What an amazing Quiz Night last Friday! With support from parents/carers, WPA staff, local businesses and the FOWPA team, £1500 was raised to fund improvements to the school. A special thank you to Robin Moorcroft and his team, as Quizmasters!
FOWPA Bake Off and Cake Sale
Wow, what a turn out for the Great WPA Bake-off! We had fantastic entries from the children and all of their bakes sold out within 30 minutes at the afternoon sale, raising £180! So sorry if anyone didn’t get to choose a bake, but thank you for all of the support received. It was wonderful to see the children supporting each other’s creations.
The bakes were judged by the Mr Wathern and the Year 6 House Captains and they must have had a tough job! In Thursday’s assembly, the following winners were presented with a certificate and special tea towel:
Nursery – Noah
Reception – Summer
Year 1 – Olivia
Year 2 – Bertie
Year 3 – Evie
Year 4 – Edrick
Year 5 – Salvador
Year 6 – Seth
If you would like to consider helping FOWPA with future fundraising, we are looking for new recruits. We’re a small team of busy adults who want to help our school thrive, so any amount of time helps. Please contact FOWPA or the office if you’d like to get involved.
Your support means so much to our school.
Thank you!
PE Days after Half Term
Please note your child’s PE day lessons after half term and when they need to wear their PE kit.
Year 2
Year 4 with Pro 20
Year 6 with DT Coaching
Year 5 with DT Coaching
Year 1 with DT Coaching
Year 3
Children in Need & Wild Planet Trust Charity Non-Uniform Day – Friday 15th November
Friday 15th November is Children in Need Day. As we have recently voted to support the Wild Planet Trust as our chosen charity this year, we have decided to hold an animal themed non-uniform day to raise money for both of these worthwhile charities.
We invite the children to come to school on this day dressed up as the animal of their choice (they may choose to combine this with the 'Spotacular' Children in Need theme)! If you would like to contribute to this fund-raising event, please send your child to school with a voluntary donation in cash which will be collected by the teachers in class. Money raised will be split equally between Children in Need and Wild Planet Trust for conservation.
NSPCC Workshops
On Wednesday, we had two visitors from the NSCPP to run some workshops with our Year 2, 5 and 6 pupils. In an age appropriate way, the children were helped to understand: abuse and how to recognise the signs of abuse; that abuse is never a child’s fault and they have the right to be safe; where to get help and the sources of help available to them, including the Childline service.
"Buddy (a cuddly toy) helped us to understand that if we speak out, we can stay safe. So if someone is being mean to us, we can speak to a parent or a teacher. They gave us a toolkit and now I know who my safe person is."
Milo, Year 2
Extra-Curricular Activities (ECAs)
A reminder that after half term, all after school ECAs start again. The teacher-led ECAs will finish on Friday 6th December. External providers (Pro20, DT Sports and Dance) finish as per sign up.
Pro20 and DT Sports
Please see the posters emailed out today to sign up your child to Pro20 and DT Sports for after half term. Early booking is advised! We thoroughly benefit from their coaching support during our PE lessons in school and highly recommend them for after school activities if your child is interested.
Just a polite reminder to check your ParentPay account to ensure it is not in arrears, thank you.
Head bump Bands
If your child has a bump to the head, as we do now, we will try and contact you by phone as well as sending home the first aid slip. From now on, in addition, your child will be given a yellow head bump band to wear around their wrist to indicate to any member of staff at school (including after school ECAs & Bridge Kids) and anyone collecting your child, that they have had a bump to their head.
Woodwind Lessons
This week we said farewell to Janet Elston who has been teaching woodwind lessons to our children for many years. It was very kind of the children to bring in leaving gifts and cards and we know Janet will be missed. This week the children were introduced to their new teacher, Amanda Rice who will be teaching woodwind after half term. If you are interested in your child taking up external music lessons (keyboard, guitar, brass, woodwind or percussion), please get in touch with the office.
Lunchtime Supervisor Vacancies
We are looking to recruit two Lunchtime Supervisors to join our team; Mon-Fri 11:30-13:00.
We are looking for someone who:
-Enjoys working with children
-Has high expectations of behaviour and positive strategies to support children
-Will support the school values across lunchtime
For more information, please check our Vacancies page on the website.
Poppy Appeal
After half term, our House Captains will be going around the school to sell poppies and other items to support the Poppy Appeal. Please send your child in with some coins if they want to buy something.
Dates coming up
Friday 25th October
School Closed – INSET Day
26th October – 3rd November
Half term break
Monday 4th November
Back to school
Extra-Curricular Activities (ECAs) re-start
(pm) Year 6 Secondary Transition PE Session
Wednesday 6th November
ESFA Girls’ Football Qualifier
Friday 8th November
08:30 Coffee Morning & Phonics Workshop with Mrs Yates & Mrs Clarke
18:00 Year 3 Sleepover
Saturday 9th November
09:00 Year 3 Sleepover Collection
Monday 11th November
(pm) Year 6 Secondary Transition PE Session
Thursday 14th November
Reception Soft Play sessions at Wadebridge Leisure Centre
Friday 15th November
Children in Need & Wild Planet Trust Charity Non-Uniform Day
Monday 18th November
(pm) Year 6 Secondary Transition PE Session
Tuesday 19th November
09:00-11:30 Grandparents’ Stay and Learn (see separate email invite sent out on 23rd October)
(am) Year 1 Hearing re-tests
Thursday 21st November
09:00 Year 6 Assembly
13:30-14:30 Reception intake 2025 Stay and Play
Friday 22nd November
08:45 Coffee Morning & Children’s Mental Health and Wellbeing Workshop with Mrs Marsha May
Monday 25th November
14:00-15:00 KS2 Cross Country
Thursday 28th November
10:00-11:00 Reception intake 2025 Stay and Play
Year 6 Coding Workshops
Friday 29th November
08:45-09:45 Year 3 Stay and Learn
It’s been a fantastic and full half term! I’m sure everyone is looking forward to a well-deserved rest. On behalf of everyone at school, thank you for all your support and have a wonderful half term break. We look forward to seeing everyone back at school on Monday 4th November.
Best wishes,
Chris Wathern
House Captain News
The House Captains met with Mrs Orme this week to discuss ideas for House events. These included: an author visit where children pose ideas for stories; obstacle course; TTRS House Competition; a week long readathon; get caught reading competition; design a poster for your House, and a positive vibe art competition. Watch this space to find out which House event we will be doing next half term!
School Council – This Year’s Charity
The School Council recently presented three different charities to their classes and then led a democratic vote to decide which charity we would support this year. The most votes went to Newquay Zoo’s Wild Planet Trust, a conservation organisation that works to stop the decline of species.
Eco Council – Soft Plastic Challenge
On Monday, our Eco Council stood up in front of assembly to talk about their new challenge for the school. They reminded everyone of the different objects that can be recycled and which containers to put them in. The challenge is to see which year group can collect the most soft plastic to stop this going to landfill. The winning year group will receive an extra breaktime. The soft plastic will be weighed at the end of half term and all of it will be going to Tesco to be recycled.
By Seb Y6
Black History Month
October marks Black History Month in the UK. Mrs Orme launched Black History Month with an assembly explaining how, when and why it was introduced, and why it is important to share, celebrate and understand the impact of black heritage and culture. Children have been following this with learning about significant black people in their classes and some wonderful work has been produced to display in school. On Tuesday, every class joined a live online assembly, along with over 100 other primary schools. It was delivered by Katie Harrison from Picture News and BBC Radio 1 Xtra presenter, Swarzy Macaly, to explore this year’s theme, ‘Reclaiming Narratives’, and the power of shared stories and perspectives.
Save the Date – Grandparents’ Stay and Learn (Tuesday 19th November – all morning)
We look forward to welcoming grandparents into school for a special Stay and Learn later in November. Further details about this exciting morning will be shared next week.
The ‘Bookie Shed’
Our Year 6 ‘Bookies’ will be opening the ‘Bookie Shed’ next Wednesday & Thursday (weather permitting) after school. All children and parents are welcome to visit the ‘Bookie Shed’ (next to the Nursery/KS1 green gates) and help yourself to a free book!
House Points
Congratulations to this week’s winners, Puffins. Overall, Swans still maintain the lead:
Swans – 1798
Choughs – 1550
Cormorants – 1458
Puffins – 1408
New Football Kit
It’s fantastic seeing both our Girls’ and Boys’ Football Teams in their new kit. We agreed with parental feedback in last year’s survey, and have bought new kit to give that sense of team and pride representing the school.
No Teacher-led ECAs next week
A reminder that there are no teacher-led after school ECAs next week. Pro20 and DT Sports will be running as normal. All ECAs restart after half term until Friday 6th December.
FOWPA Bake Off and Cake Sale – Monday 21st October
Don’t forget to bring in your bakes to the Hall next Monday morning. Then join us in the Hall for a HUGE bake sale from 3pm. From FOWPA
Lunchtime Supervisor Vacancies
We are looking to recruit two Lunchtime Supervisors to join our team; Mon-Fri 11:30-13:00.
We are looking for someone who:
-Enjoys working with children
-Has high expectations of behaviour and positive strategies to support children
-Will support the school values across lunchtime
For more information, please check our Vacancies page on the website
Dates coming up
Friday 18th October
19:30 FOWPA Quiz Night (Wadebridge Town Hall)
Monday 21st October
08:30 Drop off FOWPA Bake Off entries in Hall
15:00 FOWPA Bake Sale (Hall)
No Teacher-led Extra-Curricular Activities (ECAs) this week (Pro20 and DT Sports running as normal)
Tuesday 22nd October
15:30-18:10 Parent Teacher Consultations (PTCs)
Wednesday 23rd October
NSPCC Workshops for Year 2, 5 & 6
15:30-18:10 Parent Teacher Consultations (PTCs)
Friday 25th October
School Closed – INSET Day
26th October – 3rd November
Half term break
Monday 4th November
Back to school
Extra-Curricular Activities (ECAs) re-start
(pm) Year 6 Secondary Transition PE Session
Have a fantastic weekend, and if you are going to the FOWPA quiz tonight, good luck!
Best wishes,
Chris Wathern
Mark’s Ark Visit
Year 1 were very excited to have Mark’s Ark and his animals visit this week. This experience helped the children make links to their learning in science, investigating the key question ‘What are the characteristics of an animal?’ Mark showed them a range of animals including a millipede, tarantula, snake, lizard and an owl. The children used their knowledge to work out which animal group they belonged to and if they were a carnivore, omnivore or herbivore. Mark shared lots of interesting facts about the animals and talked about if they would be suitable to be a pet. For children who were brave enough, there was an opportunity to hold the snake and the tarantula! The children showed respect to the animals handling them with care and asked questions throughout the afternoon to find out more about them.
From the Year 1 Team
Girls’ Football Festival
On Wednesday, we hosted a girls’ football festival for Years 5 and 6. There were around 80 girls from different local teams. There were lots of opportunities to play, including competing in 4 matches. We were also able to take part in a training session and learn some new skills. The festival was great and everyone showed amazing teamwork.
By Bella (Year 6)
Year 6/7 Transition – Wadebridge School
This afternoon, a group of local headteachers met with Mr Winzor to further develop links between the primary schools and Wadebridge School. It was a really useful meeting where we focused on meeting the needs of the Wadebridge community. Amongst the things discussed, we agreed on our Y6/7 transition model, as well how we can work closer for the mutual benefit of all.
Microsoft Forms for Trips
You may have noticed we have started using MS Forms instead of paper letters for trip permissions. As well as helping ensure no letters get lost in transit between school and home, it also saves on paper, the impact on the environment and cost. We have a few ‘live’ forms for parents to currently complete: Year 3 Sleepover; Year 4 Trip to Bodmin Jail and Year 5 Residential. If not done already, please complete the form as soon as possible using the links sent out separately by email. If you have any questions, please contact the school office who are happy to help.
Coffee Morning & Shared Reading Workshop
It was wonderful seeing parents at our coffee morning and shared reading workshop today with Mrs Reeve. If you couldn’t make it, please check today's email for a copy of the presentation and some tips on supporting your child with reading at home. Our next Coffee Morning is on Friday 8th November, where Mrs Yates and Mrs Clarke are sharing our approach to phonics. All are welcome to stay for the phonics workshop or just for a cuppa and a catch up.
Pro20 Football INSET Day – Friday 25th October 09:00-15:00
On Friday 25th October, school is closed as staff are joining other schools within the Trust at Brunel School focusing on developing writing. Whilst we are closed, Pro20 will be hosting a Football Day.
Wadebridge Leisure Centre Holiday Club
Wadebridge Leisure Centre are hosting a holiday club on Wednesday 30th and Thursday 31st October. Please book directly with them.
Year 6 Bikeability Date Change
Bikeability sessions for Year 6 will now take place from week beginning Monday 20th January. Further information will be shared nearer the time.
Lunchtime Supervisor Vacancies
We are looking to recruit two Lunchtime Supervisors to join our team; Mon-Fri 11:30-13:00. We are looking for someone who:
-Enjoys working with children
-Has high expectations of behaviour and positive strategies to support children
-Will support the school values across lunchtime
For more information, please check our Vacancies page on this website
House Points
Congratulations to this week’s winners, Choughs. For a fourth week running, Swans have the most overall points, but the other Houses are catching up fast:
Swans – 1535
Choughs – 1317
Cormorants – 1239
Puffins – 1114
FOWPA – The Great Wadebridge Primary Academy Quiz
*Still lots of tables left to sell – please come and support our school*
£20 per table, max of six people. There will be a bar on the night, prizes for the winning teams and a raffle where you can win some beautiful hampers, filled with lots of goodies. Get your tickets now!
FOWPA Bake Off and Cake Sale – Monday 21st October
All children are invited to get creative and bake cupcakes, cookies or traybakes for a HUGE bake sale in the school hall on Monday 21st October from 3pm. Each home-baked entry needs to be dropped off at the school hall on Monday 21st October after drop off in the morning. Please label all plates/boxes/containers with name and class, so these can be returned to your child’s classroom. Each entry MUST come with an ingredients list for allergens…PLEASE REMEMBER WE ARE A NUT FREE SCHOOL…and without the list we sadly cannot sell your yummy bakes! The winners of each year group will be presented with a certificate and commemorative tea towel in assembly by Mr Wathern. All of your yummy bakes will be sold at the end of the school day. Please feel free to donate what you see fit during the sale. All children and parents/carers are welcomed, and all proceeds go towards FOWPA fundraising initiatives for WPA. Let’s get creative…HAPPY BAKING!
Dates coming up
Friday 11th October
18:00 PTC booking opens
Monday 14th October
(am) Little and Big Nursery Soft Play Sessions
Friday 18th October
19:30 FOWPA Quiz Night (Wadebridge Town Hall)
Monday 21st October
08:30 Drop off FOWPA Bake Off entries in Hall
15:00 FOWPA Bake Sale (Hall)
No Teacher-led Extra-Curricular Activities (ECAs) this week (Pro20 and DT Sports running as normal)
Tuesday 22nd October
15:30-18:10 Parent Teacher Consultations (PTCs)
Wednesday 23rd October
NSPCC Workshops for Year 2, 5 & 6
15:30-18:10 Parent Teacher Consultations (PTCs)
Friday 25th October
School Closed – INSET Day
26th October – 3rd November
Half term break
Monday 4th November
Back to school
Extra-Curricular Activities (ECAs) re-start
(pm) Year 6 Secondary Transition PE Session
Trips, Residentials & Experiences
Year 6 all had a fantastic evening last Friday, playing games, eating a fish and chip supper, watching a film and managing a few hours of sleep! Thank you to all the staff involved for providing this opportunity for Year 6 – we all had a great time.
Next up, we have the Year 3 Sleepover in November – please see the email sent home yesterday for further details of how to sign up.
We have an exciting range of trips and experiences planned for all year groups throughout the year. Check out the email sent home today for more information.
SEND Coffee Morning – Wednesday 9th October from 08:30
Mr Smith and Mrs Clayson will be organising a half-termly coffee morning with a focus on different Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) themes. They will also be joined by other guests, such as autism advisors, family support workers and the mental health support team.
Their first coffee morning is next Wednesday 9th October, particularly relevant for our Nursery and Reception parents (although everyone welcome). Claire Harris, a specialist Early Years Inclusion worker will be attending and Mrs Yates will also call in to answer any questions.
Coffee Morning & Shared Reading Workshop – Friday 11th October from 08:30
Next Friday after drop off, Mrs Reeve is also hosting a coffee morning and sharing some tips on helping your child with reading at home. Everyone is welcome! We look forward to seeing you there.
For both coffee mornings, just come along to the office after drop off, and we’ll point you in the right direction.
Well done Salvador!
Salvador ‘Braved the Shave’ for Macmillan Cancer Support. Thank you to all of his sponsors and cheerleaders. He has raised an impressive £235 and will donate his long hair to The Princess Trust. Everyone is very proud of you, Salvador!
Harvest Food Collection for Wadebridge Foodbank
Thank you for the generous donations ready to send on to the Wadebridge Foodbank. Your kindness will help those in need of food and toiletries and is very much appreciated.
Eco Council
Did you know your child can borrow a litter picker from school to help keep Wadebridge tidy? Just ask your class teacher or Mrs Harrison to borrow one (not forgetting to return after use). If you’re able to take any photos of your child in action helping to keep our environment tidy, please email them to and we can add them to our Eco Council display. Thank you for your help.
From the Eco Council
Year 3 Jaguar Adoption
Last year our current Year 3s hosted a Rainforest Cafe as part of their Year 2 wider curriculum learning and to raise money and awareness. They explored the effects of climate change and deforestation on the rainforest. Thank you to the parents and grandparents for attending the Rainforest Cafe and helping them raise money.
As a year group, they voted to adopt two jaguars from the WWF as well as donate funds to plant trees. Today in our Celebration Assembly, both Year 3 classes were presented with their adoption packs, which included their new class mascots (names to be confirmed...) The jaguars join our two adopted orangutans that are safely being looked after by our Year 4s. We look forward to doing the same again with our current Year 2s and adding to our animal collection!
House Points
Congratulations to this week’s winners, Cormorants. For a third week running, Swans have the most overall points, but their lead is narrowing:
Swans – 1358
Choughs – 1000
Cormorants – 997
Puffins – 910
FOWPA Bake Off and Cake Sale – Monday 21st October (Hall)
All children are invited to get creative and bake cupcakes, cookies or traybakes for a HUGE bake sale in the school hall on Monday 21st October from 3pm.
Each home-baked entry needs to be dropped off at the school hall on Monday 21st October after drop off in the morning. Please label all plates/boxes/containers with name and class, so these can be returned to your child’s classroom.
Each entry MUST come with an ingredients list for allergens…PLEASE REMEMBER WE ARE A NUT FREE SCHOOL…and without the list we sadly cannot sell your yummy bakes!
The winners of each year group will be presented with a certificate and commemorative tea towel in assembly by Mr Wathern.
All of your yummy bakes will be sold at the end of the school day. Please feel free to donate what you see fit during the sale. All children and parents/carers are welcomed, and all proceeds go towards FOWPA fundraising initiatives for WPA.
Let’s get creative…HAPPY BAKING!
Cornish Winter Fair and Prime Stock Show
The Cornish Winter Fair and Prime Stock Show will be taking place at the Royal Cornwall Showground on Saturday 23rd November. It is always fantastic to see the wonderful entries from children at our school on display. If your child would like to enter, the entry information and children's classes are listed below.
Entry closing date is Monday 4th November 2024
Please send entries to: Wadebridge Prime Stock Show, The Showground, Wadebridge. PL27 7JE
Tel: 01208 814489
7 Years and Under (On 23rd November 2024)
165 4 chocolate crispies
166 An animal created from a pine cone/s
167 A paper plate mask
11 Years and Under (On 23rd November 2024)
168 4 butterfly buns
169 A Christmas tree decoration, to be hung
170 A miniature garden (standard seed tray size)
Hall for Cornwall Colouring Competition
HfC are running a colouring competition with the chance to win tickets to see the Very Hungry Caterpillar Show. The winner will be selected week beginning 14th October. For your chance to enter, further information has been sent home via email.
Dates coming up next week
Monday 7th October
Year 4 Swimming
Tuesday 8th October
Year 6 Swimming
Wednesday 9th October
08:45 SEND Coffee Morning with Mr Jonathan Smith and Mrs Donna Clayson
Year 1 – Mark's Ark Encounters (experience in school)
Year 3 Swimming
Thursday 10th October
Year 5 Swimming
Friday 11th October
08:45 Coffee Morning & Shared Reading Workshop with Mrs Paula Reeve
Nasal Flu Vaccinations
Have a fantastic weekend!
Curriculum Maps
Term 1 Curriculum Maps can be found on our Class Pages of this website. These give a flavour of some of the learning taking place this term.
Life Skills Visit
Yesterday, some of our Year 5 children visited Bodmin Fire Station for a Junior Life Skills session. They found out about First Aid; CPR; transport safety and the benefits of using public transport; road safety; cyber safety and electrical safety in the home. Our children representing the school showed great enthusiasm throughout the visit.
Year 6 Macmillan Coffee Morning
Today we ran the Macmillan Coffee Morning raising money for the charity by selling bookmarks and coasters our class had made. Some people even volunteered and made extra things like scrunchies, pins, and pumpkin teddies. All these contributions were topped off with lots of homemade cakes and sweet treats, as well as coffees and teas served by us. We thoroughly enjoyed this event from the board games to the quizzes, to the talking and hanging out with our parents. This is definitely an excellent event that we would love to be involved in again. We know how much our community appreciate our hard work and efforts. So far we have raised £156.52 for the charity – thank you everyone!
Written by Lexie 6B
This week our KS2 children have taken part in their first swimming sessions of the year. A particular well done to our Year 3 children as Mrs Miskowicz wanted to share “Their behaviour was exceptional, and I was incredibly proud of them!”
Year 5 & 6 ‘Our Girls Can’
Our Year 5 & 6 girls all had an amazing time at the 'Our Girls Can' event at the Royal Cornwall Showground on Tuesday. They took part in a whole range of activities including: biking, dance, football and rugby. It was a brilliant opportunity for the children to meet and work with children from different local schools, many of whom are likely to become their peers at secondary school. An awesome day for our wonderful girls at Wadebridge Primary Academy.
Year 5 & 6 ‘Boys Active’
Boys Active was so much fun! We really enjoyed the nerf guns and practising our aim. Mrs Callister definitely took the brunt of some of our best shots. The dodgeball was also enjoyable, where we had the chance to put our skills to work against a range of other schools. My personal favourite was the assault course because we all had the opportunity to be involved and work as a team.
Written by Jack 6W
House Points
Congratulations to this week’s winners, Swans. For a second week running, Swans have the most overall points:
Swans – 1158
Choughs – 831
Cormorants – 781
Puffins – 761
Foodbank Collection for Harvest
For Harvest this year, we will once again be collecting for Wadebridge Foodbank. Please send your child in with any donations between next Monday 30th September and Friday 4th October. Donations such as tins and jars of food, rice, pasta, general toiletries and long life juice are most welcomed. Thank you for your support.
Year 5 & 6 Open Evening at Wadebridge School – Thursday 10th October 16:00-19:00
Wadebridge School extends a warm welcome to parents and carers of prospective students currently in Year 5 and Year 6. Please see email sent home for further information.
Dates coming up next week:
Saturday 28th September
09:00 Year 6 Sleepover collection
Monday 30th September – Friday 4th October
Harvest donations gratefully received for the local Foodbank
Thursday 3rd October
Census Day & Caterlink’s 25th Birthday Celebration School Dinner
Please sign up for your child’s meal by Monday 30th September 9am.
Have a fantastic weekend!
Canteen and School Dinners
Following my message yesterday, we can confirm normal service resumes from Monday!
Can you spare an hour or two to help at our Grounds Day on Saturday 5th October between 10:00-14:00?
• Can you help tidy our play areas and plant up some new containers?
• Do you fancy prepping our polytunnel ready for the children to use?
• Are you up for clearing our pond area and bring it back to life?
• How about some painting to brighten up our play areas?
• Do you have any garden tools or paint brushes to bring along on the day?
• Would you like a free lunch and refreshments?
Everyone is welcome to come and lend a hand (no unaccompanied children please).
So we have an idea of numbers, please sign up using the link in the email sent to parents.
House Captains
Mrs Orme and I had the pleasure of meeting nearly 40 Year 6 children as part of the House Captain ‘interviews’. The standard of applications was so high; they should all be so proud of themselves. They gave Mrs Orme and I such a difficult job to choose between them.
After much consideration, we were pleased to share the outcome with the children.
Choughs - Auriella & Lexie
Cormorants - Allie & Sasha
Puffins - Agnes & Harry
Swans - Holly & Stanley
Congratulations to our new House Captains and thank you to all the children who put themselves forward.
House Points
Congratulations to this week’s winners, Choughs, with Swans taking an early overall lead:
Swans – 816
Puffins – 572
Choughs – 568
Cormorants – 550
Macmillan Coffee Morning
Year 6 look forward to seeing you at their Macmillan Coffee Morning next Friday 27th September from 08:45 in the Hall. Everyone is welcome to help raise money for this charity.
Foodbank Collection for Harvest
For Harvest this year, we will once again be collecting for Wadebridge Foodbank. Please send your child in with any donations between Monday 30th September and Friday 4th October. Donations such as tins and jars of food, rice, pasta, general toiletries and long life juice are most welcomed. Thank you for your support.
FOWPA - The Great Wadebridge Primary Academy Quiz, Friday 18th October 7pm, Town Hall
Why not get a team together, get those thinking caps on and join us for a fun evening of quizzing at The Great Wadebridge Primary Academy Quiz being held at Wadebridge Town Hall. This quiz is being organised by FOWPA and will be run by everyone’s favourite quiz master, Robin Moorcroft.
There will be a bar on the night, prizes for the winning teams and a raffle where you can win
some beautiful hampers, filled with lots of goodies.
Our last quiz sold out in days and there are limited numbers so get your table booked early to avoid disappointment! £20 per table, max of six people.
Get your tickets now!
All proceeds go to Wadebridge Primary Academy.
Parent Support & Children’s Mental Health and Wellbeing Workshops
Caradon Parenting (Cornwall Council) and the Children’s Mental Health Support Team (MHST) are running a series of workshops. You’ll find further information on our website: Information>Health & Wellbeing.
Fire Evacuation
This morning we held our first fire evacuation of the year. The children did a fantastic job of exiting the school calmly and quietly. Later this term we will be practising our annual lockdown process. We will be in touch beforehand with details of this.
Lost Uniform
We’ve only been back two weeks, but are already gathering up lots of uniform from around the school. Please encourage your children, as we will do at school, to take responsibility for gathering their own belongings. Please name all uniform; thank you for your cooperation.
School Photos
Next Tuesday and Wednesday, Tempest Photography will be in school taking individual and sibling photos over the two days. Please ensure your child is looking super smart in their full uniform (as always) and if wanted, provide them with a comb/brush for their hair.
Congratulations Mrs O’Dwyer
Congratulations to Mrs O’Dwyer who completed the ‘CoppaFeel’ Trek in the Peak District, raising money for this breast cancer charity. So far she has raised an amazing £3,169! Combined with other trekkers they have raised an incredible £212,802.
Dates coming up next week
Monday 23rd September
After School Extra-Curricular Activities (ECAs) begin
Year 5 & 6 Boys Active
Year 1 Hearing Screening Check
Year 4 Swimming
Tuesday 24th September
School Photos (Tempest)
Year 5 & 6 Our Girls Can
Year 6 Swimming
No Woodwind lessons this week
Wednesday 25th September
School Photos (Tempest)
Year 3 Swimming
Thursday 26th September
Year 5 Swimming
Friday 27th September
08:45 Year 6 Macmillan Coffee Morning
The beginning of the year is always busy getting back into the swing of things and mapping out all our learning and opportunities. It is also the time we elect or select our student leadership. This week, Mrs Orme met with our newly elected School Council. Our Year 6 children heard about the new responsibilities our House Captains will undertake this year. Mrs Orme and I look forward to their ‘interviews’ next week.
Alongside these roles, we also have other opportunities for student leadership, such as: Eco Council, Reading Ambassadors and Year 5/6 Play Leaders.
In the next couple of weeks, we will also be pairing up all our Year 5 and Big Nursery children, and our Year 6 and Reception children as ‘Buddies’. We look forward to supporting our youngest and eldest children develop confidence and empathy throughout the year together.
I was also pleased to meet the new Headteacher of Wadebridge School, Mr Mat Winzor. We toured our school and had a positive meeting about working together. Both schools are really invested in serving our community – exciting times ahead! Mrs Orme and I look forward to visiting Wadebridge School in October to take part in a Learning Walk and meet some of our former Year 6 students now in Year 7.
Coffee Morning – The Year Ahead
It was fantastic seeing so many parents this morning and being able to share our school development priorities and get feedback. If you couldn’t make it, the presentation slides have been emailed to you. We will be holding Coffee Mornings roughly every fortnight throughout the year - check out the dates emailed out today and on the Events section of our website. Some are just a social occasion and some have an additional workshop attached. We hope to see you there.
Meet the Teacher Presentations
Thank you for attending our recent Meet the Teacher presentations. If you couldn’t make it, we have uploaded all the slides to your child’s Class Page on our website. Thank you for the positive feedback as well as suggestions about timings/supervision for your children during this event. This is certainly something we will look at next year.
Asda App
If you have the Asda rewards app, your shopping will convert into money for our school.
The Great Wadebridge Primary Academy Quiz, Friday 18th October 7pm, Town Hall
Why not get a team together, get those thinking caps on and join us for a fun evening of quizzing at The Great Wadebridge Primary Academy Quiz being held at Wadebridge Town Hall. This quiz is being organised by FOWPA and will be run by everyone’s favourite quiz master, Robin Moorcroft.
There will be a bar on the night, prizes for the winning teams and a raffle where you can win
some beautiful hampers, filled with lots of goodies.
Our last quiz sold out in days and there are limited numbers so get your table booked early to avoid disappointment! £20 per table, max of six people.
All proceeds go to Wadebridge Primary Academy.
Thank you!
The FOWPA team
Please complete the necessary orange medical form from the office and ensure any medication is handed in to the office or your child’s teacher.
Bridge Kids and Nursery Vacancies
We are currently recruiting for Bridge Kids After School Club Assistants and Nursery Teaching Assistants. Please see the Vacancies page on our website for more information.
Extra-Curricular Activities (ECAs)
Don’t forget to sign up for ECAs by Sunday. This week, you will have also received information about DT Sports. DT Sports are one of our external providers also used to support the teaching of PE and sport. Their after school ECAs start next week and it isn’t too late to sign up!
Wishing you a fantastic (and warm) weekend.
The children have only been in for three days but have settled brilliantly. Our theme this week was ‘Super Start’ – and what a fantastic start it has been. We also heard in the summer break that we achieved EcoSchools Green Flag status and ‘Gold’ for our School Games Mark application. Congratulations to Mrs Harrison and our Eco Council, and Mr O’Dwyer and our Sports Leaders for all their hard work.
Coffee Morning – Next Friday 13th September 08:45 (Hall)
I’m looking forward to our first coffee morning of the year – everyone is welcome. I’ll be sharing some of our plans for the year. One change already introduced is the new play and lunchtime arrangements. Despite the difficulties with the canteen oven (a big thank you to the team for managing this setback) having all children eating and socialising in the Hall has been wonderful.
If you can’t make the coffee morning, I’ll be sharing the slides via email/website. We will be holding coffee mornings approximately every fortnight throughout the year as well as many new opportunities for parents to get involved. More on this next Friday.
Back to school and need some bigger or spare uniform bits? FOWPA is having a second hand uniform sale outside on Thursday 12th September after school and Friday 13th September in the Hall at the Coffee Morning. Items are £1 each with all proceeds helping FOWPA support our school.
We welcome any clean, good condition uniform that you would like to donate. Please drop them into the box in the main entrance.
Thank you for your support!
From the FOWPA Team
Music Lessons
Music lessons with our external teachers begin next week. Don’t forget your instruments!
School Crossing Patrol
We’ve been informed by Cormac that from today there will be no patroller on Gonvena Hill, until further notice. If you know of anyone who may be interested in this important role, please contact the School Crossing Patrol Coordinator:
Meet the Teacher
An opportunity to meet your child’s class teacher, talk to other parents in the class and learn more about the year ahead.
Tuesday 10th September – Class 3W only
Wednesday 11th September – All other Classes (not Class 3W)
15:10 – 15:30 Reception, Year 1 and Year 2
15:30 – 15:50 Year 3-6
15:50 – 16:10 Year 3-6 (repeated session)
Bridge Kids and Nursery Vacancies
We are currently recruiting for Bridge Kids After School Club Assistants. Please see the Vacancies page on our website for more information.
Additionally, we have two vacancies to join our existing Nursery team. These positions will be advertised on Monday on our Vacancies page.
Extra-Curricular Activities (ECAs)
Next week we will be sharing details on how to sign up for our teacher-led Term 1 ECAs for Y1-6 (running from Monday 23rd September-Friday 6th December).
We also have a number of external providers offering paid ECAs (Pro20, DT Sports and Dance) who organise these separately directly with parents. As soon as we have information from them, we will pass on. You should have received an email about Pro20, which starts on Monday.
Coming up next week:
Monday 9th September
09:30 & 10:30 Nursery Stay and Play
Tuesday 10th September
Nursery begins
15:20 – 15:40 Meet the Teacher (Class 3W only)
Wednesday 11th September
Meet the Teacher (All other classes - not Class 3W):
15:10 – 15:30 Reception, Year 1 and Year 2
15:30 – 15:50 Year 3-6
15:50 – 16:10 Year 3-6 (repeated session)
Thursday 12th September
15:00 FOWPA Uniform Sale (Outside)
Friday 13th September
08:45-09:15 Coffee Morning and FOWPA Uniform Sale (Hall)
Wishing you a fantastic weekend.
Farewell to Staff
During our assembly this morning, we said farewell to Mrs Lee Elkins, Mrs Jeffry, Miss Warren and Ms May.
As mentioned a few weeks ago, they have collectively given so many years to our school.
We had poems, cards, presents and films to say a huge thank you to such a talented and dedicated group of staff. We will miss them very much.
Year 6 Leavers
Last night Year 6 had their Leavers’ Prom – what an amazing evening despite the Cornish mizzle! It was lovely seeing them celebrate their final year of primary school having fun at the outdoor disco; in the face paint booth; tackling the inflatable assault course and tasting all the wonderful doughnuts provided by Barnecutts (after their fish and chips supper). A special thank you to the Year 6 team for organising such a special evening. Alongside their assembly this morning, they did themselves very proud at their recent performance as well as letting their hair down on the Slip ‘n’ Slide trip. We wish them all the very best as they transition to secondary school.
Year 2 Cornish WOW Day
To celebrate the end of their Cornwall topic, 'Did the Cornish do a Proper Job?' Year 2 had a day full of Cornish activities! They sang a special WPA version of 'Cornwall My Home' to start the day, then designed Cornish tea towels and played Cornish games that consisted of Welly Wanging and Tug of War. The Maids and the 'Ansomes had a brilliant day topped off with Cornish pasties in the afternoon. This term the children have learnt the Helston Flora dance and the history of the railway in and around Wadebridge. They also learnt how children worked in the tin mines and that conditions were very dangerous. The children did not fancy doing that job! We feel that Year 2 now have a better understanding of the county they live in, and are proud of the culture that is around them.
Gwres da Year 2! (Well done, Year 2)
September Opening Times
From September, the gates in the morning will be open at the following times for children to come into school:
08:25 Nursery gate opens
08:30-08:45 Reception to Year 6 gate opens
Please note that children arriving before these times won’t be supervised; thank you for your co-operation.
Thank you!
A special thank you to our children. You have achieved great things and shown so much perseverance this year. You can do anything you put your mind to and we all look forward to being part of your ongoing learning journey.
None of this would be possible without the support and dedication of a fantastic team of staff. Thank you to the team! I wish them a well-deserved summer break.
A final thanks to you, our parents; your incredible support is so valued.
On behalf of everyone at WPA, I hope you have a truly restful summer break. For those who are moving on, we wish you the very best and hope WPA has provided many fulfilling memories. For all those families returning, we look forward to seeing you back at school on Wednesday 4th September (Nursery opens on Tuesday 10th September).
With very best wishes,
Chris Wathern
Art Week
We certainly haven’t been slowing down towards the end of the school year at WPA. This week, alongside all the other teaching and learning taking place, we had a special Art themed week: Cultures of the World. There was a creative vibe around the school with projects that involved mixed media. The children produced fantastic 3-D sculptures using natural materials and clay. In other classes, children created sketchbook mood boards which led to textile designs and many other imaginative projects. Take a look at the photos on this blog to see a sample of some of the art work from around the school. We think you’ll agree, it’s amazing!
Trust Visit
This week, we also had a visit from some other leaders in our Trust: our Area Executive Headteacher, Sarah Sanson and Lynn Nash, Headteacher at Delaware and Gunnislake. They joined Mrs Orme and myself on a learning walk around the school and met with some of our pupils to discuss their day-to-day experiences. It was a very worthwhile morning to gain an external perspective on how well we are doing and what we can do together to continually improve. This is a model all Headteachers are part of in the Trust, and I’m looking forward to visiting one of the Trust schools next term.
Celebration Assembly
In this week’s Celebration Assembly, we put the finishing touches to a whole school song we are recording next week for Mrs Giles’ Celebration of Life. We chose Rule the World by Take That, as it was one of Mrs Giles’ favourites. The whole school sing the song so beautifully with solos from Elowyn and Oscar.
We also made a surprise phone call home when announcing this week’s Headteacher Award, but I’ll let the children talk to you about that.
Whole School Successes
We strongly believe in a holistic and rounded education for our children. Academic success goes hand in hand with the personal and emotional wellbeing/development of our young people. When you get this right, amazing things can happen that transform young peoples’ lives.
As you may be aware, schools have to report data at the end of EYFS, Year 1 phonics and end of KS2 SATs. I’m pleased to share that across all these milestones, our children achieved at least in line with the national average, but in the majority of these measures, exceeded the national average. Final confirmation of national data comes in the Autumn term, at which point we can share these outcomes.
A huge congratulations to all our children at WPA, whichever year group they are in for working hard this year, showcasing their skills and personal qualities across the curriculum, whether in the classroom, out and about in the community, in the playground, on the stage or on the sports field. There are too many to list. I also want to take this opportunity to say a big thank you to our dedicated team at school. Despite just a week and a bit to go, they are still firing on all cylinders to end the year on a high (even if feeling tired).
As we look to end one year, we prepare for another to begin. Today and next week, children have the opportunity to move up to their new class in preparation for their next step. We know that transition can be a nervous time for both children and parents. We do everything possible to ensure this is as smooth as possible, whilst at the same time recognising it’s ok to be a bit worried about new challenges. Should you have any questions regarding your child’s transition, please don’t hesitate in contacting your child’s current teacher.
As part of the school’s transition, we are also looking forward to next year and planning our next steps. In September, we will be sharing with you our key development priorities.
Important dates coming up:
Saturday 13th July 10:00-12:00 WPA Lego Show
Monday 15th July Transition session (am)
Tuesday 16th July Additional transition session for the new 3W class (as both teachers not in on Friday 12th July)
Wednesday 17th July 13:00-14:15 Nursery Pirate Party with parents
Thursday 18th July 09:30 & 16:15 Year 6 performance
Year 2 Cornish WOW Day
Friday 19th July Year 6 ‘Slip and Slide’ Trip
Monday 22nd July 18:00-20:00 Year 6 Prom
Tuesday 23rd July Last day of term (early finish, see times below):
12:30 Nursery
12:50 Year 6 Guard of Honour
13:20 Reception, Year 1 and Year 2
13:30 Year 3, Year 4 and Year 5
Wednesday 4th September Autumn term begins – Welcome back everyone in Reception to Year 6
Wednesday 4th – Friday 6th September Nursery Home Visits
Monday 9th September
09:00-10:00 Nursery Stay and Play Sessions
10:30-11:30 Nursery Stay and Play Sessions
Tuesday 10th September Nursery opens
We are bold and innovative in our approach to find new solutions to the challenges we face.
We are inspired by the awe and wonder of the world.
We take responsibility for our actions in an environment of mutual respect.
We are passionate about learning.
We are the best we can be.
We overcome all barriers to reach our potential, developing a capacity to improve further.
© 2025 Bridge Schools trust is a company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales. Registration number 7736425. It is an exempt charity.