Head's Blog

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Friday 30th April 

First things first: This weekend is a Bank Holiday weekend so please remember that SCHOOL IS CLOSED ON MONDAY 3 MAY.  We are already excited about seeing you all on Tuesday (4 May) at the normal time though.

This week has been just as busy as the last! I must tell you all about the most wonderful WOW days that Years 1 and 3 had last week. Whilst every pupil in school started a new topic, pupils in Years 1 and 3 thoroughly immersed themselves in their new topics by dressing up and frankly making the most of the sunny weather (which was handy as the topics are very outdoor based).  In the last two weeks I have seen mermaids, countless artworks, clay animals, pointillism, reports written on what Cornwall has to offer, letters written to Harry Potter, creative writing about Nancy Wake, poly printing and minibeasts. This blog does not do all of this justice though, please do make sure that you visit the class pages on our website to see and read more about what we are doing. It is well worth it!  
This week in assembly, we thought about the environment, both inside of school out, and I was really impressed by the understanding and the concern that our young people have for what is needed to keep it looking and feeling nice. We are now in the process of each class writing their pledges on how we can be sure to take care of what we have. The school councillors are leading on this and I will report back when I can! 

Thank you to all for remembering our Friday normal time finish and thank you for your calm and collected picking up so far this term. Clubs have started well and it is lovely to hear about all of the things going on.  Do please remember that we have drop off lanes for dropping off, not parking, and please do not park on the road leading into school. It causes huge build ups of traffic, which are completely preventable.  

PE kits are looking better – thank you very much - but we are not quite there yet. PE kit consists of:
White T Shirt or Wadebridge PE Top
Dark shorts, PE Skirt, dark leggings or tracksuit bottoms
Wadebridge PE Jumper, School Jumper or PLAIN DARK Jumper
White Sports Socks/Trainers.  

Next week is a short week, but it will involve a great deal of learning. A letter was emailed today about our Ready, Steady, Read Challenge, which we are really excited about, so watch this space (and feel free to practise your reading over this weekend to warm up). 

I hope that you enjoy the long weekend; enjoy the sunshine while we still can (there *may* be rain on Monday) and stay safe, 
Kindest regards

Ms Whitlock


Friday 23rd April 

Week 1 done! It has been lovely to see so many smiles and so much sun. You may have noticed the trees laden with blossom near the entrance to the school – it looks lovely and Spring like (though after today’s wind, there is not *that* much blossom left on the trees themselves) and is a good reminder that brighter days are coming. We are already enjoying the longer evenings, but please find a list of reminders for this term below for your information:

Friday Finish – please remember that we are no longer finishing early on a Friday. We are reverting back to a normal school day, which means that pupils should be picked up at the same time as every other day in the week.  Deep cleans are still happening on a Friday; they are now just starting later.

Please note the pick-up timings for all year groups below:

Nursery – 1425 – 1445

Year R - 1425 – 1435

Year 1– 1435 – 1450

Year 2 – 1430 – 1445

Year 3 – 1455 – 1505

Year 4 – 1445 – 1455

Year 5 – 1455 – 1505

Year 6 – 1445 – 1455


If you have more than one child, please collect at the time of your eldest child.


Clubs start on Monday 26 April 2021

Vey excitingly, we also are now running one after school club for each year group for Years 1- 6. In order to still keep all Year Groups apart at all times, there is NO mixing of year groups for clubs and each year group has their own club only.  The clubs are set out below, with their start and finish times. Collection of pupils at the end of clubs will be in the same place as you would normally pick up. Please see below for the details.

Year Group

Lead Teacher/s



Collection Time

Year 1





Year 2





Year 3





Year 4





Year 5





Year 6






Uniform, PE Kit and Hair

Please feel free to wear the School’s Summer Uniform from now.  Please remember that shoes should be flat and black (Boots are not for this term please).

PE kit should be: White T Shirt or Wadebridge PE Top/Dark shorts, PE Skirt, dark leggings or tracksuit bottoms/Wadebridge PE Jumper, School Jumper or PLAIN DARK Jumper/White Sports Socks/Trainers. 

Hair that is longer than collar length must be tied back. All hair accessories should be gold and/or burgundy (no other colours please). 


Thank you for your support with all of these things – it is very much appreciated.


I also would like to talk about a little bit about autism awareness in this Blog. You may remember that we wore blue to recognise National Autism Awareness Week on Thursday 1 April, but what you might not know is that in our last day assembly, a very brave boy called Leo spoke to the entire school via our TEAMS assembly about what it means to be autistic and what he finds difficult. He also talked about what he does not find difficult, which was fantastic! He made everyone smile and I was very proud of him. I was also really proud of Mason in Year 6 as he gave out his class’s Shining Stars for the week and he was so good that if I did not know that he was a pupil, he could have passed for a teacher. His voice was strong and clear and he just got on with it!

This week, our whole school assembly focused on introducing a new PSHE (Personal, Social and Health Education) topic. The topic for this half term for the whole school is relationships, and we talked about the different relationships that we can have; how they are ALL important and how they all mean something to us. We thought about who we loved and wanted to spend time with, and why, and we thought about and talked about what can happen if something isn’t right in a relationship. We used cakes as an analogy (always a good idea), and realised that if any one of the ingredients in a cake isn’t there, the cake can taste very different (not in a good way). We then likened cakes to relationships in order to understand that what we put in very much determines what we get out. We thought about relationship ingredients and what would make a great relationship. We will be working more on this over this next half term and it promises to be really enlightening.  

A reminder that all parents can use the lateral Flow Device Testing Kits at home. Parents can order them online using the link below or you can collect them directly from the Covid Centre behind the Library in Bodmin.


Last but not least: Please also remember to label lunchboxes and please remember that we are a NUT FREE school.  This includes NO Nutella please. Please know that this hurts me as much as it might hurt your children as I absolutely love it.

Take good care, enjoy the sunshine and stay safe,

Kindest regards

Ms Whitlock


Thursday 1st April  

We made it!

It has been a long term, but a happy one. Being together for the last four weeks has really helped everyone’s morale and today’s assembly, where we celebrated the fantastic decorated eggs, was really uplifting. Our newly formed Head and Deputy Head Pupil Leadership Team were entirely in control of the competition judging and they wore their masks and scrutinised (not going near any other pupils) all of the competition eggs in the school. The first thing that they said when they reported back to me was how difficult it was to choose the winners! There were a lot of special mentions, I can tell you.

Seeing so many wonderfully decorated eggs come in to school today was wonderful and it showed just how creative we are at WPA – I would have liked to mention all of them as they were ALL amazing but no one has that amount of patience or reading span so I will only mention the winners. Stanley (YR), Archie (Y6) and Alfie (Y4) were the overall winners and they are shown in the attached pictures with their wonderfully decorated eggs.  WELL DONE to everyone who decorated though – you all did an eggcellent job.

This week we have had really good news regarding the Bag2School FOWPA collection – you raised an amazing £363! AND, as our Facebook page states, lots of you now have more room in your drawers. Phew!

We also had our second 100 Club draw yesterday too and we are delighted to announce that the winners are: Jackie Cann (1st Prize), Tony Cann (2nd Prize) and Katreen Bellringer (3rd Prize). A huge well done to the winners and fingers crossed for the next draw!

A reminder that all parents can use the lateral Flow Device Testing Kits at home. Parents can order them online using the link below or you can collect them directly from the Covid Centre behind the Library in Bodmin.

Please remember that we have an INSET day on Monday 19 April and the school is closed. The first day of term is Tuesday 20 April. Hurrah!

The timings for drop off and pick ups next term are EXACTLY THE SAME as this term. We still need to ensure that as few people are in school at any time, so please stick to the set timings – it is so appreciated.

Almost there…. We love that you are keeping in touch and teachers are always more than happy to receive emails with any questions or concerns you may have. However, please note that teachers work incredibly long hours and will only be able to reply to your emails during the working day, Monday to Friday. All teachers are teaching in class on a full-time basis now, so please do not always expect an immediate reply but know that they will be in contact with you as soon as possible. If you ever have an urgent concern, please contact the school office and ask for a message to be sent to your child’s class teacher as they will always respond immediately to this. Thank you for your support with this.

Last thing before happy holidays:

Please remember to label lunchboxes (you would be amazed how many pupils have the same lunchbox…) and please remember that we are a NUT FREE school.

I wish you all the most relaxing and recharging Easter Break and I look forward very much to seeing you all on Tuesday 20 April.

Take good care and stay safe

Kindest regards
Ms Whitlock

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Friday 26 March  

Dear Parents and Carers

It has been a hugely busy but enjoyable week. The marvellous Learning Ambassadors are starting to make their mark and Head Girl Isobel even gave out her class’ shining star certificates this morning – it was lovely!

The Pupil Leadership Team will also be judging the Easter Egg decorating competition that is attached – please have a read. Your job (should you choose to accept it) is to boil an egg, and then decorate it in the most flamboyant way possible. Given the impressive entries into the Toilet Roll competition, I am very much looking forward to seeing what the WPA pupils can do!

Bag2School – WOW! Your donations were stupendous and to be honest, the van who came to pick it all up was extremely lucky to get it all in his very large long wheel base transit.  FOWPA are waiting to hear what we have raised but we THANK YOU for it all.

The ‘Our Wonderful Cornwall’ Photo Competition is still open too – don’t forget to send in your best photo of our county (it can be a countryside pic, a building pic, a seascape pic or an anything pic really – as long as it shows Cornwall) by Friday 23 April 2021. Entries should be sent to Janetkeat@wadebridgeprimary.co.uk as an attachment. I can’t wait to see them all!

This week saw the very last Early Friday finish. We will still be having a Friday deep clean,; the cleaners will just start at bit later on. From the first Friday back after Easter (Friday 23 April), the school days will all end at the same time. I will remind you of the finish times next week in a separate letter so that you can have it to hand, but as ever, if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to get in touch.

There are egg-citing things coming up next week – we have the Easter Egg competition to prepare for and then bring in; we have the end of term coming up (Thursday 1 April is the last day of term and we are finishing early) AND the clocks go forward this weekend so it is even lighter in the evenings. Hurrah! 

Driving into School: Please remember that the Speed Limit is 10 mph and please remember that there is NO parking in school – it is for Drop Off and Pick Up only.  Thank you very much.

Last thing for today: A message from Connect Church Wadebridge about an Easter Trail:

Connect Church (formerly Wadebridge Christian Centre) are running 'The Seriously Surprising Adventure Trail' on Saturday 3rd April from 2-5pm. This will be a family friendly walk around Wadebridge ending at Connect Church: exchange your answer sheet for a prize and the end of the trail.

Link to answer sheet (print your own – we will also post on social media):

Link to map: https://www.google.com/maps/d/edit?mid=1oJs_na14aLFJsF_wEH2KIViYzVRxtnYz&usp=sharing

Phew! We hope that you have a wonderful weekend and can’t wait to see you on Monday.

Kindest regards

Ms Whitlock

 Image Gallery



Friday 19 March  

Dear Parents and Carers,

It has been a fantastic week. We have seen some sunshine, done lots of fantastic work and are really settling back into the swing of everyone being back in school.

Wednesday’s assembly was very special as every pupil in Years 1-6 and all staff members got to vote for our newly expanding Pupil Leadership Team. We saw potential House Captains and Head Boys and Head Girls give some truly fantastic speeches, saying why they would be the right choice for the role that they wanted, and I have to say, the results were amazingly close. We now have a Head Boy (Tom), a Deputy Head Boy (the results were so close that we had to have two!) (Danny), a Head Girl (Isobel) and a Deputy Head Girl (Eliza). Hurrah! These pupils are everything that we could ask for in Pupil Leaders and I am delighted that it is these pupils who are our first ever Senior Pupil Leaders. They all wholeheartedly and thoroughly deserve their role and I cannot wait to work with them in leading the pupils throughout the school. You will see lots of them in the coming months!

The House Captains were just as closely contested. Every boy and girl that applied gave genuinely outstanding speeches, and we wished that we could appoint every single one of them.

Choughs House Captains are Oscar and Holly
Cormorants House Captains are Rosie and Leo
Puffins House Captains are Connie and Jack
Swans House Captains are Teagan and Poppy

We also appointed 30 Bridge Ambassadors today! Every Year Group in Years 1-6 were tasked with appointing – through letters of application – Ambassadors for our Bridge Values. We now have in years 1 – 4 an Ideas Iguana, a Have a Go Hippo, a Find Out Flamingo, a Keep Going Koala and a Team Work Turtle. In Years 5 and 6 we have an Ideas Einstein, a Don’t Stop Darwin, a (H)ave a go Alexander, a Curious Curie and a Work Together Winston. They are a super group of pupils and we are really looking forward to them leading the learning across their Year Groups.

We also felt that the ambassadors needed a leader. It is a tricky job to lead a whole year group of learners and we thought that there needed to be someone to lead the Ambassadors and help them to fulfil their roles too. We have appointed Hannah as Head Ambassador. Hannah, just as all of the ambassadors do, embodies every single Bridge Value and we are delighted to see her in this role.

Every single leader appointed today completely deserves their role and we cannot wait to see them in action. I will take photos when it is NOT Red Nose Day…

A huge well done to all who went for the roles though – it is a very big deal to put yourself forward for something and it can be really hard when you are not successful, but I am so proud of every single Year 6 pupil who put themselves out there. The votes were genuinely very close indeed.

Just a few short reminders!

Collection of clothes on TUESDAY 23 March. Please bring your bags of clothes to school on Tuesday Morning for collection.

Please remember that there is NO Parking on site for any parents apart from those in the Nursery. There is also NO PARKING at the Comp AT ALL. There is plenty of parking at the Cormac Offices and at least it is light both in the morning and the afternoon now!

Please remember that the speed limit from the entrance to the school is 10 mph. Could you also please make sure that you are not blocking the zebra crossing at any time, or parking on the bend of the school drive. It causes a huge backlog and makes things run so much more slowly. Thank you so very much to all who are already not doing any of these things and for using the drop off and pick up lanes – it is very much appreciated.

Red Nose Day costumes and themes today have been BRILLIANT! The Reception Year Group Team DID come dressed as Breakfast (Sausage, Egg, Toast and Beans). There were some fantastic sights to see too – I must mention Flip and Flop, twins in Year 2 who actually came to school dressed as Flip Flops, complete with life size footwear. Fabulous! We took LOTS of pictures so please do look out for them on the blog and in the class pages and events page. Phew! We hope that you have a wonderful weekend and can’t wait to see you on Monday.

Kindest regards
Ms Whitlock

 Image Gallery



Friday 12th March  

Dear Parents and Carers

What a wonderful first week back. I can imagine that the exhaustion levels are high, but I hope that you have all enjoyed the week as much as we have. Our cheeks are hurting from smiling so much (though it also could be due to the high winds over the last couple of days…).

I will not overload you with lots this week as I know that you have a weekend to enjoy, but I wanted to thank everyone who has arrived at the right time to drop off and pick up this week. It has been extremely busy, but we have really appreciated the effort that has been made.   Do please keep an eye on the drop off and pick up times as it is really important that we try and keep these times as tight as possible. I have set out the timings again below, just in case a reminder would help:

Nursery – 0825 - 0845
Year R/Year 2/Year 4/Year 6: 0820 – 0835<
Year 1/Year 3/Year 5: 0830 – 0845
Year 4 – 0820 – 0835<

PICK UP (The timings in brackets are for the Friday pick up for the rest of this term)
Nursery – 1425 – 1445 (1225 – 1245)
Year R - 1425 – 1435 (1225 – 1235)
Year 1– 1435 – 1450 (1235 – 1250)<
Year 2 – 1430 – 1445 (1230 – 1245)
Year 3/Year 5 – 1455 – 1505 (1255 – 1305)
Year 4/Year 6 – 1445 – 1455 (1245 – 1255)

Please also remember that there is NO Parking on site for any parents apart from those in the Nursery. If your children are in Reception to Year 6, you are able to drop off only. There are two drop off lanes – one for KS2 and one for Reception and KS1. If you want to walk down with your child to drop them off, you must park outside of the school grounds (not on the road into the school) and walk them in. I know that it is a pain, but it really does help the traffic to flow.

This week was ‘Science Week’ and my goodness we have seen some fabulous experiments and lessons. We even saw a live experiment in our first live Shining Stars Assembly this morning with Year 5 showing us how to make a rocket fly. It even worked first time, which was a relief!

This week also saw us looking at the effect of litter and waste on our environment. We looked at what we can do to make our school the most beautiful it can be (picking up all of the rubbish) and we looked at how we can help save the environment. There were some lovely ideas, but the one thing that seems to be working really well is that we now have lights monitors in every class, who turn the lights off every time they leave the classroom or see an empty classroom with lights on. Many a teacher this week has been plunged into near darkness as a child cracks open the door and turns the lights off, but we are getting there in terms of them checking now… Some Year 3 girls have also formed their very own (elite) litter picking team, and the outside areas that they use are looking spotless! Thank you, Year 3s!&

Next week is also not quite a normal week as on Friday 19 March it is RED NOSE DAY!

And as you know, we love any opportunity to dress up, so…. Our theme this year is 'let's get laughing'! What we would like you to do is come to school on Friday dressed in your funniest and craziest costumes (for example, the Reception (year group, not Caroline and Marcia…) Team are thinking about dressing up as breakfast. I am very much looking forward to seeing how that turns out.  We will write again to remind you next week but get your funniest and craziest thinking caps on please.

We are also going to be celebrating World Autism Awareness Week in the last week of term (29 March – 1 April). Watch this space as more information will be coming out soon.

We hope that you have a wonderful weekend and can’t wait to see you on Monday.

Kindest regards
Ms Whitlock


Friday 5 March 

Dear Parents and Carers

We have made it! We will all be together again on Monday (though in our own Year Group Bubble…). I have seen so many excited faces today (and that was just the teachers) and I know that the Teams meetings in Years 1-6 went really well. We hope that you are as excited as we are, but I wonder if you could please read this short message out to your children:

Dear Everybody at WPA,

Hello you lovely lot! We have missed you SO much and we literally cannot wait to see you on Monday. I just wanted to reassure you that everything will be the same as when you were last in school. Your teachers will be the same, the TAs will be the same (though we are also welcoming Mrs King back into Year 3), your classrooms will be the same and your class will be the same. You will be able to see everyone who you have missed since January and they will be able to see you. Phew!Don’t worry if you are a bit wobbly; there will be lots of familiar faces to greet you on Monday and it is even supposed to be sunny! If you are not wobbly, please can you make sure that you help those who might be. <

Take good care this weekend, and get lots of sleep. Make sure that you go to bed nice and early on Sunday night and that you eat a good breakfast on Monday so that you are ready for the day. 

P.S. If you are in Years 2, 3, and 6, please remember to come to school in your PE Kit, as you have PE. 

Lots of love, Ms Whitlock

Thank you. We have also attached some lovely messages that the staff at WPA want the pupils to know. Have a read!<

As I mentioned in my letter, we are needing to still be really tight about making sure that we have as few people on the school grounds as possible, so please remember that there is NO Parking on site for any parents apart from those in the Nursery. If your children are in Reception to Year 6, you are able to drop off only. There are two drop off lanes – one for KS2 and one for Reception and KS1. If you want to walk down with your child to drop them off, you must park outside of the school grounds (not on the road into the school) and walk them in. At least it promises to be good weather to start us off!

Please also remember to wear a face covering if you are outside of the car when on the school premises.

A reminder of the drop off and pick up times are below (just in case!):

Nursery – 0825 - 0845
Year R/Year 2/Year 4/Year 6: 0820 – 0835
Year 1/Year 3/Year 5: 0830 – 0845

PICK UP The timings in brackets are for the Friday pick up for the rest of this term:
Year 1– 1435 – 1450 (1235 – 1250)
Year 2 – 1430 – 1445 (1230 – 1245)
Year 3/Year 5 – 1455 – 1505 (1255 – 1305)
Year 4/Year 6 – 1445 – 1455 (1245 – 1255)

A quick message about Homework:
From next week, teachers in some year groups will be trialing use of Teams to set weekly homework tasks. Please keep an eye on your child’s Teams account (we will of course tell them that we are setting their homework via Teams) and look out for posts and messages from your teachers with more details. We would very much like to continue using Teams as a learning platform even though pupils are now returning to school.

I am genuinely really excited and I hope that you are too. Please remember that we are here to support you and to help in any way. Do get in touch if there is anything that we can help with, and until Monday; stay safe, stay well and take care.

SEE YOU ON MONDAY (giant smiley face),

Kindest regards
Ms Whitlock


Friday 26th February  

Dear Parents and Carers

I am going to make this week’s blog very short indeed and we have sent you emails already today and there is a letter about re-opening attached.
I must celebrate the winners of the Toilet Roll Competition though – we had some truly wonderful entries and it was extremely difficult pick our winners but they are: Dolcie, Zofia and Olivia. Their designs are below and I have to say that I thought they were extremely creative (as were all of them to be fair!) and I thought that all of them were fab-u-lous – very well done to all who entered.

A massive well done too to ALL who took part in the 100 of something over the Half Term. We had lots of responses but to name a few; Evan found 100 plants and flowers; Molly Mae performed 100 acts of kindness; Sienna did 100 burpees and Evie did 100 Mountain Climbers (and we even have proof of these)!
Today was ‘Feelgood Friday’ and we most definitely felt good in school with lots of extremely smiley faces all day – in EVERY Year Group. We hope that you had fun at home too and that you took advantage of the good weather – which looks like it is going to stay over the weekend too – hurrah!&

On that note, please read the re-opening letter thoroughly, stay safe, enjoy the daylight and the sunshine and have a lovely weekend.
Kindest regards
Ms Whitlock

 Image Gallery



Friday 12th February  

Dear Parents and Carers

We made it! No-one could have possibly predicted how challenging the last six weeks would be, and I cannot tell you how proud I am of every member of the WPA community. All of the wonderful WPA staff responded instantly to the challenge of getting remote learning up and running within 24 hours of the lockdown being announced. Parents and carers have been brilliant. Your support, your adapting of the new situation and your response to the current way of things has meant so very much to us. And some of the work that has been produced this half term, both in and out of school, has been exceptional. It has, however, been quite a journey. Everyone has had their days when they have felt blue; everyone has had times when that first step of day has felt really, really hard, but we have made it. If I didn’t have grey hairs six weeks ago, I certainly do now! We are definitely over the top of the hill though, and I love how the days are getting longer and the mornings lighter. I predict that before we know it, we will be basking in the spring sunshine and frolicking on the school field.

Mrs Keat has shown me the truly wonderful response to our toilet roll challenge – THANK YOU to all who have decorated and embellished and reshaped their toilet roll tubes. As you had until today to send in your designs, and I would hate for anyone to miss out (I am literally always the last person to enter a competition and so never want anyone to miss out) we have not yet picked the winners, but we will announce them early in the week after Half Term. However, never fear! We have a challenge for you to do over the Half Term Break. Your challenge – should you choose to accept it – is this:

In memory of the inspirational Captain Sir Tom Moore, who walked 100 lengths of his garden at the age of 100, WPA would like to challenge you to do 100 of something over the Half Term.

You could: do 100 star jumps (you could even do 100 each day!); do 100 skips; run 100 lengths of YOUR garden or read 100 pages of a book. Your challenge can be 100 of ANYTHING (within reason). Please let us know what you are doing or have done by taking a picture of what you are doing 100 of and upload it either to the Facebook Page or send it to us via the secretary@wadebridgeprimary.co.uk email address.  I am planning on napping for 100 minutes. Every single day.

We have got LOTS coming up. On Friday 26 February we are running a FEELGOOD FRIDAY! More details will be posted and sent to you on Monday 22 February (an INSET day so please do not try and come to school or do any remote learning) ready for the Friday. Our plan is for us all to enjoy a tech free day with tons of possible activities for all year groups. This means that if you have siblings in different year groups, they can do the same thing if they want to - all free of a screen! Pupils in school will be tech free too (though there will be no mixing of bubbles of course). Please make sure that you wear your PE kits on this Friday as we are definitely hoping to get outside.

It is World Book Day on Thursday 4 March. We have not quite finalised our plans for it yet, but we wanted you to put the date in your diary. You may remember that last year, World Book Day clashed with St Piran’s Day, so I have not yet had the opportunity to wear my best Miss Trunchbull outfit, but my fingers are crossed for this year.

St Piran’s Day falls on a Friday this year, on Friday 5 March. Get those black, gold and white patriotic clothes ready! We are going to organise some Cornish language activities and maybe make and eat some Cornish food and, of course, we will be singing The Song of the Western Men (The Trelawney Shout).

Please do feel free to have a practice of the words before the day; they are set out below.

A good sword and a trusty hand, A merry heart and true!
King James's men shall understand What Cornish lads can do.
And have they fixed the where and when? And shall Trelawny die?
Here's twenty thousand Cornish men Will know the reason why!

And shall Trelawny live? Or shall Trelawny die?
Here's twenty thousand Cornish men Will know the reason why!

Out spake their Captain brave and bold: A merry wight was he:
"If London Tower were Michael's hold, We'll set Trelawny free!
We'll cross the Tamar, land to land, The Severn is no stay: 
With 'one and all', and hand in hand, And who shall bid us nay?"

And shall Trelawny live? Or shall Trelawny die?
Here's twenty thousand Cornish men Will know the reason why!
"And when we come to London Wall, A pleasant sight to view,
Come forth! Come forth ye cowards all, Here's men as good as you!
Trelawny he's in keep and hold: Trelawny he may die:&
But twenty thousand Cornish bold Will know the reason why!"

And shall Trelawny live? Or shall Trelawny die?
Here's twenty thousand Cornish men Will know the reason why!

This week, I have seen more wonderful things than I can possibly write about so I will just mention the Year 6 WWII ‘make do and mend’ activity that they did today. They used pre-loved T-Shirts to make shoulder bags and they were wonderful. They were SO proud of their new, homemade bags and were delighted to show them to anyone who went within 10 metres of their classroom (no one got close, don’t worry). Quite frankly, they rocked them and I was quite envious of their skills.

I will put up an assembly on Monday 22 February for the week. There may even be another new challenge. Watch this space…
The only thing left for me to say is; enjoy the half term break as much as you can. We can do this. It won’t be long until we are back together and I, for one, cannot wait.

Stay safe, be careful of this wind (which may never end) and take good care of yourselves. We miss you and will see you soon.
Kindest regards

Ms Whitlock


Friday 5th February 

Dear Parents and Carers

Thank you so very much for embracing Children’s Mental Health Week. I have seen some fantastic things – including the Oak Academy assembly on Monday – which have made me smile and be glad that it is Children’s Mental Health week this week.

Today, all in school were expressing themselves, which was fabulous! Thank you to all who have sent pictures in or complimented each other on the Teams sessions today – it was so lovely to see you all! I saw a lot of fantastic style today, including a Year 1 Rockstar (literally the whole shebang) and the most amazing Ana wig from Frozen – it was so realistic (and I was quite envious of it to be honest, as it was very lustrous)!

We have a lovely thing to share this week too – it will be on your teams from Monday; it is on the Assembly PowerPoint, and it will be an attachment on this Blog too. Mr O’Rourke, who has worked with probably every child in the school, has written and recorded an amazing song for you all. Please have a listen – it is very catchy, hugely enjoyable, and gave me goosebumps! A HUGE thank you to Mr O’Rourke for recording it and for writing it!

This week’s assembly does continue on the theme of wellbeing and looks at Children’s Mental Heath Week. It also mentions some of the wise words from Captain Sir Tom Moore and a quote from The Boy, the Mole, the Fox and the Horse.  Mrs Lee Elkins was delighted to be able to take the lead on this week’s assembly, and she does a worryingly good job!  I pop up at the end, but otherwise Mrs Lee Elkins has done all of the hard work. I hope that you enjoy it.

This week, I have seen some amazing team work from the Nursery children in the outside play area; some super PE from the Reception Teams session (who knew that there were so many shapes that you could make from beans?!?!); Year 1 have been reading the ‘Words and your Heart’ Story Book and have been practising their SPAG skills to write sentences to help make someone’s world a better place (literally heart-warming); Year 2 have been learning about weather and rain and have been collecting rain samples (at least they have had plenty of opportunity….); Year 3 have been set another exciting and challenging orienteering course and have done some amazing wellbeing Dancing; Year 4 have been writing Newspaper reports with great style and panache; Year 5 have been looking at explanation texts using some very interesting animals and Year 6 have done some really exciting work on coding like they used in WWII. Phew! 

We have all been sporting hard and hope that we have done well in the Cornwall Virtual Games – COME ON WPA!!!

One other thing!

I was contacted by a parent yesterday who asked if we could also promote a competition that they are running for the week. It is a lovely idea and if you like designing things (and wearing nail polish and looking after your nails), then this is for you! Please go to https://www.facebook.com/210557468988993/posts/3882223035155733/?d=n for details. 

Once again, if you are struggling to get online, or are finding it tricky with more than one child in the house and not enough devices, PLEASE let us know as if we can help, we will.

Enjoy the weekend as much as you can and stay safe.

Kindest regards

Ms Whitlock


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