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Year 1  

Posted 10/10/2024
by Ellie Lake

Marks Ark

Today Year 1 were very excited to have Marks Ark and his animals visit. This experience helped the children make links to their learning in Science, investigating the key question ‘What are the characteristics of an animal?’. Mark showed them a range of animals including a millipede, tarantula, snake, lizard and an owl. The children used their knowledge to work out which animal group they belonged to and if they were a carnivore, omnivore or herbivore. Mark shared lots of interesting facts about the animals and talked about if they would be suitable to be a pet. For children who were brave enough there was an opportunity to hold the snake and the tarantula! The children showed respect to the animals handling them with care and asked questions throughout the afternoon to find out more about them.


Year 1   "Beary" Good Art!

Posted 09/10/2024
by Kate Clarke

"Beary" Good Art! 

This week in Year 1, the children have been experimenting in Art using different grades of pencils. We learnt that 'H' pencils are harder and make lighter lines and that 'B' pencils are softer and make darker lines. 

The children spent the first Art lesson making different lines - curved, wavy, straight, diagonal - as well as exploring how to cross hatch and make other marks, such as scribbled lines and dots and dashes to create different effects. 

For our second lesson, we carefully studied some teddy bears and photographs of real bears and talked about the different shapes, textures and tone. We then practiced sketching small parts of the bears in our sketchbooks - the ears, the muzzle, the sharp claws. We used the different marks we experimented with the previous lesson to see which effects worked best for each body part. 

Finally, we put together all our skills and sketched our chosen bear - either a teddy bear or a from a photograph in the style of Henry Moore, an artist who used different lines to create sketches of animals. Wow! We were so impressed with their efforts and we had an art gallery in our classroom so we could visit each other's work and comment on the parts we liked. The children were really positive about each other's work and the bears have made a fantastic display in our classrooms and in the corridor for all the school to enjoy - look out for them on parents evening! 


Year 4  

Posted 09/10/2024
by Janet Keat


This week, Year 4 have been looking at the work of two artists – Rachel Parker and William MorrisThe children have noticed that both artists were inspired by the natural world and used plants and animals as themes for their soft furnishing designsThey worked carefully in their sketchbooks to produce their own ideasTake a look at some of their images. 



In history, the children have been researching how life was hard for those who lived in the Victorian workhouseThey have written diaries based on what they’ve learnt which include information on the harsh punishments received; the gruelling jobs undertaken and the meagre food rationsEveryone agreed that they were glad that they did not have to enter such a dreadful place today! 



Year 4 have now finished the unit on place value and are now moving on to learn how to add and subtract with thousands numbersThey will discover how to exchange when adding and subtracting and learn how to estimate answers in order to check their calculations. 


Queen Victoria is possibly one of the most interesting monarchs that has reigned in BritainWe have been researching her life and used the information to write our own biographiesAfter this and to celebrate ‘Black History Month’, we will write a biography for a famous person. 


Best wishes from the Year 4 Team


Year 3   Our Planet

Posted 06/10/2024
by Abigail Miskowicz

What a fantastic week of learning Year 3 have had!

During our Geography lessons, we have been looking at earthquakes and how we can build earthquake safe buildings. We investigated the rock types around our school grounds. We used magnifying glasses and a rock identification sheet to explore the different rocks that we found.

Year 3 were also excited to receive their adopted Jaguar pets which they worked on in Year 2. Each toy jaguar will be living in one of the Year 3 classroom and we will be naming them next week.

Please don’t forget swimming continues on a Wednesday afternoon until half term and outdoor PE on a Monday up until half term.

Many thanks,

The Year 3 Team


Year 5   Hello again...

Posted 04/10/2024
by Emma Johnston

This week Year 5 have engaged in a variety of enriching activities across Maths, English, and History. Here’s a look at our recent learning experiences:
This week in Maths, students focused on enhancing their skills in addition and subtraction.
Addition Techniques: We concentrated on adding multi-digit numbers that included exchanging. Students practiced breaking down numbers to simplify calculations, which fostered a deeper understanding of place value.
Subtraction Strategies: We explored various techniques for subtraction, including number lines and the traditional column method. Students were encouraged to ensure proper alignment of numbers to minimise errors.
Practical Application: Through engaging word problems and interactive games, students were able to see the relevance of addition and subtraction in real-life contexts, reinforcing their learning in a fun way.
In our English lessons, we came to the end of a creative writing project inspired by The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe.
Story Development: Students were guided in crafting traditional narratives, focusing on key elements such as setting, character development, and plot structure.
Creative Expression: We emphasized the importance of vivid descriptions and character motivations. Students worked on developing unique plots that incorporated themes of adventure and conflict.
Some of the final drafts are now proudly displayed in our corridor for the rest of the school to enjoy.
In History, students continued their exploration of Ancient Egypt, enhancing their understanding of this fascinating civilization.
  • Timelines: We focused on creating timelines to visualize significant events in Ancient Egyptian history, such as the construction of the pyramids and the reign of notable pharaohs. This activity helped students understand the chronological order of historical events.
  • Research Projects: Students conducted research on various aspects of Ancient Egyptian life, including religion, daily activities, and technological advancements. Each student selected a topic of interest, which culminated in informative presentations to the class.
  • Developing Historical Skills: Through these activities, students began to develop skills in critical thinking and analysis, essential for any historian.
This week has been marked by significant learning and growth in Year 5. Our focus on addition and subtraction in Maths, the creative exploration of narratives in English, and the deep dive into Ancient Egyptian history have all contributed to a well-rounded engaging week of learning!


Head's Blog   Friday 4th October 2024

Posted 04/10/2024
by Chris Wathern

Trips, Residentials & Experiences

Year 6 all had a fantastic evening last Friday, playing games, eating a fish and chip supper, watching a film and managing a few hours of sleep! Thank you to all the staff involved for providing this opportunity for Year 6 – we all had a great time. Next up, we have the Year 3 Sleepover in November – please see the email sent home yesterday for further details of how to sign up. We have an exciting range of trips and experiences planned for all year groups throughout the year. Check out the email sent home today for more information.

SEND Coffee Morning – Wednesday 9th October from 08:30
Mr Smith and Mrs Clayson will be organising a half-termly coffee morning with a focus on different Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) themes. They will also be joined by other guests, such as autism advisors, family support workers and the mental health support team. Their first coffee morning is next Wednesday 9th October, particularly relevant for our Nursery and Reception parents (although everyone welcome). Claire Harris, a specialist Early Years Inclusion worker will be attending and Mrs Yates will also call in to answer any questions.

Coffee Morning & Shared Reading Workshop – Friday 11th October from 08:30
Next Friday after drop off, Mrs Reeve is also hosting a coffee morning and sharing some tips on helping your child with reading at home. Everyone is welcome! We look forward to seeing you there. For both coffee mornings, just come along to the office after drop off, and we’ll point you in the right direction.

Well done Salvador!
Salvador ‘Braved the Shave’ for Macmillan Cancer Support. Thank you to all of his sponsors and cheerleaders. He has raised an impressive £235 and will donate his long hair to The Princess Trust. Everyone is very proud of you, Salvador!

Harvest Food Collection for Wadebridge Foodbank
Thank you for the generous donations ready to send on to the Wadebridge Foodbank. Your kindness will help those in need of food and toiletries and is very much appreciated.

Eco Council
Did you know your child can borrow a litter picker from school to help keep Wadebridge tidy? Just ask your class teacher or Mrs Harrison to borrow one (not forgetting to return after use). If you’re able to take any photos of your child in action helping to keep our environment tidy, please email them to and we can add them to our Eco Council display. Thank you for your help.
From the Eco Council

Year 3 Jaguar Adoption
Last year our current Year 3s hosted a Rainforest Cafe as part of their Year 2 wider curriculum learning and to raise money and awareness. They explored the effects of climate change and deforestation on the rainforest. Thank you to the parents and grandparents for attending the Rainforest Cafe and helping them raise money. As a year group, they voted to adopt two jaguars from the WWF as well as donate funds to plant trees. Today in our Celebration Assembly, both Year 3 classes were presented with their adoption packs, which included their new class mascots (names to be confirmed...) The jaguars join our two adopted orangutans that are safely being looked after by our Year 4s. We look forward to doing the same again with our current Year 2s and adding to our animal collection!

House Points

Congratulations to this week’s winners, Cormorants. For a third week running, Swans have the most overall points, but their lead is narrowing:

Swans – 1358
Choughs – 1000
Cormorants – 997
Puffins – 910

FOWPA Bake Off and Cake Sale – Monday 21st October (Hall)
All children are invited to get creative and bake cupcakes, cookies or traybakes for a HUGE bake sale in the school hall on Monday 21st October from 3pm. Each home-baked entry needs to be dropped off at the school hall on Monday 21st October after drop off in the morning. Please label all plates/boxes/containers with name and class, so these can be returned to your child’s classroom. Each entry MUST come with an ingredients list for allergens…PLEASE REMEMBER WE ARE A NUT FREE SCHOOL…and without the list we sadly cannot sell your yummy bakes! The winners of each year group will be presented with a certificate and commemorative tea towel in assembly by Mr Wathern. All of your yummy bakes will be sold at the end of the school day. Please feel free to donate what you see fit during the sale. All children and parents/carers are welcomed, and all proceeds go towards FOWPA fundraising initiatives for WPA. Let’s get creative…HAPPY BAKING!

Cornish Winter Fair and Prime Stock Show
The Cornish Winter Fair and Prime Stock Show will be taking place at the Royal Cornwall Showground on Saturday 23rd November. It is always fantastic to see the wonderful entries from children at our school on display. If your child would like to enter, the entry information and children's classes are listed below.
Entry closing date is Monday 4th November 2024
Please send entries to: Wadebridge Prime Stock Show, The Showground, Wadebridge. PL27 7JE
Tel: 01208 814489

7 Years and Under (On 23rd November 2024)
165 4 chocolate crispies
166 An animal created from a pine cone/s
167 A paper plate mask

11 Years and Under (On 23rd November 2024)
168 4 butterfly buns
169 A Christmas tree decoration, to be hung
170 A miniature garden (standard seed tray size)

Hall for Cornwall Colouring Competition
HfC are running a colouring competition with the chance to win tickets to see the Very Hungry Caterpillar Show. The winner will be selected week beginning 14th October. For your chance to enter, further information has been sent home via email.

Dates coming up next week
Monday 7th October
Year 4 Swimming

Tuesday 8th October
Year 6 Swimming

Wednesday 9th October
08:45 SEND Coffee Morning with Mr Jonathan Smith and Mrs Donna Clayson
Year 1 – Mark's Ark Encounters (experience in school)
Year 3 Swimming

Thursday 10th October
Year 5 Swimming

Friday 11th October
08:45 Coffee Morning & Shared Reading Workshop with Mrs Paula Reeve
Nasal Flu Vaccinations

Have a fantastic weekend! 


Year 6  

Posted 04/10/2024
by Sorrel Gerken

Autumn Term 1 - Weeks 4 & 5 - Gettin' busy with it!  

We had a busy but an amazing start to Week 4!

On Monday 23rd September, the boys went to the Royal Cornwall Show Ground for ‘Boys Active’ and on Tuesday 24th September the girls went there for ‘Our girls can’. They all had a wonderful time engaging in a range of activities lead by sports leaders from the secondary school. From archery to tag rugby, to mountain biking, it is safe to say the day were packed with fun and laughter.

On Friday 27th September, the children participated in the Macmillan coffee morning, raising money for the charity. The children decorated the hall, brought cakes, make bookmarks and had the chance to beat their parents at games. It was a lovely morning shared by all! Below is a comment from Lexie in 6B:

Today we ran the Macmillan coffee morning, we made money for the charity by selling bookmarks and coasters our class had made. Some people even volunteered and made extra things like scrunchies, pins, and pumpkin teddies. All these contributions were topped off with lots of homemade cakes and sweet treats, as well as coffees and teas specially made by our classes. We thoroughly enjoyed this event from the board games to the quizzes to the talking and hanging out with our parents. This is definitely an excellent event that we would love to be involved in again. We know how much our community appreciate our hard work and efforts!

That evening the fun continued with our Year 6 camp out. All the children came back to school dressed in their PJ’s. We played games, had fish and chips, watched a movie with sweeties and FINALLY went to sleep. It was such an amazing evening and will certainly by a memory that we will cherish forever.


Over the past two weeks, we have started our new learning journey of Poetry. In this journey, the children will explore a range of grammatical skills and knowledge to create their own poems that enhance imagery. The journey is based on the text Rose Blanche by Ian McEwan. So far, in the journey, the children have used their VIPERS skills to explore the text, studied the key features and created their own word banks using figurative language.


In Maths, we have begun our addition, subtraction, multiplication and division learning journey. The children have looked at common factors, common multiples, rules of divisibility and primes to 100. During the lessons, the foundational skills needed have been times tables and the importance of having fluency in them has been highlighted.

Please continue to encourage your children to access TTRS at home. The magic number for TTRS according to them is 21... 21+ minutes of TTRS a week to really promote recall of tables (just over 4 minutes per school day!)

Wider Curriculum

In Wider Curriculum, the children have continued their history journey. Most recently, the children looked at end of the war. They researched into the lead up to D-Day and how VE day came around. As a result, the children created their own newspaper reports where they showed off what they had learnt.

The excitement around this topic has been amazing, we have had so many children share some wonderful facts and learning from home!

Next up is Art, we are looking forward to creating some perspective drawing pieces for our displays. WATCH THIS SPACE.


Another brilliant few weeks in Year Six,

Best Wishes,

The Year Six Team



Posted 02/10/2024
by Paula Reeve

Autumn 1 - Week 4 and 5 - Awesome Autumn Learning

The children have continued to impress us with their enthusiasm and curiosity towards learning. During the first few weeks in school, we noticed that many children showed an interest in learning more about animals. So, last week, we read ‘Owl Babies’ and learned some facts about owls. The children were able to use vocabulary to describe owls such as nocturnal, talons and owlets. This week, we have been learning about animals that hibernate and have enjoyed the story ‘Don’t Hog the Hedge’.

We have now learned 8 sounds in our phonics lessons and the children have been keen to learn more sounds and actions. We have been practising our ‘robot talking’ to blend short words. It’s been lovely to see them choosing to practise their letter formation in COOL time. In their writing books, the children have applied their understanding by identifying and writing the initial sounds of words.

Last week, we focused on matching objects. The children showed real confidence in matching objects, whether that be matching based on shape, colour, size or pattern. This week, we have been thinking about the different way we can group objects.

Next week, we are learning all about apples! We will be exploring the life cycle of an apple, developing our vocabulary linked to apples, investigating what we find on the inside of apples, using our observational skills to create apple paintings, using apples to explore printing and creating repeating patterns with paints and much, much more. If anyone knows of any local apple trees or if you find yourself going out and about this weekend where apples trees are, we would really appreciate lots of apples being brought into school on Monday morning for our wonderful activities!

We hope you all have a wonderful weekend!

Best wishes,
The Reception Team


Year 3   Super Swimming, Star Stories and Fascinating Volcanoes!

Posted 01/10/2024
by Abigail Miskowicz

WOW! We had our first swimming lesson last week and children amazed us with their positive attitudes and exemplary behaviour. They represented the school incredibly and we cannot wait for our next sessions.


What a fabulous week of story writing! The children have digested all of their learned knowledge and skills so far in Year 3, to produce their first piece of narrative writing. Using their story plans, maps and through imitating The Beasties, the children have created their own version of the story. We’ve had mythical creatures, rewarding dragons and monstrous sheep to name a few! Their challenge was to use suffixes, speech marks and fronted adverbials. Well done, Year 3, for your wonderful efforts!


We have finished our place value unit by comparing numbers to 1000 and estimating numbers on a number line to 1000. Tricky learning encompassing different counting patterns of 10s, 100s, 5s, 50s and even 40s!

Wider Curriculum

Our learning journey has progressed from Science into Geography. The children have discovered the four layers of the Earth; we learned some incredible facts about each layer too! The children have explored how and where volcanoes are formed, as well as the positive and negative effects of living near a volcano. Did you know that the soil near volcanoes is extremely fertile and the mud can provide benefits to your skin? We continue our learning journey by investigating the causes and impacts of earthquakes.


Year 2   Amazing Artists

Posted 29/09/2024
by Sarah Jayne Hill

It has been another busy week in Year 2!  In Art, we have continued investigating our enquiry question "How have significant people shaped our world?" by looking at the work of Frida Kahlo.  The children have begun looking at tint, shade and tone; adding white, black and neutral colours to change an original primary or secondary colour.  Next week, we will focus on using these skills in order to create a background for a self-portrait in the style of Frida Kahlo; using bright colours and bold images.

In Maths, we have started looking at counting in tens and relating these to multiplication facts within the ten times tables.  More information about practising these at home will follow but for now, please ensure that your child accesses Numbots regularly throughout the week.  As soon as we have finished teaching the children about multiplication, we will provide you information about practising these using the Times Tables Rock Stars app (TTRS).

A reminder that PE is on Friday and we ask that children come to school in their PE kit.  Unfortunately, already a few children have come into school in clothing that does not follow our school uniform requirements.  Children can only take part in PE lessons if they are dressed appropriately for safety reasons.  If your child does not have a suitable jumper/top for PE, they can wear their normal school jumper.

And finally, we will be collecting for our Harvest Festival throughout the week next week - please see the Events Diary page for details of items which are suitable for donation.  On Thursday, we will be looking at the importance of Harvest Festival as part of our RE unit based upon Creation.

Many thanks for your continued support,
The Year 2 Team


Head's Blog   Friday 28th September 2024

Posted 27/09/2024
by Chris Wathern

Curriculum Maps
Term 1 Curriculum Maps can be found on our Class Pages of this website. These give a flavour of some of the learning taking place this term.

Life Skills Visit
Yesterday, some of our Year 5 children visited Bodmin Fire Station for a Junior Life Skills session. They found out about First Aid; CPR; transport safety and the benefits of using public transport; road safety; cyber safety and electrical safety in the home. Our children representing the school showed great enthusiasm throughout the visit.

Year 6 Macmillan Coffee Morning
Today we ran the Macmillan Coffee Morning raising money for the charity by selling bookmarks and coasters our class had made. Some people even volunteered and made extra things like scrunchies, pins, and pumpkin teddies. All these contributions were topped off with lots of homemade cakes and sweet treats, as well as coffees and teas served by us. We thoroughly enjoyed this event from the board games to the quizzes, to the talking and hanging out with our parents. This is definitely an excellent event that we would love to be involved in again. We know how much our community appreciate our hard work and efforts. So far we have raised £156.52 for the charity – thank you everyone!
Written by Lexie 6B

This week our KS2 children have taken part in their first swimming sessions of the year. A particular well done to our Year 3 children as Mrs Miskowicz wanted to share “Their behaviour was exceptional, and I was incredibly proud of them!”

Year 5 & 6 ‘Our Girls Can’
Our Year 5 & 6 girls all had an amazing time at the 'Our Girls Can' event at the Royal Cornwall Showground on Tuesday. They took part in a whole range of activities including: biking, dance, football and rugby. It was a brilliant opportunity for the children to meet and work with children from different local schools, many of whom are likely to become their peers at secondary school. An awesome day for our wonderful girls at Wadebridge Primary Academy.

Year 5 & 6 ‘Boys Active’
Boys Active was so much fun! We really enjoyed the nerf guns and practising our aim. Mrs Callister definitely took the brunt of some of our best shots. The dodgeball was also enjoyable, where we had the chance to put our skills to work against a range of other schools. My personal favourite was the assault course because we all had the opportunity to be involved and work as a team.
Written by Jack 6W

House Points
Congratulations to this week’s winners, Swans. For a second week running, Swans have the most overall points:
Swans – 1158
Choughs – 831
Cormorants – 781
Puffins – 761

Foodbank Collection for Harvest
For Harvest this year, we will once again be collecting for Wadebridge Foodbank. Please send your child in with any donations between next Monday 30th September and Friday 4th October. Donations such as tins and jars of food, rice, pasta, general toiletries and long life juice are most welcomed. Thank you for your support.

Year 5 & 6 Open Evening at Wadebridge School – Thursday 10th October 16:00-19:00
Wadebridge School extends a warm welcome to parents and carers of prospective students currently in Year 5 and Year 6. Please see email sent home for further information.

Dates coming up next week:

Saturday 28th September
09:00 Year 6 Sleepover collection

Monday 30th September – Friday 4th October
Harvest donations gratefully received for the local Foodbank

Thursday 3rd October
Census Day & Caterlink’s 25th Birthday Celebration School Dinner
Please sign up for your child’s meal by Monday 30th September 9am.

Have a fantastic weekend!


Year 3   A Super Start!

Posted 23/09/2024
by Abigail Miskowicz

What a wonderful start to Year 3!  The children have settled into KS2 life superbly and we are proud of their positive attitudes towards the challenge.

We have begun our English learning journey with the fiction text ‘The Beasties’. The
children have been learning about lots of Year 3 skills for writing as well as consolidating lots which were learnt in Key Stage 1.  They are getting ready for their first Key Stage 2 big writes next week and we can't wait to read their versions of The Beasties! 


In Maths, the children are coming to an end of the Place Value unit and have enjoyed working with concrete Base 10 equipment as well as Place Value Counters when exploring numbers to 1000. 

Best wishes, 
The Year Three Team


Year 3   Our Wider Curriculum Learning Journey Begins!

Posted 23/09/2024
by Abigail Miskowicz

We are Scientists!

In our Wider Curriculum this half term, our enquiry question is 'What role do rocks play in our everyday lives?'.  We have kicked started our learning by diving into Science!  We have been learning about the three different types of rocks – igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic. Using our investigation skills, we conducted a rock experiment! Our mission assignment was to explore the formation and properties of sedimentary and metamorphic rocks. During our investigation, we explored the durability, density and permeability of different rock types and used our recording skills to observe and measure our findings.  Can you ask your child which rock they found to be the most durable?  This experiment led us on to question the suitability of each rock type.

Does this rock have crystals in it?

What will I discover about this rock?


Year 2   Yippee for Year 2!

Posted 22/09/2024
by Sarah Jayne Hill

A fantastic start!

It has been an amazing start to Year 2. Well done and thank you to all pupils for such a fantastic start to a brand new academic year. We have been very busy already getting stuck in to our History topic for the half term; “How have significant people shaped our world?”. So far, we have studied Florence Nightingale, Muhammad Ali and Mary Anning.

In English, we have been writing about the story of The Three Billy Goats Gruff and have had lots of fun innovating the story to make our very own versions which vary from Three Cheeky Chimps to Three Merry Mermaids! Take a look at just one of the fabulous examples of extended writing. We are very proud of all of the children.

A reminder that Home Learning is sent home every Monday. Please ensure your child brings their Home Learning book into school with them so that we can update it. On a Monday, we also change reading books and visit the school library. If you have any library books at home from last year, please do send them in with your child. Each child’s Home Learning book has also been updated with their Numbots log in details for practice at home.

Thank you for your continued support,

The Year 2 Team


Year 1  

Posted 20/09/2024
by Ellie Lake

What a great start 

Wow! What a great start to the year. The children have settled in brilliantly and are becoming more confident in their new classroom and playground.

We started off their learning with Science exploring our key question ‘what are the characteristics of an animal?’ The children discovered which groups different animals belonged to, looked at their diet to decide if they were a carnivore, omnivore or herbivore and what makes an animal suitable to be pet.

In English the children learnt the story of ‘We’re going on a bear hunt’ by acting it out with actions. This lead on them writing the story in their books before making up their own animal hunt adventure!

In Maths the children began with place value by counting and representing objects, recognizing numbers as words, counting on from a number and finding 1 more/1 less within 10.

You will find a log in for ‘Numbots’ in your childs reading record. This is an app which can be accessed from home. Please don’t forget we visit the school library on a Thursday if you would like a new book to read please return it each week. We update our class blog regularly so keep coming back to find out what else we have been up to.

Many thanks Year One team.


Year 5   Welcome to year five!

Posted 20/09/2024
by Emma Johnston

What a fantastic start to the year we have had! We are delving into exciting topics across Maths, English, and Art, with plenty of engaging activities to spark curiosity and foster a love for learning.
In Maths, we have focused on place value, which is crucial for developing strong number sense. Children are learning to understand the value of each digit in larger numbers up to 1,000,000. This knowledge is key to helping them grasp more complex mathematical concepts like addition, subtraction, and multiplication later in the year.
In English, we have started reading the classic novel "The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe" by C.S. Lewis. This traditional text offers a wonderful mix of adventure, imagination, and moral lessons. The story opens up discussions about themes such as friendship, bravery, and good versus evil, while also encouraging creative thinking as we explore the magical land of Narnia.
Our Art lessons this term, are inspired by the vibrant world of Ancient Egyptian art. Children will explore the history of Egyptian art, learning about its unique style, symbolism, and cultural significance. Creating our own Egyptian-inspired pieces: The children will get hands-on with their own projects, designing their own Egyptian headdresses using collage.

We have a busy week next week with our 'Boys Active' and 'Girls Can' events at the showground and swimming on Thursday.

Thank you for your continued support! We look forward to seeing the growth and creativity of our Year 5 students as they continue to engage with these exciting topics. As always, if you have any questions or would like further ideas to support your child’s learning at home, feel free to reach out.
The Year 5 team!


Head's Blog   Friday 20th September 2024

Posted 20/09/2024
by Chris Wathern

Canteen and School Dinners
Following my message yesterday, we can confirm normal service resumes from Monday!

Grounds Day

Can you spare an hour or two to help at our Grounds Day on Saturday 5th October between 10:00-14:00?

• Can you help tidy our play areas and plant up some new containers?

• Do you fancy prepping our polytunnel ready for the children to use?

• Are you up for clearing our pond area and bring it back to life?

• How about some painting to brighten up our play areas?

• Do you have any garden tools or paint brushes to bring along on the day?

• Would you like a free lunch and refreshments? Everyone is welcome to come and lend a hand (no unaccompanied children please).

So we have an idea of numbers, please sign up using the link in the email sent to parents.

House Captains
Mrs Orme and I had the pleasure of meeting nearly 40 Year 6 children as part of the House Captain ‘interviews’. The standard of applications was so high; they should all be so proud of themselves. They gave Mrs Orme and I such a difficult job to choose between them.

After much consideration, we were pleased to share the outcome with the children.

Choughs - Auriella & Lexie
Cormorants - Allie & Sasha
Puffins - Agnes & Harry
Swans - Holly & Stanley

Congratulations to our new House Captains and thank you to all the children who put themselves forward.

House Points
Congratulations to this week’s winners, Choughs, with Swans taking an early overall lead:

Swans – 816
Puffins – 572
Choughs – 568
Cormorants – 550

Macmillan Coffee Morning
Year 6 look forward to seeing you at their Macmillan Coffee Morning next Friday 27th September from 08:45 in the Hall. Everyone is welcome to help raise money for this charity.

Foodbank Collection for Harvest
For Harvest this year, we will once again be collecting for Wadebridge Foodbank. Please send your child in with any donations between Monday 30th September and Friday 4th October. Donations such as tins and jars of food, rice, pasta, general toiletries and long life juice are most welcomed. Thank you for your support.

FOWPA - The Great Wadebridge Primary Academy Quiz, Friday 18th October 7pm, Town Hall
Why not get a team together, get those thinking caps on and join us for a fun evening of quizzing at The Great Wadebridge Primary Academy Quiz being held at Wadebridge Town Hall. This quiz is being organised by FOWPA and will be run by everyone’s favourite quiz master, Robin Moorcroft. There will be a bar on the night, prizes for the winning teams and a raffle where you can win some beautiful hampers, filled with lots of goodies.

Our last quiz sold out in days and there are limited numbers so get your table booked early to avoid disappointment! £20 per table, max of six people. Get your tickets now!

All proceeds go to Wadebridge Primary Academy.

Parent Support & Children’s Mental Health and Wellbeing Workshops
Caradon Parenting (Cornwall Council) and the Children’s Mental Health Support Team (MHST) are running a series of workshops. You’ll find further information on our website: Information>Health & Wellbeing.

Fire Evacuation
This morning we held our first fire evacuation of the year. The children did a fantastic job of exiting the school calmly and quietly. Later this term we will be practising our annual lockdown process. We will be in touch beforehand with details of this.

Lost Uniform
We’ve only been back two weeks, but are already gathering up lots of uniform from around the school. Please encourage your children, as we will do at school, to take responsibility for gathering their own belongings. Please name all uniform; thank you for your cooperation.

School Photos
Next Tuesday and Wednesday, Tempest Photography will be in school taking individual and sibling photos over the two days. Please ensure your child is looking super smart in their full uniform (as always) and if wanted, provide them with a comb/brush for their hair.

Congratulations Mrs O’Dwyer
Congratulations to Mrs O’Dwyer who completed the ‘CoppaFeel’ Trek in the Peak District, raising money for this breast cancer charity. So far she has raised an amazing £3,169! Combined with other trekkers they have raised an incredible £212,802.

Dates coming up next week

Monday 23rd September
After School Extra-Curricular Activities (ECAs) begin
Year 5 & 6 Boys Active 
Year 1 Hearing Screening Check (pm)
Year 4 Swimming

Tuesday 24th September
School Photos (Tempest)
Year 5 & 6 Our Girls Can
Year 6 Swimming
No Woodwind lessons this week

Wednesday 25th September
School Photos (Tempest)
Year 3 Swimming

Thursday 26th September
Year 5 Swimming

Friday 27th September
08:45 Year 6 Macmillan Coffee Morning 


Year 6  

Posted 20/09/2024
by Chris Wathern

Autumn Term 1 - Weeks 1, 2, & 3 - Sensational Start to Six! 


In English over the past couple of weeks we have been looking at extending narratives using the text ‘The Lion and The Unicorn’ by Shelley Hughes as a stimulus.

Across the journey, the children have unpicked the text using their VIPERS skills, reminded themselves on the skill of using relative clauses, wrote setting descriptions and diary entries. All of the knowledge explored across this journey resulted in the children extending the narrative by writing an alternative ending.

The children have loved looking at this text as it links nicely to our first wider curriculum theme of WW2. The children have been able to use their topographical knowledge to inform their creative pieces used a wide range of tier one, two and three vocabularies.

We are incredibly proud of their first extended piece of writing and look forward to seeing what they produce in our next learning journey of Poetry – The Power of Imagery!


In Year Six we continue to follow the White Rose Small Steps beginning with our first journey of ‘Place Value’. To begin this learning journey the children, harnessed their prior knowledge to identify, read and write numbers to 1,000,000 and 10,000,000.

The children then looked closely at the powers of 10, this required the children to multiply and divided by 10s, 100s & 1000s. With the Year 5/6 curriculum so closely knitted, the children are very much familiar with the strategies and methods presented and are therefore able to approach more complex reasoning questions.

In this journey, we have also explored rounding any integer, negative numbers and using number lines to 10,000,000. We then ended the journey as we always do with an end of unit assessment. This allows us and the children to see not only their progress in place value but their next steps. From here, the children set themselves new targets for the term.

Wider Curriculum

We have hit the ground running with wider curriculum and the children are certainly on board. As mentioned above, our current theme we are exploring is WW2. Throughout this journey, the children will explore a range of subjects, concepts and knowledge across all areas of the curriculum with links to the overarching theme.

Within each area of the curriculum the children will have enquiry questions that they’ll find the answers too. To begin our journey, we have started with History and our enquiry question is ‘What was the impact if WW2 on the people of Britain?’  

So far, the children have used their chronology skills to sequence key events that took place during WW2.They have investigated what life would have been like during the blitz and the emotions felt by the civilians. They have unpicked the story of Dunkirk, delving into the ‘Dunkirk’ spirit, as well as looking into the roles of women during WW2. They made comparisons between WW2 and today’s roles for women and what impact the war would have had!

It has been wonderful to see the children’s enthusiasm towards our new curriculum theme. WATCH THIS SPACE for our incoming artwork…

Important Reminders:

·        Monday 23rd September – Boys active

·        Tuesday 24th September – Our Girls Can

·        Tuesday 24th September – Boys Swimming

·        Wednesday 25th September – Individual Photos

·        Friday 27th September – Macmillan Coffee Morning

·        Friday 27th September – School Sleepover

Have a wonderful weekend.


Best Wishes,

The Year Six Team



Posted 18/09/2024
by Paula Reeve

Autumn 1 - Week 1, 2 and 3 -A Super Start!

We are so proud of how well the children have settled into school life. It’s been a busy first few weeks learning new routines and discussing our school rules: Be Safe, Be Ready, Be Respectful. It has been lovely getting to know the children and watching them play and interact with new friends.

They have had a go at writing their own names, experienced their first PE lesson in the hall and we have begun to learn about our over-arching topic: What’s awesome about Autumn? Lots of children knew that the leaves on trees change colour and fall to the ground. In Maths, the children have been learning to recognise and create patterns using peg boards, interlocking cubes and pens.

Next week, we will begin our Phonics lessons. Every Friday, your child will come home with a worksheet stuck in their Home Learning Book and an information sheet all about this week’s sounds for you to practise at home. Thank you in advance for your support with this.

Please label absolutely everything your child brings into school so that nothing is lost. We are a nut free school so please do not send your child into school with foods containing nuts - thank you. 

We hope you all have a wonderful weekend!

Best wishes,
The Reception Team


Year 4  

Posted 17/09/2024
by Eleanor Boney

Super scientists!

Year 4 have made an excellent start to their learning and have impressed us already with some beautiful writing! 

Check out our fabulous human models of solid, liquid and gas particles in action. We were "teamwork turtles" and worked together to read all about how the different particles move and decide how best to demonstrate this to the class. I think you'll agree we did a fantastic job!

After finishing our poems, we moved on to a unit based on "The Catch" (short movie - We used the video to help us include lots of descriptive details in our writing and are now revising how to use inverted commas properly for speech - which has included remembering our rhyme from Year 3 to help us remember..!

We have begun our baseline assessments for the multiplication check and will be sending the results home very soon. Extra practice at home really does make a difference so please do try and squeeze this in if you can! (

Swimming will begin on Monday 23rd September for all Year 4 children (please see the letter that has been send home for info). This will be in place of our P.E. on a Wednesday - so school uniform as normal on Wednesday please.

Have a fantastic week! 
Mrs Graham, Mrs Keat and Mrs Hodkinson  


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