Class Blog for Year 6

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Spring 1 - Week 1 - Happy New Year!

We've had a brilliant start to 2024 in Year 6. We've discussed goal setting in PSHE and the children have set themselves some achievable goals for the year ahead. 

We have started a new book which is proving to be very popular: Holes by Louis Sachar. So far, we have used this text to write setting descriptions and a narrative about an encounter with a dangerous animal! We have also planned a non-chronological report about the yellow-spotted lizard and will begin writing these next week.

We started the term by learning how to convert between different units of measure and we were impressed with the level of confidence the children demonstrated when doing this. Now, we have moved onto a new unit: Ratio. The children have been trying hard to use tier three vocabulary such as ‘additive’ and ‘multiplicative’ to describe the relationships between numbers.

We have started to learn about evolution and inheritance in our science lessons. It’s a fantastic topic which we’re all enjoying. So far, the children have learned about adaptations in both plants and animals and how these adaptations increase the living thing’s chance of survival in their natural environment. We have looked at Darwin’s work and have looked at examples of evolution such as the peppered moths and the Galapagos finches.

For homework this week, children need to complete the Formal and Informal language section in their SPaG books and Units and Conversion in their maths books.

Have a great weekend!
Best wishes,
The Year 6 Team 



Autumn 2 - Week 7 - Scene 1, Take 1, Action! 

What a fun-filled, 'Christmassy' week we’ve had! On Wednesday, the children visited Egloshayle church and sang Christmas carols. They sang beautifully and it definitely got everyone feeling much more festive! Well done to the children that did readings. On Friday, we went to Wadebridge Cinema to watch Arthur Christmas. We've enjoyed an 'End of 2023 Christmas Quiz' and had our classroom parties! On top of all of this,  we also managed to get a bit of learning done!

We finished our second fractions units earlier this week by finding fractions of amounts and using the fractions of amounts to find the whole.

We finished writing our balanced arguments: ‘Should children have been evacuated during WW2?’ and copied up a piece of writing into our Star Writer books.

DT and Computing
The children have designed and made models of houses and Anderson shelters. They’ve also used electrical circuits to light their model houses and moulded people from plasticine. Using stop motion animation, they have then created animations, recreating the Blitz during WW2! Hopefully we’ll be able to upload some of their animations to this blog post soon!

Next week is a short one! School ends on Tuesday 19th December at 1.15pm for KS2 - ready for the Christmas break!

Have a very merry weekend!
Best wishes,
The Year 6 Team



Autumn2 - Week 6 - Bodmin Airfield 

As part of their WW2 topic, earlier this week, our Year 6 children visited Bodmin Airfield. The children got to tour the airfield, learn how an aircraft flies and how they’re made. They also got to sit in a number of aircrafts. Some very similar to the planes flown during WW2. They also got to learn about WW2 aviation history in the South West. Thank you to the brilliant staff and volunteers at the Airfield and to the parent helpers and volunteers that made these trips possible.



Autumn 2 - Week 6 - Bodmin Keep: Cornwall's Army Museum

Our Year 6 children have had a wonderful time visiting Bodmin Keep earlier this week! Bodmin Keep is Cornwall’s army museum so the visit tied in perfectly with their current WW2 topic. Children got to learn about the history of the Keep, try on uniforms, look at artifacts and take part in military style team training. All of the children thoroughly enjoyed the immersive, hands on learning experience.

Thank you to the incredible, knowledgeable staff at the museum and to the parent helpers and volunteers that made these trips possible. A huge thanks must also go to the Cornish Heritage Trust who provided us with a transport grant to help cover the cost of the coach hire over the 2 days.



Autumn 2 - Week 4  

Apologies for the lack of posts over the past couple of weeks! It’s been incredibly busy and the blog team haven’t managed to all get together so us teachers will be stepping in again temporarily.

We’re continuing our learning about Fractions. This week, we have been converting, adding and subtracting fractions with different denominators.

We finished writing our diary entries last week and began our next unit of writing: balanced arguments. The children had debates on Tuesday and we’ve got some very skilled debaters! The children argued for and against the questions: ‘Should children wear school uniform to school?’ and ‘Should school children be expected to do homework?’ The arguments they came up with were well thought out and some passionate views were expressed on both sides.

The children are continuing to show great enthusiasm and interest in our current History topic. We’ve learned about many events that took place during WW2 including: the Dunkirk evacuation, the Battle of Britain and the Blitz.

On Thursday, Year 6 were fortunate enough to be visited by the Ocean Conservation Trust. This hands-on, immersive workshop allowed children to learn about climate change in an engaging and interesting way.

We started by reviewing how electricity is produced and discussed what happens when fossil fuels are burnt to release energy. The children carried out an investigation to look at the acidity of different liquids. It turns out, when carbon dioxide is absorbed by water, the pH changes from neutral to acidic. We then carried out an explosive investigation to see what happens when an acid comes into contact with calcium carbonate. This demonstrated the erosive effect a more acidic ocean is having on coral reefs.

With the use of VR, every child had the opportunity to experience a scuba dive in the UK’s only National Marine Park in Plymouth. We got to see the incredible sea grass meadows and the diverse marine life that inhabits it. Thank you again to the Ocean Conservation Trust for a very memorable day of learning!

On Tuesday, nine Year 6 boys ventured over to the Clay Country to play a football game. Thank you to St Stephen Churchtown Academy for being such great hosts. Unfortunately, the team suffered a 4 -1 loss. The gaffer, Mrs Reeve, said that all the boys did us proud. They worked hard as a team, created many chances and they displayed excellent sportsmanship. Despite the loss, they enjoyed the opportunity to play an away game and they’re looking forward to the next opportunity to play together and represent WPA.

As always, thank you to parents/carers for continuing to support the children with their home learning. We will be going through the previous week’s homework on a Friday and also let them know what pages to complete next.

Enjoy your weekend!

Best wishes,
The Year 6 Team



Autumn 2 - Week 1 - This week has blown us away!

After a relaxed and well-earnt half term, school has come back with a bang and we have worked very hard on our first week back. All students have put all their effort into their work and subjects.

This week we have been knocked off our feet and not just by the wind on Thursday! Long division with remainders and multi-step problems had us in a puzzle but we tackled it and blew everyone away! When had our arithmetic test on Friday, we approached it confidence and knew we could do it.

This week we have been starting our research on diary entries based on the book Letters from the Lighthouse. The book is based in London during WW2 and it follows the story of 2 young evacuees. On Friday, we had a go at writing some of our own entries by the perspective of Olive (the main character) focusing on using adverbials.

In PE this week we had a lovely visitor from the secondary school, Mrs. Ball, who came in and gave us a fun tag rugby taster. Everyone really enjoyed it and we hope we made a good impression. Mrs. Ball was a very good teacher and it will be nice to see her again next week.

In topic this week we have dived into the interesting world of Neville Chamberline and Winston Churchill. This was a good one! We also enjoyed drawing and shading a map of Germany’s control power over the years. We all enjoyed these two areas as well as a debate about appeasement on Friday.

We’ve been learning more about electricity this week and, after new batteries and bulbs arrived, we all managed to have a go at building circuits. We then tested different materials to see whether they were conductors or insulators!

Special Mention!
This week, the amazing Mel from Bernardo’s children’s charity came to share and teach both Year 6 classes about gender roles, stereotypes and much more. We look forwards to seeing her next week too!

Home Learning
Some SPaG homework has been sent home. Please find the answers below. 

Next week Bike Ability starts and each child that would like to and can has/will be sent home with a slip stating what day your child will go out on the bikes!

This week has been a blast and we hope to chat with you again next week on the now famous (well, maybe not that famous) Year 6 blog!

Lily, Robyn, Thea, Oscar and Issy - Your Year 6 blog team

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Autumn 1 - Week 7 -  Half Term here we come!

Welcome back to the Year 6 blog! We hope you are enjoying your new year 6 blog team. We bet it is much more exciting than those boring teachers! Although it is the last week of school and a four-day week, Year 6 have been putting their all into their work.

This week we have dived into the interesting world of long division. Everyone has been working really hard! It was a challenge (not just for the students) but we managed to get through it.

This week we have been writing a short narrative based on the beautiful yet sad story of Rose Blanche. We have enjoyed writing and editing these short and powerful stories.

In PE this week, we had our last week with the amazing Pro 20. On Monday, we did an exciting football tournament with them that we enjoyed thoroughly.

In art - during the last few weeks - we have experienced many different mediums including sketching, painting and oil pastels. First, we drew sketches inspired by Henry Moore, then we used watercolors to make silhouette paintings, and finally we used oil pastels to make beautiful war contrast images. (This was my favourite)

We hope you enjoyed this week’s blog! We will see you in two weeks, have a fabulous half term!

Reminders: No school tomorrow! Bikability letters in by the first day back.

See you next time and have a great half term!

Lily, Robyn, Thea, Oscar and Issy - your Year 6 blog team.



Autumn 1 - Week 6 - Welcome to our new and improved blog! 

Meet your new blog team – us kids are finally taking over!

Hello, I’m Lily, your new Senior Editor for the Year 6 blog page. One interesting fact about myself is that I would like to be an actor when I grow up.

Hi, my name’s Issy. I’ll be covering all things Maths on this blog. Outside of school, I enjoy horse-riding and football.

Hi, I’m Oscar and I’ll be keeping you up to date with our English lessons. Outside of the classroom, I enjoy surfing and swimming at the beach!

Hi, my name is Robyn and I’m so excited that my friends and I are taking over the Year 6 blog. I’ll be writing about what we do in PE and topic. Out of school, I enjoy swimming and horse-riding.

Hello there, my name’s Thea. We’re taking over, see ya teachers! Well anyway, I’m going to be writing about Art and DT. I love art and sport, especially surf lifesaving and anything water related.

This week, we have been very busy with our first practise SATs papers. Initially, some of us felt a little apprehensive but we ended up enjoying it! We also finished copying up our Poems – they’re all looking colourful and neat!

In PE, we have continued to thoroughly enjoy our Pro 20 and swimming lessons. We don’t want them to end! In Art, we’ve explored another discipline. So far this year, we focused on sketching but this week we’ve started to experiment with watercolours to create the background for a war silhouette painting.

On Monday, 4 pupils from Year 6 went on an exciting adventure to the secondary school. They took part in an enthralling Mathletes competition and came second out of 6 schools!

Next week, is the last week before half term. Friday is an INSET day so no school for the kids! Yay! Please can you return your Bikeability permission slips before the end of next week.

See you next time and have a good weekend!
Lily, Robyn, Thea, Oscar and Issy - Your NEW Year 6 blog team.

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Autumn 1 - Week 5 - We're all poets and we know it!

We have based our poetry writing on the storybook Rose Blanche. The conclusion of this book is incredibly sad. However, a symbolism of hope rather than death is offered on the very last page of the book with spring emerging from the battlefield wastelands. The children have taken a considered approach to writing this poetry. With the use of similes, metaphors and personification they have managed to write incredible, emotive poetry. We can’t wait for the children to copy out their poems and illustrate them ready to be displayed on our Year 6 display board for everyone to see.

This week we’ve been using long multiplication to multiply 4-digits by 2-digits. We explored alternative strategies for solving multiplication problems, including word problems. The children used their knowledge of multiplying by powers of 10 and adjust calculations: for example, instead of multiplying a number by 99, they multiply the number by 100 and then subtract the number from the product. We have also explored using factors to find the answers to multiplication problems, such as multiplying by 5 and then by 7 as an alternative to multiplying by 35. This is a useful strategy for children who have good times-table knowledge but make errors when using long multiplication.

This week in history, we continued to learn about the build-up to World War 2 and studied the political atmosphere prior to Hitler’s invasion and expansion of Germany. We worked in pairs to research different countries and then, as a class, we discussed the different ways in which European countries were ruled.

We are continuing to develop our drawing skills and have been drawing human forms using simple shapes. We then used shading techniques from our last lesson to add tone and texture.

RE this week was all about Generosity! The children discussed what it means to be generous and how to be generous. 

Home Learning
Please keep sending in work completed at home from the Optional Home Learning Grid.It’s so enjoyable to watch the children share their learning with their class. SPaG homework has gone home today, please find the answers to this below.

On Thursday 12th October from 4-7pm, Wadebridge School are holding an open evening for children in Year 5 and 6. This is a great opportunity to see what Wadebridge School has to offer. Children will be able to meet the teachers, visit classrooms and take part in activities.

Enjoy the unusually warm weekend!
Best wishes,
The Year 6 Team  

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Autumn 1 - Week 4 - The week went swimmingly!

We have dived into our swimming sessions this week and are all set to improve our skills over the next four weeks. The children were more than ready to jump in, some wanting to sport their goggles on the walk up to the pool.

This week we have been revising divisibility rules, prime, cube and square numbers. Both classes are getting there at recalling them and working with them to solve and reason with problems. Some children would really benefit from times tables consolidation so please keep going with Times Tables Rockstars!

The children finally heard the ending to ‘The Lion and the Unicorn’. Many of them preferred their own endings - we clearly have some budding authors! We have begun a new unit on poetry, where we have been examining poetic devices with a focus on figurative language. Next week, we will work on composing our own emotive poems, first in pairs and then independently.

Year six have used their chronological skills this week to map out the events, in the form of a time line, that led to Hitler becoming Supreme Dictator of Germany.

We revised what the different numbers on pencils actually mean and the pros and cons of hard and soft pencils. We then experimented with using different pencils and different shading techniques. Many of us found scumbling particularly enjoyable!

Please find the answers to this week's Maths homework below.

Enjoy your weekend!
Best Wishes,
The Year 6 Team

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