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Friday 27th November 

Dear Parents and Carers,

It has been a really busy week, but we have a had a lovely time! We have started our Christmas Preparations as we are busy decorating our hamper boxes and we are starting to practice our parts for the Wadebridge Primary Academy’s Christmas Bonanza.  Oh my goodness, you will be in for a treat. 
Do make sure please that you carefully read the letter that we have sent home about the run up to Christmas. There are lots of things on and many dates to remember and we will remind you as much as we can, but we would hate anyone to miss out.  The first three things to remember are:

1) Bring in any high-quality donations for the hampers on Monday (last day!) (please see the letter home from FOWPA that details the sort of things that might work well)
2) Return the slip for your order of a Christmas Lunch by Wednesday 2 December and pay on ParentPay (£3.30) 
3) Post your Christmas Cards in the fantastic Christmas Postbox by next Friday 4 December. 


This week saw us looking at several things in Assembly; next Monday is St Andrew’s Day and so we looked at the origins of this day and how it is celebrated in Scotland. We also went virtually into the hall to listen to the Fabulous Year 4s singing a French song that they had learned for their French Day. They were marvelous (very clear and loud with super pronunciation) and the school loved it. We then talked about how lucky we were to be able to come to school and learn as well as we do (we linked this back to St Andrew going across Europe to teach people about his faith and how dangerous that must have been) and we listened to this year’s Radio 2 Allstars song that was brought out for Children in Need.  


Shining Stars this week were all won by those who had worked wonders with their non-core subjects (History, Art, D&T etc.) and I have to say that it was SO rewarding to reward all those that we did. There is so much going on that it is sometimes hard to take in, so please do head to the class blogs to see what they have been up to. I am due visits (short ones, hovering in the doorway, wearing my mask at all times) to every class next week to see what they have been doing. I am very excited. 
Thank you so very much for your continued support. Have a super and restful weekend and enjoy this picture of our very recently put up tree (thank you EYFS!). 

Kindest regards
Ms Whitlock

 Image Gallery



Friday 20th November 

Dear Parents and Carers,

It has been a very busy week with many things going on. We thank you so very much for your support and understanding and appreciate very much your smiles in the morning as you drop off (which of course we now tend to see in your eyes!). 

I wrote to you last week to mention our Year 2s, who were to take the National Phonics Screening Test this week. They did brilliantly and we are very proud of all of them. Phew! Next week on Tuesday and Wednesday, we will hold our virtual Parents Evenings. I hope that you have all managed to find a slot, but if you are not able to speak to us on either of these two days, we will definitely be able to fit you in at another time. We do know that there are issues with a particular ‘phone operator, but we will do everything that we can to mitigate this.  

It was Anti-Bullying week this week. Every class has done some work around this topic and we talked about it in Assembly too. I thought that one of the main points that was talked about this year was really interesting, and indeed slightly different to what we might look at normally, as it mentioned that whilst it is wonderful to be kind and nice to everyone, we also all had a responsibility to speak out if you see something that you know is not right even if you are not in any way involved. We are very lucky in school as we have the most wonderful pupils, who are possibly the kindest that I have ever met as a whole, BUT we all just need to keep in mind that if we know that someone is lonely on the playground, that we go and help them.  It was a really good session and I stayed firmly in my office for the whole thing.  I felt that it was for the best. 

Next week brings us ever closer to our Christmas Plans. Our first step towards it is FOWPA’s collection for Christmas Hampers. Please see the separate email that has been sent from FOWPA but next week we are looking for high quality donations for every year group if you are able please.  It is a brilliant idea for each year group to get a hamper together I think and I cannot wait to see what next week brings! 

Thank you so very much for your continued support; we really do appreciate it and look forward to seeing you on Monday. Have a super and restful weekend. 

Kindest regards

Ms Whitlock  


Bubble Closure 

Following the positive case of COVID-19 in the Reception Bubble in school yesterday, Public Health England, the Bridge Mat Trust and the school have made the decision to close the Reception Bubble for 2 weeks until Wednesday 2 December.

All learning has moved to the class website page and Tapestry. If you are having problems logging in, please contact the school who will be more than happy to help.

Thank you so much for your patience and understanding during this time.

Ms Whitlock and the Reception Team


Friday 13th November  

Dear Parents and Carers,

We have had a lovely day. I have seen some wonderful nods to Pudsey today as well as a huge amount of clearly well-loved own clothes. Hugely well done to those who face painted today – there were some fantastic Pudsey faces! I helped with face-painting just once at a school fair some years ago. I won’t lie, I was stopped after my first attempt at a butterfly as apparently being able to tell what is being painted is a good thing.  

Our next reason for a non-school uniform day will be Christmas Jumper Day, which this year takes place on Friday 11 December.  We have a programme of things lined up for Christmas, which we shall share with you as soon as we can, but we are determined to try and celebrate as safely but as festively as possible. It is very exciting! 

This week, I have seen the most moving and thoughtful learning and sharing around Armistice Day and Remembrance. Year 1 wrote some superb acrostic poppy poems for example; Year 2 and 3 created poppy art and every year group thought carefully and reflected on what ‘Poppy Day’ really means. Some pupils shared their family memories and some pupils even shared stories of seeing their family’s medals. The whole school observed the 2 minutes silence at 1100 on Wednesday and I have to say that you could have heard a pin drop. I was so proud and it brought a lump to my throat, which is testament to pupils’ thoughtfulness and respect. Thank you too to all who bought something from the poppy appeal box – every poppy item bought makes a difference to the Royal British Legion and they hugely appreciate it. 

Next week sees our Year 2s taking their Phonics Screening test (they are prepared for this!) and our theme in school is Mutual Respect. You will all also be receiving an email asking you to book a Parent Consultation on either the 23rd or 24th of November. The appointments will be via telephone and will last 10 minutes.  The best thing about this is you don’t even have to come to school! Do please sign up when the email comes through (this will be early next week).

Thank you so very much for your continued support; we really do appreciate it and look forward to seeing you on Monday. Have a super weekend. 

Kindest regards

Ms Whitlock  


Friday 6th November 

Dear Parents and Carers,
I am hoping that after this weekend I can stop singing the Katy Perry Song ‘Firework’ during every waking moment in my head, but I tell you what – the brightest and the best were definitely at school today. There is a lot to be said for such brightness on an actually pretty dull day weather wise, so THANK YOU for all of the effort put in today. Although we did not today, I have decided that from now on, we must also have teacher winners as well as pupil ones. If you dropped off or picked up, you will know what I mean!

Talking of pick up and drop off; thank you so very much to all who have made sure that they are picking up and dropping off at the right times – it really does make a difference to the flow of the traffic and indeed to the school day. If you are not sure of your timings, please do ask.  
Thank you too for making sure that there are no nuts in lunchboxes or snack boxes; it is really appreciated. 

As we go into our first weekend of the second national lockdown, I completely understand that there are many who feel anxious. We appreciate that we are living through very uncertain times, but we also know that the very best place for your children is in school. It might sound odd, but it is almost as though you can step away from what is going on outside as you are so busy learning and being with your ‘normal’ class. Handwashing, being extremely careful about all cleanliness and ensuring that we are keeping our distance and only seeing our classes is now not unusual, and we are actually really glad that we get to see all of you every school day. 
Next week is a busy one – we will of course be remembering all those who fought for us on Wednesday 11 November by learning about the history behind Remembrance Day and we are also going to come to school in own clothes next Friday for Children in Need. I will write to you with all of the details on Monday but we couldn’t just let it go.  Next week’s earworm is already lined up; ‘if you want to help, help Children in Need’.   

We look forward to seeing you on Monday and hope that you have a relaxing weekend. 

Kindest regards
Ms Whitlock 


Friday 23rd October  

Dear Parents and Carers,
We made it to Half Term! It seems as though this has been an incredibly long half term, but it also seems to have flown by, which is testament to the immense effort that you have all put in. Seeing so many smiling faces has been a real tonic for us all, and we are so very grateful for all of your support.  However, we wish you a restful half term and cannot wait to welcome you back on Tuesday 3 November.

I am writing a letter, which will follow shortly, so will not write for too long, but if you have three minutes, do please go to the website and watch our ‘Half a term round-up’ video which gives you a small glimpse of what we have been learning in school recently. One of the loveliest responses to this video has been the reaction of the pupils through the school when they have been shown the video in class. It is rare, actually, that the whole school gets to see what the other classes have done without going into the other classes (and they don’t even often do that in ‘normal times’) but as we are not using the corridors, this is actually the perfect way to share and gel as a community. Which we very much are.

We talked about communities in our whole school assembly this week. We talked about how important it is to get on with people, but how, sometimes, even the closest of friends can get cross with one another and have arguments. This led to a practical demonstration of how things can get out of hand and lead to things that no one really wants or expects. I was lucky enough to cajole several members of staff into helping me with this (we socially distanced of course). We talked about how, in the olden days, when people were very angry with each other, they might have challenged the person that they were angry with to a duel.  In our duel, Mrs Lucock challenged Mrs Botten to a duel because Mrs Botten had taken Mrs Lucock’s pen and would not give it back. Mrs Botten claimed that it was hers. Mrs Hill was the referee and swords were the chosen weapon (we had one old sword (possibly made of balsa wood) and one foam sword which was about 6 inches long). The duel was very well acted given that the duellers were 2m apart and fervently contested, but the final ruling was that it ended in a draw.  Which I am not sure Mrs Botten was *entirely* pleased about. Anyway, the point was well made and all of the school realised that most things are definitely not worth falling out for, and that being good and trusted members of our community whilst being kind and being tolerant were the MOST important things to be in life.

Please do have a look at the letter when it arrives; remember not to come to school on Monday 2 November and remember that the first Friday back, Friday 6 November, is our Firework Party Day.
I hope that you all stay safe and well over the next week and one day and we hugely look forward to seeing you on Tuesday 3 November (NOVEMBER?!?!? Already!??!). 

Kindest regards
Ms Whitlock 


Happy half term! 

What a fantastic term! 

We can't believe how quickly the last 7 weeks has gone! Despite the obvious differences and challenges, we are so proud of all that everyone has achieved this term. 

Thank you to our fantastic staff for their dedication and hard work, our amazing children for their enthusiasm to 'learn, thrive, excel' and to our families for their ongoing understanding and support.

Please enjoy just a short snippet of the many things we have achieved and enjoyed so far...

Happy half term! 


Friday 16th October  

Dear Parents and Carers,

Time is racing past and we now only have one week before we break up for Half Term. Please remember that the first day back after Half Term (Monday 2 November) is an INSET day, and no children will be in school on this day.

On a really lovely note, I have seen some exceptional acts of kindness this week and it makes me very proud to be a part of such a special and wonderful school.  Examples are pupils who have gone out of their way to help those who are less confident or who need support and those who have stayed in to help their friends before they go out to break. It’s a good job that I am not an emotional sort of person otherwise I might have welled up several times this week…. 

Shining Stars
Our Shining Stars Theme this week was ‘Exceptional Progress’ and every single Shining Star this week was clearly so very well deserved; from those who have progressed in confidence to speak up in class to those who have improved their writing skills to those who are learning how to be more resilient in all areas of the curriculum. We hold our Shining Stars assembly via TEAMS each week, so that the whole school (not EYFS yet) can come together, and it is a joy to be able to celebrate these each week.

Pick ups
Thank you so very much for your continued help with Pick Ups; it is hugely appreciated and seems to be working really well. Everything is crossed as I write that it continues to be thus!

Switching off your engine

If you are waiting in a drop-off or a pick-up lane at any time, please could you ensure that you switch your engine off. 

Harvest Festival
Thank you so very much for all of your wonderful donations. I will let you know how much we have collected when it is weighed by the Food Bank.

The class pages are still going strong on the website. Do please have a look. They give you lots of information about the learning that is happening in class and what we have been up to both in and out of class.

Christmas Cards
There were hundreds of orders for Christmas Cards to be processed in the end – THANK YOU for your support with this. FOWPA are delighted. 

British Values
In our whole school assembly this week, we did not learn any new songs (sadly), but we did talk about ‘British Values’. We talked about Democracy, the Rule of Law, Individual Liberty, Mutual Respect and Tolerance of those of different Faiths and Beliefs.  We talked about how we use these laws in school, and how they help us outside of school.
This actually tied in really quite nicely with the assembly from the week before when we were discussing the right to vote as part of Black History Month.  I visited class 6B during that assembly (wearing a mask) and asked all those with names beginning with the letters A – F to stand up. Those standing were the equivalent of those who had the right to vote and those left sitting down were those who did NOT have the right to vote. One of those A – F pupils was asked to make a suggestion about the length of playtimes for the two now distinct groups of Year 6 pupils.  Between the two groups, they had 15 minutes to use up. The nominated standing up person, without prompting, suggested that those standing had 10 minutes break and those sitting had 1 minute. The rest was for handwashing….  Unsurprisingly, those who had the right to vote passed this and those sitting got a really raw deal. Which they could do NOTHING about. Nothing actually happened to their play time of course, but it was a good example of how unfair things can be if you don’t get a say.
I reminded the school of this during this week’s assembly (they all remembered!). We talked about fairness and why Democracy, for example, is so important and how we are lucky to have it.  

I hope that you all stay safe and well this weekend. 

Kindest regards

Ms Whitlock 


Friday 9th October 

Dear Parents and Carers, It is not even raining! I’m going to try and waffle less this week and keep it to the point.

Pick ups
Thank you so very much for your help with the amendment to the Pick Ups for the KS2 lane – I think that so far it has worked really well and has really helped the flow. Please note that on Friday, the timings are brought forward as per the pick-up timings. I will open the lane at 12:40, but not before. The same timings will happen next week – we will open the KS2 lane at 14:40 every day from Monday to Thursday. Please do not arrive before this time if you have children in KS2.

Walk to school week
Well, you were brilliant at walking to and from school. LOTS of pupils walked every single day and it was SO lovely to see how proud they were. We may have other active travel schemes in the pipeline, which I know you are very excited about, so I will pass them on as soon as I they are firmed up.

Harvest Festival
THANK YOU. Keep it coming! So far, so excellent.

The class blogs have been spruced up on the website. Do please have a look. The class pages give you lots of information about the learning that is happening in class and what we have been up to.

Wearing masks
You will have noticed that all staff are wearing masks when they are near parents and pupils at pick up and drop off time. I encourage you please, if you are able, to wear a mask too. The wearing of masks, when we are in close proximity, even though we are outside, does create a barrier and helps us all to feel safe. Children do NOT have to wear masks.

P.S. if anyone knows of a mask that prevents glasses fogging, please could you let me know. Sigh.

Christmas Cards
Wow! There have been so many Christmas card orders come in and we are really grateful. I LOVE the designs and I can’t wait to see them in print. Thank you.

Hello Yellow!
We saw some wonderful visions of yellowness today. It really did brighten up our day and it was lovely seeing so much of this bright colour. Thank you for supporting World Mental Health Day and I hope that you enjoyed seeing as much yellow as we did!

It has been a very busy week, but a very enjoyable one. If you would like to be serenaded this weekend with an easy to learn tune, do ask to hear your children sing ‘Big, Red Combine Harvester’. It is, as they say in the business, a ‘banging tune’.

I hope that you all stay safe and well this weekend. Wrap up warm as Autumn is most definitely here to stay.

Kindest regards
Ms Whitlock


Friday 2nd October 

Dear Parents and Carers,

It’s October already! I can hardly believe it.

Thank you so very much for your patience and understanding with the weather and pick up over the past few days – it has frankly felt more like we were running a national event rather than just co-ordinating 400 odd cars and people, but we appreciate very much your smiles; please keep them coming!

On that note, however, we are going to trial a slightly amended system FOR PICK UP ONLY from Monday 5 October. Nothing will change timings wise, but we will be coning off the KS2 Pick Up lane until 2.40pm. The first pick up time for KS2 is 2.45pm.
This trial change means that if you are wanting to come and pick up a child who is in Years 3, 4, 5 and 6, you will not be able to drive down the KS2 pick-up lane until 2.40pm. We have put this in place because parents and carers of KS1 and Early Years children were getting stuck for many minutes in the traffic as they could not get past the single lane at the top of the drop off lane. 
From Monday, 5th October, please DO NOT arrive to pick up your children who are in Years 3 – 6 before 2.40pm.
We are really hoping that this frees up the flow and helps with congestion, but if it does not work, I assure you that I will review it quickly.

However, it is also WALK TO SCHOOL WEEK next week (Hurrah! I hear you cry) so do please feel free to walk in to pick your children up, or park and stride a few minutes away from the school, as per my email earlier this week.
There is a lot going on in school next week; not only is it walk to school week but we are also collecting for our Harvest Festival. Boxes will be outside of the school for you to leave donations in if you are able to. All donations will be given to Wadebridge Food Bank.

We are also celebrating World Mental Health Day next week. We are celebrating by all wearing yellow next Friday to school. Please see our Facebook page and our emails home for more details. We will upload pictures onto our website and social media on Friday to show just how yellow and supportive of good and strong mental health we are! We are really looking forward to it.
PS apparently mustard IS counted as yellow. I looked it up and also have it on good advice.

I hope that you all stay safe and well this weekend. Wrap up warm as Autumn is most definitely here.

Kindest regards
Ms Whitlock


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