Class Blog for Year 3

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Welcome to Year Three!

Welcome to the Year Three Page where you will find out about the great things taking place in our classes.

We will update this page on a regular basis with information about our learning.

Please see parent information powerpoint for further information.

If you would like to contact us, please email and your email will be forwarded to us.

Home Learning: Daily reading, Times tables, optional wider curriculum activities (The home learning grid is available at the bottom of the page).

Changing Reading Books: Friday

PE Days: Monday                (Swimming Thursdays 28/9-2/11)

Mr Langton 
3B Class Teacher

Mrs Stephens (Mon-Tues)
Mrs Smerdon (Weds-Fri)
3W Class Teachers

Mrs Jeffery
3B Class TA

Mrs Hodkinson
3W Class TA

Mrs Bryant 
1:2:1 TA  3W

Miss Wotus 
1:2:1 TA 3W

 Image Gallery



Year 3 Cooking  

3W Cooking!

As part of our current DT and Science work we have been learning about healthy foods, the eat well plate and food we grow in the UK. As part of this we challenged ourselves to create a meal with at least 3 of our 5 a day in it.
3B decided to cook a pasta dish with grated carrot, chopped onions and tomatoes, sweetcorn and passata. It was finished off with some grated cheese and a touch of basil! 
All the children helped with a part of the dish including grating, cutting and stirring and all got to give it a taste. It was very yummy and the children were proud of their efforts! 
3B will be cooking next week :)


Year 3 Sports Day  

Sports Day 2024

On Wednesday 19th June Year 3 had their Olympic Themed Sports Day.

The day started with the sprint races followed by the egg and spoon, sack race, relay and the infamous parents race!

Year 3 then took part in a carousel of activities including bowls, shotput and Football a la Francaise.

All the children tried their best, cheered each other on and had a fantastic time!

A huge well done to the Choughs who were the overall Year 3 winners!


Year 3 Geography Trip  

Year 3 Geography Trip 

On Monday, Year 3 went to Treraven Farm on a geography trip. We took part in different activities including orienteering through the woods using compasses, bug and flower hunts for different types of species and fire lighting. We also walked either to Treraven Farm, or back to the school so that we could map a familiar route. The children had a great time and especially enjoyed the sunny weather and the stop at the park!


Year 3 17th May 2024 


What a busy 2 weeks we have had in Year 3!

Last Friday we had a fantastic alternative day of sports. Coaches from Arena came in to deliver some awesome games including Dartmoor 3 ball, Capture the Flag, American Football, Boccia and Archery. We had a fantastic day and we were very impressed with the skills and teamwork that we saw. 

Also this week we have been continuing with sewing. Year 3 first designed their pillows before cutting the fabric, sewing the motif and using a running stitch to sew it all together. The finished designs looks fabulous!  

In Science we have been looking at Plants and continuing with our work in the school Polytunnel growing flowers and vegetables. We conducted an experiment, which we have been monitoring for the last 3 weeks, to see if a seed will germinate and grow in a darkness, artificial light and natural sunlight. We also used soil and cotton wool to compare growth too.  We predicted that the seeds in the natural light and soil would grow the best as those conditions give a plant everything it needs to grow. The children were amazed to see that the seeds in darkness did germinate however, the seedlings were stringy, brown and did not look too healthy. After half term we will be starting to look at the Water Cycle and Rivers. 

We are looking forward to our Geography Field Trip on Monday and will post some pictures from the trip later next week.

Have a lovely weekend!

The Year 3 Team 



Year 3 Get Planting!

As part of our new topic- What Makes the World Survive and Thrive?- we have been busy sewing seeds and getting our Polytunnel into shipshape! 

We dug over the raised beds ready for seeds and planted a variety of vegetable seeds and flower seeds into seed trays.

As well as studying plants and how they grow as part of our topic, we are entering into some of the upcoming Royal Cornwall Show competitions with what we grow at school.  A slip has been sent home with information regarding bringing in recycled material and other items for these entries. 
This week we also began our 3 week Science experiment on how light and soil can affect a seeds germination and growth. We planted Runner Bean seeds in soil, tissue and cotton wool and have placed them in either direct sun light, artificial light or darkness. We will be checking up on the seeds each week to see which ones grow the best and why. 

Keep a look out for next weeks blog on our current DT project - designing and sewing our own cushions! 

Many thanks,
Year 3 Team 


Year 3 WOW Day! 

On Wednesday 20th March Year 3 had their Roman and Celt WOW day! This day celebrated all things Celt and Roman with activities throughout the day including baking Rock buns, creating Mosaic tiles, a Roman Numeral challenge and designing our own Roman or Celt outfit. The day finished with an epic battle between the Celts and the Romans! Everyone fought bravely and safely but we all died in the end! The battle highlights can been seen at our upcoming class assembly- a must watch!

Also this week we visited the Church to talk to Reverend Steve about how Christians celebrate Holy Week and Easter. Year 3 asked some really good questions and enjoyed looking around the Church. 

We look forward to starting our new topic- How does the World Survive and Thrive next term. 

The Year 3 Team 


Year 3 RE Work  

RE in Year 3

This half term we have been studying Christianity and in particular Holy Week.

We have learnt about the days that led up to Easter Sunday and how Christians celebrate Easter. 

In small groups the children designed and created their own 3D models of Palm Tuesday, Good Friday and Easter Sunday. 

I am sure you will agree that they look fab! Well done Year 3!


World Book Day 

Year 3 World Book Day

We have had a fantastic World Book Day in Year 3 today! We based our activities around Roald Dahl's Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. We read some of the book, designed our own Willy Wonka style sweets and created our own chocolaty biscuit treats :)
In the afternoon we shared some of our favorite stories with Year 6 with hot chocolate. 

Upcoming Dates 
Wednesday 20th March- Year 3 'Wow Day' optional dress up as either a Celt or Roman 

Wednesday 27th March- Year 3 class assembly 



Wow Day 

Historical Wow Day

On Wednesday 20th March Year 3 will be having our historical wow day. On the day the children will undertake a range of activities from the Roman period including: cooking, art and problem solving.

If the children would like to dress up on this day they are very welcome to. If they are dressing up they can choose to dress as a Roman or a Celt, if not dressing up the children should wear their school uniform. For costume ideas please see the photos.

The following week we will be sharing our learning at a Year 3 assembly. It will be 9:00am on Wednesday 27th March. Parents are welcome to come and join us for the assembly if they would like to.

For further information please see the note sent home last week or speak to the teachers.


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We are inspired by the awe and wonder of the world.



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We are passionate about learning.



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