Head's Blog

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Friday 10 September 

Dear Parents and Carers, 

What a fantastic start to the year (I am glossing over pick-up a bit, but today, I thought, went well!) – thank you so much for all of your support and patience this week. 

We have had a busy week (already Year 4 have had a WOW Day, which went extremely well) with, for me, the most exciting thing being a return to whole school assemblies (Years 1-6 at this stage of the year). I think that most striking thing was just how much hall we fill! We even sang a song (but not very loudly, and all facing the same way with every door, vent and window open), which was WONDERFUL.  We talked about the new school year, what we had to look forward to and we re-welcomed our fantastic new pupil leadership team. To remind you – and I have to say, the applause was thunderous – pupils chose: 

Huw as our Head Boy 
James as our Deputy Head Boy
Abigail as our Head Girl
Molly as our Deputy Head Girl
Claudia as our Lead Ambassador
Choughs House Captains Leo and Zahra
Cormorants House Captains Ruby and Jack
Puffins House Captains Henry and Lewis
Swans House Captains Kobi Kai and Harriet

We said a temporary goodbye and good luck today to the lovely Miss Lake, who is expecting her (first) baby in less than 2 weeks time. She said yesterday that she was happy to carry on as she felt strong and ‘not yet ready to go’, but today (I fear that it may have been that Friday feeling) she was happy to say goodbye and go and put her feet up!  We will let you know when the happy day arrives, but we wish her the very best of luck. 

Our Shining Stars theme today was ‘settling in’ and my goodness, we have had some fabulous settling in. Please see attached pictures of our wonderful winners from today – all of them entirely deserved. SO lovely to see everyone back together. 

Next week sees clubs’ choices being sent home and Year 5s China WOW day. I cannot wait to taste what they cook up. I think.  The week after this sees the first swimming lessons in 19 months (please see website for details – they will be sent home next week too; please do not worry); so lots to look forward to! 

Thank you again for your support and we hope that you have a wonderful weekend. We look forward to seeing you on Monday. 

Kindest regards,

Ms Whitlock

 Image Gallery



Friday 23 July  

Dear Parents and Carers, 

WE MADE IT! I have to admit, even I had jitters, but we had our Year 6 play, we had our Year 6 Leaver’s Prom, we had our last Shining Stars assembly and we elected our fabulous, new Pupil Leadership Team. 

We are going to miss our Year 6 pupils hugely, but they have left behind a marvellous legacy of being able to thrive through the most adverse of conditions and shine brightly, no matter what life throws at them. That is quite a feat for any person, let alone ones who are also transitioning to a whole new way of schooling and we are so proud to have known them all.  

I will write more about our new leadership team next year, as I want them to be fresh in your minds for when we start back in September, but we are delighted to welcome:

Huw as our Head Boy 
James as our Deputy Head Boy
Abigail as our Head Girl
Molly as our Deputy Head Girl
Claudia as our Lead Ambassador
Choughs House Captains Leo and Zahra
Cormorants House Captains Ruby and Jack
Puffins House Captains Henry and Lewis
Swans House Captains Kobi Kai and Harriet

We cannot wait for them to get started! 

Our wonderful Mrs Halpin retired today, laden with thank yous and gifts for her retirement. It was so lovely to see just how much she is loved by us in school, and were so glad that she could join us again this year (and retire properly)!  

We also said goodbye to Mr Hansen, who has moved to a school much nearer to his new home (and he has a fantastic view over St Ives Bay in his new classroom) and Mrs Reskelly and Mrs Brooks, both who have moved to a school nearer to their homes. We will miss them and wish them the very best of luck.

Mr O’Rourke has left to start a wonderful new venture in Redruth, running a Café with particular emphasis on working with members of the community including toddler groups and Music! We will miss him but he has said that we can face time him to sing ‘what shall we do with the drunken Sailor?’ whenever we really need to. 

Mrs Towe, who has been with Wadebridge Primary for eight wonderful years, has also made the decision to move to working for the Trust full time. Whilst this means that we will not see her every week, we will still see her as the Trust Lead for English. Whilst we are very said that we will not see her every week, we cannot wait for her to visit us soon! 
Mrs Bodinnar is back from Maternity Leave in September, sharing a class with a new Teacher, Mrs Smerdon, who will be teaching in Year 5 and leading us in English.  We have two other new teachers starting with us – both of whom were student teachers here this year; Mrs Reeve (teaching in Year 4) and Miss Warren (teaching in Year 1). All of our new teachers are excellent. Phew.  

One last message from FOWPA:

FOWPA are so pleased to announce that they raised over £700 in the summer raffle. A massive thank you to all parents, grandparents and carers that bought raffle tickets and also to those who donated some really lovely raffle prizes. 
We would also like to thank the local companies for their generosity in donating prizes to the raffle, we had a great selection. Companies included, Anne's Cottage, Attic Beauty Salon, Kernow Artisan, Green Gecko, The Gin Shack, Wadebridge Computers,  T H Lobbs Butchers, The Lash and Beauty Lounge, Grumpy Monkey, Avon, Moo Music, Daisy First Aid, The Pity Me Inn, Robertsons Jewellers, BP, Le Snack, Daylewis, Tech Guy Cornwall, Flambards, National Lobster Hatchery, Simones Macrame, Tesco, Sams Music, Cornish Cooker Conversions for supplying a St Kew Farm Shop voucher and MJS Services Man and Van for supplying a number of bottles of champagne and wine. 
The FOWPA team are always looking for new members. We are a friendly bunch, so please contact Gemma Lloyd-Jones or email the school office if you would like to join.  We hope everyone has a lovely summer from a very happy FOWPA team.

I will be writing to all parents to tell them about arrangements for the new academic year (we come back on Tuesday 7 September, starting at 0825) in the next few days, but in the meantime, it’s a wrap, Ladies and Gentlemen. THANK YOU so much for all of your support and faith in us this year – we are very lucky to have you. 

Have a wonderful summer and we look forward to seeing you in September. 

Kindest we got there regards,

Ms Whitlock


9 July 2021 

Dear Parents and Carers, 

We have had a really busy week, but my goodness we are both excited and nervous for the weekend. Sunday sees England’s first major football final since 1966 – it has been a long time coming but we are ready for it.

Years 5 and 6 had their sports day today and they had a fabulous time (miraculously dodging the dubious weather). They battled really hard but there had to be one winner; and in this case, it was the Choughs! Well done to ALL pupils though – they were fabulous sports. 

Our transition event took place today too. All of the pupils in Years R to 5 and all of the teachers for next year in Years 1 to 6 took part, and they had a wonderful hour this morning getting to know each other a bit.  We were again lucky with the weather, and I was delighted to see so many smiles both before and after. 

We had another great haul of Bags2School donations today too – thank you SO much to all who donated.  I look forward to hearing how well we have done in due course. 

One reminder this week from FOWPA: 
We may not be able to have our lovely Summer Fayre this year, but we can still have a Summer Raffle! We have some fantastic prizes as well as cash prizes of £100, £75 and £50. 
Your child should have bought home some raffle tickets last week. If you have not already, please return the ticket stubs (with your name on them) and money in an envelope to the school office no later than Monday 12th July. This enables all of the raffle tickets to be sorted in time for the draw on Monday 19th July.
We really appreciate your support for the Summer Raffle; the money raised will going directly towards improving the school playgrounds and buying play equipment for the children. 

We have two weeks to go. We have lots to pack in and I can’t wait.   

Thank you for all of your support and have a lovely weekend. We look forward to seeing you either at normal time or, by 10am on Monday. 

Kindest regards
Ms Whitlock


Friday 2 July  

Dear Parents and Carers, 

We have had an amazing week! The sports leaders were in action again today, helping the staff in the Years 1 & 2 Sports Day in the morning and the Years 3 & 4 Sports Day in the afternoon. For many, I suspect that the highlight of the afternoon was the teacher’s (Sack!) Race, which was very hotly contested. The staff really did give it their all and, in the end, we had to watch the event back via slow motion playback on the iPad to determine who went over the line first.  Goodness, it was close and in the end we decided two joint 1st place and a very close 3rd. (Gill B and Mrs Yates). Every single pupil who took part did fabulously though and we saw some really spectacular sportsmanship – both in skill and in attitude – which is by far the most important thing. Well done to all who took part – we cannot wait to see the Early Years in action next Wednesday 7 July (please see separate email to all EYFS families) and the Year 5 and 6 pupils in action next Friday 9 July.  We are so sorry to not be able to invite parents and carers in this year, but we will take loads of photos, we promise. Phew! 

We have two reminders this week from FOWPA: 
We may not be able to have our lovely Summer Fayre this year, but we can still have a Summer Raffle! We have some fantastic prizes as well as cash prizes of £100, £75 and £50. 
Your child should have bought home some raffle tickets last week. If you have not already, please return the ticket stubs (with your name on them) and money in an envelope to the school office no later than Monday 12th July. This enables all of the raffle tickets to be sorted in time for the draw on Monday 19th July.
We really appreciate your support for the Summer Raffle; the money raised will going directly towards improving the school playgrounds and buying play equipment for the children. 

Following the success of the last Bags2School visit where we raised £363 just for clearing out our wardrobes, the FOWPA team have organised a return visit for Bags2School for Friday 9th July. As a reminder, Bags2School collect good quality items for RE-USE: Men’s, ladies’ & children’s clothing, paired shoes, handbags, belts & accessories. (No uniforms, workwear, pillows, duvets or pieces of fabric please). FOWPA will receive 30p for every kilo of the above donations again contributing to your child/children's school life. Please email the FOWPA team on fowpa@wadebridgeprimary.co.uk if you would like a member of the FOWPA team to pick up your bags the night before and drop them into school. 
Thank you - We look forward to seeing all of your bags!

Ready, Steady, Read! 
I know that this seems like quite a while ago, but I have not yet officially announced our MASSIVE R,S,R total. We are absolutely OVERJOYED to tell you that we have been able to raise a HUGE £5214.96 through the recent Ready, Steady, Read Usborne event. £2439.35 of this was raised through our keen and eager readers who were sponsored to read as much as possible throughout the event and £800 of this was raised through donations from local businesses. Usborne then donated an additional £1955.81.
We would like to take this opportunity to say a huge thank you to our children, families, friends and local businesses who have supported us with this event. We know that this year has not been an easy financial year for many, so we are overwhelmed with your kindness and generosity. A special thankyou goes to Hannah O’Dwyer, who is an Usborne Rep, who helped us to achieve this fantastic success.  Please feel free to visit her Facebook Page, The Worm and His Books, to find out more about the local businesses who were able to support us. 
As you know, promoting and developing a love for reading is very important to us as a school, so this money will go towards improving our book collections at Wadebridge Primary. Thank you everyone and well done for bringing our ‘Team Work Turtle’ skills to life! 

Well done!
A huge well done to our Year 4 pupil, Alleyha, who has recently had 11 inches cut off her hair in order to raise money for the Little Princess Trust. She has raised over £850 in the process and her hair still looks amazing! We are so proud of her kindness and thoughtfulness. What a super star!
A huge well done too to the Year 6 team who brought us the most amazing cake sale last week. In the end, the team raised over £465 – that is the most that I have EVER seen raised via a cake sale and it was EPIC. I managed to restrict myself to one small(ish) cake, and it was dee-licious. 

Next week:
Next week sees the return of the Nursery bubble on Monday 5 July and, as per above, Sports Days for Nursery, Reception (Weds) and Years 5 and 6 (Friday).  We have made the decision to do our transition event this year next week too, on Friday, 9th July. If your child is in Years R – 5, they will meet their new teacher in the morning for an outside getting to know you session and they will have a quick peek into their new classroom. Letters informing pupils and families who their new teacher is will go home on Thursday 8 July – look out for it!  

Please, please remember that there is no parking at the Comp and we look forward to seeing you on Monday. 

Thank you for all of your support and have a lovely weekend, 

Kindest regards
Ms Whitlock


Friday 18 June  

Dear Parents and Carers, 
What a lovely week! We have been so lucky with the weather and we are delighted that our Year 6s were able to enjoy their activity week without the threat of a good storm!
Next week is National School Sports Week
Please could ALL pupils wear their PE kit every day (Monday to Thursday) next week as we are participating in National School Sport week. We will be doing some sort of activity every day – including Friday when we will be taking part in a Rainbow Run for Children’s Hospice South West – a cause very close to our hearts.  
Children’s Hospice South West Rainbow Run 
We are delighted to be taking part in the Children’s Hospice South West Rainbow Run next Friday. Details are on the email that was sent home but please could every pupil wear their brightest and most colourful clothes (that are comfortable) on Friday. I can’t wait to see how colourful we are! 
Year 6 Activity Week 
Year 6 have had the most wonderful activity week. They participated in an Arena Sports day (where they did Archery, Lacrosse, Seated Volleyball and capture the flag), they climbed at the Tide Centre, they ‘did’ Flambards (voted the best activity by most, due to the ride ‘Thunderbolt’ I think…), they took over Big Dunk’s (most enjoyable activity as voted for by the staff), they camped on the school field overnight and they played sports, took down tents and had a cinema morning. Phew. Time for a rest. 
Learning has been exciting and busy in every year group this week – I have seen some exciting story planning in Year 3; I have visited Year 5, who are feverishly writing a newspaper report on the great Gringott’s robbery; I have seen Year 4 who are writing persuasive letters to other children on the benefits of walking, cycling and scooting to school; Year 2 have been looking at how life has changed since Victorian Times, how they are now, and how they might look in the future (quite exciting; it turns out) and Year 1, well, Year 1 have been superstars. They have been acting out the story ‘The Lighthouse Keeper’s Lunch’ and they are now rewriting their own version of the story. Reception are getting ready to move into Year 1 and they have been doing some brilliant writing! They have also had the opportunity to use some of their COOL (choosing our own learning) time with the small world table display of a beach - it looked AMAZING. Nursery have been spending a lot of time learning about pets and vets. They have seen teachers’ pet guinea pig and pet rabbit and have learnt a huge amount of new vocabulary. I saw some truly wonderful and sensitive pet friendly behaviour.  Keep up the good work, everyone!
Thank you to all those who use the drop off lanes. Drop off and pick up seem to be working well at the moment and I really appreciate all of the effort that people are putting in to stopping, dropping and then moving on so that the traffic can keep flowing.  If you are walking into school – extra thank yous to you as you are alleviating the number of cars coming into school, BUT, please do not park in the Comp Car Parks to walk down. They do not have enough spaces for their own staff and I know that they do not have any parent parking either. They have their own drop off lane, but no parent parking.  
Parent Questionnaire
If you get a few minutes, please could you complete the attached, short, parent questionnaire from the MAT. It just asks you a few questions about the type of communication that works best for you and how the MAT can ensure that communication works for you. We would really appreciate all responses. The link is below:  


Bring on next week – the term is racing by!

Thank you for all of your support and have a lovely weekend,

Kindest regards

Ms Whitlock


Wednesday 9 June  

Dear Parents and Carers

 I hope that you had a lovely half term – everyone is looking extremely well and our smiles are plentiful.

 Please read on below for some important information:


Some of those smiles may be due to this being a short week for pupils. We have our last 2 INSET days on Thursday and Friday of this week. School is closed to ALL pupils on these two days.  In a ‘normal’ year, we would be hotfooting it up to the Royal Cornwall Show at the Showground, but we are sadly not able to have that pleasure this year. We have kept the INSET days though and will be looking to use two for the Show next year too (these dates do NOT fall in our Half Term, sadly).    



You will note too that the end of this week sees the G7 Summit coming to Carbis Bay.  We are talking about the G7 and what it is and why it meets in Assembly today, so do feel free to ask any questions to your children later.  It affects quite a bit of Cornwall too, and they would like for us all to be vigilant, so please see the message below from the Devon and Cornwall Police:


A message from Devon and Cornwall Police regarding the G7 Summit that is taking place over this weekend:

Over the coming days as we near the G7 Summit event, residents and communities in Cornwall may see visible training taking place on land, in the air and on the water; particularly near the key venues. This forms part of our planning and preparations to deliver a safe and secure event and is not something that the public should be alarmed by. The public can help us keep the event safe by being vigilant for anyone or anything that looks out of place or suspicious and by reporting it to police, security, or staff at any of the venues.  


In an emergency or if you need urgent police assistance, you should always dial 999. You can report suspicious activity by contacting the police in confidence via the Anti-Terrorist Hotline 0800 789321.


PE Days

This term sees some slight changes in PE days for 3 year groups (Year 1, 3, and 6).  Please see below for the most updated PE days that will start next week (from Monday 14 June):


Y1- Friday

Y2- Monday and Wednesday

Y3- Tuesday and Wednesday

Y4-Tuesday and Thursday

Y5-Tuesday and Friday

Y6-Thursday and Friday


Reception are now doing Wild Tribe every Friday morning. This means that they will be coming into school in their Wild Tribe clothing on a Friday. PE Kits should be in school every day as changing is one of our Reception goals.  


PE Kit (and school shoes)

Please remember to provide the correct PE Kit for PE days in school.  Acceptable PE Kit is below:

  • Plain white t-shirt/plain white polo shirt or WPA branded burgundy t-shirt.
  • Black (or dark plain) shorts/skort/leggings or tracksuit bottoms
  • White socks (indoor sports)
  • Black or very dark jnumper/School Jumper (no hooded or casual tops)
  • Waterproof coat (for colder weather)
  • A pair of plimsoles or sports trainers

School shoes need to be flat, black and suitable for school. NO High Top Trainers and no coloured shoes please.


Thank you for all of your support – it is very much appreciated.


Kindest regards


Ms Whitlock 


Friday 28 May  

Dear Parents and Carers, 
Phew! It feels as though this week has run at about 100 miles per hour- but what a journey we have been on!
Highlights of the week have been:   
The Year 5 and 6 Girls’ football team WINNING THE COUNTY CHAMPIONSHIPS!!! Yes! I know!  Huge Congratulations to all of the players. More below…   
Year 6 House Captains and plucky volunteers stepping up to stand in goal today and then get soaked to raise monies for the Year 6 Prom
The Year 6 water fight. It was epic
The Year 4 WOW day – what a wonderful, wonderful Day. The very best comment that I heard was ‘This was the best day EVER! Even better than Christmas’
Year 3 having a day of Outdoor Learning – they LOVED it 
School photographs went really well on Wednesday too – they were mostly class photos rather than individual, but all of the pupils were fantastic and made the process extremely smooth – thank you so much for your help with this. 
After school on Wednesday, Mr Langton took the years 5 and 6 Girls’ Football Team to Truro for the County Final. Frankly, they smashed it! All 7 of them appeared in assembly on Thursday morning, where they were able to talk through the game. We were delighted to hear that the opposition did not have even one shot on goal and that our 3 goals were scored by Zahra, ably assisted by the rest of the team. We are very, very proud of them.    
In assembly on Thursday we thought about how lucky we were to be ourselves and how we need to make sure that we are being kind to ourselves. We read a story called ‘Frog is Frog’, which is about a Frog who was very happy just as he was until he saw some other animals doing things that he could not do. He decided that he wanted to do what they were doing, and when he couldn’t do them he got really sad. The story then went on to those other animals explaining to Frog that whilst he couldn’t fly, make cakes or read, what he COULD do made him very special indeed. All of us have got things that we are not so good at (shooting towards a goal, for instance, in my case), but we must always remember that we are special and that what makes us special is what we CAN do, not what we cannot. 
You will hopefully have seen Mr Massey’s letter today, where he mentions the possibility of expanding our bubbles.   We have made the decision to only slightly expand our bubbles to the following: 
Bubble 1: Reception and Nursery: they will most likely not mix as they do not need to, but if some of Big Nursery go into the Hall for their lunch, it will at the same time as Reception (though on separate tables).
Bubble 2: Years 1 and 2: these pupils will only mix in the playground at break and lunchtimes. They will continue to use their own cloakrooms. They will both be eating their lunches in the Hall at the same time, but they will not mix tables. 
Bubble 3: Years 3 and 4: The classrooms and cloakrooms will continue to be Year Group Bubbles only and the year groups will only be mixing at Breaktimes and for lunchtime play.  Year Groups will continue to eat their lunches in their own classrooms.
Bubble 4: Years 5 and 6: The classrooms and cloakrooms will continue to be Year Group Bubbles only and the year groups will only be mixing at Breaktimes and for lunchtime play. Year Groups will continue to eat their lunches in their own classrooms.
We are cautious, but excited!  We will continue our rigorous handwashing and hygiene practices; we will continue to have a deep clean on a Friday afternoon after school and we will continue to stagger our pick ups and drop offs to help with congestion and number of people on site and to minimise possible contact. 
All pick up and drop off times stay the same when we come back after Half Term; please remember that there is no parking in school and that the road leading into the school needs to be kept clear at all times. Thank you! 
We did it! Thank you for a wonderful Half Term – and a MASSIVE thank you to all who contributed to the Ready Steady Read event. We have so far raised over £4500 worth of books – this is outstanding and we are so very delighted.  
Thank you for all of your support, have a fantastic Half Term break; stay safe and we look forward to seeing you all on Monday 7 June.
PS Please remember that it is a short week and we have INSET Days on Thursday 10th and Friday 11th June.  
Kindest regards
Ms Whitlock


21 May 2021 

Dear Parents and Carers, 
It has been a fantastic (and very blowy towards the end of the week) week! 
I cannot tell you how excited we are with our total for the Ready Steady, Read and Ready, Steady, Listen Sponsorship Event; at the time of writing, the total was OVER £2500! This equates to over £4000 worth of books if we add in the Usborne 60% on top of what we have raised promise. This is AMAZING and we are SO grateful for all of your sponsorship efforts and donations. THANK YOU.  Our book cases will be overflowing and we are so very grateful.  
We are also really excited for Girl’s football team – please see this message from Mr Langton, who runs our (unbeaten and hugely successful) Girls’ KS2 Team:
Our girls' football team have been achieving great things over the half term and have progressed all the way to the final of the County Cup. The final will be played next week (the week of 24 May). Whilst it was not such a long process this year, in the first round they managed to break down a resilient Camelford team to win 3-0. In the quarter final, a penalty save from Mia helped complete a 2-1 victory over Mount Hawke. Finally, this Monday just gone, the team won their semi-final 5-1 against Parc Eglos. We have seen some amazing skills, fantastic effort and great sportsmanship throughout the run from the whole team and we are very proud of them all. The players are Mia, Teagan, Abigail, Eva, Connie, Rosie, Sophia and Zahra.
Well done Girls! 

You will remember that the Singing Mermaid wrote a letter to Year 1 last week asking for their help. She was asking them to let her know what the best material was to repair her broken scale. After a week of experiments, Year 1 concluded that Science showed that plastic was the very best material to replace scales with, but that they did not want plastic in the sea as it can hurt the wildlife, so they were wrote back to her saying that plastic would be the best material but she had to be very careful with it and make sure that it was very, very secure.
The Year 3 chicks are getting very grown up and are thriving! They are now almost big enough to go to their forever homes and will do so next week. Year 3 have loved having them again this week though. They particularly enjoyed naming them: Franklyn and Cookie (great choice chick names, I thought…). 

Next week is our last week before Half Term and there is lots going on – please remember to check the calendar for dates. Both Year 3 and Year 4 have WOW days next week and on Friday, Year 6 would love for you to bring in 50p to go onto the field and try and shoot a football past the Year 6 House Captains (and maybe some teachers….). It is all to raise money for their end of Primary School Prom and I can’t wait for my first attempt on goal (I wouldn’t be too worried if I was a House Captain or another teacher though; I am a shocking shot). 

One date to remember though please is WEDNESDAY 26 MAY – it is our CLASS SCHOOL PHOTO DAY. Please can all pupils come to school in school uniform (summer uniform fine as well as Winter Uniform). NO PE kits on that day please. 
Have a fantastic weekend, stay safe and we look forward to seeing you all on Monday morning. 
Kindest regards

Ms Whitlock  

 Image Gallery



Friday 14 May  

Dear Parents and Carers, 
It has been another fun-filled and action-packed week here at WPA. 

Today was the last day of our Ready, Steady, Read! event. This was a fantastic opportunity to raise the profile of reading, promote a love for reading and raise money for new books for the school. We have seen some amazing sponsorship forms (thank you) and are very excited to see just how many books we can buy from our total (which is already over £700!) To make sure that we can buy as many books as possible, please make sure that sponsorship payments are made using PayPal by Friday 21st May. A huge thank you to all of the families and local businesses who have contributed to this amazing achievement. 

This week, Year 5 had a visit from Arena. As part of the ‘Healthy Movers’ campaign, the children learnt, through a fun and interactive way, what constitutes a healthy diet. They had a fabulous time and were reminded of positive, healthy choices. This seems like the ideal time too to remind you that our breaktime snack policy is for children to have fresh fruit and vegetables only. 
Year 6 girls had an exciting (virtual) visitor this week from Olympic athlete Annie Vernon. What an inspirational speaker to encourage girls to be sporting leaders!
Year 1 received a letter from the Singing Mermaid this week too. The poor thing has injured her tail and needs our assistance. She has set our little scientists the task of finding a perfect material for a replacement scale. Let the investigations begin…. I’ll let you know how we get on next week… 
Year 3 may well have had the most exciting day this week though: the 21-day countdown came to a thrilling climax yesterday when two baby chicks hatched before Year 3’s very own eyes. How wonderful to have first hand experience of the miracle of life. Our two babies are doing well and will enjoy another week in the Year 3 classrooms before being re-homed. 
We also premiered a new certificate this week (it was more exciting that it sounds, I promise). In this morning’s Shining Stars Assembly, three pupils from across the school received the new Eco-Star Certificate and one of our TAs received one too (whoop)! This new certificate can be awarded to any member of our school community, and is to highlight those who have been making a special effort to make our school a greener place. I’m hoping that someone will nominate me one week as I go on about recycling, turning the lights off, not using too much paper, litter picking and never dropping litter all the time.  

Last but definitely not least: next week is Walk to School Week. We are undertaking the 5 Day Challenge! We would like pupils to walk, ride or scoot to school for five days running. Don’t worry if you do not live within walking distance to the school as you can drive part of the way, walk the rest and still qualify for a tick on the chart! Those who succeed in the 5-day challenge will receive a certificate at the end of the week. 

Have a fantastic weekend and we look forward to seeing you all on Monday morning. 

Kindest regards

Ms Whitlock  


Friday 7 May  

What a wonderful (4 day) week! I have seen SO much good work going on and I have been delighted with the efforts made by SO many pupils. Today’s Shining Stars were given for those who excel in their home learning and it was really pleasing to see just how tricky it was for teachers to choose their Shining Star winners! Looking at some of the work going on in school too, I can see lots of pupils really working hard on their writing – both the quality and the length. Handwriting and presentation are a real focus for us as a school and whilst we are seeing some wonderful work, we are going to keep on working on it, so please do feel free to practice at home…

I also saw some wonderful Cornish Language in our Year 2 classes when I was visiting this week – not only did they have some actual Cornish phrases written up they also had some useful phrases such as ‘dreckly’, meaning, ‘I’m on it’ And ‘ansum’ meaning ‘lovely’!

Sun cream and Sunhats: As the weather starts to warm up, please can you ensure that your child is sent into school with a named hat and a named bottle of sun cream. Please apply sun cream to your child before school. We can then support pupils to top this up throughout the day, as and when needed. Please also continue to ensure that your child brings a named water bottle to school each day. Thank you. 

Keep going on the PE kits. They are looking better – thank you very much - but we are still not quite there yet. PE kit consists of:
White T Shirt or Wadebridge PE Top
Dark shorts, PE Skirt, dark leggings or tracksuit bottoms
Wadebridge PE Jumper, School Jumper or PLAIN, dark Jumper
White Sports Socks/Trainers.  

Last but not least today – We are REALLY excited that Ready Steady Read starts today.  This is a fantastic opportunity to raise the profile of reading, promote a love for reading and to raise some much needed book money for our school. It is also a competition – the winning class will get the most books! 
Earlier this week, every child in school was given a reading (or listening if you are in Nursery) log and a sponsorship form. Please could you ask your child to keep this form in their book/school bag throughout the week so that it can be updated at home AND at school. Every day next week, please make sure that your child fills in the minutes they have read or listened for. The minutes and the greatest amount raised will be totalled at the end of the week. After the sponsored read, please send all the sponsorship money that your child has raised to the PayPal Pool link below by Friday 21st May. 

We can’t wait to see those reading and listening minutes coming in!  Please also feel free to sponsor them and encourage others to sponsor them too – it is for a wonderful cause.

Enjoy the reading and have a wonderful weekend. We look forward to seeing you on Monday.  

Kindest regards

Ms Whitlock


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