Head's Blog

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Story Time with Mrs Towe 

Read by Mrs Towe

The Wind In The Willows

Seeing as though the lovely orange ball is missing from the sky, here is the cheerful Mrs Towe to brighten your day!


Story Time with Mrs Halpin 

Read by Mrs Halpin

MOG the Forgetful Cat!

Today’s story time is with the lovely Mrs Halpin who is sharing a classic book with us- Mog the Forgetful Cat! This book is extra special to Mrs Halpin and you will find out why….

With permission of HarperCollins Publishers.


Story Time with Miss Beckett 

Read by Miss Beckett

The Slightly Annoying Elephant

Today Miss Beckett is sharing a story with us about a slightly annoying elephant!

Permission given by David Walliams.


Story time with Mr Langton 

Read by Mr Langton

What the Ladybird Heard

Today we are joining Mr Langton who will be reading What the Ladybird Heard by Julia Donaldson. Was the ladybird just being nosey or did it save the day?

Tune in and find out….

Permission given by Macmillan Publishers and will be removed by the end of the academic year.


Story Time with Mrs Keat 

Read by Mrs Keat

The Twits (Pt1)

Today Mrs Keat is going to be reading her favourite chapter from The Twits. Perhaps this chapter might inspire you to read the rest of the book?
Sit back and enjoy!

Permission given by Penguin Random House. This video will be removed by the end of the academic year.


Story Time with Miss Elkins 

Read by Miss Elkins

Hugless Douglas

We hope you enjoy todays reading of Hugless Douglas, read by Miss Elkins.


Week Ending 17 April 2020 

Dear parents/carers,

I hope that you and your families are safe and well. We have, as you will have seen from the class pages, been working hard to ensure that there are lots of high quality learning resources available for all pupils, but it is really important to please remember that it is not a challenge to see who can complete the most!  You must only do what you can; when you can. We want there to be enough activities on offer so that those who, for example, race through Maths or English, can then have the option of completing something else, rather than for you as parents and carers to have to think of ideas.

We do realise that as well as our class pages, however, there are many activities that are on Facebook too, and lots of other activities that are generally available online. When I was scrolling and reading through what is online and available at the end of the last week, I will admit that even though there are lots that are not relevant to me, I was feeling overwhelmed. I was worried about what activities – if any – I should choose. But I then rationally (there is always a first) thought about the situation that we are in and realised that there is no way that anything you are doing is wrong. We would be delighted if you were able to do some or all of the White Rose Maths and the English activities that we are setting and it would be wonderful if you were able to do some or all of the topic ideas, BUT, please be reassured that whatever you can do will be enough. There is no three-line whip – there will be no penalty or comeback if you are unable to complete everything. It is just there if you want it and can access it.  As we have said before, the MOST important thing for you to do is keep yourself and your children safe and happy and secure. Your mental health and wellbeing is vital. If you need us or want to contact us; please do. We want to hear from you.

Miss Bishop, who is co-ordinating the pupil led ‘Happy’ video, is loving the entries so far, so don’t forget to send one in by the end of tomorrow (Tuesday 21 April) if you would like one included.

We are also delighted to share something that we hope that you will enjoy. It is not something for you to do (phew); it is something for pupils (and you, if you would like to) to watch. Please see the message below:

“Reading gives us somewhere to go when we have to stay where we are”

Books are simply magical! During this tricky time when we can’t get out and about as much as we would like, books can transport us to amazing places. Reading can help pass the time and allow us to ‘escape’ to somewhere exciting! Therefore, every now and again you will notice that your lovely teachers are going to post themselves reading a short story, a chapter from a longer book or perhaps even a poem. These stories will be posted on the Heads Blog and the link will also be shared on Facebook. So parents, grab a cup of tea and sit back for 5 minutes whilst your children enjoy a story. To start us off, Mrs Lee- Elkins (and her dog Lucy, who is looking forward to being a media superstar!) will be reading ‘Hugless Douglas’. Permission to read this book has been given directly from the author David Melling and will be removed from the website by September 2020 in line with Hodder Children’s Books guidance. We hope that you enjoy it.

Keep in touch and stay safe and well. Teachers are loving your communications and your pictures and photographs – do please keep them coming!

Ms Whitlock


Easter Holiday update 

Thursday 9 April

Dear Parents/Carers,

We hope that everyone continues to be well and that you have enjoyed the Easter Holidays. We have been very lucky with the sunshine. Long may it continue!
We wanted to just update you with what ‘learning’ may look like now that the Summer Term is imminent.,

Firstly, please remember that when it comes to‘home learning’ we would like you to do as little or as much of this as you can- there is absolutely no pressure. We know that many of you will be working at home yourselves, trying to teach multiple children, having challenges with internet speeds etc., so please do not worry if things don't quite go to plan. If in doubt, ask your child to pick up a book and enjoy reading, do a fun Joe Wicks workout (I would suggest supportive clothes if you are joining in by the way – we found this out at school…. ????) or even just go on a minibeast hunt in the garden! Whilst the children are missing education in school, we are sure that they are learning many wonderful life skills at home with you, as well as spending time with their families. Please be assured that our amazing team of teachers will pick up where they left off, once children return to school and everything returns to normal.

English Home Learning

Each week, teachers will be uploading a weekly English plan to your child’s class page. This will have an activity per day along with supporting resources. Please note that you do not have to print worksheets off. Your child can simply write their answers onto a piece of paper or notebook. Teachers will also be uploading weekly spelling and grammar activities (and phonics if you are in Year 1). Please also do check your child’s class page for a range of other exciting websites that have been collated for you to use. These range from teaching videos to websites that allow you to access e-books for free.

Maths Home Learning

In school, teachers regularly use ‘White Rose’ Maths resources. These resources are used across many schools in the UK. In response to the current situation, they have produced simple and easy to follow daily resources for parents to use for home learning. Please use this link, choose your child’s year group and take part with the daily teaching videos and activities.

Wider Curriculum

There will be all sorts of options for the wider curriculum – these may be (in no particular order) Science, Art, Design and Technology, IT, Music, Geography, History, RE, Sport/PE or French based. These will all be optional to do as topic-based ideas, with links to other areas of the curriculum detailed where possible, or as standalone activities (for example, you may be given the idea to do an outdoor treasure hunt with the treasure being find 3 yellow things, find an insect with 6 legs, find 3 different types of leaves and so on…). As with all subjects, what you do with topic or wider curriculum ideas is entirely up to you. I have already heard of so many exciting things happening – one family was investigating Alice In Wonderland, and covered History, Geography, Science, DT (they made biscuits with Jam Hearts) and this was entirely child led with the children involved thinking about what they wanted to know and then them finding those things out.  As we have said before – please don’t worry. Anything that you can do is super, but this is absolutely not the time to be worrying about how much you can cover. All pupils will catch up what they need to and if they need to when they are back in school and no one will be left behind or will be disadvantaged at all. EYFS The Early Years do not plan in the same way as we do when they reach National Curriculum age. Please see your child’s page for help and guidance and activities but, for example, if your child is in Reception, the learning pack that was sent home has the activities for the first two weeks back after Easter – all the Very Hungry Caterpillar activities are for now. ???? If there are things that you simply do not understand about any aspect of what is on the website, please do let us know. We want to get it right, but please understand that we are just as new to this online teaching situation as you are! Please email secretary@wadebridgeprimary.co.uk in the first instance, with as much detail as possible if you have any questions or need to ask for any help from teachers. Teachers will regularly be available to answer questions, but please don’t always expect a reply within a few minutes! If the office have a huge amount of email to sort through, they may not get to them all straight away. Also, we do really miss the children! Planning lessons for children who we aren't lucky enough to see every day isn't as enjoyable as teaching in the classroom so, please do send any pictures or ‘home learning’ to secretary@wadebridgeprimary.co.uk . We would love to hear from you! After Easter, ‘home learning’ needn’t start until Tuesday 14th April – so please, as much as you can, enjoy the Bank Holiday! Thank you and take good care. Ms Whitlockum

There will be all sorts of options for the wider curriculum – these may be (in no particular order) Science, Art, Design and Technology, IT, Music, Geography, History, RE, Sport/PE or French based. These will all be optional to do as topic-based ideas, with links to other areas of the curriculum detailed where possible, or as standalone activities (for example, you may be given the idea to do an outdoor treasure hunt with the treasure being find 3 yellow things, find an insect with 6 legs, find 3 different types of leaves and so on…). As with all subjects, what you do with topic or wider curriculum ideas is entirely up to you. I have already heard of so many exciting things happening – one family was investigating Alice In Wonderland, and covered History, Geography, Science, DT (they made biscuits with Jam Hearts) and this was entirely child led with the children involved thinking about what they wanted to know and then them finding those things out.  As we have said before – please don’t worry. Anything that you can do is super, but this is absolutely not the time to be worrying about how much you can cover. All pupils will catch up what they need to and if they need to when they are back in school and no one will be left behind or will be disadvantaged at all.


The Early Years do not plan in the same way as we do when they reach National Curriculum age. Please see your child’s page for help and guidance and activities but, for example, if your child is in Reception, the learning pack that was sent home has the activities for the first two weeks back after Easter – all the Very Hungry Caterpillar activities are for now. ????

If there are things that you simply do not understand about any aspect of what is on the website, please do let us know. We want to get it right, but please understand that we are just as new to this online teaching situation as you are! Please email secretary@wadebridgeprimary.co.uk in the first instance, with as much detail as possible if you have any questions or need to ask for any help from teachers. Teachers will regularly be available to answer questions, but please don’t always expect a reply within a few minutes! If the office have a huge amount of email to sort through, they may not get to them all straight away.

Also, we do really miss the children! Planning lessons for children who we aren't lucky enough to see every day isn't as enjoyable as teaching in the classroom so, please do send any pictures or ‘home learning’ to secretary@wadebridgeprimary.co.uk . We would love to hear from you!
After Easter, ‘home learning’ needn’t start until Tuesday 14th April – so please, as much as you can, enjoy the Bank Holiday!

Thank you and take good care.

Ms Whitlock


Easter update 

Week Beginning 30th March 2020

Dear parents/carers,

We made it to the end of term! A very odd end of term, and not one that I think any of us have ever seen the likes of, but despite all of the challenges, one that I think we all actually handled very well. Thank you so very much for all of the positive feedback that you have given either through email or via the Facebook page; it has helped us all know that whilst we are not seeing you, we know that you are out there and still very much connected. We miss you all!

Easter Holidays

Please remember that we do not expect for you or your children to try and complete any of the set tasks or carry on with structured learning over the Easter Holidays (although we will not of course stop you!). We worked every hard all of last term – right up until the last minute of the last day, and so we completely understand that we all need a break. Do enjoy the time and (I want to say) the sunshine!

What happens on 14 April when the Summer Term starts?

We expect home learning to start again on Tuesday 14 April. Monday 13 April is Easter Monday and our term starts the day after this. We will be uploading all of the work set for each year group for the week beginning 14 April at the beginning of that week (ready to start on Tuesday 14 April), but if you have any trouble accessing any work at all, please do let us know via the secretary inbox (secretary@wadebridgeprimary.co.uk), and do please post on Facebook or send us in your completed work, activities or projects. We will make sure that the teachers get them!

Key-workers and Vulnerable Children:

Wadebridge Primary Academy is open to Key-Workers and vulnerable children over the Easter Holiday too. If you need for us to look after your children during school hours over the holiday, please do let us know as your children will always be welcome.

Useful Contact Numbers

Wadebridge Town has put together a really useful list of local numbers and contacts – the list is also on Facebook and the website but please find it attached to this blog. If you know of any other websites or details of local businesses that are offering support at this time and you think that that other parents and carers may find useful, please do let us know; everything is useful at this stage!

Keep in touch and stay safe and well. We are so looking forward to seeing you all again soon.

Ms R Whitlock.


Update from Ms Whitlock 

Dear Parents and Carers

Please can I send my heartfelt gratitude to you all for the care and support you have given to your children during this difficult time, and for the support you have shown to us all at Wadebridge Primary Academy – it is hugely appreciated and helps us all.

As you will know, the school is currently closed to all but the children of key workers who cannot look after their children at home. I know that lots and lots of you have either taken home or come and collected work from the office for this week. There may seem like a mountain of work that needs to be done, but actually, it is just as important for you to make sure that your child feels safe and loved in their home. Do not worry if you don’t manage to get much done. Do not worry if you are unable to finish an hour of Maths. Do not worry that your child is falling behind; they are not. Also know that our children are hugely resilient and everybody is in the same boat.

Please make sure that your child has a break over the Easter Holidays – there are lots of ideas to help pass time given that going to the park, sharing play dates and going out are not options but we at school are most definitely using Joe Wicks and Cosmic Yoga on You Tube and Go Noodle on the internet.

Please do look at the class blogs for work from 14 April onwards (after the Easter Holidays); we hope to update these pages as often as needed and at least once a week. If you need support, advice or you or the children would just like to stay in touch, please feel free to email the school directly on secretary@wadebridgeprimary.co.uk.  Please find attached a letter to your children from us at school. We hope that it helps them know that we are ALL thinking of them whilst they are at home.

Do stay safe, follow government advice which is to avoid social contact and keep distances. And of course, treat everyday like your birthday and wash your hands regularly for at least 20 seconds very regularly.

Lots of love to you all,

Ms R Whitlock.


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