Class Blog for Year 5

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Spring 2 - Week 4 - Year 5 are keeping S.M.A.R.T! 


This week in English, the children performed an oral discussion. They gathered research based on the theme ‘Should exotic animals be kept as pets’, in pairs they looked closely at the positive and negative impacts. Next, they picked a side and navigated an oral debate. They were given sentence stems to support with how they could lead into their arguments. Finally, in pairs, they performed to the class. The purpose of this lesson was to allow the children the opportunity to gather information for their persuasive writing.

In the follow-on lesson; the children wrote persuasive texts arguing their side of the argument. They broke it down into 3 main arguments and used evidence and statistic to support. We then came back together at the class, where we modelled a conclusion for the children discussing the success criteria and its contents. Towards the end of the week, we moved onto setting descriptions, the children used the map from the story ‘Shark Caller’ as inspiration to write about their settings. Their aim was use to a range of stylistic devices to enhance their descriptions. As a result, they were then able to write a detailed recount of their own arrival on the Papua New Guinea island, detailing all they could see, hear, taste, touch and smell.


In Maths, the children continue with their perimeter and area learning journey. This week, we started to look at the perimeter of polygons and rectilinear shapes before moving onto the area. The children now know that the perimeter is the outside of the shape and the area is the inside.

The children were also able to articulate that for working out the area they needed to know their times tables! EEEEK. Please do continue to encourage your children to access TTRS at home, it is such a great tool in building your child’s fluency in recalling multiplication facts. Another great resources which myself and Mrs. Callister advocate is flash cards. They removed the pressures of speed and allow the children to really pinpoint to the facts that they do not know.   

Towards the end of the week, the children completed this term PUMA assessments which has a mixture of arithmetic and reasoning questions. This is where the children have the opportunity to show off all they have learnt across Spring Term.

Wider Curriculum

In Wider Curriculum this week we have been Scientists exploring FORCES. The children completed an investigation, answering the question ‘Does the mass of an object affect the force of gravity?’ – The children were given a range of balls all of a different mass, they dropped the balls from the same height, recording the speed in which they fell. “The heavier and bigger the object the bigger it’s gravitational pull” – Lochy 5B. During the lesson, the children also learnt lots of interesting information about gravity and its founder Sir Isaac Newton.

Next, the children explored Air resistance, completing another investigation with a parachute drop. The focus within these lessons was the children’s ability to observe, record and explain their findings in a conclusion.

Online Safety Visit

On Wednesday the children were lucky enough to have a visit from the local police who came to talk to them all about online safety! During the session, the children discussed the different kinds of apps and games that can accessed online, along with their age limits. It was interesting to see how many children access games that are above their age bracket. However, one of the key messages from the police was understanding that these games and apps will be used but it’s how to use them safely that’s important. The children were presented with the acronym  -

S – Stay safe

M – Don’t MEET up with strangers you have talked to online.

A – Think before ACCEPTING anyone online.

R – Not everyone is RELIABLE. They may not be who they seem to be.

T – TELL a responsible adult if you feel uncomfortable or worried.

This acronym is now displayed in the classroom for all to see!

It was also wonderful having these important messages presented by people from our local services with stories that link to our community. The children were then allowed to ask questions about online safety and their jobs as the police. The session was extremely informative and opened our eyes as teachers to the importance of keeping our children safe online.

As a whole, it was an exciting morning, especially when the children saw Mrs. Callister and Miss Beckett locked up in handcuffs! EEK!

Important Dates:

·      Parent’s evening – Tuesday 26th March / Wednesday 27th March 2024, please book your appointment on arbor.

·      Wednesday 20th March 2024 – Year 5 children will be performing their music piece to parents lead by our music man Tony at 2:40pm



Spring 2 - Week 3 - Reading is a passport to countless adventures... 


To begin the week, the children continued writing their discussion texts. They continued to develop their unbiased arguments, using research on the positive and negative points to help them. The children at the end of the lesson shared their arguments and ‘magpied’ ideas when returning to edit and improve. In the following lessons, the children were presented with a SPaG focus of commas, colons and semi-colons. They explored what they were, where they would be used and how to use them effectively. In their books, the children then outlined the definition before using the punctuation accurately in sentences that contained themes from the text. For the rest of the week, the children had wonderful activities to complete with links to World Book Day – We look forward to continuing our English learning journey next week, where we will be exploring oral discussions for arguments and persuasive writing! WATCH THIS SPACE…


In Maths this week, the children begun their new learning journey of perimeter beginning with looking at the perimeter of a rectangle. The children attacked this with confidence and were able to access the problem-solving and reasoning questions quickly. We also completed another arithmetic paper; we went through it as a class notifying any misconceptions and making notes on how to approach the question next time. We recorded the scores in our whole class tracker, the children can then see their progress and record it in their books. The children then set themselves targets based on the test they completed.

Wider Curriculum

In Wider Curriculum we continued with our Art learning journey. This week it was all about our backgrounds. The children had four activities they completed as part of a carousel. They were given 4 small pieces of paper to create 4 different backgrounds using a mixture of media in the form of printing. We had brusho, water colours, foil and felt tips etc. The children then popped their testers into their sketch books where they made annotations, discussing their process, what they like, what worked well and what didn’t. From here, they selected their favourite background to recreate on a larger scale. Once their background was created, the children then began to select their favourite patterns from their journey so far to overlay. Again, this was using mixed media. They had to think carefully about the patterns, colours, media they selected and continue to refer to Kandinsky’s work for inspiration.

World Book Day

What a wonderful day we had for world book day, it was so lovely to see the mixture of costumes and pj’s. In the morning, the children took part in the nationwide quiz from the national literacy trust. The children answered a variety of questions and were introduced to the author and teacher Kit Brown who promoted his brand-new book! We were great quizzers, scoring 20/20!! In the afternoon, the children then went down to EYFS where they shared books with each other, drank hot chocolate and had a biscuit. The children had a wonderful time and were so lovely with the little ones.


Important Dates:

·         Parent’s evening – Tuesday 26th March / Wednesday 27th March 2024, please book your appointment on arbor.

·         Wednesday 20th March 2024 – Year 5 children will be performing their music piece to parents lead by our music man Tony at 2:40pm

·        WPA Bake off – Monday 11th March 2024 – Cakes to be sold all week

·         Comic relief – Friday 15th March 2024 – Own clothes or something ‘Funny’  


Have a wonderful weekend,

Best Wishes,

The Year 5 Team



Spring 2 - Week 2 - They've really put their 'Arts' into it... 


In English this week, we continued with our learning journey of recounts, based on the text ‘Shark Caller’ by Zellah Bethell. To begin the week, the children had to examine, justify and provide evidence for a character. They looked at the character ‘Blue Wing’ and focused on her characteristics. They then demonstrated their understanding of her by creating a Top Trumps card. Next, the children took their learning deeper by writing a character description. In the description, the children were looking particularly at the way Blue Wing tackles a challenge. Not only did they have to think about her personality but also her thoughts, opinions, actions and appearance. To end the week, the children then looked at discussion texts… They were presented with the statement: ‘Islands should be encouraged to keep their traditions and should not be changed by visitors or newcomers’ They had to then consider the positives and negatives of visitors coming to the island and write an unbiased discussion. The children were encouraged to use formal language and were provided with sentence stems to support.


In Maths, the children were coming to the end of their Fractions, Percentages and Decimals learning journey. With the children covering a range of new knowledge and skills in their Morning Work of converting fractions, percentages and decimals in such depth, Mrs. Callister combined some of our small steps in White Rose together. This meant the children were able to confidently demonstrate their knowledge and have more time to grapple with problem solving and reasoning questions. The children were then able to demonstrate their knowledge of key instant recall facts for this topic within their end of unit assessments. Our next learning journey we will be exploring perimeter and area!

We would also like to say a huge well done to those children that are accessing TTRS at home. It is incredibly important to maintain fluency in times tables and it’s wonderful to see that the children are still challenging themselves, both at home and in school.

Wider Curriculum

In wider curriculum, we have continued our Art learning journey. This week, the children focused more on the artist Kandinsky and his style of art. The children worked with paint to create geometric and circular patterns. Next, they explored with layer/combing this medium with different materials to create texture within their sketch books. On Friday, they then revisited, working back into their work, making conscious choices and annotating. The development of their sketch books is coming along, and we are beginning to see more sophisticated annotations and feedback given to peers.

Boys Active!

Well, what a wonderful Wednesday!

The boys had the opportunity to head up to the Royal Cornwall Show Ground. Here, they participated in a range of military based activities lead by the coaches at DT sport as well as sports leaders/captains from Wadebridge Secondary School. The children had the opportunity to use their team building skills, unravelling themselves from a human chain and getting themselves in height order or order of their shoe size. They had the chance to play laser tag, using their strategy skills to defend themselves within the course and plan their defensive approach to protect their base. They even had the chance to build fire and make hot chocolate! To end the day, the children then all took part in a military obstacle course, where they had to hop, dodge, sprint and weave between obstacles, before diving under a net and army crawling through the mud. The race was on for this, competing against other schools, teams, adults and even some teachers! We are incredibly proud of our boys and felt they represented WPA well, we all had such a lovely day – Bring on next year when our five’s will be sixes and shall be invited back!

Girls day...

By the sounds of it, the girls also had a lovely day here back at school. In the morning, they buddied up with the year sixes to participate in an egg drop challenge. Mrs. Berridge was amazed that hardly any of the eggs broke, go girls! Next, they used their analytical skills, to measure the ‘ruler drop’ – This is where the children dropped a ruler from a height and had to catch it with one hand. Each time, the girls had to decide what height, speed, etc. and record it. I think it’s safe to say that some of the girls would’ve made Mr. Miyagi proud! The girls then had a wonderful afternoon completing some artwork/sketching in their books based on Year 6’s theme of evolution.

Important Dates:

·         St Piran’s day – Tuesday 5th March 2024 – Children to wear Non-uniform black, white, gold

·         World Book Day – Thursday 7th March 2024 - ‘Bedtime Stories’ theme. Children to wear Pjs and bring a teddy and their favourite book.

·        Parent’s evening – Tuesday 26th March / Wednesday 27th March 2024, please book your appointment on arbor.

·        Wednesday 20th March 2024 – Year 5 children will be performing their music piece to parents lead by our music man Tony at 2:40pm. *Letter coming soon*

We hope you have a great weekend,

Best Wishes,

The Year Five Team



Spring 2 - Week 1 - Giving you a piece of their 'ART'... 


In English this week, we have begun our new learning journey using the text ‘The Shark Caller’ by Zellah Bethell. Throughout the learning journey, the children will cover a range of skills and knowledge in order to write a recount. The children will have the opportunity to explore a range of grammatical aspects as well as writing in a range of genres. To begin the journey, we used our VIPERS skills to unpick and understand the text. The children listened carefully to the prologue and from this answered a variety of VIPERS questions, using evidence from the text to support their answers. In the second lesson, the children were predictors. The used the books front cover, blurb, glossary and map to make predictions about the novel’s 3 different parts. Again, the children used evidence to support their answers. Next, the children had a SPAG focus, for this lesson their explored word families focusing on prefixes and suffixes using words from the text to create sentences. Next week, the children will explore the character and write character descriptions.


This week, we continued with our decimals learning journey. The children explored thousandths into decimals, thousandths on a place value chart and rounding to the nearest whole. The children have used manipulatives to support their learning and some children have been going out with Mrs Berridge and it’s lovely to see the excitement when they address a misconception. Mrs Callister has also been preparing us for fractions and percentages by putting it in our morning work! On Friday, the children were given an arithmetic paper and a reasoning paper. With their teacher, they worked their way through the booklets, making notes, asking questions, selecting best methods etc. From this, they then set themselves a target!

Wider Curriculum

In Wider Curriculum, we have begun our Art learning journey, looking at the artist Kandinsky. Throughout the learning journey the children will explore a range of media in order to create a final piece. To begin the journey, the children looked at mark making. They were given a range of objects from pine cones, to polystyrene, to buttons and more. With this object the children experimented making marks on the page. They used paint and pens to do this. Next, they selected 4 of their favourite marks and 3 they didn’t like as much and placed them in their sketch books. They thought consciously about the placement and layout before annotating with steps, thoughts and feelings.

Important dates:

·      Book fair – WB: 26th February 2024 (All week)

·      St Piran’s day – Tuesday 5th March 2024 – Children to wear Non-uniform black, white, gold

·      World Book Day – Thursday 7th March 2024 - ‘Bedtime Stories’ theme. Children to wear Pjs and bring a teddy and their favourite book


A great start to a new term!

Have a lovely weekend,

Best Wishes,

The Year 5 Team 



Spring Term 1 - Week 5 - Hear Ye, Hear Ye...


In English this week, the children planned their persuasive letters. They thought carefully about the devices, skills and knowledge they needed to include in order to be successful. Then using their plans, the children wrote to His Majesty, King Charles, persuading him to place Katherine Johnson on the honours list. The children drafted, edited and improved their letters, before checking their work against their success criteria. Once checked, the children ticked off their toolkits and shared/constructed feedback with their teacher. Next week, for the final week of term, the children will begin their performance poetry learning journey, they will discuss, learn and add actions to their poems and perform for their peers.


In Maths, the children finished their second fractions learning journey and completed their end of unit assessment. We then introduced the children to their new learning journey of decimals. The children looked at decimals up to 2 decimal places. With Mrs Callister once again, ahead of the game, the children had already been exposed to these and completed the questions with confidence. This allowed great opportunities to grapple with problem solving questions and explore decimals in different contexts. On Friday, we had a skills session where the children ‘Find their weakness and destroy it’ – The children looked at a range of arithmetic questions, selected their area of focus and engaged with the challenge. Mrs Callister took a group of children off to look at %’s of an amount and Miss Beckett supported addressing ‘silly mistakes’ – The session had great purpose and lots of children had their ‘Ah Ha’ moment.

Wider curriculum

In wider curriculum, we have come to the end of our Science learning journey. The children showed off their learning in an end of unit assessment. It was amazing to see all the wonderful learning from across the past weeks, come to the surface. The children were proud of their ‘Sticky Knowledge’. Next week we will begin our DT journey.


Every Wednesday, the children have had an opportunity to place a range of brass instruments under the lead of Tony our music man. The children have been exposed to different instruments and have explored reading notes and playing. We looked forward to next week, where our journey will continue.


We hope you have a lovely weekend,

Best wishes,

The Year 5 Team 



Spring 1 - Week 4 - Ground control to WPA! 


This week in English, the children have continued their learning journey, with the focus text of ‘Hidden Figures’. The children started the week, by writing their main body of their newspaper articles. In the main body, the children had to give context to the event, explaining to the reader what happened. They then had to use their skills and knowledge of direct and indirect speech to embed within their paragraphs. The next day, they then reflected upon their main bodies, editing with blue pen before writing their conclusions. Finally, the children edited, drafted and improved their articles before writing them up in best! On Thursday, the children explored the key features of a persuasive letter. They identified the structure and the language. On Friday, they then composed their own formal sentences that they will use in their persuasive letters next week. The letters will be written to King Charles requesting him to put Katherine Johnson onto the honours list. This is the final piece of our learning journey!


In Maths this week, the children began the second part of their Fractions learning journey. To begin the week, the children were multiplying unit fractions – With Mrs Callister challenging us in our Morning work, the children had already been exposed to these types of questions, and therefore completed with ease and confidence. Next, the children multiplied by and integer, multiplied non-unit fractions and then began to look at finding a fraction of an amount or of a quantity. To end the week, the children explored finding the whole, it was a lively lesson, grappling with some tricky questions but the children were don’t stop Darwin’s and worked together to problem solve. Next week, we will continue to explore these types of questions in our Morning work.

Wider Curriculum

Science, science and more science! The children have had a fantastic week, the wider curriculum lessons started off with a bang when we had a visit from ‘Space Odyssey’. The children entered a space dome where they had an opportunity to show off their learning and gain some new knowledge! We were amazed by the sites and experiencing some of the wonderous space events that have taken place over the years. The children thoroughly enjoyed learning about the Moon and its phases and enjoyed being able to decipher some of the star’s constellations. Because of this incredible experience, the children were eager to find out more throughout the rest of our week within our science lessons. On Thursday, the children explored the relationships between the Moon, Earth and Sun. They created mechanisms and models to demonstrate their proximity and movement. On Friday, the children looked at the Sun’s movement across the sky and how this related to day and night! It’s safe to say that the children are loving our new inquiry question, please ask your children about their experience this week, I know they’d love to tell you!


Have a SPACEtacular weekend,

Best Wishes,

The Year Five Team 



Spring Term 1 - Week 3 - Our learning is out of this world! 


In English this week, the children have continued their persuasive writing learning journey, based on the text ‘Hidden Figures’. This week, the focus has been looking at a genre they covered in Year 4. By exploring the genre of ‘Newspaper Reports’ the children are able to embed their knowledge of the text, whilst exploring themes such as alliteration, play on words, puns and gathering facts. To begin the week, the children were investigators looking at a range of newspaper articles. Using them, they then unpicked the key features and created a mind map showing their understanding and giving examples. During the following lesson, the children explored indirect and direct speech and how this is used to give additional information to the reader. Next, the children explored headlines. They learnt how to create them using a variety of figurative language and created their own for their own newspaper report. To end the week, the children zoomed in on the orientation of a newspaper. They used the 5 W’s to generate key information using the text ‘Hidden Figures’ as a stimulus. Next week, we will begin writing the main body and conclusion of our newspaper article.


In Maths this week, the children continue to look at short division, exploring the ‘bus stop’ method when dividing 4, 3 & 2 – Digit numbers. The children then used this to complete a range of division number sentences and to problem solve. Towards the end of the week, the children completed their end of unit assessment, which challenged the children to show off their learning across the whole journey. On Friday, the children then completed their half-termly arithmetic assessments – This involves a range of questions containing all learning from the start of the year! All the children have made such progress and we saw some fantastic improvements such as gaining 8+ marks! WOOHOO!

Wider Curriculum

In Wider Curriculum, we have continued to be scientists. In our retrieval we looked at the order of the planets and their proximity to the sun. The children came up with a mnemonic to help them remember: ‘My Very Easy Method Just Speeds Up Naming Planets’. The children then looked at the question ‘How we know the Earth is spherical?’ – To give evidence for this, the children looked at Scientist Aristotle, who used 3 major reasons to justify this hypothesis. The children then recorded their findings and gave reasons as to whether they agree or disagree. They then used scientific diagrams to support! On Friday, the children then learnt how to describe the movement of the planets. They used their maths skills to calculate how many Earth days it takes for the planet to orbit the sun. Again, they showed their understanding in a diagram and labelled it with key information about each planet and its movement.

Another wonderful week with our Year Fives!

Enjoy your weekend,

Best Wishes,

The Year Five Team 



Spring Term 1 - Week 2 - Soaring through the week...


In English this week, we continued our new learning journey! Throughout this learning journey the children will be exploring the text ‘Hidden Figures’ in order to then write persuasively. Across the learning journey, the children will have the opportunity to create character profiles, express their views and opinion on discrimination and segregation and will write a newspaper article. This week, the children used their VIPERS skills to explore key vocabulary. They then used dictionaries to clarify unknown language and placed them into a sentence. Next, the children summarised the key themes within the text and began to express their own thoughts and opinions. The children got creative and made their own titles for the books using success criteria and evidence from the story to support their choices.


In Maths, we began part 2 of our multiplication and division learning journey. The children learnt how to multiply a 2,3- and 4-digit number by a 2-digit number. We demonstrated a variety of strategies for solving multiplication and then allowed the children to select the method that worked the best for them. By the end of the week the children were feeling confident with their chosen methods and we then introduced them to division. Next week, we will continue our journey of division!

Wider Curriculum

In wider curriculum this week, we began our new learning journey ‘Do stars really tell tales?’ – To begin the journey, we used retrieval to find out what the children already knew. We introduced them to the planets and allowed them the opportunity to select one, research it and produce a fact file about it. It was interesting to see how much the children already knew and we are excited now to embark upon our journey into space.

Soaring STEM!

What an incredible day the year 5s have had! On Friday they were joined by George from Soaring STEM who shared his knowledge, experience, and expertise in order for us to build our very own rockets. It was amazing to see the children turn into true engineers as they designed, tested, re-worked, and tested their rockets again. The teamwork was phenomenal and the smiles on their faces throughout the day were truly heart-warming. It was a pleasure to witness so many of the children enjoying their task and taking on new roles. They worked extremely hard, and, through George's enthusiasm and support, they produced some great results. Can't thank George enough for putting the day together-it is one the children will remember for a long time to come. 

We hope you have a wonderful weekend,

Best Wishes,

The Year Five Team 



Spring Term 1 - Week 1 - Welcome back and Happy New Year!

We hope you had a wonderful break and enjoyed all the magical festivities. We are really looking forward to getting stuck into Spring Term 1.

This term our new inquiry question is ‘Do the stars really tell tales?’ – Throughout this learning journey the children will cover a range of knowledge and skills in order to answer it. This is a science-based theme where the children will be learning lots about space.

We are really fortunate that on the 24th January 2024 we will be having the ‘Space Odyssey’ in school, this is where the children will have a space experience and will further enhance their knowledge and understanding.

Also, on the 12th January 2024 we also have a man called George Slater who is a part of the Soaring STEM. He will be coming in to talk to the children about Space and Forces as well as teaching the children how to design and make their own rockets!

If your child has anything at home about Space or would like to share any research or home learning please do encourage them to bring it in.  

We look forward to sharing our learning with you. WATCH THIS SPACE!

Have a lovely weekend,

Best Wishes,

The Year Five Team




Autumn Term 2 - Week 7-Wishing you a very merry Christmas! 


In English this week, the children completed their own versions of ‘Secrets of a Sun King’ they have embedded the skills and knowledge taught across the learning journey within their writing and had the chance to show off their ‘WOW’ vocabulary. Next term we move onto our new Wider Curriculum theme ‘Earth and Space’ and will investigate the question ‘Do the stars really tell tales?’ with this in mind, the children will explore the text ‘Hidden Figures’ by Margot Lee Shetterly and will have a go at writing to persuade.


The children have finished their fractions learning journey and had a go at their end of unit assessment. It has been a long and tricky journey but the children are now getting to grips with the different levels of fractions and how to tackle them. Next term we will be looking at the next stage of multiplication.

Wider Curriculum

This week the children finally completed their canopic jars which we will be sending home with them next week. They also put their DT skills to the test creating their own Christmas decorations. In PE the children had their last session with DT spots Jack and next year it will be Pro 20 on a Monday! – This means our PE day is now Monday, children need to come to school dress in PE kits.

Christmas, Christmas, Christmas!

Well, what a lovely Autumn Term 2 we have had. To finish off then term the children have joined in the festivities by having Christmas parties, going to the local church for the Carol service, completing the ultimate Christmas quiz and watching Arthur Christmas at the regal Cinema this Friday. We have had the most wonderful week and we can’t wait for the staff panto on Tuesday to sprinkle the last bit of Christmas magic. We want to not only say how proud we are of our Year 5’s but to also send our special Christmas wishes, we know for some it can be a difficult time of year, so we hope you have a magical Christmas filled with laughter, fun and good food!

See you in the New Year,

Best Wishes,

The Year 5 Team


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