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Polperro Primary Academy   Merry Christmas

Posted 13/12/2024
by Anthea Hillman

Christmas in a primary school really is a special time. Last week it was great to see so many of you enjoying the children’s Christmas plays. Landaviddy’s Fleece Force performances were so enjoyable with super singing and acting. Very well done also to Penhallow who delivered two wonderful performances of It’s A Baby, remembering their lines and the songs brilliantly, and also to Talland and Chaipel Classes whose brilliant What Christmas Means to Me made everyone laugh out loud. Look out for photos from the performances on the class blogs.

This week, the children have all enjoyed a busy week rounding off their enquiries as well as enjoying Reverend Richard’s Christmas assembly on Monday, Christmas Art Day on Tuesday, Christmas Lunch on Wednesday and parties today. Our choir visited Atlantis Care Home yesterday and sang Christmas songs and carols beautifully.

FOPS Fundraising We are delighted that our Christmas Fayre raised over £600 which included the sale of snowmen, kindly donated by The Lookout café in Looe. The Wreath making workshop raised over £270 and our Christmas Gift Shop raised £280. A huge thank you to FOPS and everyone who helped to organise these events. We will keep you posted about more fundraising events and how we plan to spend the income to help the children in our school.

RSPCA and Cancer Research Campaign The School Council is delighted to have raised a generous £117 at the Christmas performances from your donations to their chosen charities: Cancer Research and the RSPCA. We also raised £62 for Save the Children on our Christmas Jumper Day.

Online Safety
• Keeping your Child Safe Online.  Attached to this blog is a leaflet which contains many important links to help you keep your child safe online, particularly at this time of year. The leaflet contains important safety points to consider at this time of year if your child is likely to receive a SMART device (TV, Speaker—Alexa, Google); new mobile phone (Android/iPhone); games console; tablet PC or laptop for Christmas.
• Swiped – Channel 4 Many of you will have watched the Emma and Matt Willis programme ‘Swiped’ which is about a school that has banned smartphones. It’s definitely worth a watch to find out more about the impact that smart phones can have on children.

Family Worker Drop-Ins, Thursday 6th February, 9-11 am The Early Help Hub will be holding Family Worker Drop-In Sessions in our school from 9-11 am on 6th February 2025. If you would like to be able to talk in confidence, just pop along, they will be here to help and support you. They will be happy to discuss and advise on issues concerning your family for example, how to better understand your child’s needs & behaviours; positive parenting and how to keep your child safe; how to better understand the importance of routines for your family. To book a 30-minute slot, contact the school on or call on 01503 272249.

Parenting Workshops January Please find attached leaflets about free parenting courses run by Cornwall Council, Together for Families.

Dates The new term starts on Tuesday 7th January. Half term will be from Monday 17th February – Friday 21st February with an INSET Day on Friday 14th February. The last day of the Spring term is Friday 4th April and the Summer Term starts on Tuesday 22nd April.

A huge thank you for all of your support so far this academic year – the children have worked incredibly hard and all deserve a wonderful Christmas break.

Wishing you all a very Happy Christmas

Anthea Hillman and all of the staff at Polperro Primary Academy


Polperro Primary Academy  

Posted 13/12/2024
by Emily Randle

We have had another busy week in Chaipel Class. 

Our Circulatory System explanation texts are now complete and everybody has done a fabulous job. I will be reading them over the weekend and can't wait! Verity and Max B worked with a couple of Year 3 children on their best copy writing, showing them how to present their work as a double-page spread. The results are amazing and the children can't wait to come back and work with the Y6s again.

Fractions: comparing, ordering and converting - you name it, we have done it this week! 

We have been investigating the ageing process and gestation stages of human life in Science. Most of the afternoons have been spent practising for our play which we performed, three times, on Thursday. Everyone was absolutely amazing and the parents and carers said it was the best they had ever seen!

CONGRATULATIONS to our People of the Week, Verity and Max S for showing our School Values and being super role models for their peers.

Christmas Art Day is on Tuesday, Christmas lunch on Wednesday and our Christmas party on Friday morning! 

Have a lovely weekend and see you all on Monday!

Miss Randle, Mrs Clary, Mrs Hodge and Miss Colton.


St Cleer Primary Academy   Christmas Celebration at St Cleer Church

Posted 13/12/2024
by Michele Spencer

As always, it was lovely to spend time with the community together in St Cleer church. Thank you to Mrs Harris for leading the singing for us. The 12 days of Christmas and the beautiful singing from our choir were definite highlights. Thank you to the student leaders and team captains for sharing their Christmas reflections and to you - our parents, family and friends - for making it a special time together.


Polperro Primary Academy   Talland's Class Blog 13.12.24

Posted 13/12/2024
by Ben Heasman-Langley


What an incredible week! The Christmas performance was incredible and our trip to Eden today was fantastic. Talland class represented themselves and the school brilliantly and we all had so much fun! We might have a few budding ice skaters in our ranks now!

That's about all the talking I'm going to do... I think you would prefer a photo off load...

Like I said... it was an amazing day and we all had lots of fun!

We hope you have a great weekend!

Signing off from Mr. Langley, Mr. Bishop, Miss. Colton and Mrs. Hodge.


St Cleer Primary Academy   Autumn 2 Week 6

Posted 13/12/2024
by Jacob Lewis


St Cleer Primary Academy   Autumn 2 Week 6

Posted 13/12/2024
by Jacob Lewis


Brunel Primary and Nursery Academy   It's Christmas!

Posted 13/12/2024
by Ruth Smith

We have had a wonderful week of Christmas crafts and loved having the Mums, Dads and Grandparents come along and join in the fun too.

The grownups joined in with enthusiasm at the cutting, painting and gluing activities and have made a whole host of Christmassy items to take home!


Brunel Primary and Nursery Academy   Week ending 13.12.24

Posted 13/12/2024
by Helen King


What a fantastic couple of performances the EYFS/KS1 children did of 'Whoops-a-Daisy Angel'!  The children really enjoyed doing both the shows, which I think showed in their performances and we know the adults that came and watched enjoyed it too.

The children visited the Christmas Tree festival on Friday - it is one of our favourite times of the year... They loved finding the Brunel tree and seeing all the other decorated trees - some are a real inspiration!

In Science the children sorted different materials into magnetic and non-magnetic - shhh... don't tell Mrs. Williamson that we even tested her coffee!  During our DT lesson the children worked collaboratively at building their Tudor buildings after planning them a week ago.  They are starting to look amazing - Thank you for all the donated boxes! 


Duloe C of E Primary Academy   Save the Children Christmas Jumper Day and Christmas Dinner

Posted 13/12/2024
by David Hannah

The children all looked wonderful in their Christmas jumpers today. Thanks to your generous donations we have raised £51 for Save the Children.
Christmas dinner was enjoyed by all, we had crackers and squash donated by the PTFA and Christmas music to sing and dance along to. Thank you to Mrs Crago and her elf for cooking us another lovely Christmas dinner.


St Cleer Primary Academy   Incredible artists

Posted 13/12/2024
by Thomas Hazlewood

Incredible artists

We have really enjoyed getting stuck into our Art topic this half term about portraits.  Focusing on Lucien Freud (a celebrated portrait artist) we have enjoyed evaluating his famous portraits and trying to develop our own artistic styles.

We have considered Freud's use of colours and tried to develop different skin tones as well as working on our sketching skills.

We have challenged ourselves to move out of our comfort zones and use different styles and techniques than we usually would.  We are very please with the results so far!


St Cleer Primary Academy  

Posted 13/12/2024
by Carmel Alberts

R/1 have been very busy the last few weeks, we have been preparing for our Nativity, dressing up for Elf Day, learning about why we celebrate Christmas and why it is important to Christians, learning about 2D and 3D shapes, innovating the story of Where the Wild Things Are and drawing wonderful pictures linked to Picasso!
We have just finished learning about shape and finished with a shape hunt around the school grounds.
Yesterday we walked around the village looking for Human and Physical features, we have been learning about our local area in our Learning Adventure!!
This afternoon we will demonstrating our singing skills in Church!


Looe Primary Academy  

Posted 13/12/2024
by Rebecca Hughes

Friday 13th December

We have had such a jammed packed week of exploring and learning!

We have been practicing our writing by labelling items in Santa’s sack! The children have worked hard t use their phonics to help them write small words!

We have been using the Christmas theme to match Christmas tree numbers to amounts of baubles. We went all the way to 20!

The children are coming to the end of level 2 again, with the emphasis on writing and have done really well. Next week we will be assessing the children. After Christmas we will begin level 3! We will be sending the weekly phonic sheets back out again after Christmas so that you can join in with the learning at home! They are progressing so well!

The children have also; made a dancing reindeer, made swirly snowmen, cut and decorated winter scenes, made a reindeer face and so much more!

The children have been practicing their Christmas performance and we were so impressed with the magical performance they joined in with, on Wednesday and Thursday! All the adults were so proud of them! It was fantastic! Thank you for coming, it was lovely to see so many of you.

Next week is the last week of the Autumn term. School will close at 1:30pm on Friday 20th so please collect children at the usual door at 1:30pm please.

Have a wonderful weekend

The Foundation Team 


Brunel Primary and Nursery Academy   Oh Christmas Tree!

Posted 13/12/2024
by Katie Grinsted

Tree Festival

We’ve had such a super Christmassy week in Tregantle Class! We began the week with our amazing performances of ‘Whoops-a-Daisy Angel.’ It was a joy to see so many Brunel friends and family join us with cheerful singing and encouragement. Visiting the Christmas tree festival at St Nichollas and Faith Church has, as always, been a real highlight of the Brunel Christmas calendar. The children were delighted and amazed to see all of the beautiful trees. They really enjoyed taking part in our treasure hunt where they had to find specific decorations around the church. Merry Christmas everyone!


Brunel Primary and Nursery Academy   A very festive week at Brunel

Posted 13/12/2024
by Darren Woolner

It has been an incredibly festive week at Brunel. Please keep up with our latest news from this week in The Brunel Bulletin.


Brunel Primary and Nursery Academy  

Posted 12/12/2024
by Sara McKillop

Year 4 have made a Book Review website - check it out here! (More to be added soon!) Enjoy!


Brunel Primary and Nursery Academy  

Posted 12/12/2024
by Sara McKillop

Year 4 have made a Book Review website - check it out here! (More to be added soon!) Enjoy!


Brunel Primary and Nursery Academy  

Posted 12/12/2024
by Sara McKillop

Year 3 have been making Volcano animations - check them out here!


Brunel Primary and Nursery Academy  

Posted 12/12/2024
by Sara McKillop

Year 3 have been making Volcano animations - check them out here!


Brunel Primary and Nursery Academy   w/e 13.12.24

Posted 12/12/2024
by Joanne Pentreath

Another lovely week in Marazion class - busy and fun!

We watched the EYFS/KS1 performance and can't wait to see the Nursery one next week. We've been busy rehearsing our Christingle service and hope to see all parents and carers at St Stephens Church next Wednesday at 6pm!

On Thursday, we visited the church for the Christmas Tree Festival - always a festive favourite and the children wowed the whole of Fore street by singing Christmas carols beautifully the whole way!

In Science on Friday, we found out about freezing points and carried out another experiment!



Brunel Primary and Nursery Academy  

Posted 12/12/2024
by Sara McKillop

w/e 13.12.24

Another lovely week in Daymer class - busy and fun!

We watched the EYFS/KS1 performance and can't wait to see the Nursery one next week. We've been busy rehearsing our Christingle service and hope to see all parents and carers at St Stephens Church next Wednesday at 6pm!

On Thursday, we visited the church for the Christmas Tree Festival - always a festive favourite! Lots of glorious photos of everyone in the files below!

In Science on Friday, we found out about freezing points and carried out another experiment!


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