 2 had a day full of Cornish activities! We sang a special WPA version of 'Cornwall My Home' to start the day, then designed Cornish tea towels and played Cornish games that consisted of Welly Wanging and Tug of War. The Maids and the 'Ansomes had a brilliant day topped of with Cornish Pasties in the afternoon!

This term the children have learnt the Helston Flora dance and the history of the railway in and around Wadebridge. They also learnt how children worked in the tin mines and that conditions were very dangerous. The children did not fancy doing that job! We feel that Year 2 now have a better understanding of the County they live in, and are proud of the culture that is around them.

Gwres da Year 2! (Well done, Year 2)


Head's Blog   Summer 2, Week 6

Posted 12/07/2024
by Chris Wathern

Art Week
We certainly haven’t been slowing down towards the end of the school year at WPA. This week, alongside all the other teaching and learning taking place, we had a special Art themed week: Cultures of the World. There was a creative vibe around the school with projects that involved mixed media. The children produced fantastic 3-D sculptures using natural materials and clay. In other classes, children created sketchbook mood boards which led to textile designs and many other imaginative projects. Take a look at the photos on this blog to see a sample of some of the art work from around the school. We think you’ll agree, it’s amazing!

Trust Visit
This week, we also had a visit from some other leaders in our Trust: our Area Executive Headteacher, Sarah Sanson and Lynn Nash, Headteacher at Delaware and Gunnislake. They joined Mrs Orme and myself on a learning walk around the school and met with some of our pupils to discuss their day-to-day experiences. It was a very worthwhile morning to gain an external perspective on how well we are doing and what we can do together to continually improve. This is a model all Headteachers are part of in the Trust, and I’m looking forward to visiting one of the Trust schools next term.

Celebration Assembly
In this week’s Celebration Assembly, we put the finishing touches to a whole school song we are recording next week for Mrs Giles’ Celebration of Life. We chose Rule the World by Take That, as it was one of Mrs Giles’ favourites. The whole school sing the song so beautifully with solos from Elowyn and Oscar.

We also made a surprise phone call home when announcing this week’s Headteacher Award, but I’ll let the children talk to you about that.

Whole School Successes
We strongly believe in a holistic and rounded education for our children. Academic success goes hand in hand with the personal and emotional wellbeing/development of our young people. When you get this right, amazing things can happen that transform young peoples’ lives. As you may be aware, schools have to report data at the end of EYFS, Year 1 phonics and end of KS2 SATs. I’m pleased to share that across all these milestones, our children achieved at least in line with the national average, but in the majority of these measures, exceeded the national average. Final confirmation of national data comes in the Autumn term, at which point we can share these outcomes. A huge congratulations to all our children at WPA, whichever year group they are in for working hard this year, showcasing their skills and personal qualities across the curriculum, whether in the classroom, out and about in the community, in the playground, on the stage or on the sports field. There are too many to list. I also want to take this opportunity to say a big thank you to our dedicated team at school. Despite just a week and a bit to go, they are still firing on all cylinders to end the year on a high (even if feeling tired).

As we look to end one year, we prepare for another to begin. Today and next week, children have the opportunity to move up to their new class in preparation for their next step. We know that transition can be a nervous time for both children and parents. We do everything possible to ensure this is as smooth as possible, whilst at the same time recognising it’s ok to be a bit worried about new challenges. Should you have any questions regarding your child’s transition, please don’t hesitate in contacting your child’s current teacher. 

As part of the school’s transition, we are also looking forward to next year and planning our next steps. In September, we will be sharing with you our key development priorities.

Important dates coming up:

Saturday 13th July 10:00-12:00 WPA Lego Show

Monday 15th July Transition session (am)

Tuesday 16th July Additional transition session for the new 3W class (as both teachers not in on Friday 12th July)

Wednesday 17th July 13:00-14:15 Nursery Pirate Party with parents

Thursday 18th July 09:30 & 16:15 Year 6 performance Year 2 Cornish WOW Day

Friday 19th July Year 6 ‘Slip and Slide’ Trip

Monday 22nd July 18:00-20:00 Year 6 Prom

Tuesday 23rd July Last day of term (early finish, see times below):
12:30 Nursery
12:50 Year 6 Guard of Honour
13:20 Reception, Year 1 and Year 2
13:30 Year 3, Year 4 and Year 5

Wednesday 4th September Autumn term begins – Welcome back everyone in Reception to Year 6

Wednesday 4th – Friday 6th September Nursery Home Visits

Monday 9th September
09:00-10:00 Nursery Stay and Play Sessions
10:30-11:30 Nursery Stay and Play Sessions

Tuesday 10th September Nursery opens



Posted 12/07/2024
by Donna Clayson

Summer 2 - Weeks 5 and 6 - Let's make a pattern

We have had a very busy couple of weeks in Reception. In Maths we have been exploring odd and even numbers, followed by exploring patterns this week. We took our learning outside and found natural resources to be able to create patterns with. This tied in beautifully with Art week, learning all about Andy Goldsworthy.

In Literacy, we have continued our focus on beaches and read a story called 'Clean up!' which focused on the importance of cleaning up our beaches. This gave the children the opportunity to learn all about recycling and sorting materials for them to be recycled. They enjoyed learning what recycled materials could be made into. 

This week has also seen our first transition visit to Year 1. We were so impressed with how the children took this in their stride, and the Year 1 teachers commented on how wonderful all of the children are. They enjoyed taking part in all of the fun activities that Miss Lake, Miss Folland and Mrs Clarke had planned for them. 

Going into the final full week of Reception, we have sent out a reminder to return ALL reading books, library books and packets by Monday 15th July. To continue the love of reading, you can access a wide range of books (linked to your child’s book band) on the Oxford Owl website. Please visit: 

Best wishes, 

The Reception team 


Year 4   Porthpean Residential Fun!

Posted 07/07/2024
by Janet Keat

Porthpean Residential

Year 4 excitedly set off on Monday morning heading for an amazing three days at Porthpean Outdoor centre. 

When we arrived, we headed straight for the high ropes and once we had put on our harnesses and hats, we tested out our climbing skills and head for heights!  All the adults were extremely proud to see so many children overcome their fears.  For some, just putting on the harness was a success and for others, they managed to head to the very top of Jacob’s ladder and ring the bell. 

As you can imagine, we were all quite tired by the end of the day and were glad to get into our bunk beds and settle down for a good night’s sleep. 

A beautiful sunrise greeted us on Tuesday morning and after a full English breakfast, we headed to Porthpean beach where we launched the kayaks and paddled up the coast to a secret beach which was only accessible from the sea.  We also enjoyed paddling and jumping off the Mega SUP.  We were all quite excited when a seal decided to join us and we watched him swim and dive around our craft. 

After tea, we played laser tag and then headed off towards the tents where we popped on a set of headphones and enjoyed bopping away to the silent disco. We then headed off for some much deserved and needed sleep.

On Wednesday morning, we found our inner Robin Hoods as we tried out archery.  It wasn’t as easy as it looked although there were some bull’s eyes amongst the scores.


All in all, we had an absolutely amazing time at Porthpean.  We all learnt a life-long lesson – don’t let fear hold you back as some of your greatest achievements will come from pushing yourself to new heights!

Well done Year 4 – we are all very proud of you!


Year 3   Year 3 Cooking

Posted 06/07/2024
by Lindsey Smerdon

3W Cooking!

As part of our current DT and Science work we have been learning about healthy foods, the eat well plate and food we grow in the UK. As part of this we challenged ourselves to create a meal with at least 3 of our 5 a day in it.
3B decided to cook a pasta dish with grated carrot, chopped onions and tomatoes, sweetcorn and passata. It was finished off with some grated cheese and a touch of basil! 
All the children helped with a part of the dish including grating, cutting and stirring and all got to give it a taste. It was very yummy and the children were proud of their efforts! 
3B will be cooking next week :)


Head's Blog   Summer 2, Week 5

Posted 05/07/2024
by Chris Wathern

Year 4 Porthpean Residential
What a fantastic adventure some of our Year 4 children had earlier in the week. The weather was kind and the sunsets and sunrises spectacular. The children took part in kayaking, Mega SUPping, laser tag, disco, high rope and team games. A huge thank you to the staff who accompanied the children enabling the children to create lifelong memories.

Congratulations Miss Beckett/Mrs Gerken
Yesterday the Year 5 team and children surprised Miss Beckett with a pre-wedding extravaganza! They had decorations, speeches, dancing and refreshments. We all send our very best wishes and congratulations to Miss Beckett for her wedding tomorrow.

Blue Light Day Trip
On Wednesday, a group of children went to Wadebridge Showground to see some of the vehicles and equipment used by our emergency services. They sat in a fire engine and on a police boat. They rode police and blood transport bikes and even tried out a stretcher in an ambulance! They were inquisitive and polite, asking lots of questions about the appliances and all of them behaved brilliantly. They especially loved coming home with a hoard of goodies from all the different stalls.

The Place – Playground Tour
On Monday our Year 1-Year 5 children were captivated watching two lively dance shows: Olive Branch... Playground Edition by Vanhulle Dance Theatre and Mughal Miniatures: The Elephant and the Drummer by Sonia Sabri Company. The theme of the performances was ‘resilience’ and how it is important to keep trying and work as a team to overcome difficulties or problems. A huge thank you to ‘The Place’ and to the Hall for Cornwall for providing this opportunity free of charge. We look forward to continuing enriching our curriculum with the creative arts.

Important dates coming up:

Monday 8th July Art Week

Thursday 11th July Reports home and class/teacher allocation for September

Friday 12th July Transition session (am) New 3W class will have an additional session on Tuesday 16th July as both teachers are not in today

Saturday 13th July 10:00-12:00 WPA Lego Show

Monday 15th July Transition session (am)

Tuesday 16th July Additional transition session for the new 3W class (as both teachers not in on Friday 12th July)

Wednesday 17th July 13:00-14:15 Nursery Pirate Party with parents

Thursday 18th July 09:30 & 16:15 Year 6 performance

Thursday 18th July Year 2 Cornish WOW Day

Friday 19th July Year 6 ‘Slip and Slide’ Trip

Monday 22nd July 18:00-20:00 Year 6 Prom

Tuesday 23rd July Last day of term (early finish, see times below):
12:30 Nursery
12:50 Year 6 Guard of Honour
13:20 Reception, Year 1 and Year 2
13:30 Year 3, Year 4 and Year 5

Wednesday 4th September Autumn term begins – Welcome back everyone in Reception to Year 6

Wednesday 4th – Friday 6th September Nursery Home Visits

Monday 9th September
09:00-10:00 Nursery Stay and Play Sessions
10:30-11:30 Nursery Stay and Play Sessions

Tuesday 10th September Nursery opens

Wishing you a fantastic weekend.

Best wishes,

Chris Wathern


Year 2   Computing

Posted 05/07/2024
by Ellie Lake

Year 2 have been busy in their computing lessons his week. They have explored the app Scratch Jr where they have been using code to create algorithms. Once they worked out what the different colour coding blocks did they were able to create a code to make a fly move realistically across the screen. Once they were happy with the movement they added a loop button which meant the code would repeat over and over. Towards the end of the week the children became more confident with the coding blocks. They used the audio button to record and create jokes to play to their friends.


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