Head's Blog

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Friday 19th June 

This week has flown by. We welcomed back lots (25!) Reception Children this week and it was as smooth a welcome as the Year 6 and the Year 1s. They were marvellous and it was so lovely to see them all in their classrooms doing their ‘Go noodle’ or ‘Joe Wicks’ in the morning.  They have coped very well indeed, and seem to have really appreciated being back together, even if it does look different to before lockdown.
The rest of those who are in school are also doing really well but again to those who are currently not able to be in – we are trying really hard to think about ways where we can welcome Years 2-5 and the Nursery back, even if it is just for a very short time. Please bear with us – there are many things that we need to consider, but we are hopeful.  We are also keeping our fingers firmly crossed. 

Cornwall Virtual School Games are next week! We have done a lot of practising and we are keen to do as well as we possibly can. Those of you at home REALLY matter. Do please have a go every day at completing every exercise and challenge and please upload your scores to the Cornwall Virtual Games page. All children in school next week are able to wear their PE Kit every day if they want to and so are teachers. I LOVE a sports week as wearing my PE Kit makes me inexplicably happy!  GO WPA – WE CAN DO THIS! If you get the chance to watch it, Mr O’Dwyer has recorded a good luck message for us all that is currently on the Facebook page and will be added to the website. 

Many of you may also have seen the Anti-Litter Posters that remind people to not drop litter and to take it home or bin it along the Camel Trail. This was a brilliant idea, spearheaded by Mrs Halpin, and it has been very successful. So much so that a local company has offered to make the winning entries into real signs and have them put up along the Trail.  We are really looking forward to seeing them in situ. Well done to all who sent in a poster – they are fabulous. Please do also have a look at the winning entries that are photographed below this blog. 

A reminder again of our expectations: 
Please arrive at school at the right time (if you are due to arrive at 0825 please arrive no earlier than 0825)
Please keep to 10 mph when driving up and down the drive
Please do NOT park in the car park outside of school – there is NO parent parking. We are sorry. You can definitely stop at the stop and drop though both in the morning and the afternoon
Please do not bring a bag if you can avoid it – only lunch boxes, water bottles, coats and sunhats should be brought in (scooters, walkers and bike riders can of course bring a bag)
Please remember to use the dots ?
Please tie hair below the collar up and do not wear any jewellery (small stud earrings for pierced ears are allowed)
We hope that you have a lovely weekend as before we know it, it will be Monday all over again. But the best thing is: we can’t wait!

Ms Whitlock

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Friday 12th June  

This week has been super! We welcomed back 25 Year 1s this week and it was lovely to see them all. We were expecting some understandably nervous pupils, but they were amazingly cheerful and have been fantastic all week. They Year 6s have continued to come in in their droves and our Educare numbers are rising. We welcome back many Reception children on Monday and I have to say, we can’t wait!  

However, it is becoming clear that we are almost at capacity here with our many Bubbles of 15. All staff who can be in school are now in school, and those that are not able to come in at the moment are working their socks off at home (and they need those socks given the weather). Being almost at capacity does mean though, that as things stand, we are unlikely to be able to welcome back Years 2, 3, 4 and 5 in the near future. We are really sad about this, as we are so very keen to see you all, but we will be keeping our eyes on the news just in case anything changes. Please do not feel like we have forgotten you! We miss you. For now though, please do keep looking at our Home Learning Pages on the Website and keep on emailing us your work and your successes at home; we really want to hear from you. 

Please do check the website (and other social media) for news of the Cornwall Virtual School Games – it would be fabulous for us to put a HUGE effort in and maybe even win! We have lots of pupils (many more than the average Cornish Primary School) and I reckon that we have got a good chance. We are even thinking of putting a Staff Team in. I won’t name any names (yet), but it turns out that there are some quite competitive staff here….. The competition takes place the week after next so we have a week to practise. ?  

If you are (lucky enough to be) coming into school could I please remind you of a few things that are really important: 
Please arrive at school at the right time
Please keep to 10 mph when driving up and down the drive
Please do NOT park in the car park outside of school – there is NO parent parking. We are sorry. You can definitely stop at the stop and drop though both in the morning and the afternoon
Please do not bring a bag if you can avoid it – only lunch boxes, water bottles, coats and sunhats should be brought in (scooters, walkers and bike riders can of course bring a bag)
Please remember to use the dots ?
Please tie long hair up and do not wear any jewellery (small stud earrings for pierced ears are allowed) 
Thank you!

We have again been incredibly impressed by the behaviour and attitude of all pupils this week. Pupils continue to respect each other and all staff and I know that I speak for every member of staff when I say that we have had another lovely (and very quick) week. 
Thank you so much for all of your support, understanding and lovely messages; we really appreciate it.
Take good care and I hope that you have a wonderful weekend (she says sitting in school whilst the wind whips into a frenzy and rain pelts the windows…); we look forward to seeing even more of you on Monday.
Ms Whitlock 


Staying safe online 

Many of us are online a lot more at the moment, and while there are many benefits to this method of communication, there are also cautions too. 

Please visit our online safety resources page for tips using various games/platforms.


5th June 2020 

Happy Friday! We made it…
Today we have 76 children in school – all ensconced in Bubbles of 15 or fewer pupils and all taught by 2 adults.  We have been incredibly impressed by the behaviour and attitude of all pupils this week; both those whom have been a part of our Educare provision since before Half Term and who have come back and those pupils who came back for the first time since March this week. Pupil levels of respect for themselves, their peers and their teachers has been really heart-warming and reassuring and I know that I speak for every member of staff when I say that we have had a lovely week.
We are very much looking forward to welcoming back a good number of Year 1 pupils on Monday. We can assure you that the same levels of planning have taken place and exactly the same rules that are in place for Year 6s and the Educare bubbles, are in place for Year 1. We have never used so much soap, but given the very carefully completed cleaning logs for each Bubble, this is not a surprise. My current favourite is the strawberry scented anti-bacterial soap that they are using in Educare Bubble 2; it’s lovely! 

Next week we are moving on to planning the possible and hopeful return of those Reception pupils who would like to come back to school perhaps during the week of 15 June; thank you very much to all those parents who have let us know if you hope for your child to return (or not).

We hope that you have managed to read the letter sent to all parents and carers yesterday from Mr Massey stating not only that Year 1s were definitely going to be welcomed back but also that the school is closing after lunch on Friday afternoons from next Friday 12th June for a weekly deep clean. An email will go home to every parent or carer who has a child in school next week at the beginning of next week stating the pick-up time as they are, of course, not all the same. At the moment, we are sorry, but we are unable to look after ANY child on a Friday afternoon.

We hope that you are continuing to enjoy the Home Learning (apologies if ‘enjoy’ is too strong a word) and please do keep sending us in all of your wonderful work, pictures and photos. Most teachers are now back in school and teaching in a Bubble however, so please be aware that whilst your child’s Class Teachers are trying to contact you all regularly, it could be that a different teacher tries to get in touch with you. Class teachers will of course still respond to any emails and will be delighted to hear from you, but it may not be quite as rapid as it was before Half Term.

We have a fabulous new Reading Scheme to tell you about. Mrs Towe, our wonderful English lead says the following: 
We are very happy to announce the launch of free access to e-books and audio books from Cornwall Library Service and Education Library Service from Friday, 5th June for the Summer Challenge 2020. With the disruption caused by COVID-19 and the impact of social distancing on schools and public libraries, the 2020 Challenge will launch as a digital activity to keep children reading over the summer and support parents and carers with children already at home. The Challenge will run from June to September, launching on Friday 5 June 2020.The digital Challenge will be free to access, featuring games, quizzes and digital and downloadable activities to incentivise and encourage children and their families to take part in reading related activities at home.
Cornwall Library buildings are currently closed and, although they are looking at ways to safely reopen, library borrowing will not return to normal in the near future. So - to help give children free access to reading material, Cornwall Library Service in association with the Education Library Service would like to offer all primary school children a digital library card. This will enable them to access an exclusive junior version of Borrowbox, Cornwall Libraries e-book and e-audiobook platform which contains thousands of titles to read or listen-to including many of the newest bestsellers. The platform can also be accessed through school technology if students do not have devices at home. This digital card can, if desired, be upgraded to a full library card when our libraries re-open again – just visit your local branch. Cornwall Library Service have provided each child in the school with an electronic library card number. This will allow them free access to the e-books and e-audiobooks through the Borrowbox library app. There are no overdue charges, no loan charges, it is completely free! If your child already has a Cornwall Library Card, they can of course use this. However, you may prefer to use this new membership number when using Borrowbox as it will only contain children’s books.
You will soon receive a letter from the school with details of your child’s personal library card number and they can then start reading straight away!

Thank you so much for all of your support and understanding at this time. You all continue to be brilliant and we really appreciate it. THANK YOU.
Take good care and I hope that you have a wonderful weekend.
Ms Whitlock


Friday 22nd May 

Happy Friday!
I hope that you are all managing to read all of the documents that we are sending through and are enjoying your children’s reports.
I was really quite emotional when reading them through as there is SO much talent here at WPA and we miss you all so much. When it is safe and we are able, we cannot wait to see you again.
I especially felt for the Year 6 Pupils, who have of course not been able to take their SATs that they worked SO hard for, or go to London or stay here in school and enjoy all of the wonderful activities that were planned, and whose last half term ever at Primary School, whilst possible, is not yet certain. We will know by next Thursday evening (28 May) and we will write to you to either confirm the already set plans (to come back on Tuesday 2nd June for those that can or need to) or to let you know what the new plan is, dependent on the government announcement.
As per my blog earlier this week, please remember that we are not open over Half Term OR Monday 1st June.
Please note too that whilst we have loved being in touch with you all, I have specifically asked teachers to have a break from school over the Half Term. This means that if you write them an email after school end time today, they are most likely to not reply until we get to school on Monday 1st June.
A reminder too that there will be NO WORK SET over the Half Term or on Monday 1st June. Please have a break if you can.   Paper work packs for those who have asked for them will be ready for collection on Monday 1st June (usual place) and all home learning tasks will be on the class pages on the website from Tuesday 2nd June in the morning. 
Whatever the government announcement is at the end of next week, the school WILL BE OPEN TO CHILDREN OF KEY WORKER PARENTS AND VULNERABLE PUPILS from Tuesday 2nd June.
Thank you very much to all who have managed to read the letter that was sent out yesterday; please remember that you are most welcome to contact your child’s teacher/s or me if you have any questions.

I wrote in my letter yesterday to please use the car park at the Comp rather than park on site if you were wanting to drop your child at the gates in person. There is no parking available at school from 2nd June. If you do need to park at the Comp, please use ONLY the car park nearest to the school on the right-hand side as you drive down the road towards us; all other parking will be needed at the Comp I am afraid.  Thank you. You are of course still welcome to walk to school, cycle to school (cycles will be stored during the day in the normal place) or use the drop off lane outside the Nursery area at school.

PICK UP and DROP OFF if you are coming back to school
Please, please adhere to the timings for your ‘bubble’ that we will send out to you in advance of 2nd June (vulnerable and key worker children to be dropped off and picked up as of now).  Whilst we will have signs in place and we have done everything we can to safeguard you all in terms of social distancing on school grounds but not inside the buildings, this will only work if we all follow what is asked of us. One parent only to accompany a child at any time please. ?

I will be in touch after the government announcement at the end of next week and then again very soon after we return on Monday 1st June with more details for Year 1s and beyond.
Thank you so much for all of your support and understanding at this time – it is such an unknown but you have all been brilliant and we really appreciate it. THANK YOU.

Take good care and I hope that you have a wonderful long weekend and Half Term week.
Ms Whitlock


Important return to School information 

Dear Parents and Carers

I am now in a position to give you more details about our plans for potentially opening the school for Year 6 pupils during the week beginning 1st June. I must apologise for the length of this letter, but there is a great deal of information for me to share with you and I urge you to read it very carefully.

School will be closed to all pupils during the week of 25th May (next week).  The school needs to be deep cleaned and made ready for opening on Tuesday 2nd June.  There will be NO Home Learning set for this week (or for Monday 1st June as we are preparing for our phased re-opening). Please have a break, if you can. Sunny weather is predicted!

We will be continuing to provide Educare places for vulnerable pupils and key worker children from 2nd June. We are still only able to provide care between the hours of 8.15am and 3pm, but we will be constantly reviewing the situation and if anything changes, we will update you.  If you have not been accessing this care and would ideally like to start after Half Term, it is imperative please that you contact the school office to let them know as soon as possible. We will need to know which days of the week you will need each week (unless this will not change). Please do not turn up to school without notice as we need to ensure that our staffing levels are correct.
All pupils accessing Key Worker and Vulnerable Children Educare are asked to bring in a packed lunch. There is no option for a school meal at the moment.
If the government continues with its current forecast, Year 6 will not be able to access Educare. They will be going back into a Year 6 setting. However, if this changes, then of course we will welcome any Year 6 children who need it into the Educare provision.  
Home learning will continue to be set for ALL Year Groups who are not in school and for those Year 6 pupils who are not coming back to school at the moment.  Access to this learning has not changed and will continue to be set on the class pages of the school website.  Teachers will continue to contact you and are happy for you to contact them too.
We will contact parents of Year 1 – the next Year Group to hopefully return to school - in the first few days back after Half Term. Their return – with staggered starts and ends to the day, and similar social distancing – will look much like the below, taking into account their age.

Our school will look different when we return. Staff will, of course, be as welcoming and as friendly as they normally are, but we won’t be able to return to a normal school day. As the Government have advised, it is impossible for us to maintain the 2m apart recommendation at all times in school, but we are doing everything we can to ensure that we are keeping pupils and staff as safe as possible.  Actions we have taken will include (and these will constantly be under review to ensure that we are keeping everyone as safe as is possible):
• Limiting class sizes. There will be up to 4 groups of Year 6 children. There will be no more than 15 pupils to one Class ‘Bubble’. During the day, pupils will stay in these same bubbles and will NOT mix with other bubble groups.
• Pupils not mixing with other groups outside of their bubbles. Each bubble of pupils will have their own breaktimes and lunchtime and they will arrive and be collected at a different time from the other bubbles.
• Limiting movement around school. Bubbles will remain in one classroom and they will use the nearest toilets to that room only (one bubble will not share toilets with any other bubble), when inside in school. Pupils must stay in their bubble groups when they are outside. Pupils will use the same desks and same chairs during the day.
• Limiting what can be brought from home. Pupils MUST bring a water bottle with them as we will not be using the water fountains. Pupils must not bring a school bag with them to school. They can bring a packed lunch with them, a sunhat (sun cream to be applied at home before school please) and any personal hygiene items (these can be in a small bag). NO PENCIL CASES PLEASE.
• Staggered drop offs and collections. Each bubble must be dropped off and picked up at different times. No parents will be allowed inside the school at any time.
• NO PARKING on school grounds. We cannot use the normal staff car park, as those pupils in Educare need to use that space as their playground, so the school staff will be using the parking spaces at the front of the school.  Please park at the secondary school and walk your children down to school (they can of course still walk to school on their own if you are happy for them to) or please use the drop off lane, where members of staff will be ready to ensure that pupils get out of the car safely. There will be lines marked on the ground (much like at the supermarket) and we ask you please to wait behind each of these lines if there is a queue.
• Packed lunches only. We are unable, at the moment, to serve hot meals for lunch. We are able to provide a packed lunch if you do not want to send your child in with a packed lunch. If your child is entitled to free school meals, we can of course provide them with a packed lunch, but you will no longer be entitled to the Government-run Edenred FSM Voucher Scheme. At the moment, pupils who are entitled to free school meals able to continue to claim for the vouchers IF they send their child/children in with a packed lunch.
• Enhanced Cleaning. The school will be deep cleaned over the Half Term. When we return, classrooms and toilets will be cleaned regularly during the day as well as at the beginning and the end of the day. Touch points, door handles (though doors will, where possible be kept open), desks, chairs, light switches, toilets and sinks will be given particular attention.
• Adopting excellent respiratory hygiene and regular handwashing. There will be a huge focus on handwashing – both adults and children. We will be adopting ‘Catch it, bin it, kill it’ in each classroom. There will be a plentiful supply of tissues, hand wash, paper towels for drying hands, surface cleaner and cloths for every bubble.
• Pupils will be provided with their own equipment and stationery for their use only. No pencil cases to be brought in please.  

• School staff will return to school on Monday 1st June to prepare our classrooms for our new approach to learning.  We will be welcoming Year 6s back from Tuesday 2nd June. Whilst we are not yet entirely sure how many Year 6s plan to come back to school on Tuesday 2nd June, we have imagined a scenario where more than 45 do. This will entail a staggered drop off and collection. Details of how this will look are further down this letter.
• You will be informed of which bubble your child will be in as soon as we know how many pupils we are expecting back.
• The Year 6 teachers will allocate the bubbles and as much as possible, will put friendship groups together. If there is anyone in particular that you would like for your child to be with, please email your child’s class teacher.
• Pupils will be in a bubble with at least one member of staff well known to them. We are hoping for 2 adults per class bubble, with at least one of these being a Year 6 Teacher or TA (Mr Smith, Mrs Callister, Mrs Wilton and Ms Harris will all be in school and will be with Year 6).
• Pupils will be based in the year 6 and other KS2 classrooms. 
• Break times (there are two breaks per bubble group planned for the morning) and lunchtimes will take place entirely as a bubble. There will be no mixing with other bubbles. All lunches will be eaten in the classroom and playtimes/lunch play will be outside in a set play area. Each play area will be used by Year 6 pupils only (there will be no mixing with the Educare pupils). Year 6 pupils will help to decide how break times will best work during their first morning back.
• Learning will not look exactly the same as it did before lockdown. We will do our best, however, to provide a fulfilling and fun environment that will both develop children’s learning whilst also focusing on their wellbeing. Written marking is unlikely to happen in the first instance, but any feedback will be given to your children verbally and in the moment. We have been giving verbal feedback to all pupils attending our Educare provision and this is working well.

Drop off and pick up: 
? We will inform you of which bubble your child is in as soon as we have definite numbers
? ALL Year 6s to be dropped off and picked up at the Year 3/KS2 gate
? Pupils to arrive during their drop off bubble time only
? Pupils will be dismissed at the end of the day as a bubble – we ask you please to line up for pick up in the same way as drop off.
? We request that only 1 adult comes to drop off/pick up please, to limit the amount of people at any time on the school grounds
? Pupils can walk to school (I realise that this may not happen on the first day) if you are happy for them to
? NO PARKING on school grounds. Please part either at the Comp and walk down with your child, or use the drop off lane outside the Nursery
? There will be many staff on hand to help bring pupils into school, either at the gate or on the way to the Year 6 classrooms, or out in the car park area
Arrival of class 1 (6Ba): 0825 – 0835
Arrival of class 2 (6Wa): 0835 – 0845
Arrival of class 3 (6Bb or 6BWb): 0845 – 0855
Arrival of class 4 (6Wb): 0855 – 0905

Pick up of class 1 (6Ba): 1425 – 1435
Pick up of class 2 (6Wa): 1435 – 1445
Pick up of class 3 (6Bb or 6BWb): 1445 – 1455
Pick up of class 4 (6Wb): 1455 – 1505

We are asking please that ALL PUPILS (no matter what year group) come to school in school uniform (you are welcome to wear trainers as we will be outside when we can) BUT YOU DO NOT NEED TO WEAR A TIE.  Please ensure that, as much as is practicable, uniform is clean. We understand that you may find that your child has outgrown their school uniform. If this is the case, please contact your child’s teacher. We can be flexible.
Normal other Uniform rules are still in place: no jewellery; small, stud earrings only; no nail polish and hair past the jawline MUST be tied back please.

No, is the short answer. Schools have been asked to encourage children back to school, but it is your decision to make, given that these are unprecedented times. The government guidance is set out below but please note that parents will not be fined for non-attendance at this time.  
We strongly encourage children and young people in the eligible year groups and priority groups (such as children of critical workers) to attend, as requested by their school or college, unless they are self-isolating or there are other reasons for absence (such as shielding due to health conditions).
You should notify your child’s school or college as normal if your child is unable to attend so that staff are aware and can discuss with you. 
Please note that children with a pre-existing medical condition or those who live with someone with a pre-existing medical condition will need to follow the government guidance.  There are categories of vulnerability, with different actions required for each:
• Children that have been classed as clinically extremely vulnerable due to pre-existing medical conditions have been advised by letter to shield and should not come to school.  They will need to follow the Staying at home and away from others (social distancing) guidance.  We will continue to support their home learning. 
• Children that have been classed as clinically vulnerable (but not clinically extremely vulnerable) are those considered to be at a higher risk of severe illness from coronavirus.  Parents/carers will need to follow medical advice if their child is in this category and should inform the school of what has been advised.
• If a child lives with a clinically extremely vulnerable (shielded) or a clinically person, including those who are pregnant, the government advice is that they can attend the school, so long as our stringent social distancing protocols are adhered to at all times.
If your child lives with someone who is shielding and you are considering requesting a place at school, please call me to discuss whether or not we can meet the stringent social distancing measures required. If we are unable to support your child’s return, we will continue to support them to learn at home.

Children with symptoms of COVID-19 MUST NOT attend school. The whole family should follow the latest guidance from the government on how long to isolate for.
However, if you are not yet feeling quite confident enough to send your child back now, but may want to in the future, you can of course do this. Please do call us if this is the case and we will talk it through with you.
We would much prefer whole days and the whole week as things stand, but if your circumstances mean that this will not work for you, please do email us.  We can be flexible.
If your child returns to school, but then feels unsettled (we are obviously hoping that this is not the case), of course we can help with this. If this is the case, please do call or email the school and we will get back to you.  As I have said above, it is your decision to make as to whether your children return to school at this time. Whilst we definitely encourage you to send your children back, we will respect any decision that you make.

We will be monitoring all pupils carefully upon their return and would ask all parents who intend to send their child/children to school to remain incredibly vigilant regarding the symptoms of COVID-19 and to keep their child at home if they are or appear unwell. Any pupil who becomes unwell at school will be sent home immediately. They will be isolated within school, accompanied by a member of staff protected by PPE, until they can be collected. Any pupil or member of staff showing any symptoms of COVID-19 will be able to access a test, which can be booked online.
If a child or a member of staff in one of our bubbles becomes unwell, we will inform all families of members of that bubble so that they can self-isolate. That bubble will then be closed until the test result is known and so that we can arrange for a deep clean of the spaces that they are using.  

Nearly there. Be reassured: our primary focus will ALWAYS be the safety of the pupils and staff in school. We understand all of the anxiety that you as parents are facing and we are here to support you.

There may be questions that I have not answered or made clear in this letter. You may have questions specific to your situation. If you do have any questions, please do contact me via the Secretary@wadebridgeprimary.co.uk email address.

Further information regarding other year group’s arrangements will be emailed to you in the week of 1st June.

Kindest regards

Rebecca Whitlock

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Head's Blog 19.05.20 

Happy Tuesday to all – I hope that you are able to at least see the sunshine out of your windows or whilst in your gardens or outside. Whilst there is a lot of uncertainty around LOTS of things, from my point of view, the sunshine does make things so much more bearable.
It has been quite the week with more questions than answers given, but I hope that you have been able to read Mr Massey’s update letter sent on Friday afternoon. If not, it is also on the website ?. Please read it if you can. It gives a really useful update on what we are trying to plan, but the main points that I would like to reiterate are:

• The school will be closed to ALL pupils over Half Term and on Monday 1 June
• We are planning a gradual return to school, starting with Year 6 from Tuesday 2 June.
• The School will be open from Tuesday 2 June for children of Key Worker Parents and to pupils who have been regularly coming in over the lockdown period
• The first Year 6 pupils will start to return to school on Tuesday 2 June
• The first Year 1 pupils are likely to return to school during the week of 8 June
• The school will constantly be evaluating the process and will update their plan as and when is necessary
• The safety of pupils and staff is paramount

I really want to highlight this point. We in school have spent a long time thinking about (and reading about!) what questions we need to ask ourselves before 2 June and how best we can make the transition back to school for our Wadebridge pupils and parents and staff. When thinking about any aspect, we ALWAYS refer back to ‘what is safe?’ Please do feel free to contact us with any questions – no matter how small. I also know that the Trust will very soon be sending out a letter with a survey attached. It is really important, please, that you complete this survey – it will ask you if you are wanting to send your child back if and when we can accommodate them and what year group they are in. We are of course aware that some key worker parents, such as those who work in other schools, may also need to use the ‘Educare’ provision that we currently have in school. Please could you let us know if you will need this, as we can then staff the provision accordingly. And please be assured that we will be excited to see you all.

This is specifically for parents from Year Groups 3 – 6 who have monies currently with the school for residential trips: We are pleased to confirm that the school is in the process of issuing refunds for our cancelled residential trips.  Please note that any outstanding debts with the school will be cleared and the remaining funds returned to your ParentPay account as soon as we are able.

As you know, over the last few weeks we have been directing you to the White Rose website for maths learning. Feedback from parents and children stated that they were really disappointed when the worksheets (which accompany the videos) were no longer freely available. As you can imagine, we were disappointed about this too! Therefore, as you may already know, we have made the decision as a school to purchase the ‘Premium Package’, which now means that teachers have access to the worksheets, along with some other great resources. Unfortunately, we can’t upload the worksheets to the school website but we will be sending them out via email. Teachers will be sending the worksheets to you (via Arbor) on a Friday, ready for the following Monday. The videos, that go with the worksheets, are still freely available on the White Rose website. We hope that you continue to find the worksheets useful but please do ask if you have any questions. If you have been accessing work from a different year group, then please email your child’s class teacher (you can find email addresses on class pages) and ask them to send you the relevant year group worksheets.
On a much lighter note!
You may remember that we sent out a competition that was being launched by Tre and Pet at Dandelion Learning called Mrs F’s book cover challenge. We have had some lovely entries and here are two that we thought were brilliant. Spot the excellent lockdown haircut (I tried to cut my husband’s hair. Let’s just say that I am glad that we don’t have eyes in the back of our heads…. ?). 
As ever, do keep sending things in for us to enjoy and please take good care and stay safe. I will be in touch later this week with those Year 6 families who are hoping to come back to school in the week of 2 June (Government Test results pending).
Ms Whitlock

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Update Monday 11th May 2020 

Dear Parents and Carers,

We are sure that, like us, you have lots of questions following the Prime Minister's announcement last night.
At the moment, for us in school, there is no change to the guidance, so we will be continuing to operate as we have over the last few weeks. We will continue to provide essential child care for key worker families as well as vulnerable children.
The message remains that it is safer to stay at home. We appreciate this is a confusing time. Once we have received further information and reviewed the guidance on how to manage a safe, phased return we will of course keep you informed.
Please stay safe and take care.
Kindest regards
Ms R Whitlock


VE Day celebrations at WPA 

The children in school today have had a brilliant day coming in to school in red, white and blue to celebrate and learn all about VE day. The children made aeroplanes, designed bunting and baked cakes for a ‘street party’ in the afternoon. Our day was made even better by the delivery of delicious scones, cream, jam and sandwiches from  Morrisons, Bodmin.

With the delivery of Easter eggs a few weeks ago and the delivery of goodies today, we have been overwhelmed by their generosity. Mrs Dingle (a lovely neighbour to the school) has also been treating us to lots of treats. Today, she kindly dropped in some iced biscuits and the children thoroughly enjoyed them as part of our celebration day. Thank you!

We hope that you have a great bank holiday weekend at home. If you are celebrating VE Day, then have a peek on the Facebook page where you can find some useful resources and links.

Take care and fingers crossed for sunshine!


Story Time with Mrs Keat 

Read by Mrs Keat

The Twits (Pt2)

Mrs Keat is back! Tune in for another chapter of The Twits by Roald Dahl.

Permission given by Penguin Random House.

This video will be removed by the end of the academic year.


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