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Friday 13th January 

Head’s Blog Friday 13 January 2023

We have had a lovely, if wet and windy, week. Clubs started this week and it was lovely to see SO many pupils involved.  Our aim is to try and incrementally increase the range of clubs that are run externally so please do let us know of any good ones that might work well. I have seen all sorts of clubs in schools over the years, but none perhaps quite as exciting as the ‘alternative sports’ that started this week. They did Ultimate Frisbee this week, so still waiting on the Archery… We still have a few spaces for next half term’s club for this, so please do let the office know if you are interested. 

Shining Stars this week were awarded for excellent progress and ability in reading. We absolutely loved hearing the wonderful reasons given for the winners today and ALL were clearly very well deserved. Well done to all!

This week also saw the re-launch of TTRS (Times Tables Rock Stars). Mr Smith, as only Mr Smith can, ran his assembly whilst wearing a sparkly and gold shiny outfit and sporting some awesome face paint to help with impact and, I have to say, the effect has been instant! Since the assembly, we have seen a MASSIVE increase in times tables practice.  Please do encourage your children to log in and practise as often as possible, remembering here that the more is definitely the better. Each Friday, the year group with the most progress will win some additional playtime – whoop. Each class also has, starting this week, a winning Times Tables’ Rockstar. This week’s extra playtime winners were Year 4, but will they stay at the top for next week…? 

This link takes you to a handy TTRS video, which explains how it all works: 

Staff Shining stars this week were awarded to the fabulous Mrs Keat (TA) and Miss Hawe, both of who show infinite patience and kindness as well as being marvellous. 

A quick reminder about parking and PE Kit: 

Please do not park where there are cones or in front of the disabled spaces. All cones are there for a reason and to keep the traffic flowing where possible. 

A reminder of the WPA PE Kit:

Plain white t-shirt/plain white polo shirt or WPA branded burgundy t-shirt.
Black shorts/skort or black/dark tracksuit bottoms
White socks (indoor sports) 
School Jumper or WPA branded sport jumper (no hooded or casual tops)
Waterproof coat (for colder weather)
A pair of plimsoles or trainers

From next Friday (Friday 20 Jan 2023), and as per last year, if your child comes to school in incorrect PE kit, we will ask them to take it off and will offer them a borrowed alternative that is WPA PE kit for them to wear during the day.  We will of course return their non-PE Kit to them to go home in. 

Next week we are hoping for sunshine and crisp, winter mornings, but until then, we hope that you have lovely weekends and hope that you rock on, Times Tables style. 

Kindest regards,
Ms Whitlock


Friday 6 January 

Dear Parents and Carers,

Welcome back and a Happy New Year to all. I predict that 2023 will hold many good and exciting things!

The first thing that we have to share in 2023 is the rather marvellous news that Miss Miskowicz recently gave birth to a beautiful baby girl. As I know that SO many of you know Miss Miskowicz, I thought that I would give her a few weeks to get used to being a mum before she received the WPA outpouring of good wishes and congratulations, but do please know that, as you might expect, baby is doing brilliantly well and is now almost ready for school. If anyone does want to pass on their good wishes, please do send them into school and we will ensure that they are safely delivered.

Our first assembly this term was to celebrate the fact that we all have hopes and things that we want to get better at in all stages of our lives. These hopes and dreams, as per the title of our PSHE topic this term, can be almost anything. We heard from Mr O’Dwyer, who is determined this year to properly learn how to juggle (he is not bad by the way, and he really is trying hard). We heard from Miss Beckett, who has made the decision to take up the piano again after learning when she was at school (If that is not an invitation to play in the school singing assemblies to get stuck in, I do not know what is...). Mrs Callister was also able to share her hopes for this year; she is determined to read a book, from cover to cover, without giving up. Apparently, she has not managed this for years, but we have faith. Keep going Mrs Callister! All of us will be thinking about what we want to get better at or what we dream of doing this term and I am really looking forward to seeing and hearing what we come up with.

This time last year, Mrs Hill told us that she dreamed of improving her ability to Ice Skate. We asked Mrs Hill how this had gone in assembly and it turns out that she HAS been ice skating this year and the last time that she went, she skated for the whole session without falling over. We definitely call that a win. Well done, Mrs Hill!

This week’s Shining Stars were for Maths and Times Tables and we were delighted to see so many very deserving recipients. It is always uplifting to hear quite how much pupils have improved and we LOVED hearing how some mathematical Year 6s challenge Mrs Callister and Mrs Smerdon with their prowess daily: whoop! Staff Shining stars this week were awarded to Miss Bishop and Miss Lake, both of whom shine super brightly and who we value immensely.

Next week sees the Year 5 and 6 Space Odyssey and the start of this term’s clubs. All clubs start next week and we cannot wait. I am very keen to see how the alternative sports club goes and if the archery really is as tricky as it looks… Only time will tell… (sorry, I may have read the TV guide a little bit too carefully over the break).

We hope that you have a lovely weekend and we look forward to seeing you on Monday.

Kindest regards,
Ms Whitlock

 Image Gallery



WPA WW2 mini-documentary 

The curious learners in Year 6 at Wadebridge Primary Academy have been busy creating questions about their topic, ‘Did the Spitfire really spit fire’ and have had them answered in a most unusual manner…

Real-life aviator Pete White, who is one of the Directors at Bodmin Airfield, was inspired by the famous World War 2 pilots – some of whom he has met, and flown with- they inspired him into a long career working with aircraft.

Our very own Mrs Smerdon (Year 6 teacher) and Mrs Towe (English Lead at Bridge Schools) took the children’s questions to Pete, who provided the children with fascinating information about the history of aviation in World War 2, whilst showing them his beautiful 1940’s plane, ‘Ivor’. He talks comprehensively about the most iconic plane of that time – the Spitfire, whilst recounting stories of his own adventures and special memories.

Watch the mini-documentary here to find out more… and look out for two familiar faces, who are ‘in costume’ to explain more about the role of women in World War 2… Mrs Smerdon gives us an excellent account of what it would have been like to be in the Land Army, whilst Mrs Towe explains why women in the WAAF also played a vital role.

We would like to take this opportunity to express our gratitude once more to Pete White and his team at Bodmin Airfield for bringing the learning to life for our children this term.


Friday 9 December 

Even though I am trying not to say it, this week was indeed even busier than last week. THANK YOU so much for all of your support. Attendance at the Nativity, the Nursery Performance and the two carol concerts this week has been tremendous and we are SO grateful to you for your smiles and your evident enjoyment. I hope that everyone is able to have a bit of a rest over the weekend for next week too (though I suspect that many of us will be watching the football avidly over the weekend and that heart rates may be raised…). I thought that every performance went brilliantly and was testament to the huge amount of effort put in by all involved. It makes me very proud to be a part of such a wonderful school.  

Year 6 really enjoyed their trips to the Bodmin Military Museum too this week and came back enthused and excited to have learned even more about their topic. I also LOVED the medals and brooches that they made. 

Thank you to all of those who are no longer parking by the Tennis Courts – it is hugely appreciated. Thank you too to everyone for not parking in or blocking the disabled spaces – it really does make a difference.  

To end this week – as everyone does need a rest – please find below the information for next week. It is also on the website calendar. Please note that you must pay for the cinema in advance please, if you would like for your child to attend.

BOLD means whole school event/relevant to more than one year group.
DATE                 EVENT                         TIME
Monday 12 December Little Nursery Performance        1000 - 1100 
Monday 12 December KS1 Cinema Trip                           am
Tuesday 13 December KS2 Cinema Trip                          am
Tuesday 13 December KS1 Christmas Lunch (Christmas Jumpers) Lunchtime
Wednesday 14 December         KS2 Christmas Lunch (Christmas Jumpers) Lunchtime
Friday 16 December         EARLY FINISH – END OF TERM (party clothes) 1245/1300

Happy only one week of term left weekend! We look forward to seeing you on Monday. 
Kindest regards,
Ms Whitlock


Friday 2 December  

I thought last week was busy. This week has been busier still. On Tuesday, we were wowed by 5W’s excellent Class Assembly, telling us all about the Egyptians. It had information; stories; acting; singing; dancing and a precise and exacting demonstration of how to mummify a body. All very entertaining and very enjoyable indeed.


Santa Run

Today, we had our Santa Run, where we were raising money for Children’s Hospice South West. It was BRILLIANT. Fantastic running, camaraderie and jollity in huge amounts. Well done to all – there will be pictures to follow! 


There is a still an opportunity to give money on the Just Giving page where, just like previous fun runs, you can sponsor as much or as little as you are able. This is the link:https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/wadebridge-primary-academy2


Thank you too to all who have brought in coin collection sheets – they are hugely appreciated. Again, there is still time, so if you are half way through completing the sheet or still have it in your bag, do please bring it in next week.


So far we have raised over £500 – go Team Wadebridge and keep it coming!


Shining Stars

Shining Stars this week were awarded for excellent Home Learning. I have been shown some super examples this week and all of the winners were definitely very deserving. Thank you too for all of your support with home Learning; it is much appreciated.


Staff Shining Stars this week were awarded to Mrs Hill for her tireless and cheery work in her classroom and across school as our SENCo and for her dedication to the school and to Mrs Channing, who is relatively new to us as one of our Lunchtime Supervisors, but who has also been helping us out in school too when needed - she is fab and we love her!


Poppy Appeal

A MASSIVE thank you for your support with this – WPA raised a whopping £519.49 – which is amazing.


Next Week: Trips, Christmas & Discos

Next week sees the start of lots of Christmas things! On Tuesday and Wednesday, Years R, 1 and 2 are performing their Nativity to families (they are performing to the school on Monday so no siblings will miss it!).  Big Nursery are performing to their families on Wednesday. On Thursday morning, Years 3 and 4 are going to Egloshayle Church for their Christmas Carol Service and Years 5 and 6 are doing the same.  For information, the Choir will be attending and singing at both.


On Monday and Tuesday, Year 6 are visiting Bodmin Military Museum and on Wednesday, Year 5 are going to Newquay Spaceport, which is VERY exciting.  We also have the school discos on Wednesday and we cannot wait! Phew…


Nearly there.



Three things for parking this week: from MONDAY 5 DECEMBER, we will be coning off the top bend of the corner going out of school next to the Tennis Courts. This is because the congestion there in the afternoon causes many hold ups and disruption. I know that this is not ideal, so we will see how we get on, but we would like to try this please.  The second thing is a reminder to please leave the disabled parking spaces free – this means not blocking them with your car when you drop off or pick up.  The third thing is to please turn off your engine when you are dropping off or waiting for your child/ren as this will reduce the pollution outside the school.




Happy December Weekend! We look forward to seeing you on Monday.


Kindest regards,

Ms Whitlock

 Image Gallery



Friday 25 November  

Another super busy week - phew! 

Two assemblies this week! Both 6W and 6B did brilliantly – excellent acting, singing and all-round wonderfulness.  Our choir took part in the Carnglaze Caverns Trust Festival yesterday too and they were superb.  It was a real treat to see all three performances and it really does make me happy to see families properly in and out of school and watching performances again. It is really daunting in all cases to perform in front of an audience and both Year 6 classes and the choir did amazingly well. I can imagine that they are all exhausted now but all of their hard really did pay off!  Well done and a big thank you too to all parents and carers who drove to venues, sourced costumes, helped to make masks and listened to lines from a script or from songs – EVERY support that you give is appreciated. Thank you.  

Girls’ Football – a report from Mr Langton
Last Friday our Year 5 and 6 girls' football team played in the Cornwall Schools County Finals. Having qualified from our local event, we travelled to Penryn to participate against the 8 best schools in Cornwall. After winning our group, we had to play the winners of the other group. Despite an excellent effort, we lost this match. Only losing the one match on the day, our team came so close to becoming County Champions and we are so proud of them all. It was also very pleasing to hear the comments from the referees and organisers regarding not only the quality of football, but also the excellent respect shown by our team.

Shining Stars
Shining Stars this week were awarded for excellent topic work. I can imagine that it was really difficult for teachers to decide who to award today as there are SO many wonderful topic books to look at in school, but it was lovely to see just how hard pupils are working and the enjoyment that they are getting out of their learning, so well done to them all! 

Staff Shining stars were this week awarded to Mrs Kendall, who helps out both in the kitchen and in classrooms (and can turn her hand to almost anything); Mrs Harris who is a stalwart and hugely valuable Year 6 Team member and to Mrs Keat, who works tirelessly in Year 4 and who is our fabulous Art lead. They are all amazing and we are grateful to them all for all that they do. 

Santa Run – Friday 2 December (in the school day)
We are pleased to be supporting Children's Hospice South West in their schools’ challenge again this Christmas. We are setting up a fun-filled run for pupils that will require them to run around the grounds of our school and take on mini challenges like 'Pack the Sleigh' and 'Antler Hoopla'!
The Santa Run came about as Children’s Hospice South West were wanting to find a fun way to raise some money. The idea is that families sponsor their child to complete the run – raising money for a very good cause whilst ensuring some fresh air and exercise. We fully appreciate that we are in very challenging financial times and, therefore, if you cannot sponsor your child, that is fine. The run is also to promote healthy, active lifestyles and we want all pupils to take part and enjoy the experience. 
There is a Just Giving page, just like previous fun runs, where you can sponsor as much or as little as you are able. Here's the link: - https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/wadebridge-primary-academy2
You child will also be sent home with a 'Coin Collection' sheet which is a fun way of collecting coins, big or small, which can then be brought back into the school office before or on the day.  Again, we appreciate that these are challenging times, so please, if possible, give as much or as little as you can as every penny does make a huge difference to families supported by Children's Hospice South West.
All pupils to come to school in PE kit please - Christmas Jumpers welcome.  
Wadebridge Pantomime
Please see below for details of this year’s Wadebridge Pantomime – it is bound to be brilliant so do go along and support if you can. 


Lastly, a reminder of this Half Term’s Dates.  Anything new is in italics. 
BOLD means whole school event/relevant to more than one year group.

DATE         EVENT                            TIME
Monday 28 November Year R and 6 Height and Weight Measuring am
Monday 28 November Year R Vision Screening All day
Tuesday 29 November 5W Class Assembly         0900
Wednesday 30 November         Reception Open Morning & Evening 1000 & 1700
Wednesday 30 November         3W Parents’ Evening (rescheduled) 1500 – 1800
Thursday 1 December 3W Parents’ Evening (rescheduled) 1500 – 1700
Monday 5 December         6B Trip to Bodmin Military Museum ALL DAY
Tuesday 6 December         6W Trip to Bodmin Military Museum ALL DAY
Tuesday 6 December         Reception and KS1 Nativity to families 0915 – 1015
Wednesday 7 December         Reception and KS1 Nativity to families 0915 – 1015
Wednesday 7 December         Big Nursery Performance to families 1315 – 1400
Wednesday 7 December         FOWPA DISCOs!                 1630 - 1800 
Thursday 8 December Years 3 and 4 Carol Service 0930 – 1030
Friday 9 December         Years 5 and 6 Carol Service 0930 – 1030
Monday 12 December Little Nursery Performance 1000 - 1100 
Monday 12 December KS1 Cinema Trip                   am
Tuesday 13 December KS2 Cinema Trip                   am
Tuesday 13 December KS1 Christmas Lunch (Christmas Jumpers) Lunchtime
Wednesday 14 December         KS2 Christmas Lunch (Christmas Jumpers) Lunchtime
Friday 16 December         EARLY FINISH – END OF TERM (party clothes) 1245/1300

Happy Weekend! We look forward to seeing you on Monday. 
Kindest regards,
Ms Whitlock

 Image Gallery



Friday 18 November  

My goodness – what a week.  We have had Parents’ Evenings; Odd Socks Day; Viking Day; Girls’ Football Finals tournament today and the Children In Need Spotacular. All went really, really well and we appreciate your support with everything we do very much.  

We also took a team 10-pin bowling and they came second overall in the whole county, which is a massive achievement and we are very proud of them - whoop!


Shining Stars this week celebrated tolerance and kindness. We again had wonderful winners and are very proud to share our school with such lovely humans!  

This week was Anti-Bullying Week (which is why we wore odd socks on Wednesday) and the theme was ‘Reach Out’. In assembly on Monday, we talked about reaching out to family, to friends and to adults in school if we need to, but also the importance of reaching out if we see someone else being upset or hurt by others. Pupils came up with super ideas of how we could help each other be supportive and we have seen some fabulous examples of this, this week. One that stood out for me was someone saying that they felt a bit worried when they were walking to and from school on their own, as some of the older Comp Students were not kind to them, but when they walked in a group of friends, they felt safe and looked after.  


Was brilliant! They raised a grand total of £652 for the school and were so very grateful to everybody who came to Friday's sell out Quiz evening. 

They would like to extend big THANK YOUs to the following people for making this fundraising event so enjoyable and successful: 

  • Rob and the team at The Swan for hosting the quiz and kindly donating a raffle prize.
  • Emma Taylor for donating a raffle prize of one night's stay at the beautiful Trewithian Farm Cottages. 

·         Ruth Wilden at Cornwall Detailing for supplying the lovely hampers for raffle prizes.

·         Rebecca Vetori from the FOWPA team for taking the lead in organising the quiz and Kristina Glibbery for organising all the monies.

  • And last but by no means least, to everyone who attended: your support was amazing.

The money raised will help provide facilities and equipment which will enhance the education of the pupils.

The FOWPA team are already busy planning the next quiz for the New Year, so watch this space.

Lastly; if you would like to join the FOWPA team, please contact Gemma Lloyd-Jones on 07875649221. 


Next week is busy too! We look forward to seeing parents at the Year 6 assemblies and at Carnglaze Caverns.    

A reminder of this Half Term’s Dates.  Anything new is in italics.

BOLD means whole school event/relevant to more than one year group.

DATE                                                   EVENT                                                             TIME

Tuesday 22 November                        6W Class Assembly                                         0900

Wednesday 23 November                  6B Class Assembly                                           0900 

Thursday 24 November                      WPA Choir Trip to Carnglaze Caverns            am

Monday 28 November                        Year R and 6 Height and Weight Measuring  am

Monday 28 November                        Year R Vision Screening                                  All day

Tuesday 29 November                        5W Class Assembly                                         0900

Wednesday 30 November                  Reception Open Morning & Evening              1000 & 1700

Monday 5 December                         6B Trip to Bodmin Military Museum              ALL DAY

Tuesday 6 December                          6W Trip to Bodmin Military Museum            ALL DAY

Tuesday 6 December                          Reception and KS1 Nativity to families        0915 – 1015

Wednesday 7 December                    Reception and KS1 Nativity to families        0915 – 1015

Wednesday 7 December                    Big Nursery Performance to families             1315 – 1400

Wednesday 7 December                    FOWPA DISCOs!                                             1630 - 1800

Thursday 8 December                        Years 3 and 4 Carol Service                           0930 – 1030

Friday 9 December                             Years 5 and 6 Carol Service                           0930 – 1030

Monday 12 December                        Little Nursery Performance                            1000 - 1100

Monday 12 December                       KS1 Cinema Trip                                             am

Tuesday 13 December                       KS2 Cinema Trip                                             am

Tuesday 13 December                       KS1 Christmas Lunch (Christmas Jumpers)   Lunchtime

Wednesday 14 December                  KS2 Christmas Lunch (Christmas Jumpers)   Lunchtime

Friday 16 December                           EARLY FINISH – END OF TERM (party clothes) 1245/1300


Happy Weekend! We look forward to seeing you on Monday.


Kindest regards,

Ms Whitlock


Friday 11th November  

Parents’ Eves are next week – please make sure that you book your appointment if you have not already done so and please note that there are NO CLUBS during Parents’ Eve week apart from Pro20 and Jason Thomas Dance. 

THANK YOU so much for your support of the Poppy Appeal – It has been hugely successful and the British Legion are so appreciative.  

A reminder that Children in Need is coming up! If you want to, you are more than welcome to come to school NEXT Friday 18 November in anything creative and or spotty. The theme is Spotacular, but we are encouraged to be creative. Remember that you are welcome to donate, but if you are not able to, that is absolutely fine – please do dress up and be creative anyway! 
*Year 4s have a Viking visitor planned for 18 November so they will come dressed as Vikings on this day*  

Shining Stars last week celebrated Teacher Choice. We had some wonderful winners I have to say. Staff Shining Stars were awarded last week to Mrs Clayson, Mrs Wilton and Mrs Divall – all of whom are indispensable and we love them! This week Shining Stars were awarded for Reading and we LOVED hearing about all of the brilliant reading reasons – well done to all very deserving winners. Staff Shining Stars this week were given to Miss Walby and Mrs Lang; they are wonderful members of the WPA staff and we are so grateful to them and for them.  

We have celebrated lots of good things this week; all of the Summer reading Challenge winners received their certificates for being Gadgeteers; we celebrated Pippa’s 7 wonderful winning entries into the Wadebridge and District Garden Produce Association Show and we were delighted to hear that Leo in Year 6 has made it into the County Football A Team! We are very impressed and cannot wait to hear how his first match goes.

FOWPA QUIZ NIGHT TONIGHT! We hope that it goes well and a huge thank you to FOWPA for organising it.

A reminder of this Half Term’s Dates.  Anything new is in italics. 
BOLD means whole school event/relevant to more than one year group.

DATE         EVENT               TIME
Friday 11 November FOWPA QUIZ NIGHT       tbc
Monday 14 November         5B Parents Eve                1500 – 1800
Wednesday 16 November Parents’ Evening (all classes apart from 5B) 1450 – 1800
Thursday 17 November Parents’ Evening (all classes) 1450 – 1700
Friday 18 November Sports Leader Day (Y6 Sports Leaders)  All Day
Friday 18 November Children in Need Day         All Day
Friday 18 November Year 4 Viking Visitor         All Day 
Tuesday 22 November 6W Class Assembly         0900 
Wednesday 23 November 6B Class Assembly         0900  
Thursday 24 November WPA Choir Trip to Carnglaze Caverns am
Monday 28 November Year R and 6 Height and Weight Measuring am
Monday 28 November Year R Vision Screening         All day
Tuesday 29 November 5W Class Assembly         0900
Wednesday 30 November Reception Open Morning & Evening         1000 & 1700
Monday 5 December 6B Trip to Bodmin Military Museum         ALL DAY
Tuesday 6 December 6W Trip to Bodmin Military Museum        ALL DAY
Tuesday 6 December Reception and KS1 Nativity to families    0915 – 1015
Wednesday 7 December Reception and KS1 Nativity to families    0915 – 1015
Wednesday 7 December Big Nursery Performance to families       1315 – 1400
Wednesday 7 December FOWPA DISCOs!                 1630 - 1800 
Thursday 8 December Years 3 and 4 Carol Service 0930 – 1030
Friday 9 December Years 5 and 6 Carol Service 0930 – 1030
Monday 12 December Little Nursery Performance 1000 - 1100 
Monday 12 December KS1 Cinema Trip                  am
Tuesday 13 December KS2 Cinema Trip                  am
Tuesday 13 December KS1 Christmas Lunch  Lunchtime
Wednesday 14 December KS2 Christmas Lunch                  Lunchtime
Friday 16 December EARLY FINISH – END OF TERM          1245/1300

Happy Weekend! We look forward to seeing you on Monday. 
Kindest regards,
Ms Whitlock


Friday 4 November 


The Year 3s had a WONDERFUL week and had the most amazing time in the pool. Thank you for all of the kits and towels and for your support – the smiles on the Year 3 faces this morning in assembly when we talked about what a fantastic week they had had were genuinely priceless.


A massive thank you too to the Friends of Wadebridge Leisure Centre Team for their wonderful work. The Centre is an amazing resource and one that we are very grateful for.



Cate Merrin went down an absolute storm (see what I did there?) on Monday and Tuesday and we all absolutely loved Cate’s book ‘Captain Seasick’s Royal Appointment’. If there are any families that would like to order any of Cate’s books, she has said that you can buy them at any Waterstones and at some online retailers. She has also said that we can forward any orders to her direct and she can send the books over to us at WPA as soon as they are paid for.  She really was brilliant and we lobed having her in school.


Thank you for all of the wonderful entries and a giant well done to our winners. Our overall winner was Salvador in Year 3 with his reading by the Lonely Tree in Lake Padarn, Snowdonia. It looked epic (and cold). Well done, Salvador!


We have had some lovely hand-drawn designs in for the Cauliflower cards – THANK YOU! We can’t wait to see them as cards and other Christmassy stuff.  However, if you have sent in art work but NOT ordered online, please could you make sure that you do this at your earliest moment (if you would still like cards and so on). If you are in doubt, or do not have the code on the sheet to hand, please get in touch with the school office and we and FOWPA will do what we can to help. 


Parents’ Eves are fast approaching. All classes apart from 5B have their Parents’ Eves on WEDNESDAY 16 and THURSDAY 17 NOVEMBER. 5Bs Parents’ Eves are MONDAY 14 NOVEMBER and THURSDAY 17 NOVEMBER. All of the booking is online, so please do go onto Arbor to book your appointments if you have not done so already.

Please note that there are NO CLUBS during Parents’ Eve week apart from Pro20 and Jason Thomas Dance.


Here is a really interesting fact (well, it is a definite fact): the very best way to counteract a not so good day, or to enhance a good day, is to read a story just before you go to sleep. Bedtime Stories are so full of other lives and exciting lands and places that it leaves the listener’s or reader’s mind more relaxed, calm and more prepared for sleep. Bedtime stories are also proven to help foster a bond between parents and children, lower stress levels and reinforce literacy skills and mastery of language (which we are super keen on).


We are selling poppy products in school from Monday next week. We have lots in stock so do feel free to pop in. House Captains will be in the Hall every breaktime and all pupils are welcome.


Children in Need is coming up! If you want to, you are more than welcome to come to school on Friday 18 November in anything creative and or spotty. The theme is Spotacular, but we are encouraged to be creative. Given the extreme creativity that we see on a daily basis, I am really looking forward to it.  You are welcome to donate, but if you are not able to, that is absolutely fine – please do dress up and be creative anyway!


The latest rise in interest rates and the ongoing costs of living makes for a very worrying time, but there is help available. Please do come and have a look at the board just by the Nursery and School Reception entrance as there is lots of information to help. Please also do not hesitate to contact us if you would like help in terms of us signposting you in the right direction.  


We have seen some creative parking this week and whilst we totally understand that in stormy and dark weather, everyone wants to pick up their children as quickly as possible, please do not block the staff car park at the bottom or park in a way that means that you are blocking others. It really slows things down and once the comp comes out, really blocks up the whole lane to and from school. If there are cones on the side of the road, please know that they are there to STOP parking.


Please could we ask that there is no vaping when on school grounds. We are keen to encourage an e-cigarette and entirely smoke free school.

A reminder of this Half Term’s Dates. Please see new date for 5W’s assembly (5B’s assembly is in the Summer Term).  BOLD means whole school event/relevant to more than one year group.

DATE                                                   EVENT                                                             TIME

Friday 11 November                          FOWPA QUIZ NIGHT                                       tbc

Monday 14 November                        5B Parents Eve                                                1500 – 1800

Wednesday 16 November                 Parents’ Evening (all classes apart from 5B) 1450 – 1800

Thursday 17 November                     Parents’ Evening (all classes)                         1450 – 1700

Friday 18 November                           Sports Leader Day (Y6 Sports Leaders)           All Day

Friday 18 November                           Children in Need Day                                      All Day

Friday 18 November                           Year 4 Viking Visitor                                        All Day

Tuesday 22 November                        6W Class Assembly                                         0900

Wednesday 23 November                  6B Class Assembly                                           0900 

Thursday 24 November                      WPA Choir Trip to Carnglaze Caverns            am

Monday 28 November                        Year R and 6 Height and Weight Measuring  am

Monday 28 November                        Year R Vision Screening                                  All day

Tuesday 29 November                        5W Class Assembly                                         0900

*Wednesday 30 November*              *Reception Open Morning & Evening*          *1000 & *1700

Tuesday 6 December                          Reception and KS1 Nativity to families        0915 – 1015

Wednesday 7 December                    Reception and KS1 Nativity to families        0915 – 1015

Wednesday 7 December                    Big Nursery Performance to families             1315 – 1400

Wednesday 7 December                    FOWPA DISCOs!                                             1630 - 1800

Thursday 8 December                        Years 3 and 4 Carol Service                           0930 – 1030

Friday 9 December                             Years 5 and 6 Carol Service                           0930 – 1030

Monday 12 December                        Little Nursery Performance                            1000 - 1100

Monday 12 December                       KS1 Cinema Trip                                             am

Tuesday 13 December                       KS2 Cinema Trip                                             am

Tuesday 13 December                       KS1 Christmas Lunch                                      Lunchtime

Wednesday 14 December                  KS2 Christmas Lunch                                     Lunchtime

Friday 16 December                           EARLY FINISH – END OF TERM                       1245/1300


*Please note the change of time to these sessions*


Happy Bonfire Night Weekend! We look forward to seeing you on Monday.


Kindest regards,

Ms Whitlock



We made it to Half Term! Whoop! We are so grateful for all of your support since September and we hope that you have a wonderful break. Don’t forget that the clocks go back the Sunday before we start back too, so we will go back to having lighter mornings - hurrah!


The Year 3s start their swimming on Monday 31 October – please ensure that if you have a Year 3 child that they wear their PE Kit every day this week for ease of changing. Please also ensure that all items of clothing and towels are named. I cannot tell you how similar towels look to children it seems….


We are delighted to let you know that we will have an author visit in the first week back after Half Term. Every class from Year R to Year 6 will have the opportunity to meet Cate and, very excitingly, there will be a sale of the book that Cate will be reading to us on WEDNESDAY 2 November in the Library. The sale will start at 1430 and the book costs £6.99.   



Now, there is LOTS coming up this next Half Term so please do check the website calendar and the list below for details.  We are quite excited; I will not lie.  For info - BOLD means whole school event/relevant to more than one year group.


Monday 31 Oct – Friday 4 Nov           Year 3 Swimming                                            pm

Wednesday 2 November                   Author book Sale – Cate Merrin – Library    1430 – 1530

Friday 4 November                             Year 1 Trip to Wadebridge Library                 am

Friday 11 November                          FOWPA QUIZ NIGHT                                      tbc

Monday 14 November                       5B Parents Eve                                                1500 – 1800

Wednesday 16 November                 Parents’ Evening (all classes apart from 5B) 1450 – 1800

Thursday 17 November                     Parents’ Evening (all classes)                         1450 – 1700

Friday 18 November                           Sports Leader Day (Y6 Sports Leaders)           All Day

Tuesday 22 November                        6W Class Assembly                                         0900

Wednesday 23 November                  6B Class Assembly                                          0900 

Thursday 24 November                      WPA Choir Trip to Carnglaze Caverns            am

Monday 28 November                        Year R and 6 Height and Weight Measuring  am

Monday 28 November                        Year R Vision Screening                                  All day

Wednesday 30 November                  Reception Open Morning & Evening             1000 & 1700

Tuesday 6 December                         Reception and KS1 Nativity to Parents         0915 – 1015

Wednesday 7 December                    Reception and KS1 Nativity to Parents         0915 – 1015

Wednesday 7 December                    Big Nursery Performance to Parents             1315 – 1400

Wednesday 7 December                    FOWPA DISCOs!                                             1630 - 1800

Thursday 8 December                        Years 3 and 4 Carol Service                            0930 – 1030

Friday 9 December                             Years 5 and 6 Carol Service                            0930 – 1030

Monday 12 December                       KS1 Cinema Trip                                             am

Tuesday 13 December                       KS2 Cinema Trip                                             am

Tuesday 13 December                       KS1 Christmas Lunch                                      Lunchtime

Wednesday 14 December                  KS2 Christmas Lunch                                      Lunchtime

Friday 16 December                           EARLY FINISH – END OF TERM                       1245/1300


Crikey.  I now need a sit down.


There may also be Year 5 Class Assemblies but the dates are not yet firmed up. We will contact you all as soon as we have the dates.


FOWPA quiz night coming up! Please do put the date 11 November in your diary – more details will follow when we get back.



Please do send your extreme reading pictures and explanations into school – either to Mrs Smerdon or to the secretary@wadebridgeprimary.co.uk address. Thank you and HAPPY EXTREME READING!


We look forward to seeing you on Monday 31 October at the normal time for a fun-packed and jam-packed half term!


Kindest regards,

Ms Whitlock



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