Posted 17/01/2025
by Sarah Burton
We had a brilliant launch day for our topic: What is life like in the alps? The children came to school dressed in clothes for surviving on a mountain.
In English, we looked at photos and videos of the Alps and used this to help us think of descriptive language to use in our Hansel and Gretel story. We were all amazed at how breathtaking some of the views are and I think we all have the Alps on our list of places to visit now.
In geography, we recalled our sticky knowledge by completing a jigsaw of the countries the Alps pass through. Then we researched human and physical features of the different mountains. We found out that the tallest mountain was Mont Blanc, which means white mountain in French. During our research, we discovered all the different tourist attractions and activities that are available. Some thought the skiing and snowboarding looked particularly exciting; others preferred the idea of the wooden cabins and hot tubs.
To finish the day off, we toasted some marshmallows which were delicious!
Posted 16/01/2025
by Rebecca Brewer
Welcome back!
Dear all
We have such a busy term planned this term! Our topic question is "What is it like to live in the Rainforest" - you will find the curriculum map for all objectives being taught below!
We began our unit to matching facts in a "treasure hunt" which we really enjoyed! We then wrote our "I Wonder" questions of all of the things we would like to find out about during this unit.
In English, we are learning about "The Jungle Book" story. We wrote our character descriptions today and next week will begin our own version of the story. In maths, we are learning about shape! Year Two are covering 2D and 3D shapes and Year Three are learning about parallel lines, perpendicular lines, angles, horizontal and vertical lines. There are assignments on Mathletics in relation to these topics so please encourage your child to access these. We are also completing our TT Rockstars on the 5 x tables which includes multiplication and division. It would be so helpful to support your child in learning these. The KIRFS for the term are also attached below.
In science, the children have started their Microhabitat unit which they are enjoying. This week they explored our grounds to find the different places where small insects live.
In art, we are learning about the artist Pablo Picasso and his style of art - Cubism. The children will eventually produce their own cubist art painting which I will post on this page once they have finished! In French, the unit is "My Home" (Chez Moi) and the children learned the names of all of the different places where people can live! I am learning the names alongside the children and have had lots of fun!
Posted 16/01/2025
by Carmel Alberts
What a busy week it has been so far! We've had lots of exciting and interesting lessons.
In PSHE, we have been focusing on how to reach our goals. As part of this, we had a fun activity where we made jam sandwiches. The process wasn’t as simple as just putting jam between two slices of bread – we had to think about the 'stepping stones' to success, breaking down the task into smaller, manageable steps. This helped us understand how we can achieve our goals, whether they're big or small.
In Maths, we are continuing our work on place value. This week, we've been using bead strings and rekenreks to explore the concepts of tens and ones. We focused particularly on the numbers between 10 and 20, practicing how to represent these numbers using the tools. This hands-on approach has really helped us understand how the value of digits changes depending on their place in a number.
In English, we have been thinking about whales and how we can learn more about them. We’ve come up with some great questions that we’d like to ask Greenpeace. We’ve also been exploring what we would like to know about whales, which has sparked some very interesting discussions.
Finally, in PE, we have been practicing our balancing skills. Everyone had a turn walking along a bench to see how well we could maintain our balance. It was both fun and challenging, and we all improved as the lesson went on.
Posted 16/01/2025
by Laura Cole
In DT, Class 3 have been exploring how the Anderson shelter was used by the people of Britain during WW2 as a way of protecting themselves from German bombings. Looking at a range of sources and photographs from the time, they worked in pairs to design their own model Anderson shelter. In their designs they all thought carefully about the shape, scale and proportion of the shelter in relation to how they looked at the time. The inside of each shelter design was also considered with benches, bunk beds and posters added. It made the children all consider what they would bring to an Anderson shelter if they had to be in one for several hours.
Posted 16/01/2025
by Joanne Pentreath
What a fantastic week it has been in our classroom! The children have been working hard, exploring new ideas, and having lots of fun along the way. Here’s a little peek into what we’ve been learning this week:
We’ve been focusing on using adverbials of time and place to make our writing more exciting and clear. The children have impressed me with sentences like “Early in the morning, the explorer crept into the cave” and “In the shadowy forest, .” We’ve also been developing our skills in characterisation through role play. The class explored how to “show not tell” emotions by acting out feelings like joy, anger, and surprise, and thinking about how a character might move, speak, or react in different situations.
Times tables have taken center stage in Year 3 and 4 this week! We’ve been practicing through singing, dancing, and playing fun games like times table bingo and relay races. It’s been wonderful to see the children enjoying themselves while building their confidence and speed with multiplication. Keep up the great work at home too!
Our new class novel, The Firework Maker’s Daughter, has sparked so much curiosity and excitement! We’re loving the adventurous story and the rich descriptions of Lila’s journey. The children are already asking, “What will happen next?”—it’s a joy to see them so engaged!
In PE, we’ve been continuing with our dance theme inspired by wind. This week, the children explored the technique of canon, where each dancer performs a movement one after the other. Their creativity shone as they worked together to choreograph a beautiful and flowing routine.
Our mini water cycles, which we set up in the classroom last week, have been fascinating to observe! Each day, the children have monitored and recorded changes, noticing condensation, evaporation, and precipitation in action. It’s been a great hands-on way to explore the water cycle.
In RE, we learned about the Holy Trinity and discussed how Christians understand God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. The children had thoughtful questions and showed a lot of curiosity. In PSHE, we focused on setting personal goals for the term. The children thought carefully about what they want to achieve and how they can work towards their goals.
Thank you for your continued support. It’s wonderful to see how enthusiastic the children are about their learning. We can’t wait to see what the next week brings.
Posted 15/01/2025
by Julie Peat
This week at nursery we have continued to find out all about winter and why it is cold. The children have been busy outside exploring ice where they have talked about what they have seen and how the ice felt, using language such as cold, icy, slippery, frozen and melting.
Inside on the tuft tray they have attempted to create there own snowmen and on the funky fingers table have been using tweezers to pick up Pom Poms and placing them in order 1-10.
At storytime the children have enjoyed stories such as “The smiley snowman” and "Guess how much i love you in the winter"
In phonics we have been learning to name different sounds and then try to recall what we have heard. The children have been exploring different sounds during a game of "The vet says" and have used musical instruments to represent animal sounds.
In maths, the children have been demonstrating their counting abilities and representing their numbers by mark making and forming numbers.
We have looked at sizes, big, medium and small and have been sorting and comparing amounts on the maths table.
Have a great weekend
The nursery team
Posted 15/01/2025
by Rebecca Hughes
This week we have continued to be explorers! When we came to school on Monday some of our polar animals had been frozen! we had to work out how to free them and this was great fun. We used pipettes and warm water, and we soon got them out! We also explored painting ice outside it was so much fun!
In outdoor learning we used a graded paint sheet and explored our natural area to see if we could match natural items to the sheet!
In English this week Miss Hughes pretended to be a penguin whilst the children thought of brilliant questions to ask the 'penguin'. Once we had lots of questions, we then used different sources such as books, fact files, the internet and nature programs to answer our questions. The children thought of some amazing questions.
In maths we have been exploring 'one more' the children have had great fun exploring this topic, especially when we played the bus game!!
We have explored so much this week!
Posted 15/01/2025
by Susanne David
This week, Year 6 worked with Rebecca Catterall, who is the Development Officer for the Devon & Cornwall Rail Partnership, in conjunction with the University of Plymouth. We took part in their 'Day Trips to Happiness' project.
We met Rebecca and Sally - with her wonderful pink hair and guitar - at Gunnislake train station and we took the train to Bere Ferrers. When we arrived in Bere Ferrers, we were met by a lovely gentleman named Chris, who owns much of the land down there.
Chris runs a B&B down there and has been collecting train memorabilia for decades! He allowed us to use one of his carriages to do some fun activities; we made 'parcel pets' edible poetry and Sally composed a song for us, which we sang together!
After lunch, Chris showed us the signal box and we all had a go at changing the signals - much strength was needed for this!
At the end of the day, we got the train back to Gunnislake and walked back to school along the back roads, exploring our local neighborhood - Year 6 were an absolute credit to their families and to us. A member of the public, who had been on the train while we were there, made a point of popping in to see Mrs Cox to tell her how wonderful the children had been!
Posted 15/01/2025
by Susanne David
Year 6 were fortunate to have a visit from Robert Wiltshire, who is the Youth Programme Coordinator for Tech Cornwall. Mr Wiltshire showed the children how to use the microbits, connected to our Ipads.
We learnt how to write simple codes that would turn on and off various LEDs. We also learnt how to change the colours of the LEDs as well as alter their brightness.
Being able to do this meant that the children could then create patterns and shapes which would change and repeat on the microbits.
If the children want to practise at home and program for free, they can visit:
Microbits can also be borrowed free-of-charge from your local Library.
For information about your nearest Library, please see below:
Posted 15/01/2025
by Jasmine Bolger
Happy New Year! We have had a great start back to school in Foundation/Year 1.
We are focusing on the big question ‘what can I explore today?’ in our curriculum this half term. We have begun our Geography lessons working as explorers and geographers to find human and physical features in our local environment.
We have also started our new English Learning Journey focusing on the book ‘The Emperor’s Egg’ by Martin Jenkins. The children have really enjoyed learning facts about the Emperor Penguins. Our favourite fact is that the Daddy penguin has to look after the egg and keep it warm for two whole months before it hatches! We all agree that this would be a tricky job. We have been developing our English skills by sequencing the story, role playing as penguins and Year 1 have even begun to write a recount of how a baby penguin is born.
In Maths for Year 1, our focus is shape. We have been exploring 2D and 3D shapes and sorting them based on their properties. We have also been making our own 3D shapes using stickle bricks and making 2D shapes using peg boards.
Foundation have been focusing on representing 1,2,3,4 and 5! They have been using five frames to find the numbers and also been practising their number formation.
We are set for a very good term. Well done for a great start Foundation and Year 1.
Foundation/ Year 1 Team
Posted 15/01/2025
by Andrew Hunt
Happy New Year and welcome back after the festive period; it already feels like it happened months ago! This weekly blog post will replace the newsletters, sharing information about all the wonderful learning experienced by the children and highlighting future events.
In addition to my weekly blog, teachers will complete a blog relating to their classes. They will also use these to share relevant class information. Please try to check these blogs once a week but, to begin with, we will email you a notification and link to new posts.
At the end of last term I had hoped to share this image of the Cotehele flower garland but ran out of time. Last year, we worked with Cotehele gardener Hannah Milburn to plant flowers at Harrowbarrow, which were then dried and used by some of our Year 6 pupils to make the amazing garland you see on the left. This was hung in the restaurant at Cotehele over the holiday period.
It was lovely to welcome the children back last week and I have been really impressed by the way they settled seamlessly back into their lessons; perhaps, like me, they needed some order and routine after the festive period. We have a very busy term ahead with some things having already started. This week a Year 3/4 football team played two matches as part of a five week tournament against other schools at Callington College. Despite clawing two goals back to draw level with Bishop Cornish, the team eventually lost the first game 5-2. By the second game, against Copper Valley, they really started to find their feet and managed an excellent 2-2 draw. Well done to Jack, Archie, Spencer, Abigail, Max, Sophia, Seth V and Jacob.
Securing funding for resources that enhance teaching and inspire young people has become increasingly challenging in recent years. However, I am delighted to share some exciting news on successful grant applications that are going to enhance our curriculum offer. Sam Watts, as science and computing lead, has secured funding through the Enthuse Partnership at Cornwall Spaceport for science equipment to support investigations and also funding from our local Community Chest to purchase a class set of programmable Bee-Bots (below) and a Sphero Indi. In addition, Abi Flashman secured support through Tesco's community fund to resurrect the polytunnel after Storm Unis flattened it. There will also be a new forest school storage space and covered area to support our outdoor learning provision.
We have lots of exciting opportunities to look forward to in the term ahead:
- Class 4 have a Viking day planned with a visiting historian.
- Class 3 are visiting the Immersive Dome in Plymouth.
- Members of the choir will be participating in Songfest.
- Bikeability road safety lessons will be held for older junior children.
- Class 3 are competing in a multi-skills sporting event at Callington College.
- Cross country league races continue for junior children.
- Class 4 and then, after half term, Class 1 will be having gymnastics lessons at Copper Valley Junior School.
- The Lego club will be competing at the First Lego League county final at RNAS Culdrose.
- Class 3 are participating in a Farm & Country day at Cornwall County Showground.
There will be other activities shared as plans are finalised but it will, as always, be a busy and exciting term.
Finally, I would like to share an exciting accolade secured by Rachel Lane, our music lead. Harrowbarrow Primary Academy has secured a Music Mark accreditation. This recognises all the high quality music education at Harrowbarrow, including weekly lessons, singing and instrument clubs, peripatetic music lessons and performance opportunities. Well done to Rachel.
Posted 14/01/2025
by Sarah Evans
Happy New Year and welcome back to school!
It was lovely to see the children back to school today, refreshed and ready to learn.
Please see the newsletter attached to find out what we will be learning about this half term.
Posted 14/01/2025
by Sarah Evans
We really enjoyed December for many reasons but mainly due to performing our play 'Christmas with the Aliens'.
It was hard work and we needed to practise lots but it was a really spectacular performance enjoyed by many of our families and friends.
It built up our confidence with speaking in front of an audience and despite some nerves, we totally smashed it!
In Science we carried on learning about habitats and learnt about the creatures that live in polar and desert habitats.
In literacy we were learning the story 'The Elves and the Shoemaker'. We really enjoyed writing about what our naughty elves had been up to in school and at home.
Finally, as a Christmas treat, we had our annual trip to the theatre to watch Raymond Briggs 'Father Christmas'.
Some of us had never been to the theatre before and it was a wonderful, magical experience. We even had snow!
We wish you all a very Merry Christmas and look forward to seeing you all again in 2025!
Posted 14/01/2025
by Sarah Evans
November was another busy month!
Our new question was 'What festivals happen around the world in the Autumn?'
We have located different countries and continents on the map and had great fun exploring atlases and maps.
We learnt about Diwali and how this is celebrated in many countries. We linked this to our healthy eating in DT and made mango lassi. We really enjoyed making and tasting this!
We also learnt about the Gunpowder Plot and discussed how it is celebrated in the UK. We made some great firework pictures on the I-Pads learning how to select different colours and different sized brushes.
In Science we started to explore different habitats. We learnt about oceans and rainforests and thought about how the creatures that live there adapt to living in that environment.
We also completed a local history project which helped us to find out why we decided to change our name to Copper Valley Academy.
We explored maps of the local area and looked at pictures of locals towns and villages that we know, mainly those linked to copper mining.
We created some amazing watercolour paintings of these places.
Posted 14/01/2025
by Lynn Cox
Welcome back to Nursery. Please see below for our Spring Term newsletter.
Posted 13/01/2025
by Louise Owen
We had a really busy half term learning about rocks and soils in science, volcanoes and other natural disasters in geography, learning how to design, make and evaluate lanterns in DT, the Holy Trinity in RE, how to name some verbs in French and write reports on volcanoes based on the book Escape from Pompeii...phew time for a couple of weeks' rest!
Posted 13/01/2025
by Lauren Howell
Happy New Year
Thank you to everyone who joined us for the events leading up to Christmas including our craft morning and performance evening. The children always love the chance to perform in front of an audience.
Last term, we were visited by OFSTED. We are pleased they could see that we have worked hard to maintain our standards from the previous inspection. They spotted that we high expectations for all learners, our curriculum is child centered, children want to succeed and loved the family feel.
We ended the term with a visit from the Police to deliver the mini police program in year 5 and 6. This was a fantastic opportunity to learn from police and ask lots of questions!
This term, there is lots to look forward to. We have lessons with our specialist teachers for PE and music, we have trips out and about in the local area and we have visitors coming in to support our curriculum. Next week we will have visitors from the NSPCC for the Speak Out Stay Safe programme.
As always there are some things you can be doing at home to support your child's learning including enjoying reading together, rehearsing times tables and practicing sounds.
Posted 13/01/2025
by Lauren Howell
Sorry we have got a little behind on our class blog during the last term but plan to be better in 2025!
This term we are continuing our work on the Greeks in History, animation in computing and living things in science.
In Literacy we have read the story of Azzi Inbetween to inspire our speeches about refugees. We are now on week 1 of spring term for spellings and our class book for the Spring is Wonder.
In maths children will be starting new units on Fractions or percentages.
Last week, in art, children started to mold pots inspired by the Greeks. We used the pinch method to build our pot shapes and then looked at adding features such as lids and handles.
On Thursday, Mrs Butlin was back for our music lessons and we started to learn different rhythms we could play on the drums.
Posted 12/01/2025
by David Parry
This week, Talland have been developing their oracy skills within lessons. This is to enable them to speak and communicate clearly and confidently.
In science, we have started a new topic 'Living Things and their Habitats'. We were introduced to the classification of living things. We practised creating classification keys using liquorice allsorts, then had a go at classifying some Alpine animals (linking in to our new Big Question). I would like to say that no liquorice allsorts were harmed during this lesson...but I cannot!
In English, we have begun studying the traditional tale of Hansel and Gretel. After story-mapping it and analysing the features of traditional tales, the children were tasked with getting into the role of some of the main characters. During our 'hot seating' lesson they had to put themselves into their character's shoes and answer questions, that the rest of the class made up, in role. The children really got into the challenge and spoke with great thought and clarity. There are definitely some future theatre stars within Talland class!
Posted 12/01/2025
by Georgina Harden
Welcome back and wishing you all a very Happy New Year! The children had a fantastic first week back and have demonstrated all our school values across the week. They made Miss Harden and Mrs Tamblyn very proud indeed! Attached to the bottom of this blog post is the parent mind-map that outlines our learning for this term and our new Key Instant Recall Facts (KIRFs). These are number facts that we ask you to please practise with your children at home to ensure quick recall of these facts. This term I will also start to set small home learning tasks on Seesaw to encourage children to continue their learning at home. Please do continue to listen to your children read every night and record this in their reading records for coloured karate bands. It is extremely important that in the run up towards KS1 SATs in May that your children is a confident and fluent reader so any practise at home will help them to achieve this.
This half term we will be focusing on multiplication and division and fractions. If your children would like some extra practise/activities to do at home please see the links below.
Multiplication & Division (we will be covering all these topics at school so any extra practise at home will be very beneficial) -
Fractions (we will be covering all these topics at school so any extra practise at home will be very beneficial) -
Topmarks Daily 10 (mental maths quiz) -
Times Table Rock Stars -
Fun in the snow!
This week in our PE lesson the children LOVED this invasion game called Pirate's treasure. The aim of the game is for the islanders to steal the treasure which is in a box behind the pirates. The pirates could freeze the islanders to stop them from stealing the treasure and fellow islanders could crawl under them to unfreeze them.
I think we had to play this at least 6 times they enjoyed it so much!
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