Head's Blog

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Friday 14 October 2022 

We have had a wonderful week in so many ways. We have more cooking apples than we know what to do with (a MASSIVE THANK YOU to our apple donors) and I have seen SO much good work - as shown by our marvellous Shining Star winners. My very favourite things from this week were the Year 1 Bear Caves and the Year 6 Anne Frank diary writing, which was genuinely remarkable.

Shining Stars this week were awarded for pupils who embody our Learning Characters. We had all manner of wonderful Have a Go Hippos, Keep Going Koalas, Ideas Iguanas, Teamwork Turtles (I love this one especially) and Find Out Flamingos. Staff Shining Stars this week were awarded to Miss Warren and Miss Taylor, both of whom are super shining stars and colleagues.

Thank you to all who have contacted the school about music lessons. There may still be some spaces left if you think that your child might enjoy music lessons - on any instrument, not just the woodwind family - so please do get in touch with the school on secretary@wadebridgeprimary.co.uk if this is the case.

No year groups are going swimming next week as we have a four-day week, but we do have Half Term coming up. Our second INSET day of the year takes place on Friday (21 October) and the week after next week is Half Term. Please do not come to school next Friday as it is closed to all pupils on this day.

On a positive note (for most of us), the clocks go back on Sunday 30 October, so at least the mornings will briefly brighten again.

LAST CHANCE! We are still collecting for the Food Bank for our Harvest Festival this year. You are more than welcome to donate something. If you do, please drop it off at the school office where we will collate it and then make sure that it arrives at the Food Bank.

I am keen not to put too many more cones out, but please do not park beyond the zebra crossing that leads down to the Key Stage 1 and Reception Entrance. There is absolutely no parking there at all. A reminder too to please not park on the coned-off corner at the top near the Key Stage 1 and Reception entrance. It makes the entrance to the school very tricky to manage due to no wriggle room.

A reminder too that Bodmin Old Library have asked us to pass on this message:


Bodmin Old Library is welcoming a Halloween show. It is taking place at the Old Library on the Sunday 16th October and it starts at 2pm.

It is called Tales from the Haunted Bookshop and is a delightful storytelling show featuring puppets, music and adventure!
The tickets are on a pay as you feel basis with the lowest ticket price at £6 (both children and adults). Tickets can be booked at www.intobodmin.co.uk/events

We hope that you have a wonderful weekend and look forward to seeing you on Monday.

PS Feel free to ask in the office for some apples...

Kindest regards,
Ms Whitlock


Friday 07 October 2022 

They only went and smashed it!
Mrs Brier, Mrs Reeve and Miss Taylor completed their marathons in fine style on Sunday. We talked to Mrs Reeve and Miss Taylor about their best and not best bits in Assembly on Friday. Both said that they really loved the support from their family and all of the supporters and the amazing atmosphere as their best bit. Both said that their tricky bits were achy legs and the sheer length of time that they were running for. Lots and lots of Wadebridgers tracked the intrepid trio around the course and I have to admit that when they reached the 20 mile mark, my legs did twinge in sympathy, but it was fantastic to see their tags in action. We are SO proud of them and are glad that they can now walk again without pain.

Shining Stars this week were awarded for Excellent Presentation and Pride in Their Work. We had some really deserving winners and I can indeed confirm that their books show great pride and effort. Hurrah! Staff Shining Stars this week were awarded to Mrs Lee Elkins and Mrs Callister for literally being the best of the best.

Our wonderful woodwind teacher, Mrs Elston, and some of our star flautists and clarinettists visited almost all of the Key Stage 2 classes this week to give pupils a musical demonstration. They were really fab and the classes loved them. Did you know that playing a musical instrument uses every part of your brain (totally true by the way) and making music together as part of a group, be that singing or playing an instrument, is one of the most rewarding things that you can do? If you think that your child might enjoy music lessons – on any instrument, not just the woodwind family - please do get in touch with the school on secretary@wadebridgeprimary.co.uk.

Next week we see the Year 6s going swimming every day in the afternoons. We also have the Health Service Team coming in to administer the flu jab to all who have booked one in Reception to Year 6 on Tuesday 11 October.

We are still collecting for the Food Bank for our Harvest Festival this year. You are more than welcome to donate something. If you do, please drop it off at the school office where we will collate it and then make sure that it arrives at the Food Bank.

Thank you very much for not parking in the disabled spaces or on the road leading out of school – it is hugely appreciated. Please could you also not park on the coned-off corner at the top near the Key Stage 1 and Reception entrance. You can tell where not to park by the cones that are placed there to help you.

Last but not least on this rainy Friday afternoon, Bodmin Old Library have asked us to pass on this message:

Bodmin Old Library is welcoming a Halloween show. It is taking place at the Old Library on the Sunday 16th October and it starts at 2pm.
It is called Tales from the Haunted Bookshop and is a delightful storytelling show featuring puppets, music and adventure!

The tickets are on a pay as you feel basis with the lowest ticket price at £6 (both children and adults). Tickets can be booked at www.intobodmin.co.uk/events
We hope that you have a wonderful weekend and look forward to seeing you on Monday.

Kindest regards,
Ms Whitlock


Friday 30 September 

This Sunday, we are very excited to see Mrs Brier, Mrs Reeve and Miss Taylor taking part in the London marathon. They have been training hard throughout the summer and are ready for the big challenge ahead. If you would like to track them on the day, you can download the free London marathon app, go to tracking and enter the following names:-

Esther Brier (for Mrs Brier)
Paula Reeve (for Mrs Reeve)
Patricia Taylor (for Miss Taylor)

Mrs Reeve is supporting Blood Cancer Uk, https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/paula-reeve22?
Miss Taylor is running for the charity Whizz-kids and has hit her fundraising target. 

Good luck lovely marathoners; we will be cheering you on every step of the way! 

Shining Stars this week were awarded for our school rule ‘Be Safe’. We had wonderful winners, as usual, and we are very proud of them all. Staff Shining Stars from last week were awarded to Mr O’Dwyer and Miss Beckett, as they were both extra-superstars during our Trust visit (this is when Mr Massey and Executive Head Mrs Gilbert come and see how we are getting on). Staff Shining Stars this week were awarded to Mrs Young, who held the fort magnificently whilst Mr Langton and Miss Beckett led the Year 3 Trips, and to Miss Miskowicz, for basically being amazing since she arrived at WPA and to help send her on her way to have her baby.  

I have to say, we were a bit apprehensive due to the weather forecast, but the trips went very well and a fabulous time was had by all.  I heard from the pupils that they walked at least 70 miles over the trip, so it was no wonder that they were exhausted by the time they had finished.  A huge thank you to all of the parent helpers and to all parents full stop for making sure that everyone was in the right place at the right time. 

Already we are seeing white bands – whoop! Keep up the excellent work everyone as we want to see even more bands on wrists this year. 

Next week we see the Year 5s going swimming every day in the afternoons. Year 4 were brilliant this week and super speedy at getting changed (always a bonus). 

We are still collecting for the Food Bank for our Harvest Festival this year. You are more than welcome to donate something. If you do, please drop it off at the school office where we will collate it and then make sure that it arrives at the Food Bank. 

We hope that you have a wonderful weekend and look forward to seeing you on Monday. 
Kindest regards,
Ms Whitlock

 Image Gallery



Friday 23 September  

We have had a super week – it may have only been four days long, but my goodness we have packed a lot in! 

Thank you for your support with the individual and sibling photographs on Wednesday – they went very well and copies of the prints have gone home today for you to have a look at and order if you would like to. The few sibling photographs that we just did not manage to fit in will take place next week – please keep an eye out for a confirmatory email. Any pupils who were absent on Wednesday will have their photographs taken then too – phew!

Shining Stars this week were awarded for our school rule ‘Be Respectful’. I was not able to be in the actual assembly so really enjoyed seeing all of the certificates afterwards – a HUGE well done to all who received one today. Staff Shining Stars will be awarded on Monday as I wanted to give them out myself (I know, I know, I should not be so bothered, but it is a true story…)

We are starting Reading Karate again – hurrah! Please see the attached document for details. We saw quite a few Black Bands last year (you had to have read 215 times to reach this level!) and we loved seeing the difference that it made to the amount of reading taking place in and out of school so thank you for all of your support with this. 

Next week we see the Year 4s going swimming every day in the afternoons - we are very excited to see the re-vamped and improved Leisure Centre in action. 

Year 3 have their first trip of the year next week too – they are visiting Pentire to study the geology of the rocks in the area. I am a little bit envious of them all but we hope that they have an amazing time. 

It is time for Harvest Festival – next week at WPA we will be looking at why we have a harvest festival and how we celebrate it both in the olden days and now. When I was at Primary School, approximately 40(0) years ago (eek), we brought in a tin of something and sang some super harvest songs.  

We will be having a collection for the Food Bank for our Harvest Festival this year and you are more than welcome to donate something, but there is absolutely no obligation to bring anything in at all.

A quick plea: Wadebridge U11s are looking for players this season (year 6). Both boys and girls are welcome and if anyone is interested, please contact: michaelcolenzo@icloud.com via email or by phone on: 07368 407333.
Thank you for all of your support this week and I hope that you have a lovely weekend. We look forward to seeing you all on Monday. 

Kindest regards,
Ms Whitlock


Friday 16 September  

As per national guidance and my email this week, please remember that the school is closed due to the additional Bank Holiday on Monday.  We will miss you all (and are still sorry for any inconvenience), but look forward to seeing you bright and breezy on Tuesday morning at 0825. 

We have had a fantastic week of learning and I am delighted that the weather has mostly been bearable to good (one day I will write a blog that does not mention the weather), as it really does ease the parking situation.

But on that note…, please could I ask that, from Tuesday, we do NOT block the two disabled parking bays that are in the car park. They are opposite the entrance to the school and are clearly marked as disabled bays. I cannot put cones in front of them as they defeat the object of them being there, but I would really appreciate your support with this as we do have families that would really benefit from those spaces.

Shining Stars this week were awarded to those who teachers feel are always ready for their learning. ‘Be Ready’ is one of our school rules and once again, there were some superstar learners this week. Well done to them all. Staff Shining Stars very deservedly were awarded to Mrs May and Mrs Wilton, both of whom are massively important to the school. Every school should have a Mrs May and Mrs Wilton to be honest, so we are VERY glad that they are on our team. 

Meet the Teacher on Wednesday went very well and we are grateful to all who were able to attend. We will put all of the information that was said in the meetings on the class pages on the website for all those who could not make it, but please do always remember that you are always welcome to contact us if you have any questions about any aspect of school. 

Next Wednesday, 21 September, there are individual and sibling photos. Please make sure that your child is photo ready when they come to school in the morning. Year 6 – please come to school in School Uniform and bring your PE kit with you. When you have had your photo (or photos if they are a sibling) then they will be able to change into their PE Kit. 

Please, please label your child’s clothes. All of them. On days like today when it is cold coming into school but ends up warm, many jumpers and cardigans are discarded and a named piece of clothing is SO much easier to find.

Please see the separately sent email with details of the term dates, the bank holidays and the INSET days for this school year. You may notice that there are no dates currently scheduled for the Royal Cornwall Show. This is because we simply cannot fit them into the Trust INSET day schedule. I have not given up complete hope, and if anything changes, I will let you know, but for now, the term and INSET dates are fixed. I am very sorry for any inconvenience that this may cause.

We hope to send out details of other key dates, such as Christmas Performances and Class Assemblies in the next week or so.  

We are in need of helmets for our Nursery! We have a fantastic selection of bikes and trikes, but not enough helmets, so if you have any of good quality that you were planning to pass on and are willing to donate to school, we would be most grateful.  

A quick plea: Wadebridge U7s are looking for players this season (year 2). Both boys and girls are welcome and if anyone is interested, please do attend a pro20 Saturday morning session and contact Carrie-Ann on 07870 941107 for more information. 

Thank you for all of your support. We hope that you have a lovely weekend and look forward to seeing you on Tuesday. 

Kindest regards,
Ms Whitlock


Friday 9 September  

It has been wonderful to see you all this week as we were very excited to see you all! And you all looked so smart and refreshed – thank you. Thank you too, for all of your support this week (especially with the parking).  

We celebrated ‘settling in’ in our Shining Stars assembly today, and I was delighted to see so many smiling faces; all were very well deserved. We also talked as a school about the sad passing of Queen Elizabeth II and remembered the wonderful time that we had in the Summer celebrating her Jubilee. We will continue to celebrate her reign next week as we look at all that she achieved, sharing our memories of the Elizabethan Era. 

Teacher Shining Stars today were awarded to the wonderful Miss Miskowicz and Mrs Clayson, both of whom are hugely appreciated members of our WPA Team.  

You will see less Facebook traffic over the next week due to the national period of mourning, but please know that we will be sending you all relevant information via email. School is of course open as normal, and we look forward to seeing many of you at our ‘Meet the Teacher’ meetings on Wednesday.

Take good care and kindest regards,
Ms Whitlock

 Image Gallery



Friday 22 July  

We made it! 

Timings and Dates for September 2022
Before we talk about what has happened this week and last, please note that we start back in September on TUESDAY 6 SEPTEMBER with the gates opening at 0825.  Gates close in the morning at 0840. End of day times stay the same (1440 for EYFS and KS1 and 1450 for KS2). We cannot wait to see you!

Year 6
It has been a very busy week for some – Year 6s especially, but it has been a fantastic year in SO many ways and we were all very emotional when we all lined up this afternoon to send them on their journey to secondary school. They performed the The Greatest Showman wonderfully on Tuesday of this week and they thoroughly enjoyed preparing and then taking part in the end of Primary School Prom last night.  Today, they played a vital part in our Tribute to Mrs Berridge Send Off and were fabulous when they were walking through our Guard of Honour. We will miss them but we hope to see many of them soon and we know that they are going to be brilliant. They have had a tough few years and both their work and their smiling faces (and their FABulous play) show just how far they have come. We wish them the very best in their very bright futures.  

Mrs Berridge
31 years and still going smiling! Today we said a very fond farewell to Mrs Berridge, who has been at the school since it opened in 1991. After our end of year Shining Stars assembly, we celebrated Mrs Berridge’s time at WPA with a special tribute which involved, the Choir, Mrs Halpin reading a poem that she had composed, the whole school singing a rousing and very spine-tingling version of ‘From Now On’, a fantastic ‘who do you think they are?’ quiz, which was filled with photos of staff pictures from 1991. It was great fun, and really entertaining! Mrs Berridge then gave her tribute of an Ode to WPA, which was followed by photos and snippets of past staff members who had sent in video messages for Mrs Berridge, and lastly, our own current staff singing and miming along to our very own special (!) version of Dancing Queen. The staff video will hopefully be uploaded to both the website and Facebook, so please do keep an eye out for it! 

My very favourite thing, though, was how well all of the WPA pupils sat, listened and joined in. They were FANTASTIC and we are very proud of all of them.

We will miss Mrs Berridge more than we can say, but we hope to see her in to help with some readers soon.

Last week was Art and Creative week and we certainly did a LOT of creative things. Mrs Keat, our Art Leader, has written: 
Art Week
This week has been ‘Art Week’ at WPA and everyone thoroughly enjoyed their arty activities.  ‘Water, water everywhere’ was one of the given themes that the children and teachers used as inspiration for their work.
Throughout the week, pupils experienced a full range of artistic disciplines and produced some highly creative pieces.  Reception explored a range of textiles to create a beautiful collaged heart.  They looked at warm and cool colours and thought carefully about how to layer the materials together. Year 1 worked with woven paper to make colourful fish and took great care to ensure their patterns were accurately made.   Year 2 were inspired by the fishy theme too.  They used the collage artist and author, Clare Youngs to help them create their own work.  They used stamp and patterned rollers, which they made themselves, to create a variety of printed papers.  They then cut the prints up to make collaged fish. Year 3 enjoyed printing too!  They used polystyrene printing sheets to make some lovely reduction prints using two colours.  They looked amazing and the children certainly had great fun working with the inks and rollers.  Year 3 also looked at the work of the artist, Piet Mondrian.  They used their sketchbooks to study the way in which he worked and experimented with their own ideas, based on his colour themes.  An interesting sewing project was a focus for Year 4.  When I popped in, pupils were busy threading needles, experimenting with different stitches and stuffing their cushions, which were carefully being decorated with all sorts of different fabric appliques.  The pupils in Year 5 certainly had fun with their art project!  They were working in partners to make sea-monster inspired Mod Roc masks.  This involved popping on some clingfilm face protection whilst their friend laid plaster of Paris soaked fabric over their face.  The end results were both amazing and very creative. 
*note from Ms Whitlock – so sorry about the amount of Mod Roc that made it home on the uniform. We did try very hard to keep uniform clean but it very definitely did not work. We were mortified and hope that it all came out ok* 
Altogether, the children had a brilliantly creative time.  As we know, art can be a very therapeutic activity and we hope that the skills learnt throughout this year, and beyond, will give them life-long memories.
Monday’s Shining Stars assembly had the theme of Teachers Choice and today’s theme was ‘Stars of the Year’. Every single pupil chosen was a fantastic choice and it was lovely to see them all. Staff Shining Stars today went to Mrs Botten, who is also retiring after 10 wonderful and very busy years with us; Mrs Martyn, who has spent a wonderful term with us and our fantastic Mrs Berridge. Staff Shining Stars on Monday went to the lovely Mr Langton and Mrs Bodinnar for all of their hard work and brilliance this year.  

It turned out that Year 5 had NOT quite finished their bikeability last week, but last week WAS definitely the last week and we are very grateful to the Bikeability instructor, who was fabulous. 

FOWPA are pleased to announce that the total raised from the Summer Fair is £3135.39. A massive thank you to all parents, grandparents, carers, and members of the community that came to the Summer Fair.  
We are so happy that we raised money for the school, but what was more important to us was that everyone who came, had a great time.  
We would like to thank many local companies for their generosity in donating items to the Fair and for the great raffle prizes too. See below for the list of companies. 
We would also like to make a special mention to Anne Quilter, the FOWPA member that stepped up and project managed the whole Summer Fair, also to Ruth Wilden for sourcing so many amazing raffle prizes. Anne and Ruth, alongside many others in the FOWPA team, have given up their own time to make sure this year’s Summer Fair was the best one yet! Also to the parents who helped on the stalls on the day, having this extra help made sure there were plenty of stalls at the Fair.  
This money will enable the school to transform playgrounds and pay for additional facilities and/or equipment outside the normal school budget, therefore advancing the education of the pupils. 
If you are interested in joining the FOWPA team, please do get in touch with Gemma Lloyd-Jones on 07875649221.  We have great fun organising events and other fundraising activities. 
Happy Summer Holidays everyone, from a very happy FOWPA team.  
I think that it is time for me to sign off now too, as this is rapidly turning into a novella.

My last very big thank you must go to you, our wonderful WPA family of parents – you are so very appreciated. I know that I say it a lot, but I really do mean it. 

I cannot wait to see you all in September (Tuesday 6th September at 0825) and I hope that you have wonderful Summer Breaks. 

Take good care and kindest regards
Ms Whitlock

 Image Gallery



Monday 11 July  

Class and Year Group assemblies last week went really well. We were dazzled by science, acting, dancing and general wonderfulness in 5B’s class assembly and the Year 1 assembly was simply wonderful. They sang, spoke and recited poems alongside reminding us how much work and fun they have had this year in Year 1!  Both were much enjoyed by all and we thank you for all of the support. Reception have their assembly tomorrow (Tuesday 12 July at 2pm) and Year 6 are very busily now practicing for their end of school play (which, by the way, looks spectacular).  

Year 3 Trip 
Went brilliantly – the whole year group walked either to or from Treraven Woods, looked at the magnificence that is Wadebridge and when at Treraven, did some geography fieldwork. All pupils were able to light fires, map read and do some plant and minibeast identification. And all before it got as hot as this week. An amazing time was had by all - phew! 

Shining Stars
Shining Stars this week were for Marvellous Maths (always a favourite) and were awarded once more to very deserving pupils – well done to them all. Staff Shining Stars were awarded to Miss Beckett and Mrs Johnson, both of whom are vital and amazing members of the WPA team – we would be lost without them and we are so grateful for all that they do.  

We think that Year 5, have finished their bikeability, but truthfully, only time will tell, as there are so many of them…   

Mrs Berridge 
Please, if you are able, do send in your best or longest ago memories of Mrs Berridge. Emails or real paper both very welcome but if sending an email please send to: secretary@wadebridgeprimary.co.uk. Thank you.

Don’t forget to fill in the FOWPA consent form sent out last week if your child or children would like to take part in the Summer Fair Talent Show, FOWPA would LOVE to hear from you.  Please also let them know if you are able to help in any way. Thank you all for your support – we are getting really excited now! 

Coming up
Week of 11 July                          Whole School    Art and Creative Week 
Tuesday 12 July                 Year 1         BEACH TRIP POLZEATH
Tuesday 12 July                 Year R         Year Group Assembly – 1400 start - Parents welcome
Wednesday 13 July                      Years R – 5          Transition to new classrooms (pm)
Friday 15 July                  Whole School    Reports Home to parents
Saturday 16 July                      Whole School FOWPA Summer Fair
Tuesday 19 July                          Year 6              End of School Play to parents: 0930 and 1800 
Wednesday 20 July                    Nursery             Pirate Party (am)
Wednesday 20 July                  Whole School Julie Jubilee Party (to celebrate Mrs Berridge’s retirement)
Thursday 21 July                         Year 6              End of Primary School Prom (evening)
Friday 22 July                            Whole School END OF TERM – EARLY FINISH. KS1 and EYFS 1245. KS2 1300.

We hope that you had a lovely weekend and enjoyed the sun and we look forward to seeing you later on today.

Kindest regards
Ms Whitlock


Friday 1 July  

Hot off the press! SWIMSAFE Final Success
Both the Year 5 and the Year 6 Swimsafe Teams did brilliantly today - with the Year 6 Team coming THIRD in the whole of Cornwall. This is an amazing achievement and I am so very proud of all who took part. Wahoo!

5W’s assembly this week went really well – we were dazzled by magic and treated to some superb singing. It was much enjoyed by all and we thank you for all of the support and the (I suspect) hours of practice that would have taken place at home. 5B and Year 1 have their turn next week and we can’t wait!   

Shining Stars
Shining Stars this week were for excellent presentation and were awarded once more to very deserving pupils – well done to them all as they are all definite Shining Stars. Staff Shining Stars were awarded to Mrs Reeve and Mrs Gallie, both of whom are amazing colleagues and friends and whom we love dearly. Mrs Gallie has in fact taken over from the marvelous Marcia Momber, whose final day at WPA was last Friday. Marcia was never one for a fuss, but she was thoroughly spoiled in her last week and took with her many memories, gifts and cards from all of us. We miss her terribly, but Mrs Gallie is doing a wonderful job and, as ever, thank goodness for Caroline. 

Year 5 and Year R continue with their Bikeability and are doing extremely well – Year 5 continue into next week too. We are loving see their cycling confidence grow and we are very grateful to Bikeability for their hard work and patience. 

Mrs Berridge 
As I mentioned a while ago, Mrs Berridge is very sadly retiring at the end of this term. Talking to her about what she treasures most from her time at Wadebridge Primary, she said that her class photographs and the lovely notes that she has received from her past pupils is waaaaay up there and so I have a big ask for all of those of you who have ever known the lovely Mrs Berridge: if you were ever taught by Mrs Berridge, or you knew her as the teacher of one of your children, please could you send her a note of some kind – either involving a memory or just some good wishes. We will then put them all together so that she has her very own magnificent box of (WPA) memories.  Email or real paper very welcome but if sending an email please send to: secretary@wadebridgeprimary.co.uk. Thank you.

Now, there are many, many things coming up, but first, please see some messages from our ever fantastic FOWPA: 

FOWPA Ground Force Day A Big Success
Last Saturday, members of FOWPA and some very helpful pupils made great progress on the environmental garden. FOWPA hope that with a couple more days work on the area, which includes erecting the teacher's chair and completing the brick edging, it will soon be ready for the children and staff to enjoy. 

Finally, a shed to be proud of: THANK YOU COUNTY SIGNS
FOWPA are so pleased to now have their very own shed, where they can store all of the equipment needed for their fundraising activities and their groundforce days. The shed could not have come at a better time when lots of storage is needed for the Summer Fair taking place on Saturday 16th July 2022. FOWPA received a very generous donation of £250 from COUNTY SIGNS based at Winnard's Perch, who specifically wished to help FOWPA fund the purchase of this shed, so THANK YOU VERY MUCH 'COUNTY SIGNS'; your generosity is very much appreciated.
Also, thanks to the fantastic Tom and Emma Taylor who put the shed together last weekend, which you can see was then tested by some very happy children in the FOWPA groundforce team!

The planters in the school playgrounds have been given a fantastic burst of colour with some lovely bedding plants. FOWPA would like to extend a VERY BIG THANK YOU to Trelawney Garden Centre for their generosity in assisting with this. A huge thank you too, to Wendy Pool, a member of FOWPA, who kindly gave up her day yesterday to plant the flowers. Not only do these look fantastic for the children and staff to enjoy, but the planters are now also more wildlife friendly too, so THANK YOU!

Summer Fair news: 
Don’t forget to fill in the FOWPA consent form sent out last week if your child or children would like to take part in the Summer Fair Talent Show and, last but not least, we are collecting 2nd hand toys and books on Monday morning (4 July) and 2nd hand uniform on Wednesday morning (6 July). Thank you all for your support – we are getting really excited now! 

Coming up
Week of 4 July Year 5 Bikeability (please see specific letters which give dates) 
Week of 4 July                                Year 6                Secondary School Transition Week (Mon – Thurs)
Monday 4 July Whole School FOWPA Second Hand Toy Collection
Tuesday 5 July Year 1 Year Group Assembly – Parents welcome – 0900
Wednesday 6 July Whole School FOWPA Second Hand Uniform Collection – AM
*Wednesday 6 July Year 3 Trip to Treraven Woods *
Wednesday 6 July 5B Class assembly – Parents welcome - 0900
Wednesday 6 July Nursery Sports Day – 0900 start – Parents welcome
Week of 11 July                          Whole School    Art and Creative Week 
Tuesday 12 July Year 1 BEACH TRIP 
Tuesday 12 July Year R Year Group Assembly – 1400 start - Parents welcome
Wednesday 13 July                      Years R – 5          Transition to new classrooms
Friday 15 July                  Whole School    Reports Home to parents
Saturday 16 July                      Whole School FOWPA Summer Fair
Tuesday 19 July                          Year 6              End of School Play to parents: 0930 and 1800 
Wednesday 20 July            Nursery    Pirate Party 
Wednesday 20 July                  Whole School Julie Jubilee Party (to celebrate Mrs Berridge’s retirement) 
(more details to follow)
Thursday 21 July                            Year 6              End of Primary School Prom
Friday 22 July                            Whole School END OF TERM – EARLY FINISH. KS1 and EYFS 1245. KS2 1300.

And to finish, we found this useful poster which we thought made good sense. As we near the end of the Summer Term and school year, it might help. Have a wonderful weekend and we look forward to seeing you on Monday.  
Kindest Regards,

Ms Whitlock

 Image Gallery



Friday 24 June 

And there I was thinking that last week was busy… 

This week we have had the Year 6 Activity Week – where our wonderful Year 6s experienced ‘Hangloose’ at The Eden Project, Big Dunk’s Laser Tag, Flambards, Camel Creek, a camp out AND a Sports Day. Phew. They *should* sleep well tonight.  I can also confirm that the hoodies have indeed been worn all week (despite the warm weather). 

We have also had lots of other events and things happening – Year 5 and Year R have had some bikeability sessions (more next week for Year 5), Year 4 gave us a marvellous assembly on Minibeasts (I LOVED the ‘Bee and Me’ story – if you have not seen, please do Google it; it is on You Tube and is by Alison Jay) and had a wonderful Minibeast day with a real live minibeast expert. We have had three out of our four Sports Days and they went REALLY well. A massive well done to all who took part and to all of the support that you have given us as families. Well done too to all those who took part in the parents and carers races – my goodness you are a speedy and competitive group! Sorry for the bike track rocks at the end – we will start the other way next year :/. We are so grateful for all of the hard work that Mr O’Dwyer put in to make the sports days run as smoothly as they did – hurrah for things going like clockwork! All we need to do now is keep our fingers crossed that we did well enough to be up there for podium places in the Bridge Schools Games – come on Wadebridge!! Nursery did their Big Toddle and they were also fantastic – they made good use of both the Mountain Bike Track and the Athletics track  

We have also been told this week that the Year Five Swim Safe Team also got through to the Cornwall County finals – this is fantastic news and we are so proud of all those who took part. The competition for both teams is next Friday (1 July) and we wish you the best of luck!

Shining Stars
Shining Stars this week will be for progress in Sport – we are doing our Shining Stars assembly for this week on this coming Monday as we had so much on today. This means that there will be two lots of Shining Stars to report next week – hurrah for Shining Stars!

FOWPA Summer Fair
Please keep Saturday 16 July free as it is the FOWPA Summer Fair. Thank you to all of those who designed covers for the programme – we are in the process of choosing a winner but there are some really fantastic entries. 

Don’t forget that there will be a Talent Show at the Summer Fair too! A letter will be coming out with all of the details but here they are again, just in case: 
Summer Fair Talent Show
Does your child have a talent they would like to show us at the Summer Fair on Saturday 16th July, either on their own or with their friends? 
Martial Arts
Poetry Reading
Telling a Joke
We would love to have as many of the WPA Pupils as possible showing off their talents.
A letter will be sent home next week for you to give us your consent for them to take part.  We will then send out a timetable of when the children will be showcasing their talent!

Coming up
Week of Monday 27 June Year 5 Bikeability (please see specific letters which give dates) 
Wednesday 29 June 5W Class Assembly – parents welcome – 0900


Week of 4 July                      Year 6                     Secondary School Transition Week
Tuesday 5 July Year 1         Year Group Assembly – Parents welcome - 0900
Wednesday 6 July 5B                 Class assembly – Parents welcome - 0900
Wednesday 6 July Nursery                 Sports Day – 0900 start
Week of 11 July                    Whole School    Art and Creative Week 
Tuesday 12 July         Year R         Year Group Assembly – 1400 start - Parents welcome
Wednesday 13 July             Years R – 5          Transition to new classrooms
Friday 15 July                  Whole School    Reports Home to parents
Saturday 16 July                  Whole School FOWPA Summer Fayre
Tuesday 19 July                   Year 6              End of School Play to parents 0930 and 1800 
Wednesday 20 July            Nursery            Pirate Party 
Wednesday 20 July             Whole School Julie Jubilee Party (to celebrate Mrs Berridge’s retirement) 
(more details to follow)
Thursday 21 July                 Year 6              End of Primary School Prom
Friday 22 July                       Whole School END OF TERM – EARLY FINISH. KS1 and EYFS 1245. KS2 1300.

Two points to note 
1)If your children cycle, scoot or skateboard to school, please make sure that they have a helmet. It is really important that they also keep safe on the pavements where possible.

2)A message from PCSO Pete Sobye: If your child walks home, please remind your children to keep a close eye out for any strangers and to tell you if they see anything out of the ordinary. If they tell you of anything strange, please report it to the police. 

I hope that you have a wonderful weekend and look forward to seeing you all on Monday. Fingers crossed that the weather miraculously improves for the weekend. 

Kindest regards
Ms Whitlock


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