Class Blog for Year 6

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Autumn Term 1, Week 3 -Busy, buzzy bees!

It was all about the big write this week in Year 6! We drew upon all the skills that we have learnt so far and applied them in our writing. The children showed enthusiasm and stamina for writing and it was wonderful to see the children writing at length. Many children did a fantastic job of using ‘show don’t tell’ to allow the reader to experience their stories through actions, thoughts and feelings. We ended the week by pairing up and editing our writing. The children worked brilliantly together, spotting each other’s mistakes and correcting their work. Next week, we’re moving onto a unit of poetry!

We have already finished our place value unit in Maths and have moved onto addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. The children are confidently applying the written methods they have been taught throughout school to even bigger numbers. The missing digit questions proved tricky but the children persisted and cracked it in the end.

Wider Curriculum
This week in history we explored the question: ‘How did Hitler come to power?’ It was so impressive to hear the children discuss, with such maturity, the events leading up to World War 2.

The children have continued to learn about electricity. They enjoyed using the electrical equipment despite the lack of batteries!

We considered Christian views of love and had a go at writing our own versions of a very popular poem taken from a passage in the bible.

The children are very much enjoying receiving coaching from Pro-20 during our PE lessons.

Home Learning
Well done to the children that have already completed parts of the Optional Home Learning Grid. We love sharing this work in class and displaying it on our ‘Wow Wall’ displays. SPaG homework has gone home today, please find the answers below.

Swimming lessons start next week! Please remember to send your child in with their swimming kit on Wednesday.

Have a wonderful weekend!
Best wishes,
The Year 6 Team 

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What a busy second week! 

Week two down and going strong...

Year six are settling really well into their new routines and busy timetables. They are taking their jobs seriously, resulting in both classes running like well-oiled machines. We had our  'meet the teacher' afternoon, where it was lovely to meet so many of you.

On Thursday we even had a whole school photo (the first for many years) where year six had to gain a head for heights. They stood tall and proud, literally above the rest of school, and did so with grace and only a few wobbles... 

Here is an overview of some of our learning this week:

English: We have continued with our story ‘The Lion and the Unicorn’. We have journeyed through writing setting descriptions, used our inference skills to study character traits and have planned our own endings to the story - which we will write next week. 

The children are keen to write their versions and then share the actual end.

Maths: We are nearing the end of our unit on place value and can now read, write, order, compare and round numbers into the millions. Working out increments along number lines has been our biggest challenge, however we are getting there! 

Negative numbers next week…

Science: We have kick-started our unit on electricity and now have a good understanding of how electricity is generated and powers our homes. We have also touched on non-renewable and renewable energy sources and the history of electricity.

RE: The children started our unit on Christianity by looking at what mattered to Jesus. They have considered some of his key values, what they mean, why they are challenging and what it would mean if everyone in the word abided by his wishes. 

Both classes were immersed in deep conversation and conflicting views…

ART: The children completed their sketches in the style of Henry Moore using his work as a stimulus. They focused on the use of line and tone to recreate some of his pictures.


We would like to wish you and the children a wonderful weekend, and look forward to welcoming them back next week for another week of learning!


Maths homework and answers 

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Meet the Teacher PowerPoint Slides 

Thank you to all of you that came to the 'meet the teacher meeting' on Wednesday. It was lovely to meet you all and put faces to the parents of our year six pupils. I have uploaded the PowerPoint slides here for your reference, and for those who were unable to attend. 

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Autumn Term 1, Week 1 - Off to a flying start! 

We’ve got stuck straight into the learning in Year 6 and have made a great start to the year. The children have been working hard in lessons and have done a fantastic job this week in being role models to the rest of the school. All children have applied for and been assigned classroom jobs to help ensure the smooth running of classes for the year!

In Maths, we have started our place value unit. The children have shown confidence when working with 6, 7 and even 8-digit numbers! Although, they didn’t enjoy writing these large numbers out in words so much. Apparently, it was far too much writing for a Maths lesson!

For our current English unit, we are using a lovely text by Shirley Hughes titled ‘The Lion and the Unicorn’. We have looked at the beginning of this text in great detail and the children are eager to find out what happens next. We were really impressed with some of the diary entries written earlier this week. We’ve got some very talented writers in Year 6!

Wider Curriculum
We have kicked off our WW2 topic with our over arching question ‘Could the British Really Spitfire?’ We discussed what we would like to find out during this topic and learned about the neutral countries and those that formed the allies and axis. In Art, we have begun to study the work of Henry Moore.

Lots of letters have gone home this week, you should have received a letter informing you of the swimming lessons which are due to start on Wednesday 27th September. A letter also went home about Autumn Term clubs and finally a letter was sent home regarding the Year 6 Residential Trip. We will be providing more information about this trip during our ‘Meet the teacher’ session being held on Wednesday 13th September from 3pm – 3.20pm.

Finally, Optional Home Learning Grids were sent home today. You can find this attached to this blog post. Any of the work completed at home will be shared and celebrated in class. Your child has also received their weekly SPaG homework. Answers, should you wish to check them with your child, are also attached below. Apologies! Some of 6B left without their homework. It will be given to them on Monday. 

Have a wonderful weekend! Enjoy the sunshine and we look forward to seeing the children back in school next week.

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