Posted 21/01/2025
by Susanne David
Year 6 have come back to school in 2025 and hit the ground running!
In Science, we are learning about 'Living Things & their Habitats'. So far, we have learned about classification, MRS GREN and we have researched a variety of living things from all of the different Kingdoms.
In History, we have been learning about Bias and how to decide how reliable information presented to us about the past may or may not be in relation to a local History study about Cornwall.
In French, we have linked our unit to Science, learning all about Habitats.
Our English this half term is a revision unit, helping us to prepare for SATs, but using the first Harry Potter book, 'Harry Potter & the Philosopher's Stone' and in Maths, we have just completed a unit about Ratio & Proportion.
In Computing, we are learning all about online safety and we have had a visit from the NSPCC, talking about how to keep ourselves safe both online and in real life. The children know how to talk to a safe adult and that they can also contact Childline: 08001111 - 24-hours a day, 7 days a week.
In PE, we have been revising our use of balance, using the apparatus and in PSHE, our unit is helping us to discuss our future dreams and goals.
Posted 20/01/2025
by Rebecca Whitty
Welcome back everyone. This half term our topic is 'A Healthy me'!
We are very excited as this week we will making smoothies, we have all spoken about different fruits we'd like to try. So far we have also spoken about the importance of eating five fruits and vegetables a day. The children the have said ....
"If I eat lots of strawberries, blue ones, bananas. and grapes, and I like apples that makes me healthy and I grow!' - L
R said ' Eating broccoli is very good for you and sweet corn, but I like fruit on my breakfast'.
We have been really enjoying, our Kixx sessions with Coach James every Monday afternoon. We have had snowball's that we counted and also buckets!!
In maths, we are learning to recognise number 1-10 and counting objects out to 5! The children are really enjoying adding this into their play. They have found 5 pencils, 5 pieces of play fruit, 3 books, 2 buckets and 4 dinosaurs! Maybe you could try this at home? If you do please pop a picture on Seesaw for us to share.
In singing with Mrs Harris on a Wednesday we are learning the song 'Cornwall my home' - I have sent a seesaw message out about this!
Our nursery rhyme of the week is - - Five little apples.
If you have any fizzy bottles you no longer need we would love a few for our junk modelling area please! Come back next week to see how our smoothies turn out. Also, please don't forget we LOVE to see what you get up to over the week. Please pop pictures on seesaw for your child to share with their friend. This helps develop memory, confidence and speaking skills!
Miss Whitty, Miss Ronald and Miss Selby :)
Posted 20/01/2025
by Samantha Davies
Across the school today we enjoyed a maths shop to consolidate our addition, subtraction and rounding skills learnt in Autumn term 1. Children had to buy their biscuits and topics from their teacher, as well as working out the change. We enjoyed using our learnt skills and getting to eat our biscuits too. Great problem solving children!
I look forward to seeing you tonight for our Year 5 residential meeting. Thank you to those who have remembered the PE is now on a Wednesday and Thursday.
We had a wonderful visit form the Royal Cornwall show on Monday and the children enjoyed thinking about the fish in our surrounding seas and where our foods come from.
Posted 19/01/2025
by Sarah Andrew
How are we already at the end of our second week back! The children have been getting stuck into their learning this week.
In Drawing Club our reception children have been sharing the story of 'The pea and the Princess'. They have come up with some amazing ideas to try to convince the Princess that the bed is comfortable! Year 1's and 2's have been starting to create their plot points based on the story of 'George and the Dragon'. Their imaginations have been running wild and they have been using some fantastic adjectives, alliteration, onomatopoeia and similes in their sentences.
In maths reception have been continuing to focus on numbers 0-5 and have been introduced to the concepts of 1 more and 1 less. Year 1 have been continuing their place value work, focusing on the teen numbers. Year 2 have begun their unit of work all about money. They have been recognising the denominations of the different coins and notes, adding and comparing quantities. There has been a lot of problem solving and questioning going on this week. We also had our first week of 99 club for the spring term and we could see great leaps of improvements in scores, the children are always so determined to beat their last score.
In art this week the children made some amazing dragon sculptures with Mirs Fernie, made from clay, thinking about the different joining techniques and modelling skills needed to make a successful sculpture.
We are very lucky to have Mrs Butlin back in working with us for music and we spent some time creating rhythms with the drums and new songs.
In our history work we watched the coronation of Queen Victoria and King Charles lll and discussed the differences and similarities. We learnt about the four main parts of a coronation and then held our own. Our reception children looked at photos from when they were babies and discussed how they are different now and how we can use photos from the past to help us remember what things were like in the past.
We had a visit from 'Smarter smiles' this week, explaining the importance of good oral hygiene and the children all got sent home with a good bag. This builds on the work we are doing in school with our supervised teeth brushing and opportunity for fluoride treatment. Our next visit will be in the summer term.
Another busy week ahead next week and we can't wait to fill you in on all that we have done.
Mrs Andrew, Mrs Fernie, Mrs Hicks, Miss Talbot
Posted 19/01/2025
by Sarah Andrew
Happy New Year and welcome back to a brand new term!
The spring term is always so busy and full of exciting things. The children have all come back to school eager and ready to learn.
This week in our English Year 1 and 2 have been introduced to the story of George and the Dragon and have worked extremely hard to create a story map to enable them to re-tell the story.
Math this week has seen our reception children start their unit of work 'Alive in 5', where they are embedding their knowledge of numbers 0-5. The year 1's have started a new unit on place value, focusing on the numbers up to and including 20. This builds upon the place value unit which they covered at the beginning of the year. They are looking at the numerals, words and how the numbers can be represented in different ways. Year 2's have been consolidating and completing their unit of work on shape, looking at the properties of both 2D and 3D shapes.
Our enquiry question this half term is 'Who can be royal?' and you with seen the medium term plan of activities on seesaw. We started our history unit of work this week exploring the question 'What is a monarch?'. We discussed who our monarch is today and the roles and responsibilities they have.
We can't wait to continue exploring these questions over the next few weeks.
As always, if you have any concerns or questions please don't hesitate to contact one of us.
Mrs Andrew, Mrs Fernie, Mrs Hicks, Miss Talbot
Posted 18/01/2025
by Sarah Sanson
It's been so lovely to welcome back our children and families at the start of 2025. There is much excitement around the school in our history lessons. Tregeagle children are unpicking what a census is and why we have one (we've also completed our own school census this week). In Canute, the children are learning about various Kings and Queens (monarchs). We look forward to updating you soon with some samples of our learning.
Posted 17/01/2025
by Joanna Rickard
This week we have explored what a city looks like, from the tall buildings to the noisy sounds, and the places we can visit. We have focussed on lots of new vocabulary to describe the city and names of buildings, such as the museum, the cathedral, the mall, but also other important buildings that we recognise such as the hospital, the police station and the fire station.
Using inspiration from the bright artwork in this week’s book we have created our own city landscape pictures that will make a lovely display.
Next week we will focus on what types of vehicles we may see around the city, from construction to public transport, and emergency vehicles.
It has been lovely to have a dry spell of weather this week, with even some glimpses of that winter sunshine to make our outside play even more enjoyable. Lots of climbing, building, and bike riding has been enjoyed.
This half term we will also be focussing on our shapes and colours. We have been working on a new display with the help of the children to support this and we will put a picture up when we have completed it.
Lastly, this week has seen a few new starters join our pre-school, we have enjoyed helping them to settle in and the children have all been so lovely and welcoming to their new friends.
We hope everyone has a lovely weekend,
The Pre-School Team.
Posted 17/01/2025
by Alice Wilkie
We've had another week full of lots of learning! On Monday, we considered how our words have an impact and were inspired to promote kindness to others by giving each other compliments. In Science, we consolidated our understanding of light and dark, and conducted a whole class experiment, investigating reflective materials. Can you recall which material was the most reflective? In Geography, we began a new unit on the Conservation of Bees, where we learnt the differences between bumblebees and honeybees. In PE, we have continued to develop our skills when playing net and wall games. We had lots of fun!
In English, we finished writing up our neat copies of our Little Egyptian Red Riding Hood stories. We used our best handwriting and had a go at using pen for the first time this year. We also started our new unit, focused on explanation texts, where we will be writing our own about how bees make honey. We have read and identified the main features and used our VIPERS knowledge to answer questions. Today, we learnt about the process of how bees make honey and then used drama to act this out.
In Maths, Year 2 are coming to the end of their topic on Shape, where they have been sorting 2-D and 3-D shapes, as well as making repeating patterns. Year 3 have been working hard on dividing and multiplying by 2, 4 and 8, exploring the relationships between these times tables.
I have included the KIRFS for this half term below, along with the Knowledge Web and Homework grid. Please remember to continue reading your colour banded book at home and practising your times tables. Library books will continue to be changed on Thursday's, so make sure you bring these in if you would like a new book. Of course, should you have any questions, just let me know.
Congratulations to Jemima, Amber and April for being Landaviddy's People of the Week.
We hope you have a superb weekend and look forward to seeing you all on Monday.
Mrs Wilkie, Mrs Phillips, Miss Bowden and Miss Colton
Posted 17/01/2025
by Ben Heasman-Langley
A busy week in Talland. The children found out about our new enquiry: Do all living things need a home? They have lots of fun things in store. It's been great getting started!
Year 4 have just started area. This is always fun and the children love it!
Year 5 have just begun fractions and are getting their heads around equivalent fractions.
Talland have completed their persuasive letters and written it up in top copy. They look and sound fabulous!
We have delved into the role of a naturalist scientist, where we have discovered what this kind of scientist does and possible job opportunities within this field! Some of the jobs sound like so much fun!
Talland have continued to learn some awesome dance moves and begun using the forehand swing in tennis. Some potential, soon to be, Wimbledon players in the making!
Well Done to Flora (last week) for getting her 88 badge in 99 club. Also great work from Frankie (last week) for being noticed as an amazing student. This week, well done to Skye. Her writing has thoroughly impressed the teachers and her overall ability to show all of Polperro's values.
That's all from Talland this week. We hope you have a brilliant weekend!
Signing off from Mr. Langley, Mr. Bishop and Miss. Colton.
Posted 17/01/2025
by Jacob Lewis
Posted 17/01/2025
by Ruth Smith
It was lovely to be able to visit St Anne's again after the Christmas break.
We took some of our library books to share with the residents which sparked lots of conversations about favourite stories.
The play dollies also enjoyed having a story read to them!
Posted 17/01/2025
by Helen King
This week the children in Lantic class have been so busy! We have been exploring characters feelings in English lessons, comparing schools from the past with now, understanding that Jesus is 'Good News' for Christian's by being forgiving AND making rabbit sliders in our DT lessons... We've shared our favourite books and worked really hard on using sentence stems to support our oracy skills in EVERY lesson! Thank goodness it's the weekend - we need a rest! Remember to keep reading at home and don't forget to look at your Maths homework on Anton.
I wonder what we'll be doing next week...
Posted 17/01/2025
by Katie Grinsted
We've had another amazing week in Tregantle, full of new experiences, learning and fun!
Our Year 1 children were super scientists at the beginning of the week when they began learning about animals and their habitats. It was so much fun collecting up all of our toy animals and sorting them into the right habitats. We continued the animal theme in P.E where we learnt a dance to the music 'The Pink Panther.' We all had to work hard to move in time to the music and combine fast and slow movements. The whole team have been blown away with Tregantle's maths skills this week. The Year 1 children have been superb at using a number line effectively including adding missing numbers and our EYFS children have been amazing at adding numbers to 5. We got very creative when we made pictures to go with our class story 'The Gruffalo's Child.' The children used different shades of cold colours to create a background and then added black silhouettes of characters from the story. They all look fabulous on our display board! We ended the week with an exciting trip to Saltash Library. This really helped to develop our love of reading as there were so many fantastic books on offer. They children really enjoyed browsing though the books and especially loved picking a book to take home for the week. There was much excitement when it was time to scan our books in the borrowing machine! Enjoy your books Tregantle Class!
Posted 17/01/2025
by Anthea Hillman
Our clubs have been up and running this week and really well attended. There are still spaces in our Tuesday after school club for years 3-6 with Mrs Phillips. We have spoken to the children about what they would like to do in this club. It will now be an Alternative Sports Club which will include, dance, gymnastics, yoga and other activities that the children want to try out. Please email school if your child would like to attend.
Children’s Mental Health Week
We will be taking part in Children’s Mental Health Week which is taking place from 3-9 February. The week’s focus is Know Yourself, Grow Yourself, with the aim to encourage children and young people across the UK to embrace self-awareness and explore what it means to them. As parents and carers, you play an important role in your child’s mental health. There are free resources here which you may wish to look at beforehand.
As part of Children’s Mental Health Week, we will be spending the morning outdoors on Friday 7th February when all staff and pupils will take part in the Big Schools’ Birdwatch and other outdoor wellbeing activities. Further details to follow.
Family Worker Drop-Ins, Thursday 6th February, 9-11 am
Reminder that the Early Help Hub will be holding Family Worker Drop-In Sessions in our school from 9-11 am on 6th February 2025. If you would like to be able to talk in confidence, just pop along, they will be here to help and support you. They will be happy to discuss and advise on issues concerning your family for example, how to better understand your child’s needs & behaviours; positive parenting and how to keep your child safe; how to better understand the importance of routines for your family. To book a 30-minute slot, contact the school on or call on 01503 272249.
Online Supporting Autism Course
Please find attached details of an online course to guide parents and carers in supporting a family member or friend on the autism spectrum. The course will offer practical advice on topics including communication, behaviour and education, strategies of support, legal rights, how to engage in services and accessing further information.
Have a lovely weekend.
Mrs Hillman
Posted 17/01/2025
by Emily Randle
What a fabulous week of learning we have had. We have begun our new enquiry into our country's natural resources. We have investigated the main sectors of our economy and how ingredients that make a simple chocolate cake have been on an epic journey from the countries where they began as raw materials to the countries that turned them into manufactured products.
We have edited, improved and begun to write up our persuasive letters in best copy. I am so proud of the effort that Chaipel have put into this piece of writing and look forward to reading each and every one of them.
We have completed our Fractions unit and we have come so far. We can compare, order, simplify, convert, add and subtract. For Y6s, it's Ratio next and for Y5s it is Multiplication and Division.
Our investigation into Bhangra dance is coming on with us creating sequences using a range of motifs and travel steps. Tennis is also on the PE timetable for this half term with Mrs Hillman. We have learnt about bridge construction beam styles in DT and tested out our beams for strength using a range of weights and measures. In Science, we have located the reproductive features of a plant and will move our learning on next week to look at asexual plant reproduction.
Congratulations to Verity and Ashton for being our People of the Week, recognised for displaying our school values and to Dom and Elsie for achieving their next badge in their 99 Club.
Have a lovely weekend and see you all on Monday.
Miss Randle, Mrs Clary and Miss Hodge.
Posted 17/01/2025
by Chris Wathern
It’s been a very busy and productive couple of weeks since the start of term. Alongside the children starting their new learning journeys, we have been holding Pupil Progress Meetings to review all children’s progress and next steps. We will be holding our next round of Parent Teacher Consultations after the half term break. However, in the meantime, should you have any questions about your child, please don’t hesitate in contacting your child’s teacher.
Attached to the email coming home today, you’ll find your child’s fortnightly Year Group News, which highlights some of the teaching and learning from the last couple of weeks and what’s coming up next. Do take a look to see what’s been happening. A copy can also be found on the class pages of our website.
KS2 Cross Country
On Monday, the weather was kind and over 40 of our KS2 pupils represented Wadebridge Primary in the second Wadebridge Area School Cross Country event of the year. All WPA pupils ran with smiles on their faces and enjoyed themselves. Some good results and personal bests recorded. Well done to all!
Year 4 Stay and Learn – Friday 24th January 08:45-09:45 (Hall)
A reminder that all Year 4 parents are invited to join their children in Year 4 at our next Stay and Learn on Friday 24th January. Come and join your child to explore some maths problem solving together. No need to sign up – we look forward to seeing you there.
Coffee Morning & Maths Workshop – Monday 27th January 08:45-09:15
Mr O’Dwyer will be hosting an informal maths workshop and coffee morning after drop off on Monday 27th January.
During the workshop, we will be will be sharing some information about what maths looks like at WPA and the approach we take to ensure pupils develop 'KIRFs' (Key Instant Recall Facts). You will also have the chance to have a go at resources such as Times Table Rockstars to aid with home learning. We look forward to seeing you there.
Thanks for rummaging through the lost property and collecting items. Any remaining clothing has been passed on to FOWPA for their nearly new uniform sales or a local clothes bank.
There’s a lot in the media about schools enforcing their uniform policies with detentions and the like. We don’t follow this path, but instead ask for your support in sending your child in wearing the correct uniform.
Thank you for supporting our uniform policy, as on the whole, the children come to school in the right clothing. From time to time, we do need to remind children about certain accessories and footwear. A copy of our uniform list has been emailed home today; a copy can also be found on our website.
We have amended the wording slightly by removing the “don’t wear this, etc.” so it’s clear (hopefully) what the uniform is, rather than what it isn’t.
As always, should you need any support with uniform, please don’t hesitate in speaking with a member of staff. Likewise, should your child need any reasonable adjustments to their uniform, please speak with your child’s teacher or our SENDCo, Mr Smith.
Would you like to help out at our school, maybe on a trip, hearing readers, gardening or something else you could offer? Keep a look out for a separate message next week with further details on how to register your interest.
House Points
Congratulations to this week’s winners, Swans. Overall, Swans maintain the lead:
Swans – 4063
Choughs – 3933
Cormorants – 3597
Puffins – 3473
Dates coming up this month:
Monday 20th January
(pm) Year 6 Secondary Transition PE Session
Year 6 Bikeability runs until Thursday 13th February
Friday 24th January
08:45-09:45 Year 4 Stay & Learn
Monday 27th January
08:45 Coffee Morning & Maths Workshop with Luke O’Dwyer
Thursday 30th January
09:00 Year 5 Assembly
Friday 31st January
Space Odyssey workshop for Y5 and Y6
With very best wishes,
Chris Wathern
Posted 17/01/2025
by Sara McKillop
What a fantastic week it has been in Daymer! The children have been working hard, exploring new ideas, and having lots of fun along the way.
Here’s a little peek into what we’ve been learning this week:
We’ve been focusing on using adverbials of time and place to make our writing more exciting and clear. The children have impressed us with sentences like “Later that morning, the boy met Om's family” and “Inside the spooky cave...”
We’ve also been developing our skills in characterisation. The class explored how to “show not tell” emotions by describing feelings like joy, anger, and surprise, and thinking about how a character might move, speak, or react in different situations.
Times tables have taken center stage in Year 3 and 4 this week! Plus, the year 4s discovered what a 'perfect number' is - hence the puzzled faces in the photo above!
Art The children tried out some line drawings of animals as they furthered their work on prehistoric art. Don't they look great?
In PE, we’ve been continuing with our dance theme inspired by wind. This week, the children explored the technique of canon, where each dancer performs a movement one after the other. Their creativity shone as they worked together to choreograph a beautiful and flowing routine.
Our mini water cycles, which we set up in the classroom last week, have been fascinating to observe! Each day, the children have monitored and recorded changes, noticing condensation, evaporation, and precipitation in action. It’s been a great hands-on way to explore the water cycle. We have finished our work on States of Matter and are moving into our new unit, which is 'Light'.
RE and PSHE In RE, we learned about the Holy Trinity and discussed how Christians understand God as completely Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. The children had thoughtful questions and showed a lot of curiosity. In PSHE, we focused on setting personal goals for the term / year. The children thought carefully about what they want to achieve and how they can work towards their goals.
Thank you for your continued support. It’s wonderful to see how enthusiastic the children are about their learning. We can’t wait to see what the next week brings!
Posted 17/01/2025
by Sonia Norris
It really is never dull at Darite! Following the snow and ice last week, this week brought a visit from Ofsted on Tuesday! We were told of their visit on Monday and everyone in the school pulled together to really show what Darite is all about. We were so proud of all the children on Tuesday who showed our guests exactly what they do at Darite. We were all so proud of them all. We cannot share the outcome of the inspection at this time but as soon as we are able to, I will let you know how we got on. I would also like to express my thanks to everyone who was able to complete the survey sent out and give their thoughts on the school to the inspectors on the playground. Thanks also to those in the wider trust who were able to support the school this week. Darite is more than just a school, it is a true community.
Also this week, Class 2 had their second session with the Eden Project and their healthy lunch competition. The children were buzzing when they saw the entry that the school won with shown to the other schools and work is well underway on this year’s competition. Class 1 meanwhile have been looking at Haiku poetry in preparation for entering a “Flyku” competition – more on this soon!
Good luck to our cross country runners at Cotehele today. I can’t wait to hear about the event on Monday.
Gardening Club were very privileged to be visited by Philip from St Cleer Gardening Club. He brought seeds and a lot of expertise! He showed us how to use cardboard tubes instead of plant pots and then we put them into half of a plastic bottle so that they can be kept hydrated. He will be back next month to help us plant runner beans, pumpkins and geraniums.
Posted 17/01/2025
by David Parry
The children of Talland Class have had a magnificent introduction to their topic in reference to the Alps. They attended school in warm clothing to assimilate life in the Alps during the Winter. During the week, they learned how to geographically locate the Alps using maps and also identified the Continents of the World together with the countries bordering the mountains: Switzerland, France and Germany, for instance. The highlight for the children was toasting marshmallows to eat during the afternoon session. A quote from one 10 year old, 'It's hot but it's also delicious.'
The maths topic, fractions, has been a pleasant challenge for the children. They have been focusing on finding common denominators to enable the addition of 2 and 3 lots of fractions, for instance:
A great deal of perseverance was shown by all of the children during the maths sessions.
During English, the children have been creating their own character and setting in anticipation for writing their own version of Hansel and Gretel. The description many of the children have been using is amazing: eyes like emerald balls; the isolated, lonely mountains are barren rocks on the sea shore eroding away with each crash of a wave; and so on.
Best wishes, Mrs Swabey, Mr Parry, Mrs Walters, Mrs Payne and Miss Rowlands.
Posted 17/01/2025
by Darren Woolner
What a fantastic week it has been at Brunel Primary and Nursery Academy!
Our children have been immersed in a variety of wonderful learning experiences, making every day an exciting adventure of discovery and growth. It’s always a joy to see their enthusiasm and dedication shine through in everything they do.
We’re thrilled to announce that our extra-curricular clubs have started again, offering even more opportunities for our children to explore their interests and talents. A huge thank you to our dedicated staff for going above and beyond to make these clubs possible. Their hard work and commitment mean so much to our school community, and we are incredibly grateful.
We’d also like to extend our heartfelt thanks to all our parents and carers for your continued support with attendance. Thanks to you, our attendance over the last two weeks has been the highest of the academic year so far—a fantastic achievement! Let’s keep this momentum going as we work together to give our children the best possible start.
Don’t forget to stay up to date with all the latest happenings by regularly checking the events diary on our website. You can also follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and explore the Class Blogs for a closer look at the wonderful activities happening in school.
We hope you enjoy this week’s edition of the Brunel Bulletin, filled with all the latest news from our amazing school. Thank you for being such a vital part of our community, and we wish you all a wonderful weekend!
We are bold and innovative in our approach to find new solutions to the challenges we face.
We are inspired by the awe and wonder of the world.
We take responsibility for our actions in an environment of mutual respect.
We are passionate about learning.
We are the best we can be.
We overcome all barriers to reach our potential, developing a capacity to improve further.
© 2025 Bridge Schools trust is a company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales. Registration number 7736425. It is an exempt charity.