Head's Blog

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Happy Christmas! 

This will probably be my last Blog as Head Teacher of WPA. I have really loved being with you all this term. This is an exceptional school with wonderful children, talented staff and very committed parents, carers and local community. The new head teacher, Rebecca Whitlock, will be very happy here.
The photo shows the highly successful and enjoyable Christmas Fair. Thank you, FOWPA and all of you, for your hard work and support. We will know this week how much was raised for the school.
Remember that the last day of term is Friday 20th.
KS1 finish at 1:10pm and KS2 finish at 1:30pm.
Swans earned the highest number of Team Points, so the Swans House are allowed to wear their own choice of clothes on Friday as their reward.
Now it only remains for me to wish you all a very Happy Christmas!


Christmas Fayre is coming! 


Don't forget that it is the Christmas Fayre on Wednesday 11th December 2.30-4.30! Please remember your raffle tickets, and send cakes and Tombola donations to reception.

The photo shows our School Choir on their visit to Windmill Court Care Home in St Minver. The gentleman in the picture was enjoying his 87th birthday with the children. The Choir entertained all the residents with their Christmas songs.



Christmas Spirit at WPA! 

Christmas is in the air at WPA! The sounds of Christmas songs, carols, nativity play rehearsals echo around corridors and classrooms and the excited anticipation of the children builds each day. The School Council decorated this stunning tree in the entrance hall.
Join us in the festivities!

Christmas Fayre Wednesday 11th December 2:30pm-4:30pm
Please support!
FOWPA would welcome donations for the Tombola, for example, Chocolates, Wine, Beer, Soft Drinks, Bubble Bath, Toys, Sweets.
There will be some Elves at the school gates and school office on Thursday and Friday this week to collect your offerings!

Christmas Carol Services 6:00pm Tuesday 10th (Y3/Y4) and Thursday 12th (Y5/Y6) at Egloshale Church
Please join us for a celebration of the true meaning of Christmas. A letter went out today to KS2 with a reply slip so that you can confirm your attendance.


Chatter Matters 

It was a privilege to take fourteen of our Year 5 pupils to the Chatter Matters afternoon at the John Betjeman Centre. The young people engaged in activities with the older generation. Memories were shared while playing "I Spy" using old photographs.
Maddy wrote,
"I really enjoyed this experience. I sat next to a lovely lady called Jan, and we talked about our hobbies and lives in general. I would love to do it again."
Dulcie said,
"I loved it so much because we got to have a chat and know the older people much better. I loved talking with the elderly people."
This link with the Memory Café and Chatter Matters is so valuable for both the children and the older people. We must continue and develop this important link.


School Governors needed 

 Would you like to find out about becoming a School Governor?

Becoming a School Governor is an important and valuable way in which to support our school.
Find out more by going to Information/Forms on this website.


Wadebridge Primary Academy is a happy, purposeful place in which children can learn in a safe and supportive environment. We have fun and also think about others.

Look at the fun we had wearing pyjamas to support Children in Need!


Cakes Galore- and Pyjamas next! 

The Bake-Off was great fun and a tremendous success. We were honoured to have the actual three Judges from TV to judge for us! Many thanks to all who baked amazing cakes for us; all very yummy but also cleverly around the theme of animals and nature. FOWPA raised £183 from this event.
It was followed by a rather soggy but wonderfully supported Firework Display, organised by Year 5: a very successful community event.

Friday 15th November is PYJAMA DAY for Children in Need

Children can wear their pyjamas to school and bring donations for Children in Need

PS Please note that in the absence of newsletters, do look at the latest news on the News Section of the school website. It is currently labelled Newsletters.



Lots happening at WPA! 

There are so many exciting events planned for this Half Term! We look forward to sampling the cakes for the BAKE OFF AND CAKE SALE ON MONDAY 4th.
Bring your cakes to the School Hall when you drop your children off on Monday morning. The best cakes win prizes and will be on sale in the Hall from 2:30pm. Return to school for the FIREWORK DISPLAY ON MONDAY 4th AT 5:00pm.
Don't forget to make your appointment to see your child's teacher on the 13th or 14th November.
Then it seems as though Christmas will be upon us. Dates for your diaries:
10th, 11th, 12th December Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 Christmas Play
10th December 6:00pm Carol Service for Year 3 and Year 4 in Egloshayle Church
12th December 6:00pm Carol Service for Year 5 and Year 6 in Egloshayle Church
13th December Christmas Jumper Day and Christmas Lunch
16th December KS1 Cinema Trip
17th December KS2 Cinema Trip
20th December Last Day of Term
And in all the excitement, we do not forget others. Thank you for the generous donations for the Wadebridge Food Bank.


Celebrating Harvest 


We look forward to inviting parents to join the children in celebrating harvest and giving thanks for all the good things we enjoy. We will also remember those who do not have as much as we have.
Key Stage One will have their special assembly on Tuesday 14th October at 8:45 in the School Hall, followed by Key Stage Two's assembly on Wednesday 16th October at 8:45. We will try to fit you all in! Jacqui White will bring the Food Bank Van to school and collect all the kind donations brought in by the children.

Please do look at the Calendar tab on the website to see other important events coming up.


We are a Healthy School 

At Wadebridge Primary Academy we aim to keep ourselves fit and healthy and also help the environment at the same time. This week saw national Walk to School Day, and many of us made an effort to walk as much as possible instead of driving. Why not make this an aim for every day of the year? I know it is not possible for many of us, like myself, who live too far away from the school, but whenever we can in our lives, let's walk, cycle or scoot!

Another way to keep healthy is to think about healthy eating habits. We will be sending to all parents a Food Questionnaire, produced by Cornwall Healthy Schools. Kindly complete and return to the School Office. This will help the School Council and staff to update a Whole School Food Policy, which we will put on this website. School Council and the Sugar Smart Team in Year 5 have asked all the children not to bring snacks of crisps, sweets, chocolate coated products, cakes, biscuits or cereal bars. KS1 have free fruit provided by the government, so do not need to bring snacks at all. KS2 should bring fruit, vegetables or nuts and seeds if they want a snack mid-morning. The Sugar Smart Team in Year 5 gave an excellent presentation in assembly on avoiding sugar and salt in out diets and why. So, keep healthy and have fun!


Another full week at WPA 

Every day and every lesson counts at our school. Attendance is very important; getting in a good habit of punctual and regular attendance will help your children in their future world of work.

Congratulations to 3B for the highest attendance of any class so far this term. They achieved 98.3%, closely followed by 4W with 98.1%.

We have been thrilled to take part as a school in BikeLights 2019 and FIRE and Stem projects. The photo shows you the inspirational intergenerational drumming workshop year 5 pupils enjoyed with the Chatter that Matters Group at Concern Wadebridge.

Here is further information from Laura Martin:

BikeLights 2019 and the wider FIRE & STEAM arts & heritage project from Wadebridge Creative Hub, supported by The National Lottery Heritage Fund, Arts Council England, FEAST and local partners, celebrates the unique railway heritage of Wadebridge & Bodmin, which boasted one of the earliest steam railways in the UK linking the two towns from 1834 until 1978. A host of schools & community engagements - including today’s intergenerational, railway-themed drumming workshop with the Chatter that Matters Group at Concern Wadebridge - form a key aspect of the project’s themed creative community activities. Twin inclusive illuminated bicycle-based ‘BikeLights’ events, in Wadebridge on Saturday 12 October and Bodmin on Sunday 13 October 2019, will incorporate schools and artist builds, including a creation by Year 5 pupils working with artist Reg Payn. The ‘Coasters Camel’ cycle-based ‘steam locomotive’ will follow in the footsteps of the first ‘Camel’ engine, journeying along the old line from Wadebridge to Bodmin, as well as participating in each processive event. The wider ongoing project offers further exciting heritage visits, creative activities and engagements for schools and community groups, while also creating new public assets to help share this unique heritage with wider audiences working with a range of partners.



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