Well, what a week! It has been an absolute pleasure welcoming everyone back to school. Thanks to the fantastic team at WPA, I have had the most brilliant first week as ‘Acting Head Teacher’ with so many kind words of encouragement. Wadebridge Primary really is a special place to be.
This week started with an Inset day for Teachers, where we thought carefully about how we can continue to build on the many strengths at Wadebridge Primary and our next steps to help us move forwards. I’m really looking forward to sharing our School Development Plan with you soon.
On Tuesday the school came to life again and the corridors were full of hustle and bustle! The children have come back to school refreshed and excited for the year ahead. In our whole school assembly, we thought about how changes can often feel like a new pair of school shoes. At first, new shoes can feel strange and uncomfortable but new shoes can soon become so comfy, you don’t even notice them! And just like new shoes, the new year can feel a little strange to start with, but soon it's not new anymore, just normal!
It’s been great walking around the school to see the interesting learning taking place. I have already had two budding Y1 artists visit my office to show me their creative portraits and a fantastic writer in Year Three who really impressed their teacher with a funny story about their pet rat! Whilst all the year groups have impressed me with their focus in lessons, a special ‘well done’ has to go to our Reception children. They have really dazzled us with how they have settled into school life. Reception is one of the most magical years in terms of independence and progress- we can’t wait to see them grow this year!
Today in assembly I am looking forward to giving out my first ever ‘Head Teacher’s Award’ to one of the most polite and chatty students we have. Seb in Y5 always stops to say ‘hello’ and asked me this week, with such genuine interest, how my first week as Head Teacher was going and gave me some great words of encouragement for my whole school assembly. Anyone who has worked with Seb will agree that he more than deserves his certificate today.
Meet the Teacher: Wednesday 13th September 2023
Please do come along to our annual ‘Meet the Teacher’ event that will be taking place on Wednesday 13th September. This will be a chance to see your child’s new teacher and find out all about their new year group.
The timings are:
Reception, Year 1 and Year 2: 2:30pm- 2:50pm
Please enter via the green KS1 gate
Years 3 to 6: 3:00pm- 3:20pm
Please enter via the green KS2 gate
If you are unable to make the meeting, we will ensure that the relevant information is on the class pages of our school website. Please do have a look on your child’s class page to find out more information about reading, home learning etc. These pages will be updated regularly to showcase the great things happening in school.
Whole School Picture: Thursday 14th September
Thank you to everyone who has been on to Arbor to update permissions and ParentPay to book school lunches. If you haven’t yet, please ensure you have given photo permission on Arbor as we have our whole school picture on Thursday 14th September. Just a reminder that there is no PE on this day and so everyone should be in their uniform looking super smart for the picture.
Here are some important dates for this academic year. We will soon have more to share with you.
Term Dates
Autumn Term: 4th Sept- 19th December 2023 HALF TERM: 23rd- 27th October 2023
Spring Term: 4th January- 28th March 2024 HALF TERM: 12th- 16th February 2024
Summer Term: 15th April- 24th July 2024 HALF TERM 27th- 31st May 2024
Mon 4th September 2023, Fri 20th Oct 2023, Fri 9th February 2024, Fri 7th June 2024 and Weds 24th July 2024
National Assessments
We will give you further information about these assessments but please avoid any absence from school during these times.
Year 1 Phonics Screening Check : from Monday 10th June- Friday 14th June.
Optional KS1 SATs Window 2024: Testing will take place in May 2024
Year 4 Multiplication check: 2 week window starting from Monday 3rd June 2024
KS2 SATs 2024: Monday 13th May- Thursday 16th May 2024
In the meantime, I hope everyone has a great weekend with some rest and relaxation before another busy week in school.
As always, if you have any questions please do send us an email to secretary@wadebridgeprimary.co.uk
Best wishes and thank you for your support,
Mrs Lee- Elkins
Image Gallery
We are really looking forward to seeing everyone in school very soon!
Please find a letter attached below with lots of important information for the start of the school year.
As always, if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to send us an email at secretary@wadebridgeprimary.co.uk
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We are bold and innovative in our approach to find new solutions to the challenges we face.
We are inspired by the awe and wonder of the world.
We take responsibility for our actions in an environment of mutual respect.
We are passionate about learning.
We are the best we can be.
We overcome all barriers to reach our potential, developing a capacity to improve further.
© 2025 Bridge Schools trust is a company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales. Registration number 7736425. It is an exempt charity.